The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 171: How much do you need? Ten artificers! (Fourth update!

How many chapters are needed for Chapter 171? Ten artificers! (Fourth update!)

I have to say that the Japanese army that changed their thinking was indeed in a mess. Especially under the leadership of Mutaguchi Renya, their combat effectiveness soared.

The main reason is that the British army is too useless. The British troops stationed in those towns are no match for the Japanese army.

Especially after the Fifteenth Army was transferred, the remaining troops were all third-rate troops. How could they hold the line of defense in the face of the wolf-like Japanese army?

 This time, Mutaguchi Lian also learned from the previous lessons and began to vigorously support the indigenous people.

But it has to be said that these natives are really unable to hold up the wall with mud.

Considering the need to stir up trouble within Tianzhu, Mutaguchi Lian could only suppress his anger and continue to expand the number of these natives.

Perhaps there were so many natives who were oppressed by the British army that Mutaguchi Renya didn't need to recruit them. Many natives came over on their own.

 In a short period of time, tens of thousands of people defected.

As for the combat effectiveness of these people, it is unknown.

"Order, continue to attack forward." Seeing this, Mutaguchi Lian also decided to continue attacking westward. He wanted to penetrate the entire Tianzhu and learn from Wang Xuance of the Tang Dynasty.

I have to say that the Japanese army was deeply influenced by the culture of the Tang Dynasty and was very familiar with these historical figures.

Here, Mutaguchi Lian is also very ambitious and wants to sweep across Tianzhu.

 Admiral Wavell on the other side was completely panicked and was no longer as calm as before.

"How is this possible? Without logistical supplies, how can he attack?" Admiral Wavell's face was filled with disbelief.

"Your Majesty the Governor, what should we do now? They are recruiting nearly 100,000 natives along the road. If they continue like this, I'm afraid we will be completely ruined." The officer who came to report was also a little panicked.

 You must know that Tianzhu is the apple of the eye of the British Empire. If something goes wrong, Admiral Wavell's head will not be strong enough.

What's more, the upcoming Battle of Alamein will require supplies from Tianzhu.

If something goes wrong, it may also affect the Battle of El Alamein.

"Asshole, how do I know?" Admiral Wavell was also furious, and then he came back to his senses and said.

 “Asshole, go find Stilwell and ask the Indian troops to attack immediately.”

 Speaking, he ran towards the headquarters.

At this moment, Stilwell had just finished digesting the news brought by his subordinates. When he saw Admiral Wavell, he said quickly.

"General Wavell, the British army must show its true strength, otherwise, if there is a problem in Tianzhu, it will be a huge blow to the entire Allied war."

"Yes, you are right, General Stilwell, so I came here this time hoping that you would send troops. Tianzhu must not be lost." General Wavell said extremely nervously.

 Without Tianzhu, the British Empire would really be completely finished.

 Isn’t it that I can still hold on now because I have Tianzhu in my hand?

Even if other colonies are sold, it will be fine.

As long as Tianzhu is in hand, I believe that the British Empire can regain its dominance in the world in the future.

This is why Admiral Wavell has been so calm.

 But it’s different now. Tianzhu has a high chance of losing it, so he has to be nervous.

"Send troops? Where do I have any troops?" Stilwell said speechlessly.

"I asked you to deploy transport planes to help transport soldiers and supplies. What's the result? There are three obstacles and four obstacles. Where can we deploy troops now? There are only more than 10,000 troops stationed in India. Tell me, what can these people do?"

“At the current pace of reorganization, it may not be completed in two years.”

"Admiral Wavell, I know what your intentions are, but if you do this, the backlash will be huge, and now you will bear the consequences."

This time Stilwell became very angry and scolded Admiral Wavell.

I have to say, this feeling is really great.

 He has long been unhappy with the other person, and now it feels really good to see him frustrated.

The situation was originally good, but in the end, this guy pushed and blocked him in various ways. First, he refused to let the Sichuan Army go south to Mandalay.

Now that the Japanese army has abandoned Imphal and continues to advance alone, the consequences of the backlash will only be the British army.

 For a moment, Stilwell didn't want to care about it at all.

 It’s good like this!

 If the British army does not suffer some losses, they cannot recognize the reality.

 Admiral Wavell's face was naturally extremely ugly after being dealt a crazy blow. What he had been worried about was that Stilwell would use a series of things to expand the influence of the United States.

 That’s why all kinds of defenses were put in place to delay the attack.

