The Wandering Planet

Chapter 85: Booty settlement

With the complete destruction of the planet Cybert, the long battle of Cybert has finally come to an end.

The system showed Qiao Li's trophy harvest in this battle. He really didn't know it.

[Lot Settlement: Battle of Cybertron]

Complete the agreed task: transfer the source of the fire, gain an additional 5,000 civilization points, and all Autobots join the Wandering Earth.

Space Battleship Ark (97%), civilization point +4000

Cyberbot Wreckage (1%), Civilization Point +125

Mechanical worm head (10%), civilization point +35

4,312 Transformers from the Bobo School, +12000 points of civilization

Decepticon spacecraft, cyberspace wreckage of cyberspace, etc., civilization point +140

(The Tinder Source is a quest item and is not included in the settlement of civilization points.)

A total of 21,300 civilization points!

As much as 20,000 civilization points are accounted for, and it is still in the huge debuff of "The science and technology tree of Cybertron civilization is too far away from human civilization, and the science and technology theory has been lost. It is difficult to carry out reverse engineering and obtain civilization points -99%." Finished.

If all of these loot can be reverse engineered, the civilization points that can be obtained are really an astronomical figure.

But there is nothing to blame anymore. In this battle, Qiao Li's biggest gain was to realize his desire to pack away all Autobots, and even incidentally retrieved a space battleship Ark.

Even if these things are not used to study science and technology, they are real combat effectiveness and labor force.

In particular, the Ark has finally made up for the shortcomings of Wandering Earth, which has always lacked a real interstellar warship. Not only can it conduct planetary exploration and troop deployment, but it can also conduct orbital bombing and naval battles in space. Support forces.

What's more, the Autobot's flagship technology content is far beyond the current level of human beings. It can be said that in the era of wooden sailing ships, an iron armored ship was suddenly acquired. It can be said to be a great complement to the space war power of the stray earth.

Before the human space fleet was officially established, this ark should be the main space combat force of the stray earth.

Wandering Earth itself is the ultimate nirvana after all, and it is impossible to sacrifice it from the beginning. If any new space civilization needs to be resolved in the future, the Ark will strike the striker.

At the same time, the tragedy of the Pilot Space Station will no longer be staged.

As for the other big gain, there are more than 4,000 Transformers Autobots headed by Optimus Prime.

After the destruction of Cybertron's planet, they came to the wandering earth as refugees.

As promised by Jolly at the beginning, this will be their new home, which was also agreed by the coalition government.

Then in the future, they will also follow the wandering earth through the infinite world and join the coalition government as a new ethnic population on the planet.

The benefits of more than 4,000 autobots to the stray earth are self-evident. They are not only a powerful combat force, but also a very practical labor force.

近 A robot giant that is nearly ten meters high can do too much, not to mention that there are more than 4,000 such transformers. I do n’t know how much time can be saved by using large machines for large projects on the planet.

On the battlefield, the role they can play is even greater.

This is vividly demonstrated in the joint battle between Qiao Li and Optimus Prime. A giant mech more than ten meters high with autonomous combat capabilities is simply a man's romance.

After a while, Qiao Li was able to drive a Hornet sports car on the earth, which is definitely an extreme pull.

But now, let ’s go and see the current situation on the ground.

Qiao Li walked out of the earth's cab and came to the surface where the fire had just extinguished.

At this time, people are celebrating the victory of the war with drums and gongs, standing on the pile of Decepticon wrecks, shouting that human beings are invincible, watching the blue light from the planetary engine re-emerging with emotion.

Mankind once again won in the seemingly irresistible natural disaster. The spirit of unity, hard work and self-improvement led the wandering earth to move forward.

This result is what the promoters of the Wandering Earth Project hope to see.

Global radio sounded again, but this time it is already a summary of the victory:

"In the past twenty-four hours, mankind has once again experienced an extremely serious crisis of survival. Hundreds of millions of powerful alien enemies have landed on our planet and caused serious damage to the planetary engines of the planet. In a crisis, nearly half of the propulsion engine stalled and one-third of the steering engine failed. "

"But with the hard work and sacrifice of 2.5 million volunteer rescuers from around the world, we successfully restarted 73% of the propulsion engines and 100% of the steering engines, allowing us to realize our counterattack plan against the enemy and eventually Won! "

"You are all heroes of the earth, we keep in mind that we are proud of you!"

The last word is dedicated to all the unknown heroes who are sacrificed or alive, and it is the efforts of all of them to complete this great victory together.

Alas, they finally passed the baton to Qiao Li.

These people are indeed worth remembering.

In the atmosphere of celebrating victory on the ground, a group of people seemed out of place. What they saw more was confusion and confusion, as if abandoned by the world.

Jain is the last batch of Transformers led by Optimus ~ ~ They all witnessed their mother star chopped off by Qiao Li, and turned into countless fragments scattered in the universe.

Now they are all refugees who have lost their homes. They are driving a Noah's Ark left by an ancient civilization on a strange planet.

If they can adapt right away, they will not be personal transformers.

Qi Qiaolu stepped forward and said to Optimus Prime, "Sorry, I have to completely destroy your home star, it has become a threat to all humanity."

Optimus nodded his head to show understanding, squatted down and said to Qiao Lu:

"I understand that what really led to Cybertron's destruction was the civil war between our Bo factions and mad factions that lasted for millions of years. Even without your intervention, it will end up the same day, only morning and night. It's just a difference. "

Optimus Prime is indeed a visionary leader. In subsequent film plots known to Joe Law, Cybertron was pulled out of the whip more than once.

星 The planet was hopeless before human intervention, and now Qiao Li is just doing it a little more thoroughly.

Tiepi Langelang, who stood aside, interjected locally: "At least we are still alive, and those evil Decepticons have been buried with Cybertron. Isn't this a good planet here? I don't see anything to complain about."

Although the environment on Wandering Earth is not so good now, at least it is better than Cybertron wasteland that seems to be crumbling.

I don't really have any complaints about using this place as the home of Autobots.

Listening to the iron sheet, Qiao Li turned and said to all Autobots:

那么 "Welcome to your new home, Transformers."

At the same time, it also means that the wandering earth has gained a new powerful living force.

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