The Wandering Planet

Chapter 92: Planet special ability

进入 Entering hyperspace for the second time, people have become accustomed to the scene here.

The planetary engine, which injects huge energy to accelerate, once again replaced the role of stars, maintaining the temperature on the ground, and continuously giving plants light for photosynthesis.

All of this is similar to that in the stellar system, except that the existence of other planets can no longer be observed, and the earth must keep moving at a high speed.

Qiao Qiaolu also finally received the reminder of the task completion, and took the last harvest of the last world into his hands.

"Congratulations on completing the Plane Mainline Quest in the Transformers World, gaining 8000 Civilization Points and +1 the planet's special abilities."

Adding these 8,000 civilization points, Qiao Li's civilization points have reached 18045 points.

This means that one of three special research projects: [Soul Transfer], [Anti-Material Product I], and [Anti-Material Pulse Weapon] can be selected for redemption.

However, at present, Qiao Li still pays attention to this "star special ability +1", which is different from the civilization point he has used many times, which is another new reward.

Wandering Earth's own planetary capability is a planetary engine, so does adding a new planetary special capability mean that another major project has to be completed?

The reward for completing the main mission of the Avatar World Plane last time is one of racial characteristics [Space People], [Control Nature] and [Post-Apocalypse].

I don't know if this time, Qiao Li also needs to choose.

As expected by Qiao Li, this time the system also gave him three options, allowing him to choose one of them as the special ability of the new planet of Wandering Earth.

[Internal drive assimilation] (Mechanical technology tendency reaches 75 to unlock)

Our race will get rid of the weak flesh skin and evolve to a higher level.

Effect: Spread the energy of the tinder into the atmosphere of the planet, and all the organic life forms on this planet will gradually be assimilated into semi-mechanical life forms.

【Shield world sky screen】

The universe is a dark forest, and every civilization is a hunter with a gun. So if you don't want to be destroyed, the best way is not to be found.

Effect: A shielded force field that interferes with observation will be deployed on the planet's surface, making our planet unable to be easily discovered by the enemy. When starting, the planetary engine needs to go into a stalled state.

【Ideal city plan】

We will integrate the world into one city and build one city into the world.

Effect: Turn the planet into an urban planet, which can accommodate a larger population and obtain extremely high scientific research efficiency. But the price is that the planet's natural resources will not be exploited, and production resources will need to be provided through overseas colonies.

I have to say that the options this time are more scary than the last time.

Almost every item will cause earth-shaking changes, the most terrifying of which is the special ability of the new planet [internal drive assimilation].

Because of the 15-point mechanical technology tendency added by [Deformed Body], the current mechanical technology tendency of Wandering Earth has reached 77 points.

In other words, [internal drive assimilation] is indeed optional, and its effect is the same as the system description. It turns the entire planet ’s organic species into semi-mechanical life forms, which is indeed a way of racial evolution.

But Qiao Lu was totally afraid to make a decision easily, who knows what the consequences would be.

Turn all humans into cyborgs? This approach is really crazy.

Qiao Li can't afford this responsibility!

系统 "System, I apply for off-site support!" Qiao Lu said bluntly.

"Can you turn these three options into more detailed information, let me discuss it with others?"

The system's response is: "Detailed information needs to pay 500 civilization points."

He is really utilitarian.

However, this time is very important, Qiao Li will not consider the province, and directly pay 500 civilization points, let the system transmit detailed information.

As soon as 交 completed the 500 civilization points, Qiao Li received an urgent contact from Moss, along with several other representatives of the coalition government.

It seems that the system put the detailed information on Moss.

Biao Qiaolu rushed to the earth's cab, at which time the other five permanent members' representatives had already arrived. The source of the fire was placed on the cab console, and a large number of lines seemed to be analyzing something.

"What happened?"

Qi Qiaolu asked Luo Feng, and he didn't know how the system conveyed the details of those three options to them.

Luo Feng replied: "Moss found three mysterious agreements left by the ancient Cybertron civilization from the Tinder source. One of them can be activated with the last remaining energy of the Tinder source. And which one to activate, It takes us to make a decision. "

"So it is."

The ability of the system is really incredible. If you did not spend 500 civilization points to redeem the detailed information, then the Cybertron technology that was finally parsed out should be the one you chose ~ ~ Confirm After the situation, Qiao Li took a seat and sat down to see what kind of events each of these three options correspond to.

Moss's story also began with the arrival of the staff.

"Protocol one, internal drive assimilation. This agreement will cause the tinder energy within the tinder source to spread to the entire planet's atmosphere, and all carbon-based organisms on the planet will be gradually transformed into semi-mechanical life by the tinder energy.

Sure enough, as Qiao Li knows, this is the effect of planetary power [internal drive assimilation].

But unlike the brief introduction that Joe Law knew, Moss also gave more detailed predictions of biological transformation.

"Humans will gradually become semi-robots under the influence of this energy. At first, only a small part of the skin will gradually become mechanical, and the bones will turn into full metal bones. This assimilation will not end in a generation. , But as the process of human reproduction continues to intensify. In the end, human mechanization will become more and more thorough, until only one physical organ is left in the brain. "

To be honest, this kind of thing still sounds terrible. When you wake up and find that you have a mechanical organ on your body, people who have less mental capacity may be directly mentally deranged.

But it is undeniable that this is one of the development directions of human science and technology, as many people on the stray earth have replaced themselves with a mechanical prosthesis.

Although most of them lost their limbs in war or accident, there are actually people who simply want to change a mechanical arm for themselves.

This is something that was reminded when Qiao Li exchanged for the special research project [Neural Interface]. The prosthetic technology industrial revolution is more than just a service for the disabled.

How to choose depends on the human being.

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