The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 173: The Thai army is worse than even the garrison! (Second update!

Chapter 173 The Thai Army is worse than even the garrison! (Second update!)

At Nantianmen, Yu Xiaoqing was stunned for a long time when he received the telegram from Shancheng.

I was still thinking about how to capture Nantianmen, but the Sichuan Army Corps in Myitkyina actually broke through the mountain defense line built by the Takeuchi Regiment.

Not only that, the regimental flag was also seized.

The gap between the two sides is really too big, right?

For a while, Yu Xiaoqing looked at the telegram and was silent for a long time, not knowing what to say.

 Until He Shuguang on the side reminded me.

 “Master’s seat, Master’s seat…”

“Xiao He, what do you think? Are you confident in taking down Nantianmen?”

"Yes, the Sichuan Army can win it, and we can too, but if there are only two artillery regiments, I'm afraid it won't work. At least we need the support of the artillery regiment." He Shuguang hesitated and reminded.

Hearing this, Yu Xiaoqing thought about it and realized it was true.

It’s not enough to just not be afraid of death. At the very least, it needs artillery support.

Thinking of this, Yu Xiaoqing was silent for a while and said.

“Leave the artillery regiment to me and I will make them fire on time, but I will leave the Nantianmen to you.”

Hearing this, He Shuguang nodded and then said solemnly.

“Master, please rest assured, I will never come back unless we take Nantianmen.”

 “Okay, I feel relieved with your words.”

 Yu Xiaoqing's little moves were not hidden from Tang Ji. He really looked down upon the Yu family's pride.

 Let’s just say it’s a sentence of Adou, and it’s a bit insulting to Adou.

  It's just a mess anyway, and it's far worse than Cun Yunsheng of the Sichuan Army.

“If he wants to counterattack Nantianmen, what will he use to counterattack? Just those two art regiments? He doesn’t even know what is going on on the mountain, so he counterattacks?”

“You still want to command the artillery regiment? Humph!” Tang Ji snorted coldly and said with disdain.

 Master Yu is nominally Yu Xiaoqing’s employee, but in fact, all the officers at the company and platoon level are his employees.

As long as he transferred those battalion and regiment level officers to the military headquarters in the name of a military headquarters meeting, the entire Yu division would be paralyzed, and Yu Xiaoqing could not command any troops at all.

This talented person of the Yu family still doesn’t recognize himself clearly.

 “Master Tang, what should we do now?” the major in front of him asked doubtfully.

"I'm going to the military headquarters for a meeting in two days to tell the brothers that no troops are allowed to be sent out or artillery fired without my order."

“Also, tell them that the military does not support sending troops. They are mutiny and will only be charged with rebellion. Let them think clearly.”

“Also, their actions will not receive any support.” Tang Ji said half threatening and half frightening.

Hearing this, the major's face tightened. If he was charged with rebellion, he would be in big trouble.

"Yes, Mr. Tang, I will definitely warn the brothers, and I will never follow Yu Xiaoqing into darkness." The major assured quickly.

"Well, go back and let the brothers think clearly. Don't make a mistake at every step." Tang Ji said meaningfully.


Zhang Ruzhi on the other side couldn't help but shake his head when he got the news.

"I guessed it right, Yu Xiaoqing can't become a leader, and Tang Ji can easily suppress him. What can he do to fight with Tang Ji?"

"Unless he has the guts to capture Tang Ji now, his counterattack will become the biggest joke, and he, the division commander, will come to an end."

Li Jiu in front of him gave a thumbs up and praised.

“Sir, it must be you who has seen Yu Xiaoqing so thoroughly.”

This is really not flattery, it is a sincere compliment.

He also didn’t expect that Tang Ji would come to the rescue at this time.

If he were Yu Xiaoqing, he would probably cry his eyes out.

 The two art groups that I finally saved up were just gone.

 If it were him, he would definitely be angry and vomiting blood.

"It's not that I see clearly, but there are just too many people like this. Yu Xiaoqing is someone who has little ability and a bad temper. If it weren't for the identity of the Yu family, being a battalion commander would be superfluous." Zhang Ruzhi said disdainfully.

“Then let’s continue watching the show?” Li Jiu hesitated and said.

"Let's not get involved in this kind of thing. It has nothing to do with us. All we have to do is do business. I have cleared up a lot of relationships recently. Not to mention the Kunming webmaster, there is absolutely no problem with at least one deputy webmaster. You will follow me when the time comes. Let’s go together, there will be a wider sky waiting for us,” Zhang Ruzhi said with a smile.

