The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 106: I became an artillery expert?

Chapter 106 I became an artillery expert?

 Zhu Maoqin brought a company of artillery to the forward position.

 At this time, the front line was filled with laughter and laughter.

 After all, they have been bombarded by the Japanese army in the past few days.

Now when I see the Japanese troops being bombed, the feeling of elation is naturally different.

 When Lin Yi saw Zhu Shimao's military rank, he quickly stepped forward and saluted.

 “Sir, who are you?”

Lin Yi didn’t know what the other party’s purpose was and asked in confusion.

"Krupp asked me to come here to teach you how to use anti-aircraft guns." Zhu Maoqin did not put on airs because his military rank was higher than the opponent's, but said very kindly.

 He was still thinking about an artillery battalion promised by the Sichuan Army to the Fifth Army.

 So I don’t want to make the relationship between the two parties too rigid.

But I have to say that the equipment of the Sichuan Army is really luxurious.

 All American equipment, those Thompson submachine guns that are only equipped with direct troops, can be seen everywhere here.

 You can see two or three in each squad, as well as Garand semi-automatic rifles, almost every man has one.

 No wonder the Sichuan Army was able to achieve such a shocking record. With such a firepower configuration, how could it not win?

 For a time, Zhu Maoqin felt deep resentment.

If the Fifth Army could also be fully equipped with beautiful weapons and equipment, it would definitely beat the Japanese army to the ground.

"Oh, that's it. The anti-aircraft guns are there, and we don't know how to use them. The artillerymen trained by Krupp have only touched mortars, and they don't know how to use anti-aircraft guns at all." Lin Yi suddenly realized, and then brought Zhu Maoqin there Anti-aircraft gun positions.

At this moment, these anti-aircraft guns are placed on the position, surrounded by artillerymen who have just touched mortars, and they are studying how to fire this thing.

“German 88mm anti-aircraft gun?” Zhu Maoqin recognized the model of this anti-aircraft gun at a glance.

He did not expect that German anti-aircraft guns would appear here. You must know that the former German weapon master was equipped with a large number of German weapons, so Zhu Maoqin was also very familiar with German weapons.

 Touching the cold barrel of the 88mm anti-aircraft gun, Zhu Maoqin couldn't help but think of the past, and then said to Lin Yi again.

“Next, my people will take over this place? Does Major Lin have any objection?”

"No." Lin Yi shook his head. He didn't understand artillery, so he naturally didn't have any opinions.

The artillerymen belonging to the infantry battalion stood aside, observing and learning.

 This is a very good learning opportunity for them.

They are the type with average talent in the artillery company. They cannot handle large-caliber artillery. After all, the calculations involved are too advanced and they really don't understand.

 So when Cun Yunsheng proposed to establish artillery batteries in each infantry battalion, they were kicked by Krupp to each infantry battalion and were responsible for building the skeleton of the artillery battery.

These artillerymen who only knew how to shoot mortars were confused when they saw the anti-aircraft guns.

 Neither can they.

 Fortunately, Krupp knew that these anti-aircraft guns were too difficult for them, so he asked Zhu Maoqin to send someone for guidance.

 “Regiment seat, how to fight?” the gunners asked in confusion.

 “Yes, there are no planes now.”

“Leave it flat and aim at the Japanese infantry position opposite.” Zhu Maoqin thought for a while, but still chose to believe Krupp’s words.

  After all, the other party graduated from a German military academy and has very profound artillery theory, so he should not lie to him.

 So, he decided to level the antiaircraft guns.

Other gunners looked at each other in confusion when they heard this, and even the gun company commander looked at Zhu Maoqin in confusion.

“Tuanzuo? Flatten it? Can it still be beaten out?”

"Don't look at me like that. We just follow Krupp's instructions. Whether we can fight them out is a matter for the Sichuan Army. Maybe they want to do a new experiment." Zhu Maoqin said helplessly.

“Yes.” After hearing this, the other gunners could not say anything else. They could only level the anti-aircraft guns and aim them at the Japanese position opposite.

The Japanese soldiers on the opposite side were still looking at the opposite side with a puzzled expression, not knowing what this operation was.

