The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 144: You have to learn micromanaging from others! (Fourth update!)

Chapter 144 You have to learn from others for micro management! (Fourth update!)

Imphal, Stilwell’s headquarters, Admiral Wavell looked at the telegram in his hand, his brows furrowed into a Sichuan shape.

"Admiral Wavell, didn't you tell me that there would never be a situation where no shot was fired again?" Stilwell looked at the other party expressionlessly.

 This question left Admiral Wavell speechless.

 Before, it was indeed guaranteed that this would never happen.

Who knew that this trend could not be stopped at all, which made him extremely angry.

"Admiral Wavell, I suggest you shoot a few officers. It might be more useful." Stilwell said sarcastically.

 The current British army can be said to be extremely bad.

 If you want to make changes, you must take a heavy blow.

 Otherwise, it will only get worse.

Hearing this, Admiral Wavell was silent. It was not that he thought Stilwell's words were wrong, but he was considering whether to do this.

"General Wavell, the Japanese army has invaded India. These demons are doing all kinds of evil. Several cities have been damaged. Do you want to watch the situation continue to deteriorate?" Stilwell said calmly.

 After finishing speaking, he drank a cup of coffee. At this time, he was very calm. He was originally very anxious, thinking about what to do if Impal was lost.

 But since I figured it out, I feel that if I throw it away, just throw it away.

  It belongs to a British guy anyway, so what does it have to do with him.

 I figured it out and I feel much better.

  Anyway, it is the British army that is anxious.

 It was Alexander before. He relied on Myanmar as his home field and ignored him at all. He repeatedly betrayed his allies, which made him extremely angry.

 Now that I have changed to Admiral Wavell, I thought there would be a change.

 It turned out that the British army would not make any changes at all if they thought too much.

His kind words and words only resulted in deception again and again.

“General Stilwell, you are right, I will send them to a military court.” Admiral Wavell took a deep breath and looked at Stilwell and said.

Hearing this, Stilwell felt as if he had seen a ghost. He did not expect that Admiral Wavell would agree with what he said, which was indeed beyond his expectation.

At this moment, the adjutant walked in with a telegram and said excitedly.

“Sir, good news from the Sichuan Army, good news from the Sichuan Army.”

"What?" Stilwell couldn't sit still at all and stood up directly, asking with excitement on his face.

He had been looking forward to the good news from the Sichuan Army, but he didn't expect it to come at this time, which really surprised him.

“Did the Sichuan Army capture Lashio?” Stilwell asked again.

"What? Capture Lashio?" Even Admiral Wavell was confused. He didn't take action, but was he so ruthless when he did?

  Capture Lashio?

How on earth did this guy do it?

its not right!

Isn't this guy training troops in Myitkyina?

 How could they attack Lashio?

“No, it’s Xipu.” The adjutant shook his head quickly and said.

“Xibu?” Stilwell was stunned, then came to the map and tried hard to find the location of Xipu.

 Finally found Hsipaw between Lashio and Mandalay.

 “Okay, okay, okay.” Stilwell was not a fool, and he could see the importance of Hsidivation at a glance.

 You can attack Lashio from the north, and you can go to Mandalay from the south.

It can be said that the Sichuan Army's attack can be regarded as a seven-inch hit on the Japanese army.

 Admiral Wavell's face looked a little ugly.

"Great, great, now it's the Japanese army's turn to panic." Stilwell took the telegram, read it, and said with a grin.

“Admiral Wavell, don’t you look very happy?”

Stilwell looked at Admiral Wavell, who looked a little ugly, and asked doubtfully.

Hearing this, Admiral Wavell took a deep breath, then looked at Stilwell and said.

“General Stilwell, you seem to have known for a long time that the Sichuan Army was about to attack Lashio?”

Hearing this, Stilwell said in a show-off manner.

“Of course, this is the plan I discussed with the Sichuan Army, to attack Lashio thousands of miles away and cut off the Japanese army in the north.”

"Then, I now suggest that the Sichuan Corps send troops to Lashio immediately. After taking Lashio, I hope that the Sichuan Corps can stay in Lashio and don't have to go south." Admiral Wavell said calmly.

Stilwell was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the other person with a slight frown, as if he didn't understand what this sentence meant.

What does it mean that it is enough to occupy Lashio without going south?

 Shouldn’t we take the opportunity to expand our advantages?

Sending the troops south to Mandalay can completely cut off the retreat of the Japanese 18th Division.

Move north to attack and join the Imphal garrison, and together we can encircle and annihilate the 18th Division.

 After destroying two elite divisions in a row, the Japanese army must be unable to continue to garrison Burma.