 As he earns more and more money, more and more people are watching him.

 There is no other way but to find a way to smoothen the relationship and let his position be promoted to a higher level.

Generally speaking, the military rank of the Kunming station commander is at least major general. He is now a major, and his sudden promotion to such a high position will definitely cause others to gossip.

But there is still no problem with a deputy station chief. In terms of military rank, since he had merit in obtaining information about the Sichuan Army Corps last time, he can be mentioned as a lieutenant colonel. After spending money to smooth things over, he will handle a few more beautiful cases, and he will become a colonel in no time.

This is the time when Zhang Ruzhi has been very proud of himself recently. He is now extremely lucky that he agreed to cooperate with the Sichuan Army. Otherwise, he would not be as prosperous as he is today.

 “Congratulations, sir.” Li Jiu quickly flattered Zhang Ruzhi, making Zhang Ruzhi even more proud.

"Well, we haven't decided yet. What we have to do now is to maintain a good relationship with the Sichuan Army and try our best to solve the things they ask us to do."

“These days I finally understand that without money everything is in vain.”

"Yes, sir, we have also recruited a group of hungry people from Henan Province. When they arrive at Nantianmen, they can be sent over. The Sichuan Army is kind-hearted. You don't know how hungry those hungry people are. No wonder there are so many The puppet army has no choice but to do so," Li Jiu said with emotion.

“Okay, this kind of thing is just for me to say. Don’t talk nonsense when you go out. We can’t afford to offend that person.” Zhang Ruzhi glanced at him and reminded him.

"Yes, sir."


On the other side, Ma Dazhi led the reconnaissance company to conduct some reconnaissance and found that the Thai army on the opposite side did not have the slightest sense of nervousness.

 In other words, they don’t think this is a war, but a journey.

I have to say that the capabilities of these Thai troops in Huohuo Village are no weaker than those of the Japanese troops.

Those occupied towns were basically brutally murdered.

Seeing this, Ma Dazhi also knew that there was no need to be polite to these beasts.

“You mean these people have no vigilance?” Li Liansheng was speechless after hearing the news.

 Because of the lessons learned from the Northeastern Army, Li Liansheng is now very stable in fighting.

“Yes, at least the guerrillas know how to put up warning posts. These Thai troops don’t even have the most basic hidden sentries. I think there is no need to deploy tactics. Just let the tank battalion rush over." Ma Dazhi suggested.

Hearing this, Li Liansheng calculated the strength in his hands and found that the artillery was completely overwhelmed, so there was really no need to be cautious.

“Okay, notify the chariot battalion of this situation and ask the artillery battery to prepare and fire in twenty minutes.” Li Liansheng ordered.


The tactics are also very simple. They are nothing more than encircling them on two sides and then crushing them with firepower. He believes that the Thai army on the opposite side will never be able to withstand such powerful firepower.

 The Thai army on the opposite side really couldn't hold it.




 Following the order, the battalion's 81mm mortar took the lead in firing. Not only that, more than twenty 105mm howitzers from the artillery battalion that had just arrived also joined the battlefield in a timely manner.

 In just half an hour, one-third of the artillery shells in the logistics reserve were used up in one go.

 Almost instantly, the 17th Division of the Thai Army on the opposite side was also stunned.

 They had no idea where the shells came from.

 And why are there enemies?

When he reacted and wanted to counterattack, his artillery position was also blocked.

 The remaining artillerymen looked at the messy position and ran away without saying a word.

What else is there to fight for?

 The cannons are all gone, so what else is left to shoot?

 Without the artillery battalion, the Thai infantry could only run away with their heads in their hands.

Especially because many of them are new soldiers and have never experienced such a cruel war.

So I could only hold my head and huddle on the ground.

 Finally, after the bombardment was over, he saw the giant steel beast in the distance and was immediately frightened.

 “Tank, that’s a tank.”

 A Thai army second lieutenant shouted in horror.

 The next second, some artillery shells directly crushed the position.

The Thai army's machine gun positions, which originally wanted to fire back, were frightened when they saw this scene.

He wanted to escape, but a high-explosive bomb struck again.


 The machine gun was also reduced to a pile of scrap metal, with broken limbs and arms next to it.

  The M3 light tank is very fast and moves forward crazily.

This made the somewhat backward M4 tank commanders a little unhappy.

 Fortunately, their shooting range was strong. Some gunners relied on their good skills to stop and attack the Thai army positions in the distance.

 Basically, if you encounter a position that is resisting, you can take it by bombarding it with artillery.