Who would have known that the Japanese army would abandon Imphal and go straight to his rear, which would cost their lives.

 If something goes wrong at the rear, it will really be the end.

"General Stilwell, from now on the British and Indian troops will obey your orders, but please be sure to mobilize the troops stationed in India to block the Japanese attack." General Wavell's posture was very low.

 What a pity, Stilwell still sneered.

“General Wavell, how much credibility do you have for what you say? The Fifteenth Army is fully capable of pursuing the Japanese army. Two wheels cannot outrun four wheels.”

The Fifteenth Army of the British Army is an elite force, and it is considered a mechanized force. It is definitely not a problem to catch up with the Japanese army.

 At this point, if you are still playing tricks on him, Stilwell will certainly not tolerate him.

“The Fifteenth Army has been fighting for days and needs to rest and recuperate.” General Wavell hesitated and said.

This is really not an exaggeration. These days, the 15th Army is indeed fighting fiercely, and naturally it needs to rest and recuperate.

“The troops stationed in India also need to rest and replenish supplies. They have also been fighting for a long time.” Stilwell shook his head and said.

“Then bring the Sichuan Army?” After a moment of hesitation, General Wavell spoke again.

“They just wiped out the Takeuchi Regiment. Not only that, they also captured the regiment flag. This is the first time the Allied forces have captured the regiment flag.” Stilwell raised the telegram in his hand and signaled.

"General Stilwell, such an elite force can completely block the Japanese attack." General Wavell's eyes lit up, and he didn't care about anything else and directly expressed his thoughts.

Who knew that Stilwell's face was ashen and he said lightly.

"I have appointed him to form a task force to take full charge of the war in the east and occupy Siam and all the colonies of Vichy France."

Hearing this, Admiral Wavell's expression changed. He did not expect that Stilwell would appoint him alone without his consent.

Just as he was about to speak, he saw Steve looking over.

“Don’t forget, the colonies of Siam and Vichy France were not colonies of the British Empire.”

“What’s more, Siam has joined the Axis Powers and declared war on us. The Vichy French colony has not made it clear who it supports. This kind of wallowing should have been dealt with long ago.”

At this moment, Admiral Wavell, who originally wanted to say something, was completely speechless.

 Because what the other person said is true.

 In fact, if his strength did not allow it, he would have wanted to defeat Siam first. After all, Siam had been pro-British before. However, when the Japanese army came, they directly turned to them, which greatly annoyed the British army.

As for Vichy France, the Allies have already issued notices to a number of colonies. Free France, which chooses to support de Gaulle, is an ally of the Allies.

 Others were colonies of Vichy France. The Vichy French governor of Hanoi has not expressed his position. It is obvious that he wants to be a mere wallflower.

These are not important. As long as the British Empire returns to Southeast Asia, what was lost will eventually come back.

 But Stilwell’s move was clearly aimed at the British Empire.

  Now it is not for China to expand its influence, but for the United States to gradually expand its influence.

 This made Admiral Wavell a little unhappy.

 But considering the importance of Tianzhu, he endured it.

“General Stilwell, this is a wise decision.” Admiral Wavell praised.

Hearing this, a satisfied smile appeared on Stilwell's lips.

 Sure enough, Cun Yunsheng is right, the United States can fully expand its influence in the war.

 This world needs a new world hegemon to maintain a new order.

 The British Empire is indeed old, and it’s time for them to withdraw from the old order.

"I will send transport planes to move the 15th Army to the rear, and let them re-establish a defense line in the rear to block the Japanese attack. As long as they persist for a period of time, the Japanese army without supplies will eventually be wiped out." Stilwell passed by. In the previous panic, I had come up with a new solution.

 That is to use the powerful air superiority and strategic depth to re-build the defense line further away to block the Japanese attack.

Hearing this, Admiral Wavell had to admit that this plan was indeed very good.

 After all, Tianzhu is too deep. It would be impossible for tens of thousands of people to capture the entire Tianzhu in a short period of time.

“Thank you for your generosity, General Stilwell, you will be a forever friend of the British and Indian Army.” General Wavell said humbly.

 Unfortunately, Stilwell did not seem very enthusiastic. He is now looking forward to whether the Sichuan Legion can bring more surprises.

 The influence of the captured regimental flag is still expanding.

Especially at the Japanese Fifteenth Army Headquarters, Hebian Zhengzo felt numb after receiving the telegram.

