The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 226: not enough? Then one million? (Second update!)

Chapter 226 is not enough? Then one million? (Second update!)

 “Then why are you coming back?” Zhu Maoqin looked at Du Yuming with a puzzled expression.

 It’s obviously a trap, so why come back?

 Is it going to happen again?

“It is the duty of a soldier to obey orders.” Du Yuming said calmly.

"What's more, you are all my brothers in life and death. I won't come. If someone else had come, the outcome might be even worse."

Hearing this, Zhu Maoqin remained silent because what Du Yuming said was right.

“I took a look at the roster, and many people are not on it. What’s going on?” Du Yuming asked again.

Hearing this, Zhu Maoqin looked helpless.

“It should have been poached by the Sichuan Army.”

Sichuan Army?

Du Yuming is not a fool, so he naturally understands what it means.

Although the Fifth Army is a direct descendant, compared with the Sichuan Army, the other party may be considered a direct descendant.

I heard that military pay is all in U.S. dollars, not to mention weapons.

 In terms of food and drink, not to mention comparable to the Allies, it is not much different.

"It seems that the Sichuan Army has reached far enough." Du Yuming sighed, as if he remembered what Cun Yunsheng had entrusted to him before.

 Finally, let out a sigh.

"never mind…"

“Military seat, I suggest you go to the Sichuan Army Corps to learn from it.” Suddenly, Zhu Maoqin suggested.

 Learn from experience?

Du Yuming didn't react for a while, but when he saw what Zhu Maoqin meant, he immediately woke up.

  Refers to dealings with the British and American troops.

The Sichuan Legion was able to prosper so well, apart from the military aspect, Cun Yunsheng played a big role.

And if the expeditionary force wants to retain all its troops in the next expeditionary operation, it really needs to learn from Cun Yunsheng.

Thinking of this, Du Yuming hesitated.

 Mainly thinking about what Cun Yunsheng explained before.

 It will definitely be awkward for both parties if they meet now.

Originally, Du Yuming had no intention of meeting.

Who knows, we will have to meet again now.

Thinking of this, Du Yuming fell into silence.

"Military seat, the Sichuan Army has also poached many of our soldiers. If it hadn't been for that matter, do you think we would have acquiesced in their poaching of our soldiers?" Zhu Maoqin's words resolved the embarrassment in Du Yuming's heart.

Hearing this, Du Yuming thought for a while and then spoke.

 “Then go and get some scriptures.”

Last time, it was because I didn’t know the British army well enough that it led to such a disastrous defeat.

 This time we really need to learn from it.

 Not long after, Du Yuming came to Lashio.

As a result, we learned that Cun Yunsheng was not in Lashio, so he diverted to Bangkok.

 He also did not expect that the Sichuan Army's attack would be so fast.

 They have all reached Bangkok now.

 And it is said that they are forcing Siam to surrender.

As long as Siam surrenders, it means that the war situation in Southeast Asia will become clearer.

 The only bad news is that the French army seems to be ready to move.

But all this has little to do with him.

After everything stabilized in Bangkok, Cun Yunsheng began to summon the local Chinese families.

 Some families who had defected to the Japanese army and committed evil deeds had their homes confiscated.

I have to say that these families who have accumulated wealth for hundreds of years are really rich.

 At least there were many things that made Cun Yunsheng open his eyes.

 As for other families that remained neutral, they were drawn into the Chinese Mutual Aid Association by Cun Yunsheng.

At this moment, Cun Yunsheng looked at the Chinese family leaving in the distance and sipped tea slowly.

Suddenly he felt that the tea was still very tasty, but Meng Fanglia came to the conference room and interrupted his interest in drinking tea.

 “Sir, Du Yuming from the Fifth Army is looking for you.” Meng Fanlao’s words made Cun Yunsheng stunned.

 “Isn’t he dismissed from his post? Why did he run back to the Fifth Army again?” Cun Yunsheng looked at Meng Fan in surprise.

"You suggested that Stilwell find a solution in the mountain city, so the Fifth Army was organized into the Expeditionary Force. In addition, all the troops in southwest Yunnan were organized into the Expeditionary Army, with more than 100,000 people. ." Meng Fan rolled his eyes.

 It’s not all you?

Cun Yunsheng never expected that it would be related to him. It was indeed beyond his expectation.

 What he couldn't understand was that Du Yuming was still willing to take over this mess.

 They are really the fire brigade on the battlefield.

"Doesn't it mean that Yu Xiaoqing will be included in the expeditionary force again?" Cun Yunsheng suddenly thought of Yu Xiaoqing. This guy was promoted to deputy commander, but his army was also in southwest Yunnan.

 “If nothing else, it should be.” Meng Fanlao nodded.

“Last time I was just a regiment commander, but this time I became the deputy commander. Yu Xiaoqing’s background is really quite big.”

Cun Yunsheng ignored Meng Fanglia's emotion, but thought about why Du Yuming came to him.


 Still asking for forgiveness?

As for the former, Cun Yunsheng did a lot of things that were disgