Chapter 111 How to be considered a sensation?

On the other side, in the 56th Division of the Japanese Army, Masao Watanabe looked at the map with a frown on his face.

The Takeuchi Regiment suffered heavy losses and could no longer maintain its forward position. It chose to retreat and use the terrain to build fortifications.

 The field artillery regiment suffered greater losses, with almost all of the heavy artillery destroyed, but the personnel was okay.

 As long as there are heavy artillery, combat effectiveness can be restored in a short time.

 But it is basically impossible to break through the Myitkyina defended by the Sichuan Army.

"Send a telegram to the military headquarters and ask for tactical guidance." Masao Watanabe pondered for a long time, and finally decided to throw this problem to the military headquarters and let those in the military headquarters have a headache.

He turned his head and looked at southwest Yunnan. Since Myitkyina had made him lose all face, he had to find other ways to regain his face.

 “Hai.” The chief of staff responded immediately.

Not long after, General Shozo Kawabe of the military headquarters received a telegram from Masao Watanabe.

 Looking at the telegram, he couldn't help but frown.

The Sichuan regiment in Myitkyina was so tenacious that even with the help of fighter planes, both regiments failed to capture it.

They even allowed the 56th Division to lose troops and generals. Now it was obvious that Masao Watanabe had no choice but to ask for support.

There is still hope if all the main force is transferred to Myitkyina.

 But in that case, the plan to coerce the Burma Highway will come to a halt.

 This is absolutely intolerable.

Their mission to capture Myanmar was not to cut off the China-Myanmar highway so that the mountain towns could not receive military assistance.

 But it is no longer possible to capture Myitkyina with just two regiments, unless more troops are mobilized.

 After pondering for a while, Hebian Zhengsan calculated the troops he could mobilize.

The 55th Division is occupying the cities on the western front. After all, it is already very scattered.

 The 33rd Division is stationed at Ren'anqiang, resting and replenishing ammunition.

 Then only the 18th Division is left, which is currently resting in Mandalay.

 The four divisions in his hands have their own tasks.

 So he has no troops to mobilize now.

 According to the current estimates of the military staff, without a single division, it is probably impossible to annihilate the Sichuan Army head-on. According to their calculations.

 It’s not that there are tens of thousands of people in the Sichuan Army, but Myitkyina has a lot of supplies.

The supplies and ammunition are enough for the Sichuan Army to last for several months, and it is not that easy to cross the Inowaddy River across the river.

The supplies captured in Lashio were barely enough to maintain the daily use of four divisions.

 Especially the 56th Division suffered heavy losses, and their heavy artillery regiment was in urgent need of reconstruction.

  Meaning that the material aspect can only barely maintain a balance.

If a large-scale war is launched in Myitkyina, it means that the offensive in southwest Yunnan will be delayed.

However, as for Myitkyina, the Allies will certainly not sit back and watch their attack indifferently.

 According to intelligence, the Sichuan Army in Myitkyina is directly under the Allied Command and is very highly regarded by General Stilwell.

Even to support Myitkyina, a large amount of military aid was provided.

  Intelligence revealed in detail that this batch of military assistance included a large number of heavy tanks and a large number of heavy artillery.

It looks like they are completely trying to build the Sichuan Army Corps into a standard U.S. military standard regiment.

 So, Hebian Zhengzo hesitated.

 If we continue to attack, we may eventually fall into a strategic stalemate.

 The Japanese army’s logistical supplies were simply unable to match those of the Allies.

 In this case, the Japanese army will definitely collapse in the end.

 So he had to find another way and find another way, preferably to cut off the Sichuan Army's supply route.

In this case, Myitkyina is a lone army. After a long time, the morale of the army is weakened, and it can be easily captured.

Thinking of this, Hebian Zhengzo paced back and forth in the office, looking at the map from time to time.

“Your Excellency, Commander, the Intelligence Division sent a telegram that the supplementary battalion of the Sichuan Army in Zenda suddenly disappeared a few days ago and is suspected of crossing the Nu River to support Myitkyina.”

At this time, the intelligence staff came in and spoke with a telegram.

 “How many people are there?” Hebian Zhengsan asked.

 “No less than two thousand people.”

