The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 198: It’s up to you whether you can breastfeed daily! (Third update

Chapter 198 It’s up to you whether you can breastfeed daily! (Third update!)

There is no doubt that the battleships of the Siamese navy are inferior to those of the French army.

 The reason why Siam can own so many warships is purely because Siam has a pretty good relationship with Europe and the United States, so it bought these warships.

Capturing Siam's warships means that the Sichuan Army Corps has changed from land and air to land, sea and air.

 As for no sailors?

 Is this a problem?

 The most indispensable thing on the opposite side is sailors.

 The battleships were scuttled.

 The sailors have all gone ashore to serve as infantry.

As long as we get the warships, I believe someone will come over soon.

 From the beginning to the end, Cun Yunsheng never worried about the sailors.

 The only trouble is the battleships.

 Fortunately, we now have the internal response of the Fourth Division.

 There is absolutely no problem in capturing the Siamese fleet intact.

“Commander, if we take these battleships, will Stilwell really leave it to us to deal with?” Meng Fangliao asked worriedly.

If the relationship between the two sides breaks down because of these warships, it will be more than worth the gain.

 At least with the Allies on their back, they are living a comfortable life now.

If you leave the Allied Forces, the end may not be so good, or even miserable.

“Don’t worry, Stilwell doesn’t like these rags at all. As for those rags from Siam, U.S. dollars won’t cost them at all.” Cun Yunsheng shook his head and was not worried at all.

“What can be sold by the great powers are some rags and good things. They don’t sell them to outsiders at all, they keep them for their own use.”

“Perhaps Stilwell wishes we had a navy.”

 At the end of the sentence, Cun Yunsheng chuckled.

This is really not a joke.

You must know that Stilwell did not deal with MacArthur.

 It was MacArthur's turn next, and his outstanding performance shocked everyone.

Especially the leapfrog tactic, which directly made him famous.

So if Stilwell wants to become famous, he must rely on the Sichuan Army.

Even, it is possible that the navy of the Sichuan Army becomes stronger.

 “Real or false?” Meng Fanliao said with some disbelief.

“Don’t worry, when have I ever lied to you?” Cun Yunsheng chuckled.

“I don’t know what’s going on with Zhang Lixian? I don’t know if the French army is still the same French army.”

"Huh?" Meng Fan looked confused. What do you mean, it's not the French army?

 Can the French army still change?

Only Cun Yunsheng knows whether he can breastfeed on a daily basis.

 It depends on whether Zhang Lixian is strong enough.

 At this time, the French Indo-China colonial army had about 15,000 people, of which more than 12,000 were French.

 A total of 51 infantry battalions, two artillery regiments and one engineering battalion were established.

At the same time, the French army is seriously short of tanks and can only use 20 old Renault FT-17 tanks.

  The air force is pretty good.

There are about a hundred fighters, 60 of which are considered to have reached the front-line combat level, including 30 Bertez-25TOE.

  It can be said that the Vichy French army’s air force is pretty good.

 So in order to prevent Zhang Lixian from suffering a loss, Cun Yunsheng directly called Zhang Yang of the aviation team and asked him to take off his fighter planes immediately to support the Jingdong area at any time.


Since learning that the French army had begun sending troops from Khmer, Zhang Lixian immediately began to assemble all his forces.

I originally thought that the French army would take the initiative to attack, but it turned out that the French army stopped immediately after reaching the border.

This moment made Zhang Lixian a little confused.

 What is this operation?

 Aren’t you going to attack?

 Why did you stop?

 Not only Zhang Lixian was confused!

 Others were also confused.

 This French army is completely different from what you imagined.

 In fact, the French army is not really a fool.

 They gave up the disputed territory only under the threat of the Japanese army.

 So Governor Degu hated those dwarfs in his heart.

  However, I don’t have a good impression of the Sichuan Army either.

 So, when the troops arrive at the border, they immediately enter the defensive stage.

You must know that the French army, which has been tested for a long time in World War I, is still very knowledgeable about defense. It has deployed large and small fortifications on the defense line.

The French army, which experienced the era of giant artillery in World War I, naturally knew how to widen the depth at the front and rear. They even drew on the experience of tank combat in World War I and World War II to make the depth very wide.

This shattered Zhang Lixian's original idea of ​​relying on heavy artillery to destroy the opponent's defenses.

You must know that the French army is not Siam. Their weapons and combat skills are higher than those of the Thai army. Even at night, the French army's defense of outposts and fortifications is very strict.

Especially after widening the defensive distance, the lethality of the French machine gun positions cannot be underestimated.

