The Wandering Planet

Chapter 90: Earth Cannon Form

After Qiao Li gave an order, the 10,000 planetary engines on Wandering Earth produced amazing changes at the same time. The huge metal peaks were restless like a heart. The complex mechanical parts refurbished the planetary engines from top to bottom .

"coming soon!"

的 3.5 billion people on the planet watched the changes in planetary engines with excitement and awe.

This is the day to be written into the annals of history, this is the day that humanity will start a new journey!

Finally, the deformation of the planetary engine began.

First, the base of the engine suddenly stood up. From the base that could not be moved, it was turned and transformed into a mechanical giant limb that could move in turn, and then fell back to the ground.

的 The six main supports of each planetary engine are all transformed into multi-section mechanical giant limbs that can be advanced forward, which means that this 10,000-meter-high fixed engine has been successfully transformed into a movable giant mechanical fortress.

When you see a moving fortress higher than Mount Everest is slowly coming towards you, you can understand what it feels like when Mount Tai is literally pressed.

这 And this is just the change that has taken place at the bottom of the planetary engine.

In the middle of the planetary engine, which is the original fuel loading port, a mechanical arm with a giant excavator slowly extended from it and automatically reached the nearby peaks.

The top of the mechanical giant arm was dug into the rock as easily as digging tofu, and then with a huge roar, countless rocks were pulled out by the giant excavator, along the transport loop that runs through the entire mechanical giant arm. The stones were continuously fed into the fuel filling port.

的 The era of using heavy-duty trucks to deliver minerals to planetary engines is over. Today's planetary engines are a self-sufficient intelligent mechanical device that integrates the earth engine and mobile mining machine.

Even a hundred heavy-duty trucks are not as efficient as the mineral transport of this mechanical giant arm, let alone it can also be used as an ultra-heavy excavator.

Finally, the most important engine top, which is the position of the planetary engine nozzle.

The planetary engine nozzles between the puppets began to extend upward layer by layer, forming a shape like a gun barrel straight into the sky, and the top directly entered the stratosphere, pointing at the universe at an altitude of more than 20,000 meters.

On earth, you can only see this gun tube extending to the end of the sky. It is impossible to see the top of the engine unless you board a high-altitude aircraft.

It is like the legendary ill-fated mountain, supporting the weight of the world.

But there are more than 10,000 such pillars, and they are not used as support.

Looking at this shape, I know that the target of these planetary engines is only the stars and the sea.

"Is this a ... cannon?"

Biao Qiaolu looked up at the planetary engine vent that had broken through the sky and asked, this was obviously not used to promote the earth.

Moss replied, "Yes. The planetary engine cannon is ready, request a test firing, please indicate."

Biao Qiaolu looked back at the console, and a Cybertan hulk at a distance of 90,000 kilometers from the earth was selected by Moss as the target for this test firing. He can see the power of these earth cannons with his own eyes.

"Allow test firing." Qiao Lu nodded.

As a result, the three recent planetary engine cannons began to adjust the direction of the nozzle, and began to gather dazzling blue energy on the nozzle.

At this moment, three huge blue **** of light were shining above the earth, as if three blue suns appeared in the sky, shining the nearby ground into a blue color.

After about ten seconds of recharging, the planetary engine vent finally fired!

This time, it is no longer a continuous beam of light, but a highly concentrated blue plasma that breaks through the sky like a cannonball and goes directly to the spacecraft 90,000 kilometers away.

Three plasma cannonballs hit the space ship at almost the same time. At the moment of contact with the ship, the high-speed expansion spread into a huge red thermonuclear fireball, and the whole ship was swallowed up instantly.

In the ultra-high temperature near the core of the sun, the space scrap ship melts rapidly like wax on fire. The entire ship leaves almost no solid debris, and all the incandescent liquid metal flies away in space.

There seems to be a hot little sun in the universe, which blinks for a few seconds before slowly extinguishing.

的 The location of the original space scrap ship has almost become empty. The entire ship was melted and evaporated in the high temperature of the thermonuclear explosion, and turned into numerous liquid metal fragments and shot out.

This power is really ashamed.

Even more outrageous is that there are more than 10,000 such cannons ...

"The test is complete and the target has been destroyed." Moss faithfully reported to Qiao Lihui.

乔 But Qiao Li still felt that it was more accurate to say that the target had been evaporated.

"Good job." Qiao Li took a deep breath and said that the effect was beyond his expectation ~ ~ The test shot was over and it returned to normal engine status. "

The Moss who received the command began to restore the planetary engine nozzle to its original appearance. After all, there are two forms that are the biggest characteristics of the Tinder life body.

的 The planetary engine with all the gun barrels recovered resumed ejecting the original plasma beam, and continued to push the earth forward slowly.

This is the job of the planetary engine. Tinder modification will not obliterate the original role of the machine.

I have to say that this transformation is a bit beyond consummation, and letting the planetary engine have the mobile and mining functions is enough to satisfy Qiao Li.

Now planetary engines can still be used as ground-based defense cannons, which is not the result that Qiao Li could think of at first.

Of course, this form of earth cannon is not without its weaknesses. The biggest problem is that superconducting ore must be used as a shell. Ordinary fossil fuels are simply not enough to support such a powerful weapon for launch.

If a 10,000-seat planetary engine is used for salvo, I am afraid that it will be able to light up more than 2,000 tons of superconducting ore in a few rounds.

As with the sword of the earth, this is also a trick to suppress the bottom of the box, usually can not be used randomly.

But if any alien race dare not to attack the stray earth with long-term eyes, they can let them feel the taste of all kinds of cannons.

There are 10,000 earth cannons that do not seep water. If you are not satisfied, you can shoot a few more rounds.

We no longer need heroic soldiers to build the Great Wall of Flesh to defend our defense;

Instead, use powerful artillery to destroy the enemy from the earth's atmosphere!

Those who offend my border will be far away!

This is the best consolation to the heroes who sacrificed.

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