The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 102: The artillery regiment completely collapsed!

Chapter 102 The artillery regiment completely collapsed!

“Name, serial number, position.” Cun Yunsheng looked at Lieutenant Jingxia in front of him and said in a cold tone.

"Baga..." Lieutenant Jingxia stared at Cun Yunsheng and roared angrily.

 He did not expect that he would be captured.

I didn’t even expect that the Sichuan Army would dare to take such a huge risk and rush into the temple to arrest them.

 Don’t he know that temples are sacred places to the indigenous people?


 Cun Yunsheng's flick of the hand is just a slap, and he can't be used to the little devil.

 They are naturally accustomed to obeying the stronger, so if you want them to surrender, you have to show that you are stronger than them.

"Baga..." The stunned Lieutenant Jingxia's first reaction was disbelief and he continued to roar.


Hand slapped him hard again. The huge pain made him wake up a lot. His eyes looking at Cun Yunsheng were full of fear.


This time it was purely out of habit. The main reason was that Cun Yunsheng didn't like the look in the other person's eyes, so he slapped him casually.

“Tuanzuo, he didn’t scold you.” Long Wenwen reminded him in a low voice.

"Ah? Sorry, it was a mistake." Cun Yunsheng also felt that he had taken advantage, and then slapped him again.

 Lieutenant Jingxia was completely confused.

 He didn’t say anything, so why was he slapped again?

"Sorry, I think it should be symmetrical on the left and right, so that neither side of your cheeks suffers. Do you feel pain on both sides equally?" Lieutenant Jingxia was stunned by Cun Yunsheng's words.

Even Long Wenwen subconsciously moved his steps.

 He suddenly felt that his group was definitely a pervert.

 How can it be so torturous?

But he felt that what Cun Yunsheng said was quite reasonable.

 After all, the left cheek received two slaps, which must hurt more.

Even Lieutenant Jingxia felt that the pain on both sides seemed to be the same.


Why do you think this way?

 “Can you tell me?” Cun Yunsheng asked again.

"Yuta Inoshita, lieutenant and deputy captain of the second squadron of the 3rd Battalion of the 148th Regiment of the 56th Division." This time, Lieutenant Inoshita honestly reported his number and position.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng was not surprised. The Japanese army liked to infiltrate.

“Can the radio station outside contact your division headquarters?” Cun Yunsheng pointed to the radio station and code book not far away and asked.

"Yes." Lieutenant Jingxia looked at the captured radio station and code book and nodded, with a trace of reluctance on his face.

He also didn’t expect that the other party would surround them so quickly. They didn’t even have time to destroy the radio station, let alone the code book.

"How about it? Do me a favor and send a telegram to our division headquarters." Cun Yunsheng said in a kind tone.

 “Baga, absolutely impossible.” Lieutenant Jingxia decisively refused.

From the moment he was left here, he guessed that the other party had something to ask him for.

As expected, I wanted him to send a telegram.

It is absolutely impossible to agree to such a thing.

 In fact, with the code book, Cun Yunsheng can also have people send messages.

But well, every messenger has his or her own unique way of sending messages, or adding a little code or something, which most people don’t know at all.

If the Japanese army found out that this telegram was not sent by Lieutenant Mine, they would definitely think that the mission had failed and the radio and code book had been captured by the enemy, and they would definitely replace the code book immediately.

 You can refer to the previous code book seized by the Japanese army, trying to defraud confidential information, but was discovered because of the wrong accent and technique.

 With the lessons learned from the past, it is impossible for Cun Yunsheng to make this mistake.

"Pa..." With such a person, Cun Yunsheng was too lazy to talk nonsense and slapped him again. The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and then he slapped him five times in a row, making ten slaps in total.

 At this time, Lieutenant Jingxia's cheeks were as swollen as a pig's head, and even his teeth were loose.

“Tuanzuo, doesn’t your hand hurt?” Long Wenwen asked cautiously.

"Hey, you're right, it does hurt. Come here and slap me hard, as long as you don't die. I don't believe it. Is it because his bones are stubborn or because I have so many people?"

"You guys take turns fanning me until he opens his mouth." Cun Yunsheng shook his hand. It really hurt, so he simply changed people.