 At the same time, I am very confused, why are there artillery here?

And why does this artillery look so much like an anti-aircraft gun?

 Do you want to use anti-aircraft guns for fortifications?

 Isn’t this a joke?

 Many Japanese soldiers even emboldened themselves and walked out of the fortifications, hoping to see more clearly.

“The regimental seats are all leveled.” Each gun commander reported in turn.

 “Then let’s fire.” Zhu Maoqin said absently.

 He always felt that laying this thing flat would have some effect.


 One shot was fired directly at the place where the Japanese troops gathered.

A violent explosion sounded, and the dozens of Japanese soldiers who had gathered were blown up and their bodies were scattered all over the field.

 The surrounding Japanese troops were immediately stunned.

 What kind of cannon is this?

 So powerful?

  You must know that the previous 105mm howitzer bombing effect was not so exaggerated.

As a result, the now unknown artillery took away more than a dozen people with one shot.

This is not the end yet.

 Other anti-aircraft guns followed suit.

 Dong dong dong!

 Serial explosions sounded in the Japanese positions, followed by tragic wails.

  It’s more of a visual impact.

  If it hits a person, it will break into pieces everywhere.

 The Japanese soldiers behind him were even more stunned.

 The fortifications were also bombed to the point of collapse.

“What the hell, is this thing so cruel?” Zhu Maoqin felt his jaw was shocked. He never thought that the effect of the anti-aircraft gun being leveled would be so good. The visual impact was too strong.

“Fire the gun, fire the gun, blow up these sons of **** for me.” Zhu Maoqin shouted loudly.

The remaining gunners recovered from their previous shock and began to fire anti-aircraft cannons crazily.




This thing is much easier to fire than heavy artillery, not to mention seeing the bombed corpses of Japanese troops scattered all over the field with your own eyes, which is a huge boost to morale.

 So these artillerymen didn’t know they were tired at all.

 After a while I was sweating profusely.

Even so, he was still extremely excited and continued to fire without realizing he was tired.

 Lin Yi and others in the rear were also shocked and speechless.    Anti-aircraft guns leveled, court martial.

Lin Yi suddenly understood why Tuan Zuo was chanting this sentence.

Even the veterans like Li Wula couldn't stand the visual impact.

 Let alone a rookie like Lin Yi who has not been on the battlefield a few times.

 The stomach that had been calm was churning again, but this time he held it back.

 “This is too cruel.” Bula couldn’t help but say.

“Li Wula, if this thing hits a person, it won’t even be intact. I would rather take a bullet than this thing.”

 Li Wu La felt similar to him.

If he was hit by this thing, he probably wouldn't even be able to find a piece of intact flesh.

  It's simply too cruel.

 Whoever invented this must go to military court.

However, considering that there are little Japs on the other side, they think the anti-aircraft artillery is cute.

 Only the Japanese army was completely stunned by the bombing at this time.

 They never thought that the anti-aircraft artillery would be so powerful.

 Some Japanese soldiers simply couldn't bear such a horrific scene and turned around and ran away in fright.

Takeuchi Renshan, who learned the news from behind, was also stunned.

 Hold the anti-aircraft guns?

Have you defeated your own side?

 The newly built fortifications are gone?

 Hundreds of people were lost in just a short time?

 One and a half squadrons are gone?

Takeuchi Renshan always felt that the captain in front of him had deceived him, but seeing the fearful expression on his face, he fell silent again.

When I looked through the telescope and saw the corpses strewn across the front line, with broken limbs and arms everywhere, I was completely stunned.

This was fired by anti-aircraft artillery?

He would believe it if he said it was done by heavy artillery.

  How powerful is the anti-aircraft gun?

It took a long time for Takeuchi Renshan to come to his senses, and then reported the intelligence here to the division headquarters. He felt that the current battle situation was out of his control, and he needed tactical support.

 When there are no more Japanese troops in the forward positions, the anti-aircraft bombing ends.

Zhu Maoqin couldn't help but marvel when he looked at the bombed-out Japanese army position opposite.

  How can anti-aircraft artillery be used in this way?

