The Wandering Planet

Chapter 676: Destruction of the 3-body fleet

Under the fierce bombardment of 10,000 planetary engine cannons by the three-body fleet, the world evaporates as the snow melts.

But this is just the beginning. After heavy nuclear fusion fuel changes from superconducting ore to energy crystals and high-energy gas, Wandering Earth no longer needs to poke.

The 10,000 planetary engine cannons were bombarded in turn, and the 10,000 sounds of the Spring Festival can't satisfy their phobia of insufficient firepower. The 100,000 sounds or even a million sounds of the Spring Festival are the goals worth pursuing!

The emitted plasma was as dense as the Milky Way splattering, emitting a hot glow that eclipsed the sun for a while.

The entire tri-squadron was as glittering as it was ignited, and the smooth mirror surface continued to reflect the glare of light, becoming a sea of ​​light.

"Fight back! Fight back by all means!" The three-body commander hysterically ordered.

He had realized that it would be impossible for the trimarine fleet to defeat Wandering Earth, but he was not willing to annihilate the whole army, leaving at least a little scar to his opponent.

From his flagship, he was the first to launch a strong interactive shell. It looked like a large water droplet had fired a small water droplet, just like when he first warned humans, and struck the stray earth like a meteorite.

Such an attack is not a fear for the wandering earth as a whole. After all, how many of the 10,000 planetary engine cannons can be destroyed by the three-body fleet?

However, if such a shell falls in a dungeon, the tragedy of hundreds of thousands of people being engulfed in magma will repeat itself.

So this time, Wandering Earth is well-prepared, and it is impossible to let the trimarine fleet take these people's lives.

Strongly interacting materials can certainly withstand the bombardment of planetary engine cannons, and the atoms on the surface are fixed to each other. No matter how high the temperature is, they will not change.

However, as it approached the wandering earth's atmosphere, several anti-material missiles were launched from the planetary engine immediately to intercept these highly interactive shells.

The strong interaction shells fired by the three-body fleet, although there is no complex structure like water droplets, but in essence there is only a strong interaction force material with the outermost layer covered with a layer of nucleus thickness. metal.

In a sense, hollow shells cannot be constructed entirely of materials with strong interaction forces.

The reason is very simple. If all the materials are made of strong interacting forces, a solid cannonball with a diameter of one meter has the weight of a planetary engine, not to mention how much kinetic energy it takes to launch it. According to the law of conservation of momentum, The recoil generated can make the entire battleship fly backward like a rocket!

If you don't have enough weight, you won't be able to control solid shells made of strong interaction materials. Otherwise, it would be a shell, and the shell did not fly far, but the cannon was shocked by the reaction force.

The reason why the earth cannon can do this is because it has a 60 trillion tons of earth as a base, so that it can stably launch solid shells with strong interaction materials equivalent to the weight of a planetary engine and fire them at extremely high speeds.

The three-body fleet obviously cannot compare with it!

When these externally powerful, medium-strength, and strong interaction shells encountered anti-matter missile interception, they were naturally easily destroyed like water droplets and turned into space trash scattered around the wandering earth's orbit.

This made the three-body commander completely desperate, and even his final counterattack was in the calculation of the stray earth, making him completely give up the struggle.

Plasma from countless planetary engine cannons came one after another, and it seemed to be a stray earth's response to his counterattack. A large sun-like fireball whistled towards the flagship, which immediately drowned the flagship of the tri-squadron.

The boundless sea of ​​fire was displayed in front of the three-body commander. He had been deeply aware of his failure, and in the end he could only open his arms in vain to meet the tens of thousands of degrees of high temperature that came to him.

The silver hull was melted quickly, the porthole turned into a transparent liquid and rolled down, and the whole body of the three-body commander became a burning torch, completely extinguished in the flames.

With the destruction of his own flagship, the trisomy fleet became more chaotic, seeing the defense of the wandering earth, no one has the love of fighting, and just wants to escape this **** as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, the evacuation of the three-body fleet was not smooth. The first queue that was first attacked by the stray earth has been evaporated. The battleships in the center of the fleet began to gather fire like the flagship. They were destroyed before they had a U-turn. .

Only the few three-body warships in the last row had the opportunity to turn and try to evacuate.

At this time, the tri-squadron found that the TIE fighters that had originally attacked still entangled them like mosquitoes, and even feared their own artillery, they were about to end up with the tri-squadron.

Anyway, these are all low-cost carrier-based drones, which rely on Beiming and Executer for remote control. They are used as drone swarms regardless of losses.

The TIE fighter jet was specifically targeted at the three-body warship's engine for attack, and even hit the proton torpedo and ran straight into it, at least the engine could be temporarily turned off, which interfered with the steering of the three-body fleet in this way.

Under this kind of ruthless harassment, few trisomy fleets can make a smooth U-turn, and most of them turned to half, then they were harvested by planetary engine cannons and evaporated in the scorching sun with other three-seater warships.

The two panicked three-body warships even collided with each other and opened fire on each other in order to survive, trying to get rid of this obstacle to escape.

As a result, the hulls of both ships were torn, and the leaked air formed a howling hurricane. The personnel inside the ship were blown into space together with other items, and then the plasma from the planetary engine cannon hit ~ ~ Both sides were engulfed by the hot fire.

At this time, more than 900 warships had been destroyed, and the rest were basically paralyzed, turning into huge silver liquid balls, which gradually dissipated in the dark space.

In the end, only two three-body warships completed the turn with the tiresome harassment of TIE fighters, and rushed out of the solar system without looking back, hoping to escape this nightmare forever.

In contrast, the chaos of the three-body world seems so mild.

At this point, the tri-squadron is dead, basically annihilated by the entire army, and the two remaining warships will never want to return to the solar system.

The space that was reddened by the hot flames relapsed into silence, leaving only a piece of re-cooled and precipitated metal clouds in the original location of the three-squadron, gradually disappearing into the darkness.

Farewell, trisomy fleet!

Next, Wandering Earth will march towards Centaur, where the three-body civilization is located!

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