The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 128: Are you going to trap more than 100,000 British troops this time? (Eight thousand word

Chapter 128 Are you going to trap more than 100,000 British troops this time? (A big chapter of eight thousand words!)

"I'll solve the problem of the fighter planes for you." After Admiral Wavell left, Stilwell looked at Cun Yunsheng and said meaningfully.

"Cun, I can agree to any reasonable request you have, even some unreasonable requests, but I only have one request for you, and that is to repay me with constant victories."

"Even some of your small actions, I can pretend I didn't see them, but you have to understand what your obligations are."

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng glanced at Stilwell in surprise. He didn't expect that this old boy was not that stupid.

 You can see some of his little moves.

But it’s not surprising. If he was really a fool, he would have been eliminated by the joint efforts of Admiral Wavell and Shancheng.

I am afraid that all those supplies will be embezzled.

“Isn’t it surprising?” Stilwell said with narrowed eyes, looking like a successful little old man.

“But don’t be surprised, I am just an American and have no interest in your intrigues. All I have to do is repay the members of the White House with victory.”

"I can't let the aid go to waste. I have to make some achievements to stop those people's doubts."

"So? As long as I can win one victory after another, you can agree to all my requests?" Cun Yunsheng did not answer directly, but asked rhetorically.

Hearing this, Stilwell said calmly.

 “Reasonable request.”

“What are reasonable requirements?” Cun Yunsheng stared at the other party and asked.

“Does it mean that it is in line with the interests of the United States or the interests of the British Empire?”

"Of course it refers to the interests of the United States." Stilwell frowned slightly, not knowing what he meant.

“Then everything I do is in line with the interests of the United States.” The smile on Cun Yunsheng’s face became even wider.

“But everything the British army has done has always harmed the interests of the United States.”

If it were anyone else, I'm afraid they would be furious after hearing this.

 But if it was Stilwell, I'm afraid not.

 He has always followed the principle of putting American interests first.

 From the moment he could downplay it, he reduced the matter of the fighter plane from a big matter to a trivial matter.

It can be seen that he is very unhappy with the British army.

 If it were anyone else, they would certainly not be able to tolerate Cun Yunsheng's behavior of secretly handing over fighter jets.

"Yes, you are right, Cun, you are a smart man. As long as what you do is in the interests of the United States, we will always support you and give you any supplies you want." Stilwell showed a trace of his face. A genuine smile.

“Yes, Commander, I will always remember your words.” Cun Yunsheng stood at attention and saluted.

"Go back. The materials you need will arrive in Myitkyina within one and a half months. During this period, if you need materials and funds, you can report directly and I will approve it. The only requirement is that I will be there in two months. Review your troops in Lashio." After speaking, Stilwell motioned for the other party to leave.

“Yes.” After saying that, Cun Yunsheng turned and left.

Outside the headquarters, Meng was anxiously circling around. If it hadn't been for the tight security here, he might have led his men in already.

Especially when Admiral Wavell walked out angrily and kept greeting Cun Yunsheng with various unpleasant words.

Meng Fan is even more impatient, if something happens to the group.

The Sichuan Army was completely finished.

 Although the Sichuan Legion is now extremely powerful in combat, everyone is extremely united.

 Once the group is gone, it will probably fall apart immediately.

 At least among these cannon fodders, everyone is dissatisfied with each other.

 When he saw Cun Yunsheng coming out, Meng Fanlao breathed a sigh of relief.

“Tuanzuo, you finally came out. If you don’t come out, I’m afraid I’ll take someone in to rob you.” Meng Fangli complained.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng looked at the other party in surprise, and then said with a smile.

“I didn’t see it, you still have the heart, but are you sure you dare to break in?”

"This is the Allied Forces Headquarters. If you do anything inappropriate, I'm afraid you will be beaten immediately."

 “Hey, I just want to express my loyalty.” Meng Fanxiao smiled.

 “How was the conversation with that old boy Stilwell?”

 “Get out first and then talk.” Although there were American soldiers standing guard all around, they still wanted to prevent the partition wall from having ears.

“Hmm.” Meng was annoyed and didn’t ask any more questions, and the two of them walked outside.

Meng Fanglia could not help but breathe a sigh of relief when he met the soldiers from the guard squad.

“The negotiation is basically settled, and all the needed materials will be in place within one and a half months,” Cun Yunsheng said.

"Huh? He also agreed to assist the indigenous guerrillas?" Meng Fanlao had a trace of surprise on his face. He didn't expect the conversation to go so smoothly.

