The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 133: This is our bottom line! (First update!)

Chapter 133 This is our bottom line! (First update!)

 “The price has increased?” Meng Fangliao, Lin Yi and other staff members looked at each other in confusion.

They never expected that their group seats would dare to increase the price at this time!

Aren't you afraid that the British army will go crazy?

“Yes, shouldn’t the price increase?”

 “Don’t forget that the British army is our ally.”

 “What is an ally?”

“Those are our brothers and sisters, our dearest relatives and friends.”

"The price has to be increased. One squadron of aircraft is not enough, at least two squadrons are needed." Cun Yunsheng looked at Meng Fangliao and the others and said sadly.

Lin Yi asked cautiously, seeing that his group didn't look like they were joking.

“Tuanzuo, are you telling the truth?”

"Of course? When have I ever made a joke?" Cun Yunsheng looked at him puzzled. Do I look like someone who likes to joke?

Just kidding!

 I am a serious person!

 A serious person who never writes a diary.

“But why do I feel like you’re joking?” Meng Nuan couldn’t help but retort.

“Do you know how many fighter planes a squadron has?”

He always felt that his regiment didn't know how many fighter planes a squadron had, so they dared to talk nonsense.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng showed a hint of displeasure on his face.

"What? What about me? One squadron only has 25 fighter planes, and two squadrons only have 50 fighter planes. How about that?"

"You know, I thought you didn't know." Meng Fangli gave a thumbs up and then continued.

“How are you going to maintain so many fighter planes? We don’t have that many hangars.”

“Besides, where are the pilots? We don’t have that many pilots.”

“Isn’t it easy to build a hangar? In addition to dense forests, Myitkyina also has mountains. If the mountains are hollowed out and the planes are put in, they will be safe and cannot be bombed by the Japanese army.”

"As for the pilot issue, don't worry. Although we only have a dozen pilots now, we can recruit people." Cun Yunsheng said confidently.

 It seems that it has been planned for a long time and requires two squadrons of fighter planes.

"Recruiting people? You really dare to think about it, pilot, it's flying in the sky." Meng Fu's only understanding made him think that the airplane should be a very tall thing.

 In fact, only a knowledgeable person can fly this thing independently after one or two months of training.

 It is not a jet fighter, it needs to test the human body load and so on.

"Boss, believe it or not, as long as you study for two months, you can also fly a fighter jet." Cun Yunsheng did not answer his question, but looked at him with a smile.

Hearing this, Meng Fan was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't understand what the other party meant.

 “I can do it too?”

“Of course, have you ever driven a tractor?” Cun Yunsheng asked again.

“No, but I’ve seen it before. It’s no different from driving.” Meng Fangli scratched his head, thought for a while and said.

“Flying a plane is just like driving a car. It’s not difficult. With some knowledge and a little training, you can take off.” Cun Yunsheng said casually.

“Then why do we have so few pilots?” Lin Yi asked doubtfully.

This problem is not only his, but others are also puzzled.

If it were that simple, we could train more pilots, so that we wouldn’t be bombarded by little devils every day.

“It’s not the pilots who limit us, but the planes, do you understand?” Cun Yunsheng looked at the people in front of him and sighed.

"You can buy it." Lin Yi's words once again proved his ignorance.

"You can indeed buy it, but you have to pay for it. In addition, you have to ensure that the person is willing to sell the plane, and the person who manages the money can control the greed in his heart." Cun Yunsheng said meaningfully.

Meng Fanglia is indeed a veteran who has been around for many years, and he immediately understood the meaning of his group.

Someone embezzled military expenditures for the Air Force to purchase aircraft, so we have very few fighter planes and are lagging behind.

“We don’t lack pilots, and this thing isn’t that difficult. It’s not an exaggeration to say it’s just a toy. At most, you need to pay attention to your skills when fighting.” Cun Yunsheng said again.

“As long as we have enough fighter planes, our air force can defeat the Japanese army.”

“Don’t forget the air battle in Wuhan. Our air force severely damaged the Japanese army. Our pilots are not short of talent and dare to fight to the death. What is missing is fighter planes.”

Hearing this, everyone present fell silent again.

"So, are you going to take advantage of the situation and ask for more fighter jets? Will the British agree? They will definitely get angry." After a long time, Meng got annoyed before speaking in a hoarse voice.