Since the rise of the Sichuan Army, the Japanese Army’s Intelligence Section has begun to collect information about the Sichuan Army, and has investigated Cun Yunsheng’s life very clearly.

 The Japanese army has always attached great importance to its opponents, so in a short period of time, it had a very clear understanding of everything about the Sichuan Army.

Even the supplementary battalion of the Sichuan Army Corps left in Zenda knew about it.

Hearing what the intelligence staff said, Hebian Zhengsan let out a long sigh. With these two thousand people, Myitkyina would probably be even more difficult to fight.

“It seems that we can only attack Imphal first and cut off the logistics supplies of the Sichuan Army, so as to avoid falling into a strategic stalemate.”

 After a long time, Hebian Shozo finally made up his mind and asked the 18th Division, which was resting in Mandalay, to immediately move westward and attack Imphal.

 He wanted to take advantage of the British army's unstable foothold to invade India in one fell swoop.

After receiving the order, Lieutenant General Mutaguchi Lian, the commander of the 18th Division, glanced at the telegram, showed a cruel smile, and immediately issued the order to attack Imphal.

He also believed that instead of wasting troops and limited supplies in Myitkyina, it would be better to concentrate on occupying Imphal and completely cut off the Sichuan Army's logistical supplies.

 Without logistical supplies, no matter how powerful the weapons and equipment are, they will ultimately be inferior to a fire stick.

 After all, we have no ammunition, so we can only stare.

On the other side, Long Wenwen and others finally brought the people from the supplementary camp back to Myitkyina after a three-day journey.

 When the long queue poured into Myitkyina, Cun Yunsheng and others were stunned.

“Tuanzuo, is this the supplementary camp?” Meng Fanglia looked at the team in front of him, turned his head and asked in disbelief.

"Don't ask me, I don't know either. Aren't we going to leave three to five hundred people behind when we leave?" Cun Yunsheng shrugged, saying that he didn't know either.

The supplementary battalion was left behind just in case. If the Sichuan Army suffered heavy losses and retreated to Zenda, the three to five hundred men in the supplementary battalion could quickly restore the combat effectiveness of the Sichuan Army.

 It doesn’t have to be the same as the original work, there are only twelve people left in the end.

“Let Xing Jiuhong come over, he should be able to give me a reasonable explanation.” Not long after, Long Wenwen and Xing Jiuhong came to Cun Yunsheng.

"Regiment leader, I haven't seen you in just a few months. You have led the Sichuan Army to win one victory after another. As a member of the Sichuan Army, I feel particularly proud." When we met, Xing Jiuhong first stood at attention and saluted, and then praised him. .

“Okay, okay, stop flattering me, let me ask you how many people are there in the supplementary camp now?” Cun Yunsheng asked him to stop talking nonsense and directly ask the most critical question.

 How many people are there in the replenishment camp?

“Tuanzuo, this is the roster.” Xing Jiuhong took out the roster that he had always treasured from his chest, and it was wrapped in kraft paper to prevent moisture.

Looking at the other party's careful appearance, Cun Yunsheng nodded secretly, this kid is worth cultivating.

 Taking over the roster, Cun Yunsheng opened it, and everyone was stunned.

 “More than 1,500 people?”

Just a few months?

 Did you double it for me?

 No, it tripled!

If this lasts half a year, wouldn’t it be directly 3,000 people?

 Including more than 3,000 people from the Sichuan Army.


How many people are there?

 For a while, Cun Yunsheng also felt that his brain was a little exhausted.

“Yes.” Xing Jiuhong said cautiously.

“There are too many people in the group. I don’t want to think about it. Who made those defeated soldiers have no food to eat? I feel soft.” Xing Jiuhong wanted to explain something, but was interrupted by Cun Yunsheng.

 “Not much, not much, you did a great job.” Cun Yunsheng praised.

  He was sincerely praising the other party. He originally thought that there would only be a thousand people at most, but he didn't expect that it was much more than he imagined.

“Tuanzuo, are you really not angry?” Xing Jiuhong asked, still a little worried.

"Don't be angry, you did a good job. It just so happened that the Sichuan Army Corps was about to be reorganized..." Before Cun Yunsheng could finish his words, he was interrupted by Long Wenwen.

