The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 218: What a surprise! (Second update!)

Chapter 218 What a surprise! (Second update!)

Looking at Stilwell lost in thought, Cun Yunsheng knew that his goal should have been achieved.

 It can only be said that the American strategy at this time is still too young.

 If it were him, he would definitely allow the British Empire to surrender.

 Do you think the other party dares to surrender?

 If we really surrender, will Fatty Qiu come up instead?

 Can't it be replaced by someone else?

 So, the British Empire will not surrender even if it is beaten to death.

 If you win, you may still maintain your dominance.

 If you lose, you really have nothing.

 “You mean to ignore the British army in Tianzhu?” Stilwell asked doubtfully.

“No, no, no, the British Empire is our important ally, so it must be taken care of.” Cun Yunsheng would not step into this trap.

If you turn around and sell it to him, won’t it be a trap?

 So he will not be fooled.

"Yes, this is also the intention of the White House, let us send troops to march westward. These days, I have been hesitating whether to send the New First Army or your Sichuan Army." Stilwell sighed, and then looked at the inch Yunsheng.

 “What do you think?”

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng said without hesitation.

 “I am willing to go.”

Stilwell couldn't help it now. He originally thought that the other party would not be willing to go.

 Taking into account his relationship with General Wavell, and the fact that the Sichuan Army now has a big tail that cannot be lost.

The other party was definitely not happy, but Cun Yunsheng's decisive answer made him stunned.

 For a while, he was a little confused, wondering whether he should send Fang Fang to Tianzhu.

"General Stilwell, why are you hesitating?" Cun Yunsheng asked doubtfully.

"We are the Allied Forces. Even if I have a conflict with General Wavell, it is a military disagreement and it is related to strategy. I will definitely obey orders."

I have to say, what I said is really beautiful.

 At least for a moment, Stilwell was in a trance.

 Did I really blame Cun Yunsheng wrongly?

 After thinking for a long time, Stilwell shook his head and said.

“The current mission of the Sichuan Army is very heavy. You are needed in the Southeast Asian theater. After you return, take Siam immediately and force the French army to surrender. If they do not surrender, you are allowed to deal with them.”

This time the French navy's participation in the attack exposed the British army and made it clear that it wanted to retaliate against the French army.

So Stilwell couldn't protect the opponent, so he could only try to force surrender first.

 If it really doesn't work, it can only be completely eliminated.

  After all, he had the idea of ​​the British Empire to consider.

"Yes." Cun Yunsheng didn't expect such a surprise. It was indeed beyond his expectation.

to be honest.

 It is not impossible to go to Tianzhu.

The resources there are more abundant and there is a lot to do.

 You can even send someone to Persia to establish a relationship.

 The situation will become more interesting then.

 The more chaos, the better for him.

No matter how many foreigners die, what does it have to do with him?

 In war, people will die.

 Human beings' joys and sorrows are not the same, and he cannot empathize with them.

 Next, Stilwell had no intention of talking to Cun Yunsheng.

The main thing is what Cun Yunsheng said, if the British Empire is gone, wouldn’t it be better for the United States to accept those allies?

 He thought he could write a plan and submit it to the White House for them to make a judgment.

 If you want to become a new world hegemon, the British Commonwealth cannot be avoided.

 Instead of waiting for the war to end, it is better to expand one's influence during the war.

 Leaving the Allied Forces Headquarters, Cun Yunsheng went straight to the location of the New First Army.

 This meeting with Stilwell, in addition to expressing his attitude, was to dig a hole for Stilwell.

There is a piece of cake in front, but there is a hole in the middle.

 I just don’t know if Stilwell can jump.

 But judging from his attitude just now, it is obvious that he can jump.

Thinking of this, Cun Yunsheng sneered.

 “This cake is not that delicious, and the British Empire is not helpless to fight back.”

 When they arrived at the station of the New First Army, they saw Zheng Dongguo and three others who had been waiting for a long time.

“I have met three officers.” Cun Yunsheng smiled and saluted.

“Captain Cun is so polite.” Zheng Dongguo said with a smile on his face, indicating that he didn’t need to be so polite.

 After all, Cun Yunsheng, a colonel, is different.

If it weren’t for the no-name brand, I would probably be on par with them now.

With this ability, most people would be ashamed of themselves.

 Hence, they did not dare to treat each other as an ordinary colonel.

"Brother Yunsheng, I believe you also understand the content of the telegram? Our new army is about to be ordered to march westward. I don't know what advice you have?" Zheng Dongguo asked first before the other two people could speak.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng nodded, then looked at the three people in front of him, thought for a while and asked.