 Isn’t the situation suddenly clear?

 Why are you not letting the Sichuan Army continue to move south at this time?

 For a moment, Stilwell looked at the other party in confusion.

“Your Excellency Stilwell, this is advice from the British Empire.” Admiral Wavell said calmly.

Seeing that Admiral Wavell didn't look fake, Stilwell frowned even more and began to think about why there was such a change.

 Is it because you are jealous that the Sichuan Legion performed too well?

 It shouldn’t be!

 The Sichuan Army performed very well, which is still very beneficial to the Allies.

 Then there are other reasons?

 Because Cun Yunsheng secretly allocated two British fighter planes to Shancheng?

 Or did you trap more than 30 fighter planes?

These things may seem a lot to others.

 But in the eyes of Admirals Stilwell and Wavell, it was nothing at all.

 Then there are other reasons.

Stilwell's eyes kept flickering, and it took him a long time to guess something.

That is the British Empire, which absolutely cannot accept that China continues to achieve glorious military exploits in this Paukphaw country.

  In any case, the Sichuan Army represents China. The better the Sichuan Army performs, the greater China's influence here will become.

At the same time, it will also cause disunity between the Burmese indigenous people and the British Empire.

 Because the British Empire had proved with its poor combat performance that they could not hold on to this colony.

 So, in order not to cause the British Empire’s colonial cause here to suffer a second failure.

 He must prohibit the Sichuan Army from going south.

 Even if any price is paid, the Sichuan Army will never be allowed to go south.

 Lashio, Hsipaw line is the bottom line of the British army.

 Mandalay doesn’t even want to think about it.

The British army would rather Mandalay be in the hands of the Japanese than be recaptured by the Sichuan Army.

This is what General Wavell meant, because as long as it is still in the hands of the Japanese army, the Allies will win in the future.

According to Western legal principles, the British Empire will still inherit everything in Myanmar.

  But if the Chinese retake Myanmar, then everything will be hard to say.

Even the Allies will hand this place over to the Chinese for trusteeship.

 Please refer to the later Allied victory and the reason why Ryukyu was handed over to Chinese management and garrisoned in Japan.

 There are no permanent friends, no permanent enemies, only eternal interests.

The British guys play their interests very clearly. Even though the situation in Imphal is very critical now.

 Admiral Wavell still did not give up his calculations.

This made Stilwell a little annoyed. He hasn't won yet, so he's thinking about this?

Stilwell, who wanted to understand everything, looked at Admiral Wavell with eyes full of disappointment.

 At the same time, he also understood what Cun Yunsheng said back then.

 The decisions he makes in the future will definitely be in the interests of the United States, but will harm the interests of the British Empire.

If the United States wants to replace the British Empire's position in the Far East, then Burma will be a very good opportunity.

I have to say that Cun Yunsheng drew this cake for Stilwell.

Stilwell looked disdainful, but today, he felt that maybe this was not a piece of cake.

"Admiral Wavell, do you know what you are talking about?" Stilwell took a deep breath and asked.

"I know very well, General Stilwell, that the Sichuan Army can only go north to capture Lashio. This is the bottom line of the British Empire and it is also my advice." Admiral Wavell said expressionlessly.

"Damn, bastards, you dirty bastards, the war is not over yet. What we have to do is win this war, not those **** calculations." Stilwell was completely furious and did not give Wavell any attention. In order to save the general's face, he cursed loudly.

 As a result, Admiral Wavell remained unmoved.

"The British Empire can pay a certain price, including providing some supplies, etc., but our bottom line is that the Sichuan Army is not allowed to go south, otherwise we would rather abandon Imphal."

 If you lose one Imphal, you can get it all back after the Allies win.

If the Sichuan Army is allowed to go south, it may not be that easy to take back Myanmar in the future.

 It is the same mind now, but it may be the enemy in the future.

The British see their interests clearly. For them, today's allies may be tomorrow's enemies.

 So, even during war, they must consider the future.

Seeing Admiral Wavell's resolute attitude, Stilwell opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

 For the first time, he felt extremely frustrated.

 It turns out that one's own efforts can be given up at any time in the eyes of others.

"No room for negotiation?" Stilwell asked in a hoarse voice.

"No, this is our bottom line, it is related to the interests of the British Empire, and we will not give up." Admiral Wavell shook his head and refused.

"I understand, I will communicate with the Sichuan Army, but before that, I hope the British Army can defend Imphal." Stilwell nodded and said tiredly.

"Yes, the Fifteenth Army is the elite of the British Army and will never let you down." This time, General Wavell rarely looked serious and even promised that if a British officer escapes from the battle again, he will be executed on the spot. military law.