The reason why the French army was defeated so quickly was mainly because they were stunned by the German blitzkrieg.

In any frontal battle, it’s hard to say whether you will win or lose.

"This French army has some tactics." Zhang Lixian said with a slight frown based on the intelligence in his hand.

 This is not a good sign.

 It means that if you want to take the initiative to attack, you may have to pay a certain price.

 “Batalion Commander, what should we do? Is this just a confrontation?” the subordinate asked doubtfully.

“Don’t be impatient first, let’s take a look. The French army’s intention is to defend, which means they will not attack.”

“But defense is not our style.” Zhang Lixian shook his head and said.

“Looking at it now, the shortcoming of the French army is the lack of troops. According to the telegram sent from the top, the French army only has a total of more than 15,000 people.”

“The line of defense they need to defend is very long and not enough to defend comprehensively, so they adopt focused defense to guard key points.”

“As for the deployment of troops on other defense lines, it should be to send messages.”

“Even if we break through a little bit, it will be difficult to break through in depth quickly.”

“As long as the French army maintains its depth, it can mobilize superior forces and eat up our assault department. There is really no problem with this tactical arrangement.”

 After analyzing it, Zhang Lixian couldn't help but sigh, the great powers are still the same great powers.

The tactical literacy is definitely very high.

 At least there is no problem with this arrangement.

 The only thing is that Zhang Lixian did not consider the morale of the French army.

 At this time, the French army had long lost its original morale.

 For them, they can mix and mingle.

“Battal Commander, the French army’s layout looks like a pocket formation.” The subordinate looked at the drawn map and said in a daze.

"Well, it is indeed a pocket formation, waiting for us to get into it. I have to say that the French army has a really big appetite."

“Aren’t you afraid of dying on your own?” Zhang Lixian sneered.

 At this moment, a voice sounded outside.

“Zhang Lixian, I’m here, do you want to welcome me?”

Hearing the familiar voice, Zhang Lixian's eyes lit up, and he quickly walked out of the headquarters and looked at He Shuguang in front of him.

"Xiao He, you are finally here. I have been waiting for you for a long time." Zhang Lixian stepped forward and punched He Shuguang on the shoulder, and then said excitedly.

"How? How many people did you bring?" Zhang Lixian asked again.

"Not many, just one camp." He Shuguang stretched out a finger. Zhang Lixian couldn't help but be a little disappointed when he heard that there was only one battalion. The French army opposite had three to four thousand people.

There are only 2,000 people in two battalions. Although I have fought two battles with the Sichuan Army, this kind of battle in which a small number wins a large number, the first command is still a bit panicky.

 Seeing Zhang Lixian's somewhat disappointed expression, He Shuguang chuckled.

"I guess you will be disappointed. This camp of mine is not an ordinary camp."

"What's the meaning?"

 “Does Yu Zhi know?”

"Ah? You mean Xiao Yu? Is he here too?" Zhang Lixian's eyes lit up, and he didn't expect that even Yu Zhi was here.

"Yes, you are now the deputy battalion commander for me. If nothing else, you will soon be the chariot battalion commander." He Shuguang said mysteriously.

 “What do you mean?” Zhang Lixian was still a little confused.

"Isn't the previous chariot battalion commander Zhao He? Didn't he return to Lashio to participate in the reorganization? There are only fourteen tanks left in his chariot battalion, and they are all assigned to my battalion. In addition to being the deputy battalion commander, Yu Zhi , also serves as the commander of the tank company."

With He Shuguang’s explanation, Zhang Lixian finally understood what it meant.

“It seems that the regiment wants Yu Zhi to serve as the chariot battalion commander.”

"Yes, if there hadn't been a fight on your side, he would have gone back to reorganize." He Shuguang said with a smile.

"Okay, since you are here, there is a task assigned to you. You will be the first to take the lead later and try out the strength of the French army."

 “I will mobilize all artillery to support you.”

"How is it? Are you confident?" Zhang Lixian looked at the other party seriously.

 As a result, He Shuguang rolled his eyes and said angrily.

“Do you think I am the kind of person who is greedy for life and afraid of death?”

"Okay, but you'd better take your time, don't set fire to the French headquarters again, and save something important." Zhang Lixian's ridicule made He Shuguang frown.

This guy is really someone who can't pick up any pot.


 At the French position opposite, after the defense line was repaired, the French soldiers lay in the position chatting.

 For them, the war has already come to an end.

 But there is no other way. They must obey the orders from the top.

 Fortunately, the order only told them to defend, not to attack.