"I definitely won't agree. How could the majestic British Empire be manipulated by a small lieutenant colonel like me? If this spreads out, wouldn't it be a complete loss of face?" Cun Yunsheng spread his hands and said, He said helplessly.

"Then you are still raising the price? A squadron has a lot of fighter planes. At least it can guarantee that the sky above Myitkyina will not be attacked by Japanese fighter planes." Meng Fangli advised.

Lin Yi and others also felt that a squadron did have a lot of fighters, and there was no need to offend Britain too hard.

"Yes, regiment, one squadron is quite a lot, or forget it." Lin Yi also advised.

 “For you, it’s a lot, but for me, it’s not enough.”

"Don't ask for more at this time. When the British guys calm down, I'm afraid they won't admit it. These **** like to go back on their word." Cun Yunsheng sneered.

At this time, everyone looked at each other and didn't know what to say.

"Okay, stop talking so much nonsense. Call General Stilwell and tell him that we currently have more than thirty pilots. One squadron may not be able to meet the needs of our pilots. We hope to add another squadron." Cun Yunsheng He signaled Meng Fangli to urge the dispatcher to send the report.

Hearing this, Meng Fan could only sigh, and then asked the operator to send the message.

“Tuanzuo, do you think the Japanese army can really complete the siege of Imphal?” Lin Yi asked curiously again.

 For him, he still lacks battlefield experience, so his grasp of the battle situation is naturally a little weak, but his progress has been rapid.

 So, Cun Yunsheng would occasionally mention him.

"Of course, don't think that the Japanese army is so weak, especially when the opponent is Mutaguchi Renya of the 18th Division. He is known as "Little Tojo" and "Ghost Mutaguchi". He comes from an ordinary family and relies on his excellent study He was admitted to the Japanese Army Non-commissioned Officer School due to his ability, and later admitted to the Japanese Mainland University with excellent results."

"Japan's Mainland University only recruits twenty people every year. The Lieutenant Izuka who we imprisoned also graduated from the Army. His combat experience and commanding ability are not bad, but he still can't get into the Mainland University. It can be seen from this that, Mutaguchi Renya’s ability is so outstanding.”

"If he hadn't been born low, given his abilities, he would have been the commander of the 15th Army."

Although Cun Yunsheng hates this person deeply, it is undeniable that his ability is still very strong.

 After listening to Cun Yunsheng's introduction, Lin Yi suddenly realized, and then said with some worry.

“If Imphal is gone, won’t we also be affected?”

"Don't worry, it won't affect us. The Americans haven't really exerted their strength. If they really wanted to exert their strength, they could airlift a division's equipment to Myitkyina in a week."

 “If you are more ruthless, you can complete it in three days.”

"If we mobilize more transport planes, it won't be a big problem to transport one division to us a day." Cun Yunsheng was not worried at all.

 Worried about others?

 Completely unnecessary.

 Maybe people think you are laughing at them.

 “Then why are supplies to us so slow?”

"And when the expeditionary force retreated before, they could have used transport planes to airdrop supplies." Lin Yi asked puzzledly.

At this time, Meng Fan, who had returned, was annoyed and said speechlessly.

"My Chief Ayi, are you really stupid or are you pretending to be stupid? It's obvious that they are just trying to guard against us, or that they want to rely on supplies to take advantage of us." "Aren't we allies?" Lin Yi asked again road.

"Aren't allies just for cheating?" Cun Yunsheng was also a little speechless. Considering this guy's excellent learning ability, I can only say that this guy is simply down-to-earth.

“Looking through history books, have you ever seen any allies that are reliable? Aren’t they all used to deceive us?”

 At this moment, Lin Yi completely stopped talking.

“Tuanzuo, you see things more clearly.” Meng Fan couldn’t help but praise.

"Okay, let's just deduce it on this sandbox to see how long Imphal can hold on, and wait for Stilwell's call back." Cun Yunsheng said, taking out the pointer and handing it to Lin Yi and Meng Fan. , he plays Mutaguchi Renya, responsible for attacking Imphal.


"Two squadrons?" Stilwell was also a little angry when he saw the telegram. This guy took advantage of the situation.

 There was one squadron before, but now there are two squadrons?

 After reading the telegram, I was speechless again.

 First of all, during this period, the Sichuan Army recruited some more pilots, all of whom were experienced pilots.

 As for how it came about, there is no detailed explanation.

But with Stilwell's wit, he could definitely guess that it was nothing more than getting it from the mountain city.

 All I can say is that this guy still has some ability.

