The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 187: A sudden idea! (Fourth update!)

Chapter 187 A sudden idea! (Fourth update!)

Hearing that he was going to ask for help from the navy, Hebian Zhengzo's face naturally didn't look good.

The Army's request is directed at the Navy. If word spreads, how can he survive?

 What would the people at base camp think of him?

 The disgrace has been brought home.

 You must know that the relationship between the two parties can be said to be like fire and water.

 So when Yahara Hiromichi said this, Kawabe Shozo really wanted to scold him.

 However, reason told him that asking the navy for help at this time was the most correct choice.

 Without the airport, we also lose air control, which means it is difficult to defend Yangon.

"Let me give it a try." Hebian Zhengzo thought for a while and said.

 At this time, the Third Fleet was responsible for maritime security in Southeast Asia, and the commander of the Third Fleet was Lieutenant General Nagumo Chuichi.

 From a military rank perspective, Hebei Zhengsan is one level higher than his opponent.

 But the conflict between land and sea does not depend on military rank at all.

 So, when the call was connected, Hebian Zhengzo's posture was very low.

“Hebian-kun, why are you so late?” Lieutenant General Nagumo Chuichi asked on the other end of the phone.

He is currently summarizing the process of the Battle of Midway, so he is busy until late at night every day.

 In this battle, the four Japanese aircraft carriers "Akagi", "Kaga", "Soryu" and "Hiryu" were all sunk.

 And lost hundreds of experienced carrier-based aircraft pilots, causing a devastating blow to the Japanese Navy.

 So Nagumo Chuichi was very busy during this period, and he needed to figure out why he failed.

It was clear that there were no flaws in the plan, but we still lost.

 Finally, we came to the conclusion that the industrial levels of both parties are not at the same level at all.

They expected that the U.S. military would be unable to deploy more aircraft carriers. As a result, the number of U.S. aircraft carriers far exceeded their imagination.

 So, Nagumo Chuichi was very tired during this period.

 Originally, I didn’t want to talk to Hebei Shozo, but in the end I picked up the phone.

“Nanyun-kun, can you send an aviation force to bomb the rebels?” Kawabe Shozo said this almost through gritted teeth.

 It’s a pity that Nagumo Chuichi has no time to laugh at him now.

 Because the navy suffered even greater losses.

 So he can't do such a thing as ridicule.

 He is only thinking about how to make up for the strength of the navy and narrow the gap with the US military.

 But no matter how hard I searched, I couldn't find a way to break the situation.

"Send aviation troops?" Nanyun Zhongyi was stunned. Did this guy come to humiliate him on purpose?

 At this time, Zhengsan on the other side of the river spoke again.

As the story continued, Nagumo Chuichi fell silent. He did not expect that the situation in Myanmar would be so corrupt.

Yangon Airport has been occupied, which means that if he does not dispatch naval aviation, there is a possibility that Yangon will be lost.

"Has the situation reached this point?" After a long time, Nagumo Chuichi said slowly.

"I'm sorry, it has really come to this. I didn't expect that these rebels would be so powerful. You are the only one who can save Yangon now." Hebian Zhengzo's attitude was very low.

Fortunately, there was no one in the room where he was, otherwise he would be seen by his subordinates and his glorious and majestic image would be gone.

"Kawabe-kun, regarding your request, I may not be able to agree to your request. In the naval battle not long ago, the navy lost hundreds of excellent carrier-based aircraft pilots. Now the strength of the naval aviation force is also very weak." Nagumo Chuichi rejected him proposal.

"Nanyun-kun, do you want to watch Yangon be lost?" Hebian Zhengzo said anxiously.

 If this is lost, it will be completely ruined.

  I will definitely be ordered to commit suicide by committing seppuku.

 He doesn’t want to die yet. After all, he has made so much money and must enjoy it.

“It’s not that I don’t want to send troops, it’s just that the Navy cannot dispatch more fighter planes. According to intelligence, the U.S. military is about to launch an island landing operation. The Navy needs more fighter planes and cannot dispatch fighter planes at all.” Chuichi Nagumo explained.

If it was before the Battle of Midway, then he would definitely agree to Kawabe Shozo's request, and even ridicule him, just to have a good time and watch the show.

 The navy at that time was still very powerful.

 But things are different now. Four aircraft carriers have been lost, plus hundreds of excellent carrier-based aircraft pilots.

 The naval strength at this moment is already very weak and cannot be mobilized at all.

But in the eyes of Hebian Zhengzo, the navy refused to save him.

 For a time, Hebian Zhengzo felt a little desperate.

 Do you really want to commit suicide?

"Nanyun-kun, the life and death of the 15th Army is in your hands. My two divisions have moved westward and invaded the belly of the British army. As long as we persist for a while, the situation will inevitably change dramatically. "

“Since the Battle of Midway has been lost, why can’t the navy implement the strategy of advancing westward?” Kawabe Masami urged miserably.

You must know that the navy is also divided into three factions: southward, westward and eastward.

 Now that the eastward expansion has failed, we can consider the westward expansion.

 Expand your advantages from other places.

I have to say that Kawabe Shozo’s words reminded Nagumo Chuichi.

If he can play an advantage in the west, he may be able to share the pressure on the east.

 After all, the Japanese army still has a lot of advantages. As long as it defends the island and resists the US military's attack, there will be absolutely no problem.

So if we take advantage of this period to gain a greater advantage in the west and force the US military to divide its forces, then there is still hope.

Thinking about it, he looked at the map again.

Further west is the Indian Ocean, and further west is the Suez Canal. If we can capture this, we can connect with the Axis navies in the Mediterranean.

 If the British fleet in the Mediterranean can be destroyed.

Then the situation of the Axis powers will expand countless times in an instant.

In order to prevent the Allies from being corrupted, the US military will most likely send a fleet over.

Not only that, the Germans can even send their submarines to hunt US warships in the Far East.

 For a time, Nagyun Chuichi thought a lot.

During this time, he has been thinking about how to break the situation.

 As a result, I was racking my brains and couldn’t figure out how to reverse the decline.

Now after receiving the reminder from Zhengzo by the river, I suddenly became enlightened.


Since the eastward exit failed, then head westward.

 Looking at the comparison of the naval strength of various countries, at present, the naval strength of the Axis powers is already very weak.

 There is still hope if we unite.

 If we continue to disperse like this, I am afraid that failure is not far away.

Thinking of this, Nagumo Chuichi decided to march westward immediately.

It just so happened that German submarines were also wandering in the nearby waters and were hunting British merchant ships. The two sides could cooperate completely.

"Sorry, the navy cannot provide aviation for the time being, but the navy can dispatch two cruisers to Yangon to help the army defend Yangon. I believe that if we persist for three to five days, the reinforcements will go south and we will be able to defeat the rebels." Although Chuichi Nagumo refused. Navy carrier-based aircraft were dispatched, but two cruisers were offered to support.

Originally, Shozo Hebian wanted to curse, but when he heard the cruiser, he fell silent again.

 Because cruisers are much more useful than aviation.

 At least he can retreat from the sea if necessary.

But at that time, it was better to just commit suicide.

 Because if he went back to await his fate, he would commit suicide by committing seppuku.

 “Thank you, Nagumo-kun.” After a long silence, Hebian Shozo said.

“You’re welcome, thank you for proposing the strategy of advancing westward and letting me know how to break the situation.” Nagumo Chuichi said with a smile.

"How is it? Commander, has the navy agreed?" Seeing Shozo coming out of the river, Yahara Hiromichi quickly asked. “The navy did not agree to send aviation troops.”

Before he finished speaking, a group of staff officers in the military department were scolded.

 As a result, I saw Hebian Zhengzo's face looking a little ugly.

 “Baga, shut up.”

“The navy did not send aviation troops, but it sent two cruisers. With their help, I believe it shouldn’t be a problem to defend Yangon.”

 Hearing this, many people breathed a sigh of relief.

 Battleships are indeed much more useful than fighter planes.

 Especially the naval gun salvo, its huge power can definitely intimidate the rebels.

“Yo Xi, Yangon is saved.” Yahara Hiromichi said excitedly.

“Let each squadron be sure to defend Yangon, and also urge the 55th Division to speed up.” Kawabe Masami said again.


On the other hand, after Long Wenwen took over the airport, in addition to strictly guarding the airport, he also sent three regiments to attack Yangon.

 The original intention was to think about whether we could take advantage of the chaos to capture the city of Yangon.

 It turned out that I had overthought it and the Japanese army had already made preparations.

It's just that the Japanese army's way of blocking the attack was still the same as Meng Fangliao said.

 Some Japanese soldiers even tied themselves to trees to stop the attack.

 This is indeed a good idea, especially at night.

 The effect was very good. The British army was defeated by this fighting method at the beginning.

The Sichuan Army Corps also had a lot of experience with the Japanese army, so it naturally knew the Japanese army's tactics.

 But these natives did not have much fighting with the Japanese army.

 So faced with this set of tactics of the Japanese army, we suffered heavy losses.