“Tuanzuo, I think you’d better take a closer look. Is this a team of 1,500 people?” Long Wenwen’s words made Cun Yunsheng frown slightly.

 What does  mean?

 Eating free money?

In an instant, Cun Yunsheng's eyes turned cold. What he hated most were those who drank soldiers' blood and ate empty wages.

 Perhaps he knew what Cun Yunsheng was thinking, Long Wenwen said quickly.

“Look, this team, which is like a long dragon, definitely has more than 1,500 people. I’m afraid there are 2,000 people.”

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng was stunned and Meng Fan was dumbfounded.

 Two thousand people?

 How come there are more than the roster?

Xing Jiuhong looked aggrieved, and then explained the reason in detail.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng couldn't help but shake his head.

It was hundreds of miles from Chanda to here, and it was all on mountain roads. I didn't expect that these defeated soldiers would follow them just for a bite of food and a little money.

“Tuanzuo, what should we do? Do we want to drive all these people away?” Xing Jiuhong asked anxiously.

He was afraid that Cun Yun would be angry and drove all these people away. How would he face these defeated troops then?

"Why do you want to drive them away? As long as they meet the recruitment requirements of the Sichuan Army, we will take them all."

"As for those who do not meet the requirements and are willing to stay, I will arrange a job for them so that they will not starve to death. If they are unwilling to stay, each person will be given five yuan in ocean tolls to let them go back." That is to say, the previous The British military base allowed him to have a lot of gold and silver in his hands. Otherwise, with so many people, the military pay alone would be a large sum.

 Otherwise, I'm afraid Cun Yunsheng will have to think of ways to sell weapons to make money again.

The Americans will not give him military pay, but it would be nice to give him weapons and equipment.

 So, in terms of military pay, you still have to figure it out yourself.

“Sir, can you give me a gun and let me go to the battlefield to fight the Japanese?” At this time, the little bookworm rushed over and shouted loudly.

If the guards hadn't stopped him, they would have rushed right in front of him.

Xing Jiuhong was even more frightened and turned pale.

 Only Cun Yunsheng's eyes lit up when he looked at the little bookworm who opened his mouth.

 Unexpectedly, this guy also came.

 “Who is he?” Cun Yunsheng asked, pretending not to know.

"He, his name is Little Bookworm, he is a student and he insists on fighting... I ignored him, so he followed me, drinking dew when he was thirsty and eating leaves when he was hungry." Xing Jiuhong explained with a numb scalp.

 He really regrets it now. If he had known earlier, he would have knocked this guy unconscious and left him in Zenda.

 “Let him come over.” Cun Yunsheng nodded and immediately asked the guard to let him go.

 When he came in front of Cun Yunsheng, the little bookworm didn't show any timidity. Instead, his eyes lit up and he spoke loudly.

"Are you their commander? Can you give me a gun? I want to go to the front line to fight the Japanese."

“People will die in war.” Cun Yunsheng asked with a smile.

"I'm not afraid of death, I'm just afraid that it won't be a grand death." The little bookworm's voice became louder.

“Yes, but what do you think is a vigorous death?” Cun Yunsheng continued to ask.

 In the original novel, the one he admired most was this little bookworm.

Although the little bookworm is a student and looks silly, his exile for hundreds of thousands of miles has allowed him to see a lot of things clearly and understand a lot of things.

 But he still refused to give up his perseverance.

 Until the last moment of his life, he never gave up.

Even Long Wenwen, who has always been sharp-tongued, has to admit it.

 He cannot argue with the other party.

 That’s why Long Wenwen didn’t allow anyone to equip him with a gun, just to drive him away.

Who knew that this guy had fulfilled his promise with his life.

 At that moment, Long Wenwen was really deeply moved.

“Of course I will hold the explosive bag and die together with the little devil.” The little bookworm said with great ambition.

 He thought this was the most spectacular way to die.

"But, in that case, you can only kill three or five Japs, which is not a big deal. And many of my subordinates have killed more than a dozen Japs." Cun Yunsheng's words instantly made people angry. The little bookworm was confused and didn't know how to answer.

The fifth update! It could have been earlier, mainly because I wanted to think more about the character of the little bookworm!



 (End of this chapter)

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