“I agreed. In addition to the necessary materials, there will also be special funds.” Cun Yunsheng nodded and asked randomly.

“When Admiral Wavell went out just now, was he angry?”

 “Admiral Wavell? Is that the old British man?” Meng Fan was stunned for a moment and asked doubtfully.


“My face is turning green with anger, and I keep greeting you. If I hadn’t known a little bit of English, I probably wouldn’t have been able to understand you. I was gibbering.”

 “What on earth did you do to make that old boy so angry?”

Not only was Meng annoyed, in fact most people in the Allied Command were very puzzled.

Who can make General Wavell, the Governor-General of India and the commander of the British-Indian Army, so angry?

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng's face turned cold. This son of a **** dares to scold me. Sooner or later, he will want to look good to him.

 “Nothing, I just scolded this old boy.” Cun Yunshengyun’s Danfengqing words left Meng Fangliu dumbfounded.

Meng Fangliao, who had regained consciousness for a long time, couldn’t help but give a thumbs up.

“Awesome, it’s you, you are the only one who dares to scold a general, and you are an Englishman. You are the one.”

 “But Tuanzuo, how can you die if you don’t brag?”

“Insulting the general, you don’t have enough heads to cut off.”

 Seeing Meng Fan's disbelieving look on his face, Cun Yunsheng kicked him.

  "Get out of here, you bastard. When have I ever deceived anyone?"

“Huh? Did you really scold a British guy?” Meng Nuanlai felt that no one dared to do this.

"Nonsense, if I hadn't scolded him, how could he be so angry? He still greets me, you bitch, sooner or later I want him to look good." Cun Yunsheng said angrily.

At this time, other soldiers also looked sideways, praising in their hearts, they are still the best in their own group.

How dare you scold the British general!

 If it were them, they probably wouldn't dare to say a word.

"Then what exactly did you curse?" Not only was Meng Fangli curious, but the other soldiers also looked over curiously.

 Seeing this scene, Cun Yunsheng said with a half-smile.

“How else can I scold someone? I can’t scold someone for being too old, not taking a shower, not washing their feet, like to fart, and have bad breath.”

 Hearing this, Meng Fangliao and the other soldiers looked at each other in shock at first, and then burst into laughter.

“Tuanzuo, you are still the most powerful. When it comes to hurting others, you are still the most powerful. I am willing to be the loser.”

Meng Fanxia never thought that he could curse people like this?

 “What a fool, it’s nothing more than being the first to escape from the British army, harming friendly troops and so on. The old guy couldn’t accept it and almost pulled out his gun.” Cun Yunsheng sneered.


Hearing this, Meng Fanlao broke into a cold sweat. If he pulled out a gun, his group would definitely be doomed.

“Tanzuo, please be more relaxed next time, especially with your mouth, please restrain it a bit.”

“It’s all the fault of those guys in Shancheng. They just relied on their Spitfires to shoot down several Japanese fighter planes. After winning one, they publicized it, but the British knew about it.”

“After some investigation, we learned that the two Spitfires were handed over to the people in Shancheng by us in Bhamo.” Speaking of this, Cun Yunsheng looked unhappy.

  Don’t you know how to keep a low profile if you win?

And what use can two Spitfires do?

 Wait until the machine gun runs out of bullets.

Look at how you are playing?

"Hey, I guessed it. I said at that time that things belonging to British people are not so easy to get. You don't care at all. Your life is in danger today." Meng annoyed and kept talking. , leaving Cun Yunsheng speechless for a while.

 “I’ve already given it, what else can I do? Besides, everything is settled.”

“The reason the little old man is really angry is not about these two fighter planes, but because he wants to deliver a squadron of fighter planes to us.”

Cun Yunsheng's words made Meng Fanlao shocked and speechless.


"Give us fighter planes? What do you mean? Next, we will have fighter planes?" Meng Fanglia's voice was extremely trembling. He did not expect it to be like this.

“Yes, otherwise why do you think that old boy is so angry?” Cun Yunsheng looked profound.

This time, Meng Fanglia was really tricked by him.

 Anyone else would probably explode on the spot.

It's no wonder that the old boy kept greeting his group with all kinds of vicious words when he came out.

 If it were him, it would probably be worse than this.

“Tuanzuo, for what you have done, it is really not too much for someone to greet you.” Meng Fangli sighed with emotion, and the other soldiers nodded in agreement.

 “You bastard, believe it or not, I’m going to beat you to death.” Cun Yunsheng imitated the way the dragon spoke, rolled up his sleeves and was about to beat him.

“Tuanzuo, you are not a lost dragon. Just your accent is a long way from it.” Meng Fanlao didn’t care at all.

Cun Yunsheng rolled his eyes, then stopped playing around and started talking.

"These things are not so easy to get. There is a price to pay. We will send troops to capture Lashio in two months. Otherwise, our lives will not be so easy in the future."

Meng Fan was not surprised by this, after all, they were not Stilwell's biological sons.

 This treatment cannot be matched even by direct descendants, so there will definitely be a certain price.

If there is no price, I am afraid that Meng Fan will only wonder if the other party is holding back something bad.

“I’m afraid it will be a bit difficult to capture Lashio in two months.” Meng Fanxiao hesitated and said.

"There must be difficulties, otherwise if it were an easy job, we wouldn't be able to get so much material and equipment." Cun Yunsheng said lightly.

“That’s right, have you figured out how to attack Lashio?” Meng Fan thought and it was right. If it were that simple, there would definitely be many troops rushing to take charge of the main attack.

“I have some ideas, but I still need Lieutenant Jingxia’s cooperation.”

Cun Yunsheng nodded, and then asked about the imprisoned Lieutenant Jingxia.

"He? That Japanese? What's his use? I'm also going to suggest that you find a way to kill him. Keeping him is just a waste of food." Meng Fangliao asked in confusion.

 “Have you read The Romance of the Three Kingdoms?” Cun Yunsheng did not answer, but asked instead.

“I’ve seen it before, I can recite it by heart.” Meng Fangliao said proudly.

“Have you seen Zhuge Liang outwit Nanjun?”

“You mean to use this Japanese to launch a surprise attack on Lashio?” Meng Fanglia probably understood what the other party meant, but there was still a problem.

 “Will he agree?”

“So, we need to have a good talk with him.” Cun Yunsheng said with a profound look on his face.

This time the transport plane arrived at Myitkyina Airport and did not return. This was the special plane that Stilwell had promised him. If there was anything he needed to report in the future, he could just take the plane and report it in person.

After getting off the plane, Cun Yunsheng went straight to the place where Lieutenant Jingxia was being held.

Seeing Cun Yunsheng, Lieutenant Jingxia subconsciously took two steps back.

He is dreaming at night now, and whenever he dreams about this face, he wakes up.

“Hey, it looks like you still remember me. I thought you forgot, so I’m going to give you a stronger impression.” Cun Yunsheng chuckled lightly when he saw this scene and stretched out his palm.

Hearing this, Lieutenant Jingxia's scalp went numb. He didn't know what to say and could only look at the other party in silence.

 Seeing this, Cun Yunsheng lost interest.

 “I have a favor and I need you.”

He didn't bother to beat around the bush and said in a cold tone.

“Think clearly before answering. You know, I am a soft person but not a tough person.”

“I just happened to be feeling angry and wanted to beat someone up.”

Hearing this, Lieutenant Jingxia suppressed what he originally wanted to say, and stayed silent anyway.

“Hey, let’s play silent confrontation.” Cun Yunsheng said with a half-smile.

“I forgot to tell you that the last intelligence was very successful and your heavy artillery regiment suffered heavy losses.”

“Tell me, if your superiors knew that you were the one who leaked the information, what would be waiting for you?”

“Oh, you can commit seppuku, but I believe your family will be miserable, and you may have to go to the front line to express condolences to your comrades.”

Cun Yunsheng's words deeply hurt the other party.

But he was afraid, so Lieutenant Jingxia could only lower his head deeply and cry.

 He regretted why he did not commit suicide at that time and why he became like this now.

 Even hurting your own family.

 “What exactly do you want from me?” After a long time, Lieutenant Jingxia asked in fear.

"It's very simple. I have a task that requires your cooperation." Cun Yunsheng looked at the other party.

 “What mission?” Lieutenant Jingxia asked subconsciously.

"How about being a spy? Are you interested?"

"No, it's impossible, I can't betray..." Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Cun Yunsheng.

"You have already betrayed, do you still care about this?" Cun Yunsheng said with a half-smile.

"It's all you. If it weren't for you, how could I have agreed?" Lieutenant Jingxia roared like a madman.

Seeing this, Cun Yunsheng frowned slightly and slapped him.

 “If you keep talking nonsense, I will make your life worse than death.”

Perhaps it was because of the slap that Lieutenant Jingxia calmed down instantly and said with a wry smile.

"The heavy artillery regiment has been destroyed by your troops. There is no point in keeping me. I am just a lieutenant officer and my knowledge is limited."