 “What are your plans?”

 “Can you at least let me know your attitude?”

 Zheng Dongguo was not surprised by this and expressed the previous rhetoric.

 After listening to what he said, Cun Yunsheng thought for a while and then gave his own opinion.

“I just talked with Stilwell. In his eyes, the British army is more important than us. Even if we can solve the Japanese army in Southeast Asia in advance, it will be useless. They must consider the interests of the British Empire.”

These words made Zheng Dongguo and others look unhappy.

 Unexpectedly, they were nothing in the eyes of the Allies.

“So, you mean we continue to hold back?” Zheng Dongguo immediately understood what the other party meant and asked.

"No, we can't hold back this time. On the contrary, we still have to show a certain strength." Cun Yunsheng shook his head and said.

 “Do you have a map?”

Hearing this, Zheng Dongguo signaled his subordinates to get the map immediately.

 I saw Cun Yunsheng take out his pen and start drawing directly.

"I suggest using these places as strongholds, fighting steadily, and not rushing for success. As for Stilwell's urging, don't worry about it at all. The only people he can rely on now are us. You can use this to ask for more equipment." Cun Yunsheng felt These people need to be brainwashed.

 Let them not be intimidated when they see foreigners and inherently feel inferior.

Hearing this, Zheng Dongguo and others looked at each other.

 With their thick skin, it is impossible for them to do such a thing.

“Stilwell, the Chief of Staff of the Southeast Asian Theater, is not the only one who can command us. Apart from us, can he command a squad of British troops?”

“So, feel free to ask for it, don’t be afraid, just get it when you need it, whether it’s a tank, an airplane, or a cannon.”

“You don’t know how much power Stilwell has, and the resources he can control are frightening.” Cun Yunsheng looked like he hated iron.

 Although there are advisers sent by the US military to keep an eye on the use of supplies.

 But there are always more solutions than difficulties. As long as you are willing to use your brain, what does it mean to reimburse a few more supplies?

How many consultants are there?

 Be bribed first. If you can't be bribed, then solve it directly.

 In a battlefield, a few people will always die.

Even a US military adviser will have surprises.

As expected, after listening to Cun Yunsheng's words, their faces showed shocked expressions.

Can you still play like this?

Aren’t you afraid that the U.S. military will go berserk?

“Allied pilots die every day on the Hump Route. What does it matter if a few Americans die?”

"You are still too timid. The timid will starve to death, and the bold will die of starvation."

 “What about consultants? It’s not like they’re exempt from death.”

“Remember, if you dare, the Allies are our cash machines.”

Cun Yunsheng's words really shocked them. It turned out that this was still possible.

 No wonder the Sichuan Army has developed so well.

I have to say that the three of them, Zheng Dongguo, did learn a lesson today.

“Then why is it such an area?” Zheng Dongguo didn’t quite understand what the area designated by Cun Yunsheng meant.

“You can advance here to attack, retreat to defend, and it has terrain advantages.”

"More importantly, this was once our territory, and the indigenous people here still yearn for us. We will have certain advantages here." Cun Yunsheng said with a smile.

If Stilwell lets the Sichuan Army march westward to Tianzhu, he will definitely occupy these places as soon as possible, and then use the advantages of the indigenous people to fight steadily.

Since he is not allowed to move westward, this plan will naturally be given to the New First Army.

I believe that with his guidance, the new blackened army may achieve even more terrifying results.

 After listening to Cun Yunsheng's words, Zheng Dongguo couldn't help but admire him. This guy was really thinking long-term.

They even took into account the advantages of the masses, which they did not expect.

"Will Stilwell really agree to our conditions?" Liao Yaoxiang asked somewhat unconfidently.

"Don't worry, he will definitely agree to any of your requests." Cun Yunsheng said with certainty.

As mentioned before, the only troops Stilwell could rely on were the Indian Army and the Sichuan Army.

 So we will agree to any request made by the New First Army.

As expected, when the New First Army proposed various supplies, Stilwell did not refuse, but actively sent them supplies.

 It was precisely after seeing this that Zheng Dongguo and others began to go dark, or in other words, embarked on a different path.

Cun Yunsheng, who had solved the doubts of Zheng Dongguo and others, saw an acquaintance on his way back to the airport.

 Master Mai!

 Arthur, MacRuhan.

 In the original work, this person was called Master Mai by the cannon fodder group.

 At the same time, he is also the person who understands best in the cannon fodder group!