 The fighting will of the Thai army cannot be compared with that of the Japanese army.

If it were the Japanese army, they might even shout "board load", hold explosive packs or grenades, and rush forward to die together.

 The Thai army just wanted to survive and escape.

 Acting as a death squad?

 That is basically impossible.

“Sir, we are under attack, we are under attack, please reinforce, please reinforce.” The commander of the 4th Infantry Regiment of the 17th Division of the Thai Army, who was responsible for the outer defense line of Jingdong, shouted hoarsely on the phone, requesting reinforcements.

"Bastard, bastard, hold on, hold on, I've called for air support, I've called for air support, hold on, hold on, air force support will arrive in at most an hour." The commander of the 17th Division shouted in a cold sweat. road.

He did not expect that his troops would be attacked just a few days after they occupied Jingdong.

 The firepower on the opposite side was far beyond his imagination, and one of his own divisions could not stop the enemy's attack.

"Sir, my troops cannot hold out for an hour. In ten minutes at most, the enemy will attack me. They have tanks, they have tanks, and my troops cannot stop them." The commander of the Fourth Infantry Regiment, almost Howling.

 Originally I thought this mission would be a very easy one, but who knew that I would have to face such a ferocious enemy.

Dozens of artillery shells hit the position directly, including large-caliber artillery shells.

The scene was really spectacular.

Not to mention, there were more than ten tanks driving towards their position menacingly.

“Bastard, bastard, hold on, you must hold the line of defense.” After the commander of the 17th Division finished shouting and hung up the phone,

 “Ask where the air force is and ask them to speed up.”

 “Yes.” The communications staff officer responded quickly.

At this moment, a loud charge horn suddenly came from outside.


The soldiers of the 1st Infantry Battalion, who had been waiting impatiently, picked up their weapons and rushed towards the Thai army's position howling without saying a word.

Using the tank as a cover, they successfully rushed to the Thai army position. The soldiers of the Sichuan Army did not waste any time and fired at the enemies in the trenches.

 Ta ta ta ta ta!

Caught off guard, many Thai soldiers were knocked to the ground on the spot.

The Thai army, which had never fought such a battle, was stunned on the spot.

  I don’t know how to fight back at all.

More and more Thai troops fell to the ground. Finally, the remaining Thai troops could no longer hold on and began to flee.

 According to subsequent statistics, the Thai army lost less than 10% and was defeated.

 It is enough to see that their fighting will is indeed very poor.

 Even worse than some guerrillas.

 At least in many cases, some guerrillas dare to fight to the end.

 The army was defeated like a mountain!

 After the morale of the Thai army dropped to freezing point, they immediately fled on the spot.

No matter how the officers scolded them, it was of no use.

 Some people even took the opportunity to shoot the officers with black guns.

 Some Thai soldiers who really couldn't run away simply laid down their weapons and chose to surrender.

At this point, the battle is basically very simple. All that remains is to chase the remaining enemies.

"These Thai troops are worse than some bandits and have no structure. No wonder they chose to surrender just after the Japanese troops landed. They thought they were preserving their strength, but who knew it was really not possible." Ma Dazhi looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help but shake his head. said.

"It's really not possible. Not to mention our Sichuan Army, some local garrison groups can deal with them."

This is really not a boast. In fact, the corps later formed by third-rate soldiers such as the local security corps came here and became kings and hegemons. This shows that the combat effectiveness of these troops is really poor.

“It’s a pity that our speed is too slow. It would be great if we could all use infantry tanks.” Li Wula said with regret as he looked at the Thai army running further and further away.

“Capture Jingdong and rest first. We are in a hurry this time and the supplies are not very sufficient. We will make temporary corrections and wait for subsequent orders.”

 Because the order he received was to destroy the Thai army in Jingdong and did not let them continue to attack eastward, Li Wula did not dare to make the decision privately.

“It’s not bad to capture Jingdong. At least we are opposite the Lancang River. It will be easier to go back in the future.”

Who would have known that as soon as Li Wula finished saying this, Ma Dazhi rolled his eyes.

“Do you know what’s going on on the other side? There are high mountains and ridges everywhere, and you still want to go home? Think about it, why did we cross the river from Chanda instead of here?”

In this era, Dian Province has almost no infrastructure roads. Except for some mountain roads, it is basically cut off from the outside world.

 So what Li Wula said about going back from Lancang River was just overthinking.

"It's a pity. It would be great if we could build a road to Kunming. It's still very close to Kunming." Ma Dazhi looked north and shook his head.

 (End of this chapter)

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