The Wandering Planet

Chapter 719: The last farewell

Although Luo Feng has already taken the lead, most of the other permanent council representatives have not yet responded to the shock. They have repeatedly confirmed that this is not a joke before someone answers.

"Sorry, I'm a little confused, isn't this kidding me?" American representative Derek said incredulously.

"Not only do we have to fight against the Zeros, but after defeating them, we give up to the new universe after restarting? I dare say that this is impossible, and there is no reason to achieve it."

Other permanent directors have almost the same opinion. Human nature is ultimately selfish. If it is true that day, everyone will find a way to the restarted universe. I am afraid that no one will be willing to stay and greet the end of this universe.

Qiao Lu nodded and said, "I can understand that it is not easy to accept such a result. Not everyone is willing to exhaust their lives to benefit all generations, but the reason why we can have such an opportunity is also because the previous generation of human civilization The result of this continuous struggle. They handed the baton to us, and we should also hand it over to the next generation. "

"Maybe there will still be countless problems in the new universe after the restart, but at least a new generation of human civilization has the opportunity to determine its own destiny. It is not necessary to live in the brutal dark forest and not be shrouded in the shadow of the destruction of the universe. This is worth us. Putting effort and sacrifice. "

The next generation of human civilization can be born in a universe that is not as cruel and dark as it is now. Human civilization today must make a decision, even if it is so difficult.

But no one dares to make a conclusion about this, and no one knows what the result will be.

Russian representative Vasily shook his head and said: "Even if it is said, it is not something that our generation should consider. By the time this choice was made, it was already hundreds of generations later, and it was far longer than the Wandering Earth project. , It ’s crazy. "

The Wandering Earth Project was originally only expected to be one hundred generations, which lasted 2500 years. Qiao Lu predicted that he would defeat the zero return after thousands of years, and the end of the universe tens of billions of years later. Such a time span is almost heartbroken.

"Yes, but we also have what we can do, just as the success or failure of the Wandering Earth project does not depend on the last hundredth generation, and the previous ninety-nine generations must also continue to struggle for this." Qiao Lu said.

French representative Bevin could n’t help but sigh: “It ’s foreseeable how difficult it will be. Even if the rebellion is not known how many times it will happen, not everyone can understand your decision. Maybe one day you will be awakened from hibernation , Not to be welcomed as a hero, but to be tried as a sinner, so are you willing? "

"If so, I accept."

Qiao Lu's choice is doomed not to be appreciated by everyone, if there is one day, he can only accept it.

"You are such an unreasonable guy." The British representative George sighed, "But I am not qualified to say whether you are right or wrong, everything can only be decided by time."

Yes, everything can only be decided by time. When Qiao Lu made up his mind to become the last watchman of human civilization, it was only a long time to judge him right or wrong.

The Central Academy of Sciences interpreted the key information of hibernation technology on the black obelisk, and quickly produced the first hibernation module capable of hibernation for thousands of years.

Next, Qiao Lu will use this technology to span thousands of years and reach the era of the final battle.

Of course, this is just an ideal situation, and no one knows how the human mind will change over thousands of years.

As French representative Bevin said, maybe one day he will be awakened from hibernation and sentenced to death as a sinner. Qiao Lu may go to his grave.

Because this generation has only just been going on for a generation, and it has to continue the hard struggle of hundreds of generations, it is indeed an extravagance to keep human beings rational forever.

Qiao Lu is playing a gamble, and the result may be ruined.

But he didn't hesitate at all, he simply explained the matter, including leaving other plane information he knew, and said goodbye to all his friends one by one. Just came to the Central Academy of Sciences, ready to enter a long hibernation.

On the day Qiao Lu announced to enter hibernation, countless people gathered in front of the Central Academy of Sciences.

Among them are not only the people on the wandering earth, such as all the permanent director representatives, the Autobots headed by Optimus Prime, all the members of the Yoshiba Force, and many visitors from other planes.

Including Avengers, General Pandacoste, Lyon, Overwatch, Reynolds and Kerrigan, Obi-Wan and Luke, Neo, Luo Ji, etc., behind each one represents a story, Wandering Earth A plane of experience.

In addition, there are a large number of people who spontaneously gather, Liu Qi and Han Duoduo are also among them.

Luo Yun was crying beside Luo Feng, Liu Peiqiang and Wang Lei stood upright, saluting Qiao Lu from afar, and countless others around them, sent farewell and salute to Qiao Lu in their own ways.

In the Central Academy of Sciences, Dr. Grace, Dr. Maya, Dr. Hansen, Dr. Zhao Hailun, Ding Yi, and Zhang Bin, as well as countless other scientists, are intensively inspecting various equipment to ensure that Qiao Lu enters hibernation.

None of them could accompany Qiao Lu to the end, so they had to do the current thing.

The only exception is 2B, an artificial intelligence artificial person. She asked the Central Academy of Sciences to improve herself so that she can spend thousands of years in a semi-dormant state, during which she can be awakened at any time and immediately enter a combat state ~ Why don't you go directly to sleep? Qiao Lu asked her, "Isn't it easier?" "

2B just stood silently in the corner, carrying the peerless blade and the double-edged war sword behind him, just like a door god, waiting quietly.

Her meaning is clear-I am, you are there!

2B will stay here, even until the end of the universe.

"Thank you." Qiao Lu whispered.

Maybe until the end, he is not alone.

The Central Academy of Sciences finally made all preparations and told Qiao Lu to enter hibernation.

Before finally entering the hibernation cabin, Zhang Bin asked Qiao Lu on behalf of others:

"Is there anything else I want to say?"

If you go here, many people may never see it again. Most people can only live in the present moment, and there is no way to cross the time with Joey to reach the final battle.

So this is indeed the last farewell, but it is not the time to say goodbye to Qiao Lu, but Qiao Lu said goodbye to this era.

At this time, the media is also recording his last farewell to this era in order to communicate to everyone waiting outside.

Qiao Lu smiled at the camera and said, "No matter how many years later, I will always remember this day. Thank you, meeting you is the greatest luck in my life!"

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