The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 169: The Japanese soldiers were choking and howling like ghosts! (Second update!

Chapter 169 The choked Japanese soldiers cried like ghosts and howled like wolves! (Second update!)

“Continue calibrating.” Xing Jiuhong looked at the impact point in front of him and frowned.

 He did not expect that there would be cement fortifications on Highland 204.

 And it was blocking their way forward, so if they wanted to occupy this high ground, they had to blow up this cement fortification.

  Unfortunately, the artillery support called for did not fall accurately on the fortifications.

 This made him very distressed.

“Captain, it’s better for me to lead people over and blow it up.” The commando next to him said.

Who would have thought that Xing Jiuhong just shook his head and refused.

 “Call for artillery support again and let them bomb more accurately.”




Less than five minutes after the telegram was sent, heavy artillery shells fell in the area again.

Even though they were hiding behind the fortifications, they were still dizzy by the huge shock wave.

 The fortifications on the opposite side are still there.

"What do the people in the artillery camp do for food? Why are they still not hit?" Xing Jiuhong couldn't help but said angrily.

 The artillerymen responsible for liaison with the artillery battalion were even more aggrieved.

“Captain, it’s normal for the coordinates to differ from the actual impact point.”

Hearing this, Xing Jiuhong also knew that he could not blame others. There was indeed a big mistake.

Thinking of this, Xing Jiuhong angrily punched the big tree next to him.

"Captain, before we set off, didn't we fire some recoilless rifles? They said they were specially used for fortifications and could provide fire support to frontline troops at any time." A commando seemed to have thought of something and said quickly.

 He is talking about the M18 recoilless rifle gun with a caliber of 57mm.

This thing was drawn by Cun Yunsheng through a lottery during this period. It was just in time to try out the effect during this critical attack.

"Okay, let's give it a try." Xing Jiuhong thought about it and simply became a live doctor. If it didn't work, he would let the artillery continue to calibrate.


I saw a commando carrying an M18 recoilless gun, loading the shells, half-crouching, pointing at the cement fortification in the distance, and pulling the trigger.


 A cannonball flew directly towards the fortification in the distance.


Concrete rocks were blown up everywhere.

 Seeing the drama, Xing Jiuhong's eyes lit up, and then he yelled again.




 The shells flew towards the concrete fortifications in the distance again.

More cement blocks were splashed this time.

 The Japanese soldiers inside the fortifications were trembling with fear.

Unexpectedly, the fortifications that we had high hopes for were about to be blown up at this moment.

 “Baga Yalu, what kind of weapon is this?”

Although it is not the first time that recoilless rifles have appeared on the battlefield, it is indeed the first time for these Japanese troops to see them.

 After all, this thing won’t be finalized until next year.

  Unfortunately, no one could answer his question, and they could only watch the shells flying again.

This time, the cement fortifications were directly blown up.


 The violent explosion completely blew apart the fortifications, and the shock wave knocked the Japanese soldiers inside to death.

"Charge!" Xing Jiuhong gave the order and rushed out. With lightning speed, he rushed to the fortifications and threw grenades first.


 After the explosion, he looked inside and pulled the trigger.

 When it was all over, there were corpses lying inside.

 “Speed ​​up the attack.”


 Then they began to attack the tunnels one by one according to the pre-specified plan.

 With the addition of recoilless rifles, there are more ways to attack difficulties.

  means that the attack speed has also been accelerated a lot.

“It looks like I can suggest to the regiment that we equip more recoilless rifles. This thing is really good. I wonder if it can be used as a tank.” Xing Jiuhong couldn’t help but said as he watched another pothole being destroyed.

“Yes, this thing is really powerful. This way, our individual soldiers will have many more ways to attack fortresses. In the future, we don’t have to rely entirely on the artillery battalion’s artillery support. It will be inaccurate every time.” The commando next to him complained.

  Xing Jiuhong agreed with his complaint. The artillery battalion’s shelling was indeed inaccurate several times.

“Well, this thing will indeed change the development of war.” Xing Jiuhong deeply understood the power of this thing and said in agreement.

 At the same time, some commandos who had obtained recoilless guns also discovered its effectiveness and began to use recoilless guns. The speed of attacking difficulties was greatly accelerated for a while.

Cun Yunsheng, who was observing from behind, could not help but nod as he watched areas being occupied.

“Well done, tell them to guard the entrances of the caves. The Japanese army will eventually be unable to bear it and escape, so just wait and see.” Cun Yunsheng said with a relieved sneer through the telescope.

I have to say that this tactic is indeed powerful. No wonder Yue Monkey was beaten so badly.

 Similarly, he also thought of a rabbit-catching program he once watched.

The potholes were also sealed, leaving only a few potholes to set up traps, and then sent ferrets to catch them.

The frightened rabbit eventually had no choice but to escape from the burrow where the trap was set, and ended up falling into the net bag set by the hunter.

"Commander, your tactics are really powerful. In just a short while, the forward position reported that they had eliminated almost a squadron of Japanese troops." Lin Yi received the telegram, took a look at it, and couldn't help but praise.

"This is just the beginning. Let the logistics continue to rush to make chili grenades. Doesn't Takeuchi Mountain like digging holes? I'll cover the whole mountain with chili powder. I'll see how long he can last." Cun Yunsheng said with a look of disdain. .

“I’m afraid Takeuchi Mountains have already regretted hollowing out the mountain.” Lin Yi joked.

Who knows? Cun Yunsheng shook his head and said.

“If he hadn’t hollowed out the mountain, he would have died faster.”

“Where is Zhang Lixian’s Sixth Battalion? Block the retreat from the Takeuchi Mountains, and this time I will completely annihilate the Takeuchi Regiment.”

“We have arrived at the designated location, do you want them to attack?” Lin Yi quickly explained.

"No, let him stay where he is for the time being. This is only the first day, and Takeuchi Mountain is not so quick to jump over the wall."

“Let the artillery battalion increase the firepower density, and the impact point of the bombs will be accurate a few times.” Cun Yunsheng said again.


On the other side, the Takeuchi Mountains within the mountain do regret hollowing out the mountain. As a result, they are now a turtle in a urn and want to go out and fight back.

 As a result, there were enemies at the exits of those pits, and they were fired upon by machine guns and submachine guns as soon as they emerged.

 There are even those who throw grenades.

Had the exit not been built relatively solidly, it would have been destroyed by the explosion long ago.

“Your Excellency Colonel, more and more shooting holes have been destroyed, and now they can’t get out.” The chief of staff said with swollen eyes.

 Hearing this, Takeuchi Renshan's face turned extremely ugly.

Just now, he went around various potholes and was taken care of by a pepper grenade.

Had he not been quick-sighted and covered his face with a handkerchief, he would probably have swollen eyes just like the other person at this time.

Even so, the sneeze never stopped. This made him curse loudly. The person who came up with this trick was too vicious.

The key is that the opponent seems to know how to crack his underground fortifications.

 This made him very speechless.

The underground fortification map I painstakingly designed turned out to be of no use at all.

 Some Japanese soldiers who couldn't stand it rushed out of the pit.

 As expected, everyone received their lunch boxes.

 In just such a moment, he lost a squadron.

Similarly, morale has also dropped to a freezing point. If nothing can be done, the entire army may be annihilated.

Thinking of this, Takeuchi Renshan looked at the alliance flag in front of him, and his originally wavering thoughts became much more determined again.

 “Order, all troops continue to hold fast.”

 “Hai.” The chief of staff nodded.

On the surface of the mountain, as more holes were blocked, some soldiers began to sit on the ground to rest and wait for supplies.

 After all, they have been fighting for so long, and the supplies they carried have been almost exhausted.

 Especially the pepper grenade, which is consumed very quickly.

This thing is really easy to use.

 Many Japanese soldiers could not bear it, and finally rushed out and were shot to death in many cases.

Now all they have to do is throw grenades into the potholes.

 Some Pyros have also run out of fuel and need to be resupplied.

 With this style of play, the casualty rate is greatly reduced.

 Originally it was expected that the casualty rate would be as high as 30%, but as a result, only more than ten people have been killed so far.

 He was killed because he accidentally stepped on a landmine.

 Otherwise, the casualty rate can be greatly reduced.

"The supplies are here, hurry up and eat." It didn't take long for the supplies to be delivered. Yang Chuan hurriedly asked his men to eat, drink water, and replenish weapons and ammunition.

“Battle Commander Yang, you did a good job. The team members are praising you.”

Seeing that it was Mi Long who was delivering supplies, Yang Chuan was stunned, then stood up and asked doubtfully.

“Milong, why are you sending supplies yourself?”

“Hey, it’s not what the regiment requested. We must ensure the timely supply of materials to prevent the Japanese army from counterattack. I have always been short of manpower in logistics, so I can only come up in person.” Milong said helplessly with his hands spread out.

 In fact, there is really no shortage of people in the logistics department. The main reason is that Milong’s hands are itchy and he wants to come up and have a look.

 He had always heard people say that the Japanese army on the opposite side had hollowed out the entire mountain, but he didn't believe it at first.

 The results turned out to be true.

 “You **** thing, these little devils are like rats, and they actually hollowed out the entire mountain?” As he said that, Milong looked at the entire mountain and couldn’t help but clicked his tongue.

Hearing this, Yang Chuan swallowed a mouthful of fat, and then said vaguely.

"Who says it's not? Damn it, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it. What was going on in this little devil's mind? Hollowing out an entire mountain. If our firepower hadn't been strong enough, and this If you want to capture the entire mountain with pepper grenades, you will need at least three infantry battalions.”

Hearing this, Milong took a deep breath.

 He didn't expect it to be so exaggerated.

 Three infantry battalions, meaning three regiments.

 More than 3,000 casualties!

 This is a huge casualty for the entire Sichuan Army.

If there were so many casualties, I'm afraid the Sichuan Army would have to go back to what it was like during Zenda.

Thinking of this, Milong couldn't help but think of Nantianmen.

It is said that the Japanese army there also hollowed out the entire mountain.

If you want to take it down, I'm afraid the number of casualties will not be small.

"By the way, Mi Long, get more of this chili grenade. The effect is really good. I guess if you use it a few more times, the little devil won't be able to hold it anymore and will come out." Yang Chuan finished eating in three strokes. Rice, burped, and then said.

“Don’t worry, the logistics are working hard and it will be delivered soon.” Just as Mi Long finished speaking, another burst of fierce gunfire came from the distance.

"Another little devil couldn't bear it and came out. He sprinkled the pepper on his face. Just crying is not enough. The best way is to wash it with water. But the little devil is hiding in the mountain. How much water can be stored? Soon? They will die of thirst because there is no water to drink." Yang Chuan sneered.

 After a full meal, the members of the commando team recovered a lot of physical strength, and then began to patrol the area carefully.

 Looking for any potholes or shooting holes but not found.

 According to Cun Yunsheng's requirements, all but the necessary potholes can be sealed.

After some checking and filling of leaks, except for a few specially left potholes, everything else in the area they were in collapsed.

“Captain, there are only these few potholes left, but it’s been a long time since any kid broke out.” When Yang Chuan came to the pothole, the team members guarding here reported.

“Well, I understand, let’s go down and eat first.” Yang Chuan nodded, randomly looking at the hole in front of him, and after thinking about it, he called the Pyro and sprayed the fire dragon into it.

As a result, there was no wailing sound this time, but there was a smell of meat.

  It made him feel a little nauseous, but fortunately he was a veteran, so he quickly controlled it.

"Lao Yang, how are you? Do you want to play something big?" At this time, Mi Long suddenly said.

Hearing this, Yang Chuan asked doubtfully.

"Why don't you go back? This is a battlefield and has nothing to do with logistics personnel."

Who knows, Mi Long said directly, blowing his nose and staring.

"When I was fighting in the Northeast, you didn't know where I was. Let me tell you, it's not possible to defend like this. If you want to make a contribution, you have to get in. If you can take over the little devil's headquarters, it will be a great achievement. ”

Hearing this, Yang Chuan looked at the other party with confusion on his face.

"What does this have to do with you, a logistics worker? Go back quickly."

 “How come you don’t know a good person’s heart?” Milong said dissatisfied.

"Something's wrong, Mi Long. Something's wrong with you. Tell me quickly. What's wrong?" Yang Chuan looked at Mi Long and couldn't help shaking his head.

Milong glanced around and spoke in a low voice.

"When we capture this place, the Sichuan Army will usher in a new reorganization. It may be organized into several regiments by then. If you don't make some great achievements at this time, do you still want to have a chance when you get promoted later?"

 “How do you know that?” After saying this, Yang Chuan cursed himself for being so stupid.

 The relationship between Milong and Tuanzuo is not ordinary.

 In the entire Sichuan Army Corps, the only person who was held up with a gun by the regimental leader was Milong.

This kind of treatment is not something that ordinary people can enjoy.

“Nonsense, it must have been said by Tuan Zuo, otherwise I would dare to say nonsense?” Milong said angrily.

“The first, second, and third battalions are all old subordinates who follow the regiment, and they will naturally be promoted. But for the following battalions, your potential is pretty good, why don’t you fight for it?”

Hearing this, Yang Chuan was a little moved. He looked at the pothole in front of him, gritted his teeth for the last time, and decided to lead a dozen commandos to drill into the pothole.

 Find wealth and honor in danger!

 Want to be reused and promoted.

 It’s impossible not to give it a try.

“When I come back alive, I’ll treat you to a drink.” After Yang Chuan said this, he led the people into the pitch-black pit.

  It’s even later, sorry!



 (End of this chapter)

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