The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 18: I want to serve as a soldier for you!

Chapter 18 I want to be your soldier!

 According to the roster sent by Fanla, there are currently 500 people registered.

Each person has three yuan as housing allowance, which is one thousand five hundred yuan.

 In addition, three months of additional military pay is provided, most of which are soldiers, and it only costs a few oceans a month.

Ten thousand yuan is enough to support the ocean.

In other words, if he ignores it and uses conscription, half of Chanda's defeated troops will become his soldiers.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Cun Yunsheng's lips.

“Are you satisfied, Sir Cun?” Mr. Chen asked with a smile.

 “Yeah, not bad.” Cun Yunsheng nodded.

 Immediately, Mr. Chen motioned to his men to lift Dayang up. At the same time, he looked at Cun Yunsheng and asked softly.

“I wonder if there are any good things that Sir Cun needs to sell? The price I’ve given you will definitely satisfy you.”

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng subconsciously looked at Milong beside him.

He still has penicillin in his hand.

But if this miracle drug comes out, it will definitely cause quite a stir.

 Although it has been produced, it has not yet been mass-produced.

 Things you take out by yourself will definitely cause a lot of trouble.

 Did Milong tell the other party?

 Because only Milong and the veterinarian were present at the time, based on his knowledge of the veterinarian, the other party would definitely not leak it.

So there are only mythical dragons?

But seeing the other person busy, Cun Yunsheng murmured in his heart that it shouldn't be him.

 Milong looks like a person with a loud mouth, but he doesn’t look like the kind of person with a big mouth.

The only possibility is that the other party is testing him?

"Oh? I wonder what Mr. Chen needs?" Cun Yunsheng asked without answering.

Although Mr. Chen was a little strange about Cun Yunsheng's reaction, he still spoke patiently.

"I want everything, it depends on what the commander can come up with."

 Actually, what he said was purely polite. If he asked more, if there were any good things, he could collect them together.

 After all, given the other party’s family background, he might be able to come up with something good.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng thought for a while and said without comment.

"I'm afraid that you may not be able to afford the things I bring out."

“???” This time it was Mr. Chen’s turn to be a little surprised. Although his energy was not very great, the energy behind him was very great.

 After all, we don’t have such a big energy, and we don’t dare to do business directly in Zenda.

 So basically there is nothing he can’t afford.

“Sir, do you doubt my strength?”

"You can say that." Cun Yunsheng admitted directly without refuting.

“I wonder if Mr. Chen has ever heard of penicillin.”


Mr. Chen frowned slightly. This thing seemed strange.

 “Never heard of it.” After thinking for a while, he didn’t have the origin of this item in his mind, so he shook his head and replied.

“This is an epoch-making miracle drug. It was developed in the UK a few years ago. However, because the UK was heavily bombed, it was transferred to the United States in order to expand production.”

“Not long ago, this magical medicine was officially produced and is currently in mass production.” Cun Yunsheng explained.

Mr. Chen didn’t quite understand, but based on the principle of asking more if you don’t know, he asked.

 “This is a medicine? What can it cure?”

"Wound infection and the like are all OK. Compared with sulfa, it can be said to be an epoch-making product. Its emergence will greatly reduce the casualty rate of soldiers." Cun Yunsheng's leisurely words made Mr. Chen's eyes light up. They are all smart people. If you mention something, you will immediately understand how much wealth it contains.

“Do you have this channel?” Mr. Chen couldn’t help but feel excited.

  As for whether it is true or not, you can find out if you go back and do some research.

 So he didn’t care at all that Cun Yunsheng would lie to him.

"What do you think? If not, why should I waste my breath?" Cun Yunsheng said with a smile.

 “But, the price is very expensive.”

“Compared to gold, one injection costs one thousand U.S. dollars.”

"What? One thousand US dollars? Three thousand oceans?" Mr. Chen was stunned. This was simply a sky-high price.

"I said, the price is compared to gold, and its weight is calculated based on gold." Cun Yunsheng didn't panic at all, but seemed very calm.

When this drug first came out, it sold for more than 200 U.S. dollars each, and later it was sold for 800 U.S. dollars.

 What I have in my hands now is definitely higher in unit quantity than the penicillin in the laboratory, and the therapeutic effect will be several times better.

One thousand dollars is really not expensive.

 After all, this can really save lives.

 As for the small number of people who are allergic, it is almost negligible.

 Compared to the huge casualty rate, occasional drug reactions are nothing at all.

“The price is too high, I don’t think anyone will buy it.” Mr. Chen has given up the idea of ​​buying it.

 It’s really ridiculously expensive and not many people can afford it.

Cun Yunsheng is not surprised by this. He believes that it will not be long before the other party comes to him.

"It's okay. If Mr. Chen needs it in the future, you can send someone to me, but it won't be at this price at that time." Cun Yunsheng was not surprised, and his tone was still very calm.

 The next transaction is for both parties to clear up the ocean. Since this is the first transaction, Cun Yunsheng is still very serious.

On the other hand, Mr. Chen was thinking about what Cun Yunsheng said. Is there really such a miracle medicine?

Thinking of this, Mr. Chen decided to go back and asked people to collect this information.

 If it is true, then he can really consider becoming bigger and stronger.

After all, it’s really no fun to make such a small fuss all the time.

One thousand dollars for a pill is really outrageous.

 It is the same as later generations hearing that one injection of medicine costs more than one million.

 They all find it outrageous.

"This is your reward." After the other party left, Cun Yunsheng took out the three hundred yuan he had prepared and threw it to Mi Long.

After all, the other party’s hard work cannot be without any benefits.

Cun Yunsheng was not a stingy person, so he directly gave him three hundred yuan.

Looking at the three hundred yuan in front of him, Milong swallowed subconsciously. This was a huge sum.

Despite the fact that he is very rich on the surface, in fact, few of them live in the ocean.

"Sir, I don't want these oceans anymore." Milong still couldn't help but accept the urge to accept the oceans, shaking his head and refusing.

This time it was Cun Yunsheng's turn to be surprised. He didn't expect that Mi Long, who had always loved money, could refuse hundreds of dollars?

 For a moment, even the guard who was carrying the items next to him raised his head and looked at him in surprise.

“Tell me, what do you want?” Cun Yunsheng thought the other party wanted something else, so he asked with a slight frown.

"No, I don't want anything. I just want to ask you to promise one thing." Mi Long gritted his teeth and said quickly.

"What's the matter? If it violates military discipline, I won't agree to it." Cun Yunsheng thought it was better to agree in advance, otherwise what he couldn't do would be something he couldn't do even if he agreed.

"I want to serve as a soldier for you." Milong said loudly with a heartbeat.

 (End of this chapter)

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