The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 159: Our mission is to fight! (Fourth update!)

Chapter 159 Our mission is to fight! (Fourth update!)

Hearing that the Sichuan Army had launched a general offensive, Watanabe Masao seemed very calm, as if he had guessed it a long time ago, and there was no fluctuation.

"Division Commander, what did the military say? When will reinforcements be sent?" The chief of staff looked at the other party with hopeful eyes.

  Unfortunately, he was greeted by Masao Watanabe’s indifferent tone.

“Without reinforcements, the military headquarters asked us to withdraw to Taunggyi.”

“Great.” The chief of staff was naturally relieved when he heard that he could retreat. After all, no one wanted to die in vain.

Especially the Sichuan Army Corps used terrifying artillery fire to let him know that holding on would only lead to death.

“But I don’t want to withdraw, I still want to persist.” Masao Watanabe shook his head, obviously rejecting the proposal.

Hearing this, the chief of staff opened his mouth wide, not knowing what to say.

“Besides, even if we want to retreat now, it’s not that easy. The Sichuan Army must have laid a dragnet waiting for us.” At this time, Masao Watanabe was unusually sober.

If he were the commander of the Sichuan Army, he would definitely set up an ambush on the only way to retreat, and then catch the turtle in the urn.

 “But…” the chief of staff wanted to say something else.

“Let each regiment destroy the regiment flag. It must not fall into the hands of the Sichuan Army. Then the 56th Division still has hope.” Masao Watanabe said.


“In addition, we request the military department to send fighter planes for support. Our retreat requires fighter plane escort.”

This time the chief of staff was completely confused. Didn't he refuse to withdraw?

 Why do we need to send fighter planes to **** us again?

"There must always be a force left in the city to attract the firepower of the Sichuan Army, otherwise none of us will be able to leave. The Sichuan Army has chariots, and two legs cannot run on four wheels." Masao Watanabe knew clearly that he must stay Come down.

Even if he retreats to Taunggyi, what will happen?

 What is waiting for him is definitely to be removed from his post and thrown into the reserve.

 As for when will it resume?

 It depends on fate.

 He was unwilling to accept this arrangement.

 He still can't accept that he was defeated by a motley crew.

 So, he wanted to wash away his shame with blood.

"Hai." Seeing this, the chief of staff stopped trying to persuade him. He knew that Masao Watanabe was determined to die, so it was useless to try to persuade him. It would be better to find a way to bring the remaining defeated soldiers back to Taunggyi. The most critical thing.

Outside the city, the third line of defense was in tatters. The only remaining Japanese lieutenant looked at the position blankly and murmured.

 “Where are the reinforcements? Why are there no reinforcements?”

 During the two hours of bombing, the ground was plowed several times. Basically, no living creatures could be seen, and there were stumps and broken arms everywhere.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that there were corpses everywhere.

It can be said that for the first time, the Japanese army was completely suppressed. Without any counterattack, they could only watch their fortifications being destroyed.

Now, he can only watch helplessly as the defense line is breached, unable to do anything.

 As for the reinforcements he mentioned?

There will be no more.

 Because the remaining Japanese troops were preparing to retreat.

 In terms of combat quality, the Japanese troops of the 56th Division are definitely elite.

 After all, they are sweeping across Southeast Asia.

But facing the Sichuan Army Corps, which did not adhere to martial ethics, they could only swallow Huanglian dumbly and could not tell the story of their suffering.

“Your Majesty Lieutenant, now that you are our highest officer, what should we do?” When the artillery fire stopped, the Japanese soldier who was lucky enough to survive asked in fear.

“We can’t hold it anymore, why don’t we withdraw?”

 “No retreat is allowed, the position must be defended.”

“But how can we hold our position with only a few of us left?”

 “Where are the reinforcements? Why are there no reinforcements?”

 Several Japanese soldiers looked frightened and quarreled one by one. Some wanted to withdraw, but the commander did not agree.

"The number of enemies is too great, and the firepower is too fierce. We are no match at all. Withdraw, Lieutenant-in-Chief."

"Baga, the order I received is to hold the position."

 “If we don’t withdraw, we really won’t be able to leave.”

 “Baga, who dares to talk about withdrawing again? Enforce battlefield discipline.”

 In the end, they didn't notice the tank that had already rushed over.


 A 75mm high-explosive bomb flew over and completely blew up the dilapidated fortification.

 Several people who were arguing just now fell into a pool of blood in an instant.

 “Goal solved, move on.”

Similar to the principle of replenishing guns for infantry, the chariot battalion that suffered losses came to a conclusion after summarizing the past two days.