This is true. As a lieutenant, the information he has access to is very limited.

 Unless it reaches the core, the information revealed is of little significance.

 But he is a lieutenant. If he wants to climb up, in addition to military merit, he also needs qualifications.

 “Did you graduate from Mainland China?” Cun Yunsheng asked.

 “No, it’s Mr. Lu’s.” Lieutenant Jingxia said quickly.

“Hey, you’re not even a member of the mainland. You can’t even get a chance to become a colonel in this life.” Cun Yunsheng looked contemptuous. You’re not even a member of the mainland, so your future is like this.

 Hearing these heart-wrenching words, Lieutenant Jingxia was speechless for a while. Could you please stop saying this?

 He doesn’t want to enter the mainland?

 Only the top 20 students each year can be admitted to Mainland China.

 It is not easy for him to graduate. Many people cannot graduate at all.

That demanding subject is simply not something that ordinary people can bear.

"Did I make a mistake? Look at how many generals you have, Lu Shi?"

“Look at the people in mainland China, the lowest one is an assistant officer, and there are a lot of generals.”

"Can it be compared?" Cun Yunsheng's words were like a knife thrust into his heart again.

“You are right, I will be promoted to major in this life, which is considered a high incense.” The reason why Lieutenant Ishita lurked in Myitkyina was not because he wanted to perform extraordinary feats and then get promoted.

 Otherwise, just by slowly accumulating military merit, you still don’t know when you will be promoted.

“There is an old saying in China that he who knows the current affairs is a hero.” Cun Yunsheng looked at the other party and said meaningfully.

"He who knows the current affairs is a hero?" Lieutenant Jingxia didn't quite understand what this sentence meant and looked at the other party in confusion.

 “Smart people have to make smart decisions.” Meng Fangliao added in a timely manner.

“So what exactly do you want me to do?” Lieutenant Jingxia asked curiously.

 It’s not that he’s so curious, it’s just that Cun Yunsheng is so strange today.

Seeing this, Cun Yunsheng didn't bother to go around in circles with him.

“Since you can’t be a spy, I need a Japanese to be my guide.”

Hearing this, Lieutenant Jingxia subconsciously wanted to refuse, but thinking of Cun Yunsheng's torture methods, he could only grit his teeth and agree.

"Okay, take this time to rest." After Cun Yunsheng finished speaking, he left.

 When he left the place of detention, Meng Fanglia couldn't help but ask.

 “Tuanzuo, can this guy be trusted?”

"Then give him more tricks. I won't believe it. He can't even handle a little devil." Cun Yunsheng sneered.



On the Imphal front line, Lieutenant General Mutaguchi Lian of the Japanese 18th Division looked at the fortifications in the distance and frowned.


 The enemy on the opposite side was far beyond his imagination. In addition to the Indian troops stationed there, there were nearly 100,000 British Indian troops.

Although the combat effectiveness of these British and Indian troops is not good, the combat effectiveness of the troops stationed in India has increased exponentially after changing their equipment.

His servants, the Thai army, lost thousands of Thai troops in one charge.

 The remaining Thai troops were even more frightened and did not dare to continue the attack.

 This made him very angry.

These servant armies can only fight a smooth battle and encounter this kind of tough battle.

 No better than the British army.

There is no way. The Japanese army is in short supply. There are only 100,000 Japanese troops in the huge Burma. In addition to dividing the troops to garrison important towns, they also need to send troops to attack southwest Yunnan.

 However, the recent choice of defense is still due to lack of troops and the inability to continue the attack, so the only choice is defense.

If he had two divisions in his hands, he would definitely not bring these servants with him.

"Your Excellency, Division Commander, do you want to let those indigenous people attack again?" The chief of staff glanced at the position of the indigenous army not far away and suggested.

Mutaguchi Lian is also very aware of the intensifying conflicts on the rear.

 So he was naturally very moved by the chief of staff's proposal.

 Let these Burmese natives know the situation on the rear, and they will definitely riot.

 So consuming them quietly is the best choice.

 “Let Aung San lead his troops and launch an attack immediately.” Mutaguchi Lian felt that it made sense and immediately ordered.


 Not long after, Aung San received the order to attack.

 Looking at the order in his hand, Aung San's face looked extremely ugly.

He had seen with his own eyes the tragic situation of the Thai army just now, and naturally he did not want his troops to follow in the footsteps of the other side.

 After all, this is the capital that determines whether he can rise in the future.

