The Wandering Planet

Chapter 714: Last mission

From the mouth of the system administrator, Qiao Lu learned a lot about the past generation of human civilization.

Including their war with the devouring empire, they were involved in the competition between the silicon-based empire and the carbon-based confederation, and even appeared a **** civilization that claimed to cultivate human civilization.

"Later we learned that God's civilization received exactly the information left by our previous generation of human civilization. Based on these detailed information, human civilization was restored. This practice ensures that the universe will be born after the restart. There is a new human civilization, as long as this information can be picked up by other civilizations in the new universe. "

Qiao Li is still thinking that human civilization can be reborn with the restart of the universe every time. Whether it is a coincidence or a necessity similar to the end of the world line, I did not expect that even this point has been considered.

"As of you, how many generations of human civilization have left a record?" Qiao Lu asked.

"Who knows? Although human civilization continues to continue, but too much information is lost in the reincarnation of the universe. We can only guarantee that each generation will take a small step forward until we can finally break this reincarnation."

The administrator continued: "To our generation, we can already see hope, and we are only one step away from the challenge to zero. But one step away is the distance, we can not take this risk, and finally decided to give everything to you, I hope you It can go even further and meet those who return to zero with a certain victory. "

"This is not something I can see in my lifetime." Qiao Lu couldn't help but sigh, "Human civilization also needs to develop in a span of ten thousand years."

"Of course you can entrust your mission to future generations, just as you originally thought. But I personally hope that you can stick to the time of the final decisive battle, from the navigator of the wandering earth to the watchman of human civilization."

"How to do this?"

"Hibernation technology, to our generation, hibernation technology has been able to maintain hundreds of millions of years, and this may be far from the end."

The tone of the administrator revealed a trace of sorrow, making Qiao Lu realize that things might not be so simple.

"and then?"

"It is not the last step to bring down the zero returners. In order to ensure that there will be no more civilizations in the new universe that will use weapons of the law of the universe indiscriminately, nor can we send the memory of human civilization after defeating the zero returners to the new universe. The human civilization that eventually becomes a dragon and masters the technology of restarting the universe will also become the zero returner in the new universe. This is just another kind of reincarnation, can you understand? "

Qiao Lu immediately reacted, the key to the problem is not who is the zero returner, but the civilization that has mastered the universe restart technology in advance, and will become the new zero returner!

If you know everything can be repeated, then anyone can break the bottom line. This is the root of the zero returners' laissez-faire weapon abuse, and it is the same for human civilization.

"So after all this, we can only send human biological information to the new universe, to ensure that the new human civilization will not master the restart technology of the universe as soon as it comes up, so as to keep repeating the mistakes made by the zero returners."

"As for these technologies, we cannot directly lose them, because no one knows whether they will be needed. So we need a watchman to bury all this deeply and keep silent for a long time, It will not be possible to stand up and teach the restart technology of the universe to the civilization of the new universe until this universe has accumulated a lot of difficulties.

Such a mission is really too heavy, and it is a hundred times harder than those who face the wall and the swordsman.

Watchmen not only have to spend the end of the universe alone, but also shoulder the mission as a last resort to spend tens of billions of years, during which they can no longer communicate with anyone to avoid exposing their own dangerous technology.

Waiting for him will be endless loneliness. If he really wants to come out one day, it means that the universe is once again going to destruction. No matter what, there will be no good results.

"Is this really possible?" Qiao Lu asked incredulously.

"If you are talking about the technical level, the small universe using zero returners can be done. The time velocity in the small universe is very different from the big universe, and it is controllable to a certain extent. The year inside can be the big universe. It ’s tens of billions of years. It ’s like living outside the time in the small universe, but you must always pay attention to the situation of the big universe, because if you are not careful, you may miss hundreds of millions of years. "

Extend the life to this level, there is no way to predict how it will feel. There is no doubt that one can never relax his vigilance at any moment. Such a mission is undoubtedly extremely cruel.

The administrator suggested: "Of course, you can also choose other people to entrust this mission to him. But someone must do this to end the reincarnation of the universe."

"No need, I will take responsibility."

Becoming such a hidden watchman is definitely not an easy task, but it is clear that the system administrator has no other candidates, so he will give the decision to Qiao Lu.

Qiao Lu does not want to shirk all responsibility to future generations. If someone has to bear it, it is him.

After receiving a clear reply from Qiao Lu ~ ~ The system administrator seems to be finally relieved. Is it not a heavy burden to hand this mission to the right person?

The light on him suddenly became dim, as if he had always supported his beliefs here, and finally it was time to burn out.

From the restart of the universe, when the wandering earth was born, he must have waited for tens of billions of years. Only today has he finally released his burden.

"In this way, our mission is over. From now on, it will be your story ..."

The body of the administrator gradually turned into countless light particles scattered in this white space, at the same time, everything around began to collapse like a dream.

Qiao Lu recovered, and had already returned to the laboratory of the Central Academy of Sciences. Ding Yi stood in front of his eyes, as if only a short moment had passed.

"what happened?"

Ding Yi seemed to be aware of Qiao Lu's distraction at this time, not knowing exactly what happened to Nan Ke's dream he had just experienced.

Has not yet explained to Joey, Dr. Hansen suddenly hurried in and yelled to the two:

"Dr. Ding Yi! And Director Qiao Lu, you are so nice to be here! Please come with me immediately!"

"What happened?" Ding Yi asked curiously.

Dr. Hansen is usually a calm intellectual, almost never making a fuss. She suddenly broke in so excitedly that it would definitely not be a trivial matter. .

As expected, she made an amazing news as soon as she opened her mouth:

"The flower of the soul is about to open, and the earth is about to wake up!"

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