 That is, when encountering a suspected target, no matter what, fire first.

  Don’t care if there are any enemies, just blow them up first.

 Nip danger in the bud.

I have to say that Zhao He is indeed an excellent armored soldier.

 The lessons learned from the losses I have suffered are indeed good.

“Hey, there seems to be an enemy inside. I think I saw an arm being blown away.” The pilot looked at the arm flying out in the distance through the periscope and said doubtfully.

"It must be a corpse. How could it be such a coincidence that a random shot would hit the Japs." The gunner didn't believe it at all, so he just took away a few Japs so casually?

“That makes sense.” The driver thought it was true.

 At this time, the commander spoke.

“Okay, keep moving forward, pay attention to your surroundings and be careful of Japanese counterattacks. If something goes wrong, stop and fire immediately. You must not make the same mistake as before.”

 “Yes, commander.”

 In fact, there are not many Japs left in the third line of defense, but there is no big mistake in being careful.

How many veterans lost their lives because of pride.

 So every time there was a battle, Cun Yunsheng would earnestly advise not to be complacent on the battlefield, but to be careful, so as to save one's life.

 Perhaps he came through time. Every time he looked at the casualty report, the string of names made his heart ache, and he felt very heavy.

We were all comrades who got along day and night, brothers, but they turned around and disappeared.

That feeling is very uncomfortable!

 You Qi once led a battalion of soldiers to fight a **** battle with the Japanese army. In the end, only he and a few of his followers escaped from the battlefield, and all the others were killed.

  Every time I think of this, I feel extremely heartbroken.

 From entering Myanmar to now, there have been many large and small battles, and more than a thousand soldiers of the Sichuan Army have been killed.

No one knew that Cun Yunsheng held a roster of sacrificed soldiers in his hand, which clearly recorded their names, ages, places of origin, and the number of people in their families, etc.

 For these sacrificed soldiers, he prepared a generous pension.

 Part of the pension has been sent to the respective family members through various channels.

 The other part is due to Japanese-occupied areas and cannot be delivered temporarily.

 But he was determined that when the war was over, he would personally deliver these pensions to the families of the fallen soldiers.

At the same time, he doesn’t want the roster to continue to grow.

 That’s why I am like Tang Monk, nagging and giving instructions.     For Meng Fan and others, there is no way to fight without death.

 But for Cun Yunsheng, what he said made sense, but he still hoped to reduce the damage to Shaowang.

 Those who can be solved with artillery shells will never risk human lives.

"Commander, there should be no Japanese troops left in the third line of defense, right? They were bombed for a full two hours, and even the ants were killed." The driver asked doubtfully while operating the tank.

 “Stop talking nonsense and be careful not to make big mistakes. This is what the regimental leader told me.” The commander said angrily.


Da da da!

Just after advancing a certain distance, a machine gun position appeared out of nowhere and fired at the tank.

 The bullets hit the M4 tank, and all were bounced away, leaving only bullet marks.

 “Found it…” The driver had just found the machine gun position where the machine gun was firing.


The turret was hit by a shell, and the explosion did not leave any trace on the turret.

 It actually made the crew members inside feel dizzy and nauseous.

 “Damn, you’re such a crow’s mouth.” The commander slammed his head hard, forced himself to calm down, and then cursed loudly.

 “If there is a tank, find the opponent immediately.”

 “Isn’t the little devil’s tank destroyed?”

“It should be a Type 95 light tank, with a 37mm tank gun. It’s not very powerful, otherwise we would have been knocked unconscious by the explosion just now.” The commander was obviously a veteran, and he could tell the model of the tank just by listening to the sound.

“Find out quickly, the opponent is very small, don’t miss anything suspicious.”

“Yes.” The driver cheered up and began to search carefully.

“Baga, can’t you penetrate the opponent even at a distance of 500 meters?” The commander of the Type 95 light tank saw this scene and shouted in surprise.

“Commander, you can only continue to shoot at close range, otherwise our tank guns at this distance will only tickle the opponent.” The driver said bitterly.

"No, our mission is to hold the line of defense and delay time. We must not rush out." The commander hesitated for a while, but still rejected the proposal of his subordinates.

At this time, the commander of the M4 tank gritted his teeth and opened the hatch cover directly, then picked up the telescope and started observing.

 In fact, this action is very dangerous, but there is no way. It is too slow to search with the periscope alone.

 Once the enemy hits the flank, it's over.

"Found it, that particularly small gun barrel in a collapsed house. Did you see it? At six o'clock, high-explosive bombs are ready." Following the commander's words, the driver began to adjust the tank.