 But he had to obey the orders of the Japanese army.

 “Sir, what should we do?” The confidant also noticed Aung San’s dissatisfaction and asked cautiously.

"What else can we do? Gather the troops and prepare to attack." Aung San took a deep breath and said angrily.

"Sir, I have heard that the Japanese army has recently begun to carry out violent conquests. Many brothers' families have been affected. If this continues, sooner or later it will affect us." The confidant glanced around and said in a low voice.

"Shut up, don't say these words again. If you want to die, I can give you a ride now." Aung San said coldly.

"Yes, sir." The confidant was startled and quickly chose to shut up, not daring to say anything more.

Not long after, a thousand-man Aung San Volunteer Army was assembled and began to attack the opposite position.

 There is no artillery support. After all, they have traveled a long distance and the artillery shells they carry are limited. How could they be wasted here?

What's more, the Japanese army has already reported that it has exhausted the Aung San Volunteer Army, so it is naturally impossible to provide artillery support.

"Are these people here to die?" On the front line, Sun Liren's adjutant looked at everything in front of him and couldn't help but said speechlessly.

Hearing this, not only him, but also Sun Liren frowned slightly.

“Depending on the situation, it looks like they are consuming these cannon fodder on purpose.”

I have to say that Sun Liren has a very keen sense of smell on the battlefield. From the offensive in front of him, he can tell that the Japanese army clearly wants to consume these natives.

It’s just that he doesn’t understand why the good people are consuming these natives?

  Could it be that these natives were used to consume their ammunition?

 In that case, it can only be said that they think too much.

 The newly formed Thirty-Eighth Division is the one with the least shortage of ammunition.

After all, with the strength of the Yankees, there is a lack of ammunition?

Isn’t that a slap in the face to the Americans?

"Let the brothers get closer before shooting." Sun Liren put down the telescope and said.


  When the Aung San Volunteer Army was less than 200 meters away from the position, fierce gunfire suddenly rang out.

Many Burmese soldiers fell to the ground in response, and the Burmese soldiers behind them were so frightened by the scene that they retreated.

 The fear in his eyes was even more uncontrollable, and his body was shaking so much that he wanted to turn around and run away.

However, they were greeted by the supervising team.

 Going forward is death, and retreating is also death.

 For a time, the Burmese soldiers were so frightened that they could only lie on the ground and did not dare to move.

Seeing this, Sun Liren was speechless for a while. What kind of troops could they pull up to fight?

 What is the little devil’s plan?

 Wouldn’t it really consume their ammunition?

“Master, is this little devil really planning to consume our ammunition?” the adjutant and the staff said as they looked at each other.

"I don't know either. This is the first time I've encountered this situation." Sun Liren shook his head. He didn't understand what the Japanese army was thinking.

“Let the artillery regiments be dispatched to bomb the Burmese army positions.”

Now that the enemy is lying down, only artillery can be used to give maximum damage.




As bursts of explosions sounded, Burmese soldiers were constantly blown away on the forward positions.

The remaining Burmese soldiers could no longer suppress their fear and ran towards the rear, screaming.

 Seeing this scene, Aung San's face turned pale. He thought he was an elite subordinate, but he actually acted like this, which made him feel extremely embarrassed.

 What he is more worried about now is what Mutaguchi Ren thinks.

 You won’t want to settle a score with him, right?

At this time, Mutaguchi Lian seemed very calm. He had already been prepared for these servants. This time, he only wanted to consume some cannon fodder and reduce the logistical pressure.

 Just want to test the firepower of the Indian army on the opposite side.

 At present, it is impossible to achieve a quick resolution.

The other side can completely block them east of Imphal with its solid fortifications.

Facing the opponent's constant supply of supplies, if you want to take this position, you may have to pay a huge price.

 This price is something Mutaguchi Lian does not want to see.

 So, he could only find another way and think of other ways.

 According to the habit of the Japanese army, it is to encircle and encircle the enemy.

As long as he can get around to the back of Imphal, he can replicate the glory of the German army in the Ardennes Forest.

Guderian's blitzkrieg made many famous generals very excited, and many people imitated it one after another.

 But few are successful.

At this moment, Mutaguchi Lian regards himself as Guderian.

As long as you can go around to the rear of Imphal and cut off the British army's supplies, you can completely repeat the previous situation of forced landing of 100,000 British troops with tens of thousands of troops.

 So, Mutaguchi Lian looked at the map and finally focused on Chittagong.

 At this time, the US military supplies were first transported to Chittagong, and then transported to Imphal through Chittagong.