 In just half an hour, more than 500 people were lost.

 A regiment was completely defeated.

Had it not been for Long Wenwen leading his troops to suppress them, it would have probably caused a series of defeats.

 Fortunately, after shooting several natives who took the lead in escaping, the troops were temporarily stabilized.

 However, the offensive momentum was contained.

 It is impossible to maintain the same high morale offensive rhythm as before.

 So, Long Wenzhang must find a way to solve this problem.

 Fortunately, Long Wenwen's mind was very active and he immediately came up with a solution.

That is to use machine guns, mortars, and submachine guns indiscriminately to blast the treetops on both sides for a while.

 Many soldiers are doubtful.

Long Wenwen patted his chest and assured that it would definitely be effective.

 “Yes, right there, blow it up hard for me.”

“Sir, are you sure there will be someone up here?”

“Believe me, there is definitely someone here, don’t worry, it’s definitely not wrong.”

 Fortunately, Long Wenwen's usual prestige is pretty good, so at this time these natives can only choose to believe him.

As expected, after a burst of shooting, many Japanese soldiers fell to the ground, which surprised many natives.

 “Sir, how did you know where there was someone?”

"It's very simple. If the Japanese sharpshooters want to shoot, they must have enough observation space, which requires them to cut off some branches or leaves."

"Look at whether those treetops have been cut down. Don't worry about it. There must be little Japs hiding there. It's a sure thing to bombard them with artillery."

"I see."

I have to say that it immediately attracted admiring looks from many natives.

 In the ensuing attack, the natives saw the treetops that had been occupied, and without saying a word, they fired a burst of fire.

 If it is really out of reach, use mortars.

 If that doesn’t work, use a grenade!

Anyway, we did kill a lot of Japanese sharpshooters.

 However, bullets are consumed very quickly.

 Long Wenwen has no solution for the new problems.

Either you risk your life!

 But those natives were not fools and rushed forward regardless of their lives.

 As long as the loss reaches 10%, it will start to collapse.

 Twenty percent of the casualties were directly fried on the spot.

 As for the 30%, it goes without saying that they will be defeated directly.

Had he not suppressed it several times with his henchmen, his 10,000 people would probably be no different from Sun Yunfei's 10,000 people, and more than half of them would have escaped.

Even so, he lost more than 1,500 people among his ten thousand people.

 Including the hundreds of missing people, there are now less than 8,000 people left.

 If we do it again, I’m afraid it will be much less.

 “Damn it, these natives are so unreliable, they want to escape even before they are beaten.” Long Wenwen could not help but curse.

 Originally, we still relied on tactics to gain a considerable advantage.

 As a result, as the Japanese army began to react, these advantages gradually disappeared, and they even became disadvantaged.

 In other words, the plan to quickly capture Yangon may not be realized.

Thinking of this, Long Wenwen felt depressed for a while.

“Sir, how about we capture some strong men and let them consume the Japanese artillery shells?” a Kachin soldier whispered.

These indigenous people also have great conflicts within themselves, so they put forward such proposals that harm others but do not benefit themselves.

If Long Wenwen agrees, his reputation will definitely be ruined.

  But I have to say that this advice is indeed good.

  After all, those who died were indigenous people, so they could fulfill Cun Yunsheng's instructions very well.

"What the Japanese army can do, we can do too. Anyway, these people have defected to the Japanese army. They are traitors." The Kachin soldier said righteously.

Hearing this, Long Wenwen narrowed his eyes and looked at the Kachin warrior in front of him.

This guy definitely had a bad idea!

 He can consume these natives in war, but he must not do this kind of thing.

Thinking of this, Long Wenzhang directly rejected his proposal.

"We are here to rescue them. If we do this, how will we be different from the Japanese army?"

"Okay, you lead your men and continue the attack, and be sure to defeat the Japanese army blocking the way."


Hearing that he was going to attack, the Kachin warrior immediately gave up.

 But seeing Long Wenwen's unkind look, he did not dare to refuse, so he could only bite the bullet and lead his men to attack.

“These natives all have evil intentions. If you are not careful, you can fall into their tricks. Sure enough, Tuan Zuo is right. Those who are not of my race must have different intentions.” Long Wenwen sneered.

  "Go and watch. If you dare to retreat, you will be shot on the spot."

"Yes." The soldier who received the order immediately took people to serve as a supervising team.

I didn’t eat at night and was hungry all the time. I just ate a bowl of potato flour to fill my stomach. I was really hungry. After I finished eating, I quickly finished writing the rest. It was so difficult!



 (End of this chapter)

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