 Hitting people has such a strong effect. If it hits tanks, wouldn't it mean that one shot kills one tank?

If a few more guns are equipped, the Japanese armored forces will no longer be a threat.

 It can even catch the Japanese army by surprise.

Thinking of this, Zhu Maoqin suddenly felt that the artillery camp was no longer good. A few more anti-aircraft guns would definitely be a magic weapon.

Not only can it be used for air defense, but it can also be used for anti-infantry and anti-tank.

  It is simply a rare artillery piece.

 The person who invented the flat shot was also a genius.

 “This Krupp is really not simple.” After a long time, Zhu Maoqin praised him deeply.

"It's a pity that such a person is in the Sichuan Army Corps. If he were in my regiment, he would be promoted to battalion commander immediately. No, I will be the commander of the regiment for him."

 In fact, Zhu Maoqin made one mistake, that is, it is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice.

Even if it were given to Brigadier Krupp, it would be useless without artillery.

“Regiment leader, our regiment doesn’t have anti-aircraft guns, right? When they come, heroes will have no use for them.” The artillery company commander couldn’t help but say.

"Shut up, you talk a lot, I don't know?" Zhu Maoqin said angrily.

"Have you guys learned it yet?" He then looked at the artilleryman with dull eyes and asked.

 “Yes, yes, I learned it.” The artillerymen who came back to their senses nodded quickly.

Hearing this, Zhu Maoqin was ready to return to the rear position.

He wanted to go to Du Yuming immediately, and he must have a good talk with the Sichuan Army Corps and ask them to give them some anti-aircraft guns.

This thing will be used to fight Japanese infantry and tanks in the future. It is absolutely a good thing.

 Even if it requires less artillery, it will be fine.

After Zhu Maoqin left in a hurry, Krupp looked at his men in confusion.

“What’s wrong? Is there something wrong with the forward position?”

“There was no problem, but it was a great victory. Hundreds of Japanese troops were killed by anti-aircraft artillery. Company Commander Shi, the anti-aircraft artillery of the Qinmenchuan Army was really easy to use, and the effect after being flattened was amazing.”

“Our regiment is jealous of anti-aircraft artillery, and we probably have to go to the military commander to complain about it.” The adjutant of the artillery regiment explained with a smile.

“You don’t know, just now, the Japanese army was bombed so much that they cried for their fathers and mothers, and every one of them wished they had two more legs.”

"Is it such a good effect?" Krupp was also confused. Although he had tried it, he had never tried it in actual combat. He never thought that the effect would be so good.

"You don't know? I thought you did. It's really a genius idea to level the anti-aircraft guns. It will change the use of anti-aircraft guns. You will be a genius in the artillery world in the future." The adjutant said complimentarily.

"Ah? It was our regiment's idea to level the anti-aircraft artillery. He told me to level the anti-aircraft artillery for military court. I always thought it was a joke, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful?" Krupp said honestly said.

“I didn’t expect Commander Cun to be an artillery expert. It’s true that people cannot be judged by their appearance, and sea water cannot be measured.” The adjutant said with emotion.

 In response to this sentence, Krupp secretly pouted. His regiment knew nothing about artillery. They couldn't even tell the difference between British anti-aircraft guns and German anti-aircraft guns.

However, when outsiders are present, it is impossible for him to damage the face of his own group. He still has this idea.

Seeing that he didn't speak, the adjutant subconsciously thought that he had guessed, so he remembered the incident in his mind, and it became widely spread later.

Even the Japanese army knows that the commander of the Sichuan Army is an artillery expert. When facing the Sichuan Army, he must be fully alert and must not take it lightly.

 Only Cun Yunsheng was confused. When did he become an artillery expert?

 At this moment, he was discussing the next battle plan with Du Yuming.

  It is said to be a battle plan, but actually I still want to recruit some people from the Fifth Army.

Stilwell sent him a telegram to transport a large amount of supplies to reorganize the Sichuan Army, including the tank battalion equipment that he cherished.

 So, he needs Du Yumingyun to give him some tank soldiers.

   Sorry, it’s a little late! Change first and then change! Continue to update tomorrow!



 (End of this chapter)

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