Chapter 13 Always remain a soldier!

 That’s right, due to the outbreak of the war, the Japanese army occupied important economic areas in China.

 Plundered a large amount of wealth and issued military stamps, causing prices to soar.

 And the ratio of gold to ocean is also constantly expanding.

 From the beginning, a small yellow croaker could be exchanged for forty ocean dollars, and later it could be exchanged for a hundred ocean dollars.

 Now it is approaching 700 to 800 oceans.

 Not only that, every day is the same price.

 So, four small yellow croakers can definitely be exchanged for three to four thousand yuan on the black market.

Even many people would rather pay a premium for gold.

 That's why Meng Fanglia couldn't help but roll his eyes when he heard him say there were only four small yellow croakers.

This is still called having no money?

 He wanted to know what it was like for the other party to have money.

“You told me earlier, there are four small yellow croakers, they will definitely be fine with it.” Meng was annoyed and changed back to his dog-legged look.

For the two hundred people in front of us, three to four thousand yuan is enough.

As for the three-month reissue of military pay, Meng Fan did not even mention it.

“Okay, you can start registration now.” Cun Yunsheng nodded.

 “Yes, Tuanzuo.” Meng Fanxiao responded quickly.

 At this time, he returned to his dog-legged appearance.

Cun Yunsheng asked him to go east, but never to the west.

“Kang Huoyan, fought in the 17th Organizing Division Transportation Battalion, Warrant Officer Deputy Platoon Commander.” The first one to stand up was Kang Huojian.

Ever since he had a meal of pork stewed with vermicelli, he secretly vowed to eat meat every day in the future.

 So when Cun Yunsheng expressed his intention to recruit troops, he was the first to stand up and express his support, and even persuaded some of his fellow villagers and comrades to join.

“Yes, with combat experience, it’s no problem to be a second lieutenant and platoon leader.” Cun Yunsheng said with a smile.

 Luggage is the lifeblood of an army, especially when it is about to enter Myanmar to fight, which will be a great test for logistics.

Those with combat experience like Kang Huo Lian are extremely valuable talents.

 He believes that it will definitely flourish in his own hands.

“Li Sifu, Corporal, Second Heavy Machine Gun Company, Sichuan Regiment,” Li Sifu said in a loud voice.

As a member of the Sichuan Army Corps, Li Sifu was born with an affinity for Cun Yunsheng.

 It is natural for me to choose to be a soldier.

“Well, not bad, work hard, and our heavy machine gun company will have hope in the future.” Cun Yunsheng would praise everyone, especially the main members of the cannon fodder regiment, who would naturally pay more attention to it.

It was Dou Cang's turn next, still looking honest and honest. He scratched his head first and then said shyly.

“My name is Gu Maimai, and I am from Baoding, Hebei Province. I am a first-class soldier in the transport camp of the newly established 51st Division. I have fought in battles and never gone to school.”

“Well, they all call me Doubiang, and the group members can also call me Doubiang.”

 Seeing Cun Yunsheng, Doubian still had the same naive expression.

“Doubian, you don’t look very old at this age, but you have quite a lot of military experience.” Cun Yunsheng asked with a smile.

“I joined the army early, and I also served as a deputy machine gun shooter.” Doubiang quickly explained.

 I am afraid that the other party will not let him serve as a soldier because of his short stature.

“Okay, I’ll let you, the assistant shooter, be the main shooter for a while.” Cun Yunsheng’s promise made Doubian very happy.

Before this, he had always envied the main shooter. He never thought that one day he would become the main shooter, which made him extremely happy.

“Where’s the next one?” Cun Yunsheng waved his hand to indicate the next person.

At this time, Lin Yi, the alien in the entire cannon fodder group, stepped forward, and it could be seen that his expression was very heavy.

 But he tidied up his military uniform first and then saluted Cun Yunsheng. The medals on the chests collided together, making a clanging sound.

 So much so that many people laughed.

 They were more contemptuous of this major who had never fought in a war.

Although the broken soldiers here came here for various reasons, they have basically fought in battles.

 It is indeed outrageous that a major has never fought in a war.

 Many people thought that he was greedy for life and afraid of death.

“Lin Yi, a Shanghainese, has never fought in a war.” Lin Yi basically said this sentence bravely. He wanted to introduce himself more, but he didn’t know where to start.

Looking at Lin Yi, who was a little embarrassed in front of him, Cun Yunsheng showed no contempt or ridicule.

  Although others thought he was a cheat and liked to give random orders, it must be said that the other party's passion was never lost from the beginning to the end.

 This is unmatched by anyone in the cannon fodder group.

While others were wearing tatters, only Lin Yi always wore clean military uniforms.

 Always maintain the true character of a soldier, neat and clean.

“Do you all think it’s funny?” Cun Yunsheng’s cool words silenced everyone.

 But Lin Yi's eyes had a glimmer of light.

“The major who has never fought in a war is indeed funny, but have you ever understood why he has never fought in a war?”

“Is it because you are timid? Are you greedy for life and afraid of death?”

"No, I'm not afraid of death." Lin Yi didn't know how he had the courage to shout this, but he didn't want to live with such an infamy anymore, he wanted to prove himself.

 “Very good, I hope you can prove yourself with the blood of your enemies.”

"I hope the medal on your chest is stained with the blood of the enemy." Cun Yunsheng's words were full of magic, making Lin Yi's blood boil.

“Yes, Tuanzuo.” Lin Yi said loudly.

"Don't leave in a hurry. Stand here and give them a good look." Cun Yunsheng glanced around and everyone chose to shut up without any unnecessary expressions.

“Look at Major Lin Yi, and then look at you?”

“In the entire shelter, only Major Lin Yi has always maintained his true qualities as a soldier, wearing a clean and tidy military uniform.”

"And you? You are all gray and tattered. Tell me, do you have a trace of military temperament in you?"

“You laugh at Major Lin Yi, isn’t it because he is out of tune with you?”

“Do you know why you are called bad soldiers? Bad soldiers?”

“Just because you don’t value yourselves, the superiors also think you are dispensable.”

Everyone who was scolded couldn't help but lower their heads. Some people may be mocking Lin Yi for never having fought in a war, but he was promoted to major.

And more people feel that everyone in the entire shelter is in tatters and shabby, but you are always neat and tidy, and you are not a stranger at all, so they keep scorning and ridiculing you.

 Actually, it’s more their self-respect that’s causing trouble.

“Tuanzuo, we also want to keep it neat and clean, but we haven’t issued new military uniforms for a long time.” Meng Fangli felt that he wanted to explain clearly to them.

"I know, but Major Lin Yi hasn't issued any new military uniforms." Cun Yunsheng silenced everyone with his salty words.

“Next, I will issue new military uniforms to all of you. At the same time, I will also issue new internal regulations. Everyone must stay neat and clean. Those who cannot do so will be subject to military law.”

 Hunting a stick will naturally give you a jujube. Cun Yunsheng is very familiar with the methods of controlling people.

Originally, the soldiers in front of me were still complaining, but when they heard about the new uniforms, they were very happy again.

Cun Yunsheng smiled slightly. He believed that with the falling of various big sticks, the defeated soldiers in front of him would definitely make a qualitative leap.

 (End of this chapter)

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