Secondly, according to the intelligence collected during this period, Lashio is very heavily guarded, and ground raids alone may not be enough.

  Fighter support is required, and a squadron of fighters cannot cope with possible adverse situations.

All right!

 He was convinced.


 In other words, the reason why he was really convinced was the last time.

 Given the generosity of the United States, a squadron seems too petty.

 At least two squadrons are needed to look American.

Thousands of things can be worn to flatter you, but nothing can be worn.

Although Stilwell was a grumpy little old man, he was naturally in a good mood after being praised like this.

What's more, he said before that he can agree to all reasonable requests.

 And his request is also very simple, that is, victory.

 Besides, these fighter planes were not provided by him, but by the British.

  He would be happy to see some **** Admiral Wavell.

 Just how to convince Admiral Wavell?

 This is a headache for him.

"Two squadrons? This is blackmail." Sure enough, when he learned that one squadron of fighters had become two squadrons, Admiral Wavell roared angrily.

Originally, he didn't have a good impression of Cun Yunsheng, but now that he has changed from one squadron to two squadrons, he is naturally extremely angry.

Stilwell certainly understood his anger, but it had nothing to do with him.

Especially when he saw the other person deflated, he felt secretly happy.

 “Do you want to refuse?” Stilwell asked.

 Admiral Wavell subconsciously wanted to agree, but he swallowed the words before he reached his lips.

 With Imphal under siege, any fool can see the importance of Myitkyina now.

Although, the US military has used a large number of transport aircraft to transport elite troops from the rear to Imphal.

 But after a series of blows, at this moment, he also had a discount on these so-called elites.

 There was no other way. The successive disastrous defeats had left him with little confidence in the British army.

 So, when Stilwell proposed and refused, he hesitated.

If Imphal really cannot be defended, I am afraid that the Sichuan Army Corps in Myitkyina will need to be rescued.

 After all, they have proven with their impressive record that currently they are the ones who can best fight in Myanmar.

Looking at Admiral Wavell's hesitant expression, Stilwell felt secretly happy.

“Admiral Wavell, I also think this behavior of the Sichuan Army is bad, and I absolutely cannot agree to it.”

 Hearing this, Admiral Wavell sighed lightly.

"It is absolutely impossible for the two squadrons to agree, and the British Empire's fighter planes must not be allowed to wander out again."

 If Cun Yun were born here, he would definitely curl his lips.

Only your shabby fighter planes, the Spitfires, can still be seen, but what the **** are the others?

"So, you are ready to refuse." Stilwell was a little disappointed, but it didn't matter. He had already suggested to the White House to send some more fighter planes. When the fighter planes arrive, they can allocate some fighter planes to the Sichuan Army.

"No, we can only add one squad at most. This is our bottom line." Admiral Wavell shook his head and said.

At this moment, his heart was really bleeding. He was manipulated by a little lieutenant colonel. He was probably the only one in the entire history of the British Empire, right?

 “A team?” Stilwell’s eyes lit up, it was pretty good.

 As for the missing fighter planes at the back, wait until the American fighter planes arrive and then replenish them.

"Sir, the Japanese army has been discovered in the south, and their attack speed is very fast." At this time, the combat staff walked in and said in a solemn tone.

Stilwell frowned slightly and asked in confusion.

“What do you think of the Air Force’s reconnaissance? Have they found their supply line?”

The combat staff glanced at Admiral Wavell, and then said.

"No supply lines have been found. We suspect that the Japanese army relied on the supplies in the military depot to advance at such a speed."

have to!

Stilwell knew it, and it was that group of British soldiers who didn't fire a shot. When they ran away, they even forgot to blow up the supplies.

 Now that these materials have become supplies for the Japanese army, the next battle will probably be very difficult.

“Admiral Wavell, can you tell me how much supplies there are in the military depot?” Stilwell took a deep breath and then asked.

 Hearing this, Admiral Wavell said with some embarrassment.

“It can probably guarantee a regiment’s use for half a year.”

 The half-year use mentioned here refers to the kind of luxury and waste.

  It is not the hard and simple style of the Japanese army.

 According to the standards of the Japanese army, it was enough for the two regiments to use for half a year.

Especially Mutiankou Lianye, even boasted about Haikou.

 We are a herbivore nation!

 If you have nothing to eat, you can eat grass.

First update, four thousand words, let’s go to dinner! Grumbling with hunger!



 (End of this chapter)

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