Seeing this, Stilwell didn't say anything more, and then drafted another telegram and asked the adjutant to send it to the Sichuan Army.

On the other side, at the newly established 38th Division position, Sun Liren felt something was wrong as soon as he returned to the headquarters.

"What's wrong?" Sun Liren looked at Tang Shouzhi and asked curiously.

“This is the notification just sent by the Allied Forces Headquarters. The Sichuan Army sent out surprise troops to capture Xibu.” Tang Shouzhi’s simple words made Sun Liren stunned for a long time.

 “Occupied Hsipaw?”

"Yes." Tang Shouzhi nodded and said.

"The Sichuan Army is still very capable of fighting. It greatly enhances the prestige of our Chinese soldiers." After a long time, Sun Li finally spoke slowly.

Although I am a little jealous, I still admire him very much.

This kind of surprise attack on Hsipaw was also a huge test for the Sichuan Army.

"Master, if the Sichuan Army marches south to Mandalay, will the crisis in Imphal be solved?" Tang Shouzhi thought for a while and asked.

Hearing this, Sun Liren was silent for a while, looked at the map, and then nodded and admitted.

"Yes, if I were the commander of the Sichuan Army, I would definitely lead my troops south to Mandalay, and then go north to encircle the 18th Division with the defenders of Imphal."

“By then, the 18th Division and the 33rd Division besieging Imphal will all be killed.”

 Without these two elite divisions, the Japanese army would be like a tiger with its teeth pulled out, unable to jump up.

 The remaining three divisions can only barely hold on to the existing defense lines. Do you want to continue the attack?

 That is absolutely impossible.

After listening to Sun Liren's analysis, Tang Shouzhi's eyes lit up.

“Doesn’t that mean that it will soon be our turn to make contributions?”

 They are naturally very jealous of others who have always seen them make great achievements.

Who doesn't want to take Wu Gou, collect Guanshan and fifty states, and make a name for himself in history?

 “It should be no surprise, as long as the officers of the Allied Forces Command are not fools.” Sun Liren said meaningfully.

 Hearing this, everyone in the division burst into laughter.

At the same time, this good news was also sent to Shancheng.

 Everyone was extremely shocked when the Sichuan Army recaptured Hsipaw and wiped out thousands of Japanese troops.

The motley crew that they once looked down upon has now grown to this point.

Especially because the war situation in Myanmar is going to be completely changed, it has touched the hearts of many people.

However, some people think that any tree that is beautiful in the forest will be destroyed by the wind.

 Such an excellent person will definitely attract revenge from the Japanese army.

  Anyway, there are various opinions.

 Only Cun Yunsheng, who was in the whirlpool, chuckled after receiving Stilwell's telegram.

"What do you mean? Let us go north to Lashio? Are we not allowed to go south to Mandalay?" Meng Fan looked at the telegram in his hand and asked in confusion.

"Literally." Cun Yunsheng probably guessed something. He didn't expect the British guy to be so quick to consider the interests after the war.

I can only say that he is indeed a **** stirrer.

 The game of Machiavellianism is masterful.

It is no wonder that the US military later chose to join forces with the Soviet army in order to dismember the British Empire.

If they don't join forces, they can't defeat others.

 With its profound colonial heritage, it will be able to regain its position as a hegemon in a decade or two.

 “What do you mean?” Meng Fan looked confused.

“What else can I mean? Some people don’t want us to go south.” Cun Yunsheng said nonchalantly.

The original purpose was to attack Lashio, but who knew that after taking Hsipaw, it would cause a chain reaction.

He did not expect that it would arouse the fear of the British army so quickly.

 Originally I thought I would have to wait a while longer.

I don’t know if that old boy Stilwell understood my hint.

 Want to get something out of the fire!

 It’s too challenging for micro management.

 In this regard, we still need to learn from the person in Shancheng, that is the master of micro management.

"Don't you want us to go south? Imphal doesn't care?" Meng Fan was not a fool. Naturally, he could see that going south to Mandalay was the best choice and could quickly resolve the crisis in Imphal.

 It can even reverse the decadent situation in Myanmar in one fell swoop.

But I really didn’t expect that there would be people who didn’t want him to go south.

"A mere Imphal is nothing. Even if it is lost, as long as the overall strategy is won, we will get it back in the future. But if we go south to Mandalay, the British army may not be able to sleep." Cun Yunsheng said with a sarcastic look. said.

   After sleeping for an hour, I quickly got up and finished writing! Change first and then change!



 (End of this chapter)

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