If there was a problem in Chittagong, the Allies would definitely go crazy.

 But Chittagong must be heavily guarded.

It is definitely not an easy task to capture Chittagong.

 So after thinking for a while, he decided to use Chittagong as bait to mobilize the British army.

 Once the British army was fully mobilized, there would be a void in the defense.

 In that case, he can take advantage of it.

Send a force to cross the Chindwin River and then pass through Diden and Donzan to bypass Imphal.

While thinking about it, I kept drawing on the map.

I have to say that this strategic idea is absolutely amazing.

 In other words, he learned from the German tactics in the Ardennes Forest.

 Obviously, the German army was going to attack from the Maginot Line. The purpose was to allow the French army to transfer all its main forces to the Maginot Line area.

 In fact, it was through the Ardennes Forest and back to the rear of the French army in one go.

  It can be said that the two combat plans are very similar.

 However, Mutaguchi Lian ignored one point, and that was the issue of supplies.

The German army is a mechanized force, and its logistics and supplies can keep up.

 What are the Japanese troops?

 Two legs?

 If nothing else, there are forests everywhere, all kinds of miasma are hard to guard against, and the non-combat attrition rate is astonishing.

  In other words, it is best for them to have supplies in the places where they make circuitous passes, otherwise, this circuitous army may be completely annihilated in the end.

"Supplies..." Mutaguchi Lian said with a headache. Although he looked down on the Allied forces' combat effectiveness, he had to say that their supplies were something he could not envy.

If he had such a powerful supply, his combat effectiveness would probably be even stronger.

“First send people to infiltrate and find out the specific deployment of the British army, and also report the plan to land in Chittagong to the military headquarters.” Mutaguchi thought for a while and finally gave the order.


On the other side, Cun Yunsheng, who was checking the latest battle report, couldn't help but feel moved when he saw that the Japanese army was blocked in the Imphal offensive.

 He felt that it should be more difficult for the British army, otherwise how could he show his importance?

He had agreed to hand over the fighter planes, but after several days, there was still no movement, which made him very unhappy.

 In addition, the old man, Admiral Wavell, scolded himself before.

 So, Cun Yunsheng felt that they should be put in trouble.

 As for how to add to the obstruction, it is natural to leak something to the Japanese army.

"If I remember correctly, Mutaguchi Lian almost completed his plan to outflank Imphal. If there hadn't been a supply problem, all the more than 100,000 British troops in Imphal would have been destroyed." Cun Yunsheng murmured. .

“I’m sorry, tell me, what will happen if I make it more difficult for the British army?”

Cun Yunsheng didn't know whether he should do this or not, but he always felt that if the evil spirit in his heart did not come out, his Taoist mind would be unstable.

After all, this is the first time I have been scolded like this in my life, so I am naturally very unhappy.

Hearing what Cun Yunsheng said, Meng Fan was startled. Was his family trying to trick someone again?


 Or trap hundreds of thousands of British troops?

“Tuanzuo, have you thought clearly?” Meng Fangyang swallowed subconsciously.

"Isn't it that I haven't thought it through clearly, so I'm asking you? If I had thought it through clearly, there would be no need to ask you?" Cun Yunsheng didn't know what would happen if he did this, so he wasn't sure.

Hearing this, Meng Fanlao felt a little pain in his balls.

What are this follow, what is the retaliation of my group seat so strong?

But that old guy Wavell’s scolding was indeed excessive.

Isn’t it just two fighter planes?

 What a big deal!

 You British guys are not short of this opportunity.

“Tuanzuo, will this matter have a great impact?” Meng Fanglia asked in a low voice.

"I don't know, it should be very big. After all, if Imphal is gone, the British army will probably go crazy." Cun Yunsheng assessed the importance of Imphal and felt that if it was gone, the British army would definitely explode. .

“Will that have any impact on us?” Meng Fanliao said again.

“Of course, but well, we might also get a blessing in disguise from this.” Cun Yunsheng said, his eyes lit up.

It is absolutely impossible for just one Eighteenth Division and some servant armies to swallow up the entire Imphal.

 Hence, the Japanese army must either increase its troops from the mainland or deploy other divisions.

 For the Sichuan Army, it is indeed an opportunity.

The kind of update that I write for 3,000 words, then stop, and then write again, it is easy to get stuck, so I finished three chapters in one go! This way the Tao mind will be smooth! In addition, I would like to ask for a wave of support for all bookings. Let me increase the average booking data for subsequent recommendations. Thank you all!



 (End of this chapter)

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