 He understands Long Wenwen’s good intentions and understands that he is the regiment leader who cares most about the “cannon fodder”.

 He understood that Tang Ji's personal interests were above the honor and disgrace of the country and victory in the war, and that personal interests were eternal.

He understands Shangfeng's political plan. The outcome of the war has become a bargaining chip. He is unwilling to watch "cannon fodder" fight to the death. Even if he wins the battle, he will still lose the battle.

The purpose of Master Mai coming to the Sichuan Army was simply to get money and leave. He had the right to directly contact the US military to mobilize supplies. Master Mai, who had just arrived at the Sichuan Army, did not like it and was a little disgusted with the cannon fodder there.

What he really dislikes is the thousand tombs on Nantianmen.

Later on, as I learned more about it, I became more and more moved by Cannon Fodder.

 Finally died at Nantianmen.

Cun Yunsheng still has a good impression of this gunsmith.

   Did not expect to see the other party here, which indeed surprised him.

“Major Tom, who is he?” Cun Yunsheng pretended not to know the other person and asked casually.

“A gunsmith is going to be transferred to Kunming to assist in the reorganization of the troops there.” the adjutant said.

"You know, during this period, we have supported a lot of fine art equipment, but the quality of your troops is very low, and some people don't know how to use fine art equipment at all, so General Stilwell will definitely send some gunners to specifically instruct them. Use these weapons."

“At the same time, they will also be responsible for the use of supplies.” The adjutant shrugged and said casually.

 After hearing what he said, Cun Yunsheng's eyes lit up, and then he said.

“Major Tom, as you know, many people in my Sichuan Army Corps do not know how to use fine art equipment, and they also need professional gunsmiths for guidance. What do you think of letting this man who goes to the Sichuan Army Corps serve as a gunsmith?”

"Colonel Cun, you will definitely not like him. He has a bad temper and can't get along with many people." The adjutant spread his hands and said helplessly.

"It's okay, I don't care about the temper of such capable people." Cun Yunsheng said with a smile.

"Okay, I will sign a transfer order and let him go to the Sichuan Army Corps to assist your troops in training." As Stilwell's adjutant, he still has this right.

 In this way, Lao Maitou was transferred to the Sichuan Army Corps.

 In fact, Cun Yunsheng really has no shortage of gunsmiths now.

He still has a lot of veterans, so he will definitely be able to shoulder the task of teaching new recruits.

 The only thing lacking is cultural heritage, which can only be accumulated slowly.

 His real idea was to let Lao Maitou assist Long Wenwen.

 That’s right!

 Just to assist Long Wenwen, the natives in Yangon are expanding very fast now.

 There are more than 50,000 people, but the quality varies greatly.

 Many people don’t know how to use art equipment at all.

 Long Wenwen has complained to him more than once, asking him to send more veterans to him.

 The key question is, we are currently short of veterans. Where can we get them?

 Now that we have Laomaitou, it’s easy.

 Isn’t it a bad temper?

 It’s not a big problem, just give it to Long Wenwen, he has a good temper.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Cun Yunsheng's lips.

 These two combinations will definitely produce good results.

On the way back, Cun Yunsheng was still in a very good mood.

Just after returning to Lashio, Cun Yunsheng had no time to rest. Meng Fanglia told him that the person he wanted had already arrived.

 Wendell Fertig has arrived?

Cun Yunsheng suddenly felt excited, the big boss finally arrived.

This is really true. Looking forward to the stars and the moon makes people look forward to it.

 Soon after Meng was annoyed, he told him that this guy was a bit difficult to get along with.

 It seems that they are going to the Allied headquarters to accuse them.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng sneered and accused them?

 He did not pay attention to this so-called accusation at all.

Instead, he met Long Wenwen first. As soon as he saw Long Wenwen, Cun Yunsheng joked.

 “The food is good, but I actually gained weight.”

“Hey, Tuanzuo, please stop teasing me. You don’t know that this guy is really difficult to deal with. He knocked him unconscious several times along the way.” Long Wenwen said bitterly.

"Okay, I'm not here to listen to your complaints. I'll give you someone to take back with you when you go back and ask him to help you organize your indigenous troops." Cun Yunsheng shook his head and interrupted the other party's complaints.

Hearing this, Long Wenwen's eyes lit up. Isn't the reason why he complained was that he wanted some veterans to help reorganize the army?

 “Tuanzuo, do you have any tasks to give?” Long Wenwen asked one more question out of habit.

"Don't tell me, I really have a mission." Cun Yunsheng said with a half-smile.

 (End of this chapter)

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