Chapter 2 Here comes another old man!

That's right, it was the arrogant Lin Yi who came face to face.

Originally, he was still wondering who it was?

 When he saw the opponent’s lieutenant colonel’s rank, his expression immediately changed.

 “Hello, sir.”

 Her authentic Shanghainese accent made everyone behind her a little surprised.

Especially when the other party still holds the rank of major.

 After all, only broken troops were accommodated here, with some lieutenants occasionally interspersed.

 Campus officials are still rare to see.

“Lin Yi.” Cun Yunsheng never expected that the first person he saw would be Lin Yi.

 For this major who had never fought in a war, Cun Yunsheng thought that he was an incompetent person at first.

 A series of subsequent actions made him discover that this major was not that simple.

 First of all, if nothing else, those who can attend officer training courses must have certain family background and knowledge.

From the fact that he was able to write a song on the spot in the later period to criticize the Japanese army's ridicule, it can be seen that his knowledge is very high.

It was that song that completely convinced everyone in the cannon fodder group.

"Hey, sir, do you know me?" Lin Yi looked confused, especially when the other party was wearing a Sichuan Army uniform.

 After all, he didn’t know the officers of the Sichuan Army.

"Well, of course I know, Lin Yi, a native of Shanghai, graduated from the 15th officer training camp, never fought in a war..." Cun Yunsheng was quite familiar with his details, so he opened his mouth.

Being called out for details, especially the statement that he had never fought in a war, made Lin Yi's face turn red.

Xue Tian was also surprised.

 “A major who has never fought in a war? How is this possible?”

 Not only was Xue Tian surprised, but the soldiers in that squad were also shocked.

 The war has been going on for several years, and there are very few officers who have never fought in a war.

 Except for the officers who have just graduated, the officers of the other units have basically been rotated once, and some have been rotated several times.

Hearing the doubts from others, Lin Yi lowered his head in shame.

  After all, for a major officer, it is simply unbelievable that he has never fought in a war.

 Actually, he was also very aggrieved.

 At first, he joined the army to avenge his father, but he failed miserably along the way.

Later, he entered the military academy, studied hard, and graduated with honors. However, he was too bookish and his subordinates were all soldiers.

Obviously he wanted to fight hard, but he always ended up being defeated, so that he was promoted to major without fighting a single battle.

  Made him very helpless.

 So, now faced with other people’s doubts, Lin Yi didn’t know what to say other than a wry smile.

“Sir, what are you doing here?” Lin Yi had no choice but to pretend not to hear and asked curiously.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng chuckled.

 “Come to help you escape from the sea of ​​suffering.”

“???” Lin Yi was confused for a moment.

What's the meaning?

 Should they be shot?

Even though they are all a bunch of bad people here, they won’t all be shot?

"Don't worry, it's a conscription. Now my army needs some veterans." Cun Yunsheng explained casually.

 Then he looked at Lin Yi again, if he remembered correctly.

 At this time, Lin Yi should be preparing to get meat and pork stewed vermicelli for them.

 In order to establish the image of a true commander in the hearts of these soldiers, he pawned his late father's watch, but no one knew about it.

 Just to get the most important pork for this dish.

 Here, you can see his responsibility.

"Conscription? Sir, are you here to recruit troops?" Lin Yi was a little excited for a moment. He had been waiting for this day for a long time.

 He wants to go to war, not stay here.

 A major who doesn’t want to be ridiculed anymore and has never fought in a war.

"Yes, what do you think? Are you interested in joining my regiment? I'm still short of a chief of staff, and I think you're a good fit." Cun Yunsheng still understood Lin Yi's abilities. People who are responsible, ambitious, and educated will grow up very quickly.

What's more, he graduated with excellent grades and his military theory is very solid.

But what is missing is this kind of people with solid military theory.

 “Can I do it?” At this time, Lin Yi was not confident again.

More importantly, he felt that this was like a piece of pie falling from the sky.

He couldn't believe it.

“Of course, you are an officer who graduated with honors that year, so you have to believe in yourself.” Cun Yunsheng said with a slight smile.

At this time, Lin Yi couldn't suppress the excitement on his face. He turned around and ran into the shelter, shouting at the same time.

"Brothers, there are people coming up the mountain to recruit troops. Come out quickly. The troops are recruiting. We don't have to hang around in confusion anymore."

Looking at Lin Yi trotting all the way, Cun Yunsheng couldn't help but shake his head.

 Still not stable enough.

"Master, do you really want to accept that major as chief of staff? A major who has never fought in a war? It can't be fake, right?" Xue Tian advised with some worry.

And Cun Yunsheng was thinking about the next plot.

 “Don’t worry, I have my own sense of discretion.”

 Seeing Cun Yunsheng say this, Xue Tian didn't say much.

 At this moment, the inside of the shelter became extremely lively.

"Sir Ayi, are you deliberately teasing us because you can't get pork?"

“Yes, Sir Ayi, this is what you said. Today we are going to eat pork stewed with vermicelli. If we can’t get pork, what are we going to eat?”

"That's right, sir Ayi, you can't fool us soldiers."

 They didn’t believe a word of Lin Yi’s words.

According to Meng Fan, they are a bunch of bad people.

Even if they are all dead, no one will care about them.

 Hence, there is no recruitment.

Lin Yi's face turned red after being ridiculed by everyone, and then he wanted to take up his identity as a commander, but thought that these soldiers would not criticize him at all, and he said a little discouraged.

“I’m not lying to you guys, it’s really someone from the top.”

At this time, Cun Yunsheng led people into the shelter. Looking at the defeated soldiers lying like corpses on both sides, he sighed in his heart.

"What a commander." A defeated soldier saw that Cun Yunsheng and his group were obviously extraordinary, especially the beautiful weapons and equipment of that squad, which really frightened many people.

“You’re not really here to recruit soldiers, are you?”

 “Maybe it’s true.”

“Such a young lieutenant colonel, with so much sophisticated equipment, must have a great background.”

“We’re not going to be used as cannon fodder, right?”

 “It seems to be the Sichuan Army.”

Cun Yunsheng pretended not to have heard everyone's comments.

And his eyes were looking at the man limping in the distance.

Meng is annoyed.

 It’s annoying again.

"Your uncle, there really is an uncle here. Sir Ayi, what is his background?" Meng Fangli could clearly see how young Cun Yunsheng was, so he naturally knew that the other party had a lot of background, so he asked doubtfully.

 “I don’t know.” Lin Yi replied honestly.

 Actually, he really didn't know. When he heard the other party promised a chief of staff, he ran in excitedly and didn't even ask about the rest.

"Your uncle, you don't know anything, so you just lead people here." Meng Fan said angrily.

 He didn't take Lin Yi seriously at all, even though he was lame in one leg.

 (End of this chapter)

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