The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 10: From now on I am your brother!

 Chapter 10 From now on, I am your brother!

Looking at the innocent Chen Xiaozui in front of him, Cun Yunsheng remained silent for a moment.

 He didn't know whether he should say it or not.

 Because he knew that the other person’s belief in living was her brother.

 In order to find her brother, unfortunately, no matter what the cost.

If you tell her that her brother is dead long ago, she will definitely not be able to accept it.

Just thinking about what Chen Xiaojiu said, Cun Yunsheng knew that he shouldn't hide it.

The other party has the right to know, even if the result is unacceptable.

Thinking of this, Cun Yunsheng took a deep breath, looked at the other party, and said in a heavy tone.

“Although that guy was a bit of an **** just now, he was right about one thing.”

As soon as these words came out, Chen Xiaozui covered her mouth and started sobbing. She had already guessed it.

Although I didn’t really believe it before, I saw the other party’s solemn appearance.

 She already had a premonition.

Now that I heard Cun Yunsheng say the same thing, I couldn't help but cry.

“Your brother’s Sichuan regiment was indeed completely wiped out in a battle, with only a few people left alive.”

"He is a hero, and countless people will remember their heroic deeds in the future." Cun Yunsheng's voice was very tragic, especially when the picture of the cruel battlefield flashed through his mind, and his eyes were red for a while.

 Although lying can make the other party live a carefree life, he cannot do this kind of deception.

What's more, he promised Chen Xiaojiu to take good care of him.

 So, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, let time erase all this.

 He believes that over time, all this will be smoothed over.

"Have you met my brother?" Chen Xiaozui wiped his tears and asked in a slightly crying voice.

 Because she could tell from Cun Yunsheng's tone that he must have met his brother.

"Well, I once led the troops to support your brother's position, but when I rushed to the position, they had all been wiped out."

“After a **** battle, when we were retaking the position, we accidentally found your brother. At that time, he was pressed by several corpses of Japanese soldiers.”

“At that time, he was still breathing and left a message, I have a sister named Chen Xiaozui. If you meet her, I hope you can take care of her for me.”

"I'm sorry, after saying this, Brother You died a heroic death."

"At that time, the Japanese army launched another attack. Time was tight. I could only bury the corpses that could be distinguished on the position, including your brother."

Cun Yunsheng’s words made Chen Xiaozui burst into tears.

Especially Chen Xiaojiu, before he died, he still missed her.

  It made her extremely uncomfortable, and at the same time she felt that her faith had collapsed.

"elder brother…"

Looking at Chen Xiaozui crying, the eyes of several soldiers behind him were also red, and they obviously thought of the comrades who had been by their side.

"Your brother is a hero and the pride of our Sichuan Army." Cun Yunsheng didn't know how to comfort him.

 It's okay if you don't say it, but the other person will cry even more when you do.

 When the other person's tears dried up and his throat became hoarse from crying, Chen Xiaozui recovered and looked at Cun Yunsheng with a slightly apologetic expression.

 “I’m sorry, sir, I made you laugh.”

"No need to apologize. It's me who should apologize. Maybe it would be better if I didn't know." Cun Yunsheng also regretted it. He let the other party know that he was a little impulsive.

"Sir, thank you for letting me know the truth. I don't blame you, but I am very grateful to you." Chen Xiaozui shook her head. She did not blame the other party, but was very grateful.

"Xiaozui, before your brother died, he asked me to take good care of you. From today on, you are my sister. Whoever dares to bully him again, I will never let him go lightly." Looking at Chen Xiaozui in front of him, he already had the intention to die. .

 Yes, he had already seen that Chen Xiaozui had no desire to live.

 So now he must let the other party regain his desire to live. "Promise me to live well. When the war is over, we will send your brother home and let his soul return to his hometown." Cun Yunsheng thought for a while and said again.

 Hearing this, Chen Xiaozui’s dull eyes suddenly brightened up.

  Yes, my brother is still buried in a foreign land without even a tombstone. I want to send him home and bury him next to his parents.

Thinking of this, Chen Xiaozui stopped crying.

Looking at Cun Yunsheng in front of him, he said in a hoarse voice.

 “Thank you, it’s just me…”

Chen Xiaozui still wanted to refuse, after all, he was not very clean.

 Even if they are forced, they are all for living.

"I promised your brother that I will take good care of you. From now on, you will be my sister Cun Yunsheng. Let the past go with the wind. Don't think so much and start over." Cun Yunsheng did not look down on the other party. .

 If you want to blame it, blame this **** world.

It is it that makes a pure and kind-hearted girl become like this.

Hearing this, Chen Xiaozui looked at the other party and looked at him as if he was fake. He thought about it for a long time.

 "Brother..." The voice is very soft, but very strong.

 At least in Cun Yunsheng's eyes, the word "brother" was very serious.

"You can take these twenty dollars first. I'll have someone send you some supplies later. When I make arrangements, I'll take you to another place to live." Since he recognized this sister, Cun Yunsheng naturally wanted to I gave him 20 yuan first.

It’s not that you can’t give more, but things like small yellow croakers cannot be kept by a woman here, and may even cause trouble.

 Twenty dollars is enough for her to live for a while, and she can spend it slowly without attracting anyone's attention.

 Chen Xiaozui looked at the twenty yuan in front of him and subconsciously covered his mouth.

 “Brother, this is too much.”

 “I can’t spend so much on my own.”

 “And I don’t lack now…”

"Okay, this is what I'm giving you, just take it. If you don't have enough, tell me again. Don't be reluctant to spend it. You are my sister and I am not short of money." Cun Yunsheng said domineeringly.

“Price in Zenda is not cheap now. Twenty yuan may seem like a lot, but it’s actually not much. Let’s just say that I’ll have someone send me something later.”

 In this case, Chen Xiaozui didn't say much and collected the twenty yuan.

“Brother, are you going to eat here tonight? I’m going to buy some food.” Chen Xiaozui asked subconsciously.

"Okay, but it may take a long time for me to come back." Cun Yunsheng thought for a while and said.

“The group still has some things to do. I’ll come over when I’m done.”

"It's okay, brother, you have something to do beforehand." Chen Xiaozui said obediently.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng smiled knowingly and said immediately.

 “Don’t worry, I’ll come when I’m done.”

 After saying that, Cun Yunsheng left two people behind to prevent anyone from harassing the other party again.

Originally, he wanted to take the other person to the shelter, but it was inconvenient after all.

With so many defeated troops and a girl, many things are inconvenient.

 After sending Cun Yunsheng to the door, the sad look on Chen Xiaozui's face appeared again.

Even though I recognized a brother, I couldn’t help but feel a little sad when I thought that my brother had died.

 Immediately I remembered that I wanted to set up a spiritual place for my brother.

No matter what, it’s a thought for myself.

 (End of this chapter)

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