The Wandering Planet

Chapter 71: Who can stand it?

Due to the continuous harassment of the Autobots and Human Allied Forces, Megatron naturally realized that their goal was the Cybertron Temple of Technology and tried to prevent their own fire sources.

Therefore, when the day of the decisive battle came, the Temple of Science and Technology had been guarded by the Decepticon. I did not know how many defensive positions had been laid out to ensure that even a fly could not fly in.

In addition, there are a large number of Decepticon reinforcements coming from all directions to the Temple of Science and Technology. They all know that this must be the final decisive place. Autobots cannot let the source of fire fall into their hands.

So they just need to deploy the Tianluodi network and wait for the Autobots to come from the network.

In order to eliminate the Autobots in one fell swoop, Megatron also scattered a large number of troops around the Decepticons strongholds around the Temple of Science and Technology in order to form a siege circle in the shortest time and eliminate all incoming Autobots.

A rough estimate is that there are hundreds of millions of Decepticons deployed in the area around the Temple of Science and Technology, and this number is still increasing.

Wherever humans and Autobots emerge, they will immediately be trapped in the endless siege of Decepticon.

Ran is not so much a defensive battle as a carpet sweep, smashing the Autobots' last base with a three-light policy.

However, it was unexpected to Megatron that under such a situation, instead of hiding, Qiao Li and Optimus Prime led all human and Autobot troops to launch an aggressive attack on the Temple of Science and Technology.

A force with only a few thousand people dare to challenge the Decepticon army?

Who gave them courage in the end!

Megatron decided to personally lead the team to destroy this group of unknown guys. He wants everyone to know that he is the owner of Cybertron!

When the coalition led by Biao Qiaolu was still 50 kilometers away from the Temple of Science and Technology, they were surrounded by Decepticon troops from all directions.

As far as the eye can see, they are all layers of Decepticon machinery army, and they have set up the formation and waited for the arrival of the coalition.

They come in various forms, either airplanes or tanks, or even beasts like dinosaurs and wolves.

But without exception, they are vicious killing machines, waiting for a **** and brutal war.

俯瞰 Looking down from the sky, Qiao Lu and others are like a rock in the turbulent waves, surrounded by a torrent of steel trying to crush them.

The absolute amount of gap has greatly increased the Decepticon's confidence. They all believe that as soon as Megatron orders, they can immediately rush up and tear all humans and Autobots to pieces.

That would be easier than stepping on a bug.

Thousands of Autobots and human soldiers huddled together. The huge number of enemies forced them to fight back-to-back, and even a small gap could be immediately dispersed into the formation.

At this moment, even the Autobots who have never been afraid of sacrifice have felt a hint of despair. Can confrontation with such a powerful enemy really have a chance of winning?

"We should continue to fight guerrillas," Autobot weapons expert Ironhide said. "Fighting this number of Decepticons directly is a dead end!"

He Qiaolu comforted him: "Relax, our support is coming soon."

"I don't understand, what kind of backup is it that gives you the confidence to fight such an enemy directly?"

Wu Tiepi still asked incredulously, but he couldn't see anything that could defeat such a huge Decepticon army.

Qiao Lu laughed: "I said, a ball, you will see it soon."

在 While Ironhide was still arguing, a jet fighter roared over everyone's heads, turned into a domineering steel giant and fell to the front of the Decepticon queue.

This is a Transformer with a strong ligament-stabbed metal armor, as tall and powerful as Optimus Prime.

He has stabbed metal spikes all over his body, with sharp claws attached to his hands and feet, and he feels that every part of his body is a weapon, as if he is the embodiment of killing.


Optimus involuntarily shouted this name, because that is the leader of the Decepticons, the enemy of all Autobots-Megatron!

"Optimus Prime, you shouldn't be so anxious to come to death." Megatron laughed loudly. "In this case, I will not enjoy the fun of hunting prey."

Wu Qingtianzhu showed two blades unwillingly: "I'm here to make you regret it."

The pair of enemies do not know how many times they have fought each other, and even ruthless talking to each other has made each other tired.

So Megatron quickly turned his attention to Qiao Li. Compared to Optimus Prime, it seems that this human has caused greater losses to the Decepticons.

Megatron shouted to Qiao Lu: "Humble bugs, can't you wait to be destroyed by me? How dare you run to my planet to die!"

Biao Qiaolu smiled and said, "It's time to correct your ideas. You know, bugs have never been overcome!"

Treating another civilization in the universe as a worm can be said to be an expression of arrogance that can make a race to perish.

It is also time for them to see the power of 3.5 billion "bugs" uniting.

Just as Megatron was about to order an attack, an incredible transformation suddenly occurred in the sky. It was a huge celestial body rising slowly on the horizon, and a blue halo appeared in the night sky. Shining in the middle, and gradually covered the entire sky.

What it is? Is it the sun or the moon?

Neither Autobots nor Decepticons have ever seen such a cosmic spectacle. Except for stars and satellites, what other celestial bodies can approach the orbit of their mother star in this way?

Only a homeless earth soldier who has experienced the gravitational crisis of Jupiter understands ~ ~ This is a spectacular sight that occurs when two planets are close to each other at a certain distance.

The last time they saw Jupiter on Earth, now they are watching Earth slowly rising on Cybertron.

Our backup is here!

As the Wandering Earth keeps approaching, the surface of the planet gradually blocks the entire sky in the nearby area. As far as the Transformers can see, only a huge azure planet stops on their heads, and the surface of the planet ejects numerous A huge beam of light rests on Cybertron's planet.

At this time, each Transformer seemed to be in a huge palace. The palace was as large as the temple on the Acropolis. There were countless pillars in the temple. Each pillar was like a huge fluorescent tube. Strong blue and white light.

Alas, they are just a bacterium on the floor of a huge palace, so small that it can't even see the whole picture of a floor tile on this palace!

At this time Cybertron is the floor of this palace, and the stray earth as a ceiling is still pressing down.

Just this huge oppression scared many Decepticons to the ground. They felt like a bacterium in the giant hall that was about to fall. In the next moment, they would be in a collision between two planets. Crushed into a dust!

谁 Who can stand it! ?

I saw the Decepticon of human beings as insects. After seeing the wandering earth coming down, I suddenly realized that I was a bacterium that was a hundred times smaller than the insects.

Qiuguang is such a mental pressure, he has defeated part of the Decepticon's will to fight.

The offensive of stray earth has just begun!

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