Hearing this, Lieutenant Jingxia couldn't help but shudder, and ten slaps left him almost speechless.

 If the beating continues, he will probably become a pig’s head.

Thinking of this, Lieutenant Jingxia looked begging for mercy.

"Hey, are you convinced?" Cun Yunsheng sneered, and then slapped him again.

 Now Lieutenant Jingxia was even more confused.

 Haven’t I accepted everything?

 Why are you still fighting?

 “I haven’t had enough fighting yet.” Cun Yunsheng’s words made the other party feel resentful.

 “You still dare to show your teeth?”

Long Wenwen next to him felt that his group was a bit sick. They have been defeated by you, so you still want to torture them like this?

"Leave it to Meng Fan. Let him figure out how to send the message for me. If he makes a mistake, don't blame me for being rude." After Cun Yunsheng finished speaking, he decided to go to the forward artillery position.

Once he got the radio and the code book, he formulated a plan, but he still needed to consult professionals like Krupp.

 After all, any plan must be close to reality.

 You can’t just make a plan here and implement it immediately there.

 When they arrived at the artillery position, Krupp was still having a heated discussion with the US military instructor and Zhu Maoqin.

 The artillerymen on the position were too tired to speak.

The artillery regiments of the Fifth Army, who were arrogant before, can only say that they are too naive at this moment.

“Why don’t any of them speak?” Cun Yunsheng asked in confusion.

“Do you think there are not enough shells?”

“It’s okay, I’ve asked people to pull five more trucks of artillery shells. I think they’ll be here in a while.”

Hearing this, the artillerymen of the Fifth Army Artillery Regiment could no longer suppress the fear on their faces.

 At first, they were very excited, thinking that they could finally have a good time today.

 Half an hour passed, and the barrels began to get hot, but Krupp had no intention of stopping and asked them to continue firing.

 So they fought for another half hour. I think it’s been an hour, and thousands of shells have been fired, so it should be almost done.

Who knows, I still have no intention of stopping.

 Two hours later, the artillerymen of the artillery regiment began to feel sore, and some could not even move the shells.

In response to this, Krupp directly asked people to send various cans, compressed biscuits and chocolates. With just one request, people stopped firing.

There was no other way. Considering the generous food, the artillerymen of the artillery regiment continued to grit their teeth and persevere.

 Finally, when they fired all the shells behind them, they felt they could rest.

 Only realized that I really thought too much.

 Because five truckloads of artillery shells have arrived again.

At the same time, the braised pork also arrived from logistics.

 Looking at the fragrant rice and braised pork, the artillerymen of the artillery regiment became motivated again.

Even if they are in the fifth army, they may not always be able to eat braised pork.

Finally, they saw that the artillery shells were about to be used up. Another officer came and told them that five more trucks of artillery shells would be arriving soon.

He even said that if he was not satisfied with the fight, he could have people continue to send cannonballs.

 There is no need to worry about the barrel exploding, just replace the barrel directly.

Anyway, there is only one request: stop the artillery and let them bomb the group of naughty little devils on the opposite side.

 At this time, the artillerymen of the artillery regiment completely collapsed.

 “I really collapsed.” The gunner who spoke earlier said painfully.

 “Where did the Sichuan Army Corps get so many artillery shells?”

Not only him, but the other gun commanders were also confused. In just a few hours, they fired more shells than they fired in a whole year.

Even artillerymen who have worked for two or three years said that they have never fired so many artillery shells in their lives.

“It can only be said that the British troops in Myitkyina are idiots. There are so many artillery pieces and artillery shells. Even if they are bombarded, the Japanese troops do not dare to take a step forward.”

“He actually ran away.” The artillery company commander gritted his teeth and said bitterly.

Hearing this, all the gunners nodded in agreement.

“Tuanzuo, why are you here?” When Cun Yunsheng came to the artillery command post, Krupp raised his head and saw Cun Yunsheng, and trotted over to salute.

"What? I can't come?" Cun Yunsheng said with a smile, and then glanced at Zhu Maoqin again.

“Yes, I think the artillery shells on the position are almost done. The Takeuchi regiment on the opposite side has lost at least several hundred people.”