 That's why these French troops are so good-tempered.

 Otherwise, they would have exploded long ago.

 For them, coming to the colony is just for enjoyment.

  Instead of fighting for some **** war.

 The war has ended long ago and has nothing to do with them.

The ground was peaceful, while in the sky, French pilots were patrolling the border in Bertez-25TOE fighter jets.

As a result, while flying, I saw troops of the Sichuan Army building a pontoon bridge on the river on the ground, obviously preparing to cross the bridge.

“Damn it, the enemy was getting ready to cross the river, and by God, they actually attacked.”

"Where are our people? Why didn't we fight back?" the French pilot asked doubtfully.

Logically speaking, the defense line here should be garrisoned by soldiers. As a result, no one came to stop it, and it remained calm.

If he had known that the French troops were hiding in their positions chatting and had never thought that the Sichuan Army would cross the river and launch an attack, he would not have thought so.

  After all, for the French army, the Sichuan Army should not dare to attack them.

 They are great powers!

How dare such a motley crew from the Far East as the Sichuan Army do?

 Facts prove that they really dare.

 There was no other way, so the French pilots decided to take matters into their own hands.

 “Guys, get ready to work.”

With a shout, the French pilot directly drove the Bertez-25TOE fighter jet, swinging its wings, and dived carefully.

 “Damn, there’s an enemy plane.” The accompanying wingman saw a black shadow flash past and quickly sent out an emergency enemy signal.

“Enemy plane?” The French pilot was stunned and subconsciously looked at the ground.

 He thought the enemy planes were anti-aircraft guns on the ground.

 The movement of his hands did not relax, but he chose to turn left and circle.

 This is out of trust in your companions.

 He knew that his companion would not say this for no reason.

“Whoosh whoosh!” The sound of 20mm machine gun bullets passed by.


 The French pilot felt a shock and knew he had been shot.

 Fortunately, he dodged most of the bullets in advance, otherwise the shuttle machine gun bullets would have blown him up and killed him.

"so close!"

The French pilot said something subconsciously, then controlled the plane and chose to circle back.

 As a result, we saw a thick smoke rising in the distance.

 His wingman was shot down.

“Damn, this is a Spitfire. Why are there Spitfires here?” The French pilots immediately saw that this was a British Spitfire.

 One of the most advanced fighter jets currently available, several times more advanced than the fighter he piloted.

“Asshole, the Sichuan Army has been prepared for this a long time ago, otherwise it would not be such a coincidence that there would be an ambush here.” The French pilot broke out in a cold sweat.

As expected, soon a dense number of fighter planes appeared in the sky in the distance, more than thirty in total.

 In addition to Spitfires, there are also P38 fighters and Japanese fighters.

This combination made him a little confused.

This is a Wanguo brand fighter?

If a few more German fighter planes come here, wouldn't it mean that all the fighter planes of the great powers are gathered together?

 For a while, the French pilot's scalp felt numb.

I didn’t expect the Sichuan Army’s air force to be so powerful.

At the same time, I am very curious, why do they have Japanese fighter planes?

 Did the Japanese army sell it to them?

 It shouldn’t be!

 This is absolutely impossible!

It is impossible for the Japanese army to sell to them.

But how to explain these fighters?

Unfortunately, he didn't have time to think that much, because the enemy's machine gun bullets came again.

Old-fashioned fighters like his are simply unable to fight against Spitfires.

 “Boom!” He was lucky enough to escape again, but a fireball exploded in the sky in the distance, making his face turn pale.

This time they came with ten fighter planes, two of which were bombers.

In addition to performing reconnaissance missions, I just wanted to take advantage of it.

For example, find the artillery positions of the Sichuan Army Corps, or ammunition depots, etc., and drop them to see if there will be any surprises.

 The result is indeed a surprise, that is, their bombers were blown up in the air.

"Damn, bastard, why are there so many fighter planes here?" the French pilot roared, and at the same time issued an order to retreat.

 Even if they are evenly matched, it is possible to continue fighting.

 In this situation, I would never risk death.

It's just that he couldn't get away from the Spitfire fighter jets chasing behind him.

"Let you run away, so I don't have to mess around." It was Zhang Yang who was driving the Spitfire, and he was chasing the French fighter plane in front of him.

 “How long has it been since we still used such an outdated biplane fighter?”

When the enemy enters the sight, Zhang Yang pulls the trigger decisively.

Sure enough, a burst of 20mm machine gun bullets directly hit the opponent.

  Okay, it’s a little late, sorry!



 (End of this chapter)

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