The Wandering Planet

Chapter 724: On the eve of the decisive battle

After passing through the beam of light from the planetary engine transmission tower, Joey's anti-gravity boat came into space. What was in sight was a satellite that was armed to the teeth like a dead star, floating in the earth's orbit.

"Crescent Base." Qiao Lu murmured to himself.

Although the crescent base has changed so much that it can't see the original appearance now, from the super laser cannon and the size of the planet on the surface, it can still tell that it was the original eye of Gehros.

"Well, it is now the Earth Defense Headquarters of the United Government." Ding Yi said.

The anti-gravity boat docked on the surface of the Crescent Base. Joey was surprised to find that there was actually an atmosphere here, and he could breathe directly, no longer relying on a breathing mask as before.

And it seems to have become more prosperous than the earth. Everything you can see is tall urban buildings. The use of integrated vertical buildings up to tens of thousands of meters can maximize the population density of the surface area.

The crowd of people was surging among the branches of the urban forest, and the anti-gravity boat in mid-air continued to flow. It seemed busy and crowded but methodical.

Is completely different from the earth that reduces urban coverage to protect the ecological environment. The surface of the Crescent Base is completely the other extreme. All are covered by urban facilities. It can be said to melt the world into one city and build one city into the world.

Qiao Lu suspected that it would not be a problem to move all of the billions of people on the planet directly. This huge city covering the entire surface of the planet can definitely accommodate it. Probably this is why humans live on the earth, and are like this City work.

"Is it the ideal city plan, have you also realized this?"

Qiao Lu immediately remembered this option that appeared a long time ago, but he had no choice at the time. Now that it has received the technical inheritance of the pre-human civilization, this project certainly falls into the hands of wandering earth humans.

Ding Yi replied: "Yeah, the ideal city was just an idea in our time, and now it has become a reality. We have enough resources to supply such a city, or such a planet."

Qiao Lu once hesitated whether transforming the wandering earth into an ideal city would sacrifice too many things. Unexpectedly, it would be the base of the new moon closest to the earth that would be built into the ideal city.

Building such a city covering the entire planet on the satellite closest to the earth will undoubtedly give everyone who likes rural life and prosperous cities their own place.

"The Central Academy of Sciences has also moved here, after all, it is easy to do things in places with many people."

At this time, Qiao Lu found many fast-moving stars in the stars, and their movements were easy to see on the background of the static starry sky, and those things must be in Earth's orbit.

A closer look, a considerable part of them can see the shape, there are ring, cylindrical, and a combination of multiple irregular shapes, like exquisite ornaments in the dark space.

"That's Baoshan Iron and Steel Company," Ding Yi said, pointing at a glowing ring, and then several other bright spots. "These are all industrial facilities transferred to space. I should have told you on the ground. Okay. "

Every bright spot is a huge space city, running huge industrial equipment.

Today's wandering earth has obviously become three parts. The earth serves as a living area, the ideal city is an urban area, and a large number of space cities serve as industrial areas. People move between the three areas to maintain all normal operations. .

This form is of course much better than that of that time. Before Joey entered hibernation, the technology development of the Wandering Earth was still mainly used in the military, and it has not reached the stage of popularization.

Now that technology has completely changed the way of life of human beings, it will naturally go further than it was then.

"This is a good era." Qiao Lu commented, "I used to move forward only for survival, but now I can finally improve my life."

Before Ding Yi responded, a strange voice came from the side:

"It would be great if you could think so."

Qiao Lu turned his head, and a man in military uniform was approaching, and there was a group of soldiers around him as guards. The flow of people nearby consciously avoided him for a while. Obviously, this person's status was extraordinary.

Ding Yi said first: "I will introduce Lin Wen, the current permanent member of the coalition government. He also told me what happened during the Great Rebellion, and then I went down to find you."

This is actually telling Qiao Lu that the reason for his visit is actually the arrangement of the coalition government, which makes Qiao Lu wake up in this era.

"Hello, Director Joey, it's really been a long time to be famous." Lin Wen said respectfully, "I heard of your story when I was a child, and now I can finally see myself."

From the other party's words, Qiao Lu can feel sincerity. It seems that his impression in human society has indeed been corrected.

Qiao Lu and Lin Wen shook hands: "No need to ask me to be a director, now I am not in this position. I did not expect that the coalition government can survive to the present. Two thousand and five hundred years, I thought it would have been changed.

Ding Yi said embarrassingly on the side: "Uh, in fact, it has been changed for a long time. I have experienced more than one type of government during so many hibernations. The coalition government today is reorganized after the great rebellion two hundred years ago It ’s different from ours. "

"But in any case, our beliefs are the same." Lin Wen added, "I hope that the unfinished business can be completed by us."

Looking at his seriousness, Qiao Lu finally asked the crucial question: "Are you ready to fight the Zeros?"

After all ~ ~ This is the final mission of Joey, whether he wants to go back to hibernate or go to the final battlefield.

From the perspective of human life today, it is true that Wandering Earth has made great scientific and technological progress, but whether it can be compared with the returnees, Qiao Lu still has no confidence.

From the perspective of civil technology, of course, it is still not enough. But of course, technologies like cosmic law weapons cannot be popularized for civilian use, so it is still only the top level of the coalition government who knows how well this is going to be prepared.

Lin Wen first fell into a brief silence, and then said after a while:

"In fact, it is not that we want to go to war, but that human development has reached a point where the zero returners cannot sit back and watch. I think they should have realized that we have inherited the pre-human civilization, otherwise it is impossible to grasp what is happening today. technology."

Sure enough, the initiative for the final war was not in the hands of humans. The final battle was not about whether or not to fight, but that it was time to fight!

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