“By the way, I’ve asked people to bring five more trucks of artillery shells. Is that enough? If not, I’ll ask someone to send more tomorrow. There’s not much else in the city now, so there are enough artillery shell tubes.”

It's better not to say it. As soon as he said this, the corner of Zhu Maoqin's mouth twitched. He could think of the sorrow of his own artillery.

I can even think of the time when the artillery regiment will face the Japanese army and can only fire a few rounds of artillery shells. I will miss this moment very much. The shells are enough.

 The food tube is enough!

 Just one request, shoot out the cannonball.

 I always feel like it’s hard to lead a team.

Zhu Maoqin even regretted why he brought the entire artillery regiment.

 He even suspected that Cun Yunsheng did it on purpose to deceive his artillerymen.

 In fact, this is really an injustice.

It’s just that I have been very frustrated by being bombed by the Japanese army in the past three days. Now that there are people from the artillery regiment to help, why not bomb it harder?

Anyway, Japanese fighter planes flew in during the day, but they could not fight back, so they had to bombard them desperately at night.

 Relying on anti-aircraft machine guns to counterattack?

 Forget it, I'm afraid it will only increase casualties.

 “That should be enough, right?” Krupp glanced at Zhu Maoqin and hesitated.

"That's not enough. Give me the phone number. I'll ask Xue Tian to send someone to deliver more." With that said, Cun Yunsheng was about to get the phone.

 “That’s enough, that’s enough.” Zhu Maoqin quickly tried to persuade him. He was really scared.

 If the fight continues, his artillerymen may not be able to get up tomorrow.

“Haha, Commander Zhu, don’t be polite. What I don’t lack most is artillery shells.” Cun Yunsheng said with a smile.

“Tuanzuo, you must be in trouble, right? Otherwise you wouldn’t come to my place.” Krupp asked doubtfully.

"Well, I have a plan." As he spoke, Cun Yunsheng told the story of capturing the Japanese spy and seizing the radio and code book.

“I am going to ask Lieutenant Jingxia to send a telegram to the Japanese division headquarters to inform the artillery positions here.”

“Of course this artillery position is fake. You are professionals and you decide the specific coordinates.”

“My request is that once the Japanese heavy artillery fires, can you find the coordinates of the opponent in a very short time.” After Cun Yunsheng finished speaking, he stared at the three people in front of him.

Hearing this, Krupp was stunned for a moment and immediately understood what the other party meant.

“Do you want to use this opportunity to allow us to push back the Japanese artillery positions?”

“Yes, that’s what I mean.” Cun Yunsheng nodded.

“Now you can only speculate on the general range of the Japanese army. If the bombardment continues like this, it will be too troublesome. When it is daytime, you will be bombed by fighter planes.”

"There is not much time left for us, and I am too lazy to waste it with the Japanese army. This is an excellent way to completely eliminate the Japanese heavy artillery."

"It's not impossible, but it requires a lot of calculations." Zhu Maoqin touched his chin and said after thinking for a while.

 As a professional artilleryman, calculating coordinates and inferring the coordinates of enemy artillery positions are all basic skills of a professional artilleryman.

They also learned the coordinates of reverse projection artillery positions over and over again when they were in military school.

 The only troublesome thing is that you need to consider the terrain and the range of heavy artillery.

However, they can indeed lure the Japanese army into being fooled by setting up fake positions.

 After all, there are some artillery positions arranged on the terrain, and it is impossible to hit at the elevation angle of the cannon.

 If you want to destroy an artillery position, you can only choose a fixed place to fire.

 So as long as the layout is good, the specific location of the Japanese artillery positions can be deduced in the shortest possible time.

“Tuanzuo, I have another question, how to make the Japanese army believe that the artillery position is real? The Japanese army are not fools. They believe that it is real based on just a coordinate.” Krupp expressed his doubts.

“So, you need to arrange the artillery positions more realistically.” Cun Yunsheng said with a half-smile.

 “I asked people to bring five trucks of artillery shells.”

I woke up early today, so I’ll update early! It mainly involves some professional things. I have to simplify it, otherwise it will be too complicated, which will be uncomfortable to read and write. The old rule is to change it first and then change it!



 (End of this chapter)

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