 The gunner stuffed high-explosive rounds into the barrel.

The reason why armor-piercing bullets are not used is that, on the one hand, armor-piercing bullets are relatively rare, and on the other hand, it is too luxurious to use armor-piercing bullets to fight such a small tank.

Instead of using chopsticks to poke tofu, it is better to let him explode into a pile of scrap metal.


As the commander roared, the shells rotated at high speed and hit the Japanese tank.


A huge explosion sounded, directly blowing away the Japanese tank turret.

 Then it fell heavily again.

“Solved, keep moving forward.” After seeing the destruction of the Japanese army, the commander made another observation and found that there were no other tanks. After heaving a sigh of relief, he ordered to keep moving forward.

At the right-wing position on the other side, Zhang Lixian looked at the heavily armed He Shuguang in front of him and said worriedly.

"How about you stay here? Street fighting is still very dangerous, if you are not careful."

Who knows? He Shuguang looked at it with disdain and said.

“I’ve already said that whoever cowards is a son of a bitch. You don’t want me to admit that I’m a son of a bitch, right? Or do you want to see my joke?”

 “Okay, stop doing that.”

"Okay, let's not talk nonsense. The mission of the death squads is to rush and fight hard, go straight to the Japanese division and regiment headquarters, and find a way to capture Masao Watanabe alive. There is a heavy reward for the regiment." Zhang Lixian said meaningfully.

"Okay, I understand. If I die, I'll leave it to you." After saying that, He Shuguang didn't wait for him to speak, and directly followed the death squad towards the city.


As soon as he entered the city, he was attacked and a member of the death squad was shot down.

 Fortunately, Sanba Daigai has strong penetrating power and weak lethality, so the injury is not very serious.

  Simply bandage them, and let them stay where they are to wait for a stretcher, and then go to the rear field hospital for treatment.

Unexpectedly, the other party refused directly. I moved my shoulders and found that the problem was not big.

 “The little problem is, isn’t it just a bullet hole? I still have six or seven more in my body.”

Hearing this, He Shuguang looked at the other party in surprise, wondering why the other party didn't withdraw.

“It’s natural to be a soldier and fight. In the past, I was a soldier just to earn a living. I don’t understand the feelings of family and country that have nothing to do with me.”

“But when I arrived at the Sichuan Army Corps, I knew what it meant to fight for the country.”

“In the words of our group, the mission of our generation is to fight. Once we finish fighting, the next generation can build the country.”

“What’s more, if you’re slightly injured and can’t get out of the line of fire, this injury is nothing.” The veteran’s words made He Shuguang moved.

 “The little devil is so **** cunning, hiding in the ruins.”

 “Flame thrower.”


 A soldier carrying a flamethrower crept over, then pointed at the ruins in the distance and pulled the trigger.


 A fire dragon rushed towards the distance.


 In an instant, there was a tragic wailing sound inside.

“Up!” He Shuguang looked at the flamethrower with envy.

If I had known earlier, I would have memorized this thing.

This is the weapon that real men should use.

Da da da!

 Quickly deal with the Japanese troops in the ruins, and then move forward in search formation again.

 There is no way, the street fighting speed cannot be increased.

 You can only fight slowly one street at a time.

 Fortunately, heavy artillery was used to blow up almost all the buildings in the city.

 Otherwise, it will be even more difficult for them.

Even so, half an hour later, the death squad composed of the Sixth Battalion also suffered casualties of seven or eight soldiers.

"How about you stay here to take care of these wounded soldiers? You have lost a lot of blood." He Shuguang was a little worried about the veteran who spoke before.

Just for a while, the bandaging gauze was stained red, and the other party's face turned pale. It was obvious that he had lost too much blood.

 If this continues, life will definitely be in danger.

"Old Wang, you stay and take care of these wounded soldiers. Don't hold on, the battle still has to be fought." The captain leading the team is called Ma Yuan. He was originally a veteran of the 200 Division. Later, the Sichuan Army expanded and became A platoon leader of the 6th Battalion.

This time Zhang Lixian formed a death squad, he was the first to sign up and served as the captain.

"Okay." Seeing what the captain had said, Lao Wang no longer insisted, and a trace of exhaustion suddenly appeared on his face.

"This place should not be far from the Japanese division headquarters. We need to speed up. There are quite a few troops staring at this place. We must not give up until we are in the mouth." Ma Yuan stared at the building in the distance and looked at the people behind him. said.


The fourth update is over! It’s quite early today! Thank you for your support!



 (End of this chapter)

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