 The regimental flag was captured?

  What is the purpose of eating in the Takeuchi Mountains?

 Why not burn the regimental flag?

This really can't be blamed on the other party. He didn't expect that the Sichuan Army Corps would directly touch his headquarters. He was caught off guard and the entire headquarters was knocked down. How could he have time to burn the regiment flag?

"Bagaya Road, Takeuchi Rianshan, this trash, bastard, the regiment flag was seized, this is a great shame and humiliation." Shozo yelled by the river.

 All the officers in the entire military headquarters did not dare to take a breath for fear of being scolded.

Huntong Yahara didn't speak until the anger of Masami by the river had dissipated a lot.

"Your Excellency, Commander, currently there is only one Search Regiment of the 56th Division left in the 56th Division. I suggest that they withdraw. There is no point in continuing to defend Nantianmen. Once the Sichuan Army and Nantianmen attack them, wait for them. They will end up in pieces."

This is really true!

 Once caught in a flank, the only way left is to be completely annihilated.

 Hebian Zhengzo was silent for a while, then shook his head and said.

“I’m afraid it’s impossible to withdraw at this time.”

Hearing this, Yahara Hiromichi was speechless for a while.

  Lashio was occupied, which meant that it was impossible to withdraw.

 Unless you are willing to go into the jungle, the casualties will be heavy, please refer to the 200 Division.

 So it is absolutely impossible to drill into the virgin forest unless it is absolutely necessary.

“Send a telegram to the 56th Search Regiment and tell them that if the war goes unfavorably, burn the regiment flag immediately and never allow the second flag to be captured.” Kawabe Masami said indifferently.


 On the other side, Shancheng was also silent for a while when he heard the news.

Unexpectedly, the Sichuan Army Corps not only wiped out a regiment this time, but also captured the regiment flag. They could no longer pretend that nothing happened.

“Another enemy regiment of Japanese troops was annihilated? And the regiment flag was also captured. This Sichuan regiment is so powerful in combat? Why was it not in the expeditionary force order before?” Many people expressed silence in response to this question.

"I remember that this Sichuan Army Corps was established not long ago, right? It has developed to this point in just a few months?"

"Niang Xipi, are you too useless, or are you too strong?"

“And what’s going on with Nantianmen? Why hasn’t it been taken down yet?”

“Everyone only knows how to compete for beautiful weapons and equipment. Have they ever thought about any major national affairs?”

 Before this, this person was not that annoyed, but now he is really annoyed.

His own direct troops were actually inferior to a miscellaneous army. If he said this, he would lose all his dignity.

 It was still the Sichuan army that was dismembered by himself.

“General, the Sichuan Army is backed by the Allied Forces Headquarters and has powerful art equipment. This is the key to winning the war. I think we should increase the purchase of art equipment.”

 “I know all this. I went to military school and fought in the war.”

How could he not know about weapons or something?

 After all, I have been a soldier and fought in wars, so I naturally know the importance of these.

But ammunition means a lot of money. He always feels that it is a waste to use a large number of automatic weapons like the Sichuan Army. It is okay for a small army, but if it is an army of millions of people, the consumption will be too great. .

 Even if we produce it all by ourselves, it won’t be enough to use all the copper metal.

 If you want to import, you will consume more hard currency such as gold, silver and foreign exchange, but those things are very scarce.

 Having lost an important source of tax revenue, the mountain towns are really poor now.

Many troops have not been paid their military pay.

 But he has no choice. The taxes he can receive now are only so little.

“Tell me, how many mechanics are needed to fight back?”

 “At least ten reorganization divisions.”

Hearing this, the bald man’s brows furrowed deeper and he kept thinking.

 “I understand, I will discuss this matter with Stilwell.”

Cun Yunsheng of Myitkyina doesn’t know yet, but because of him, fine art equipment has become extremely popular again.

Who allowed the Sichuan Legion to win battles repeatedly has proved with its strength that the Sichuan Legion equipped with beautiful weapons and equipment is so strong.

Aren’t their direct troops stronger?

And Cun Yunsheng welcomed a special guest.

 This is William who was separated in Hsipaw last time.

He didn’t expect the other party to work so efficiently. How long did it take for him to get the equipment he needed?

 Although they are all primary industrial equipment, this is war time, so it is not easy to get them together.

“We meet again, Colonel. Congratulations on your series of great achievements.” William said with a smile as soon as they met.

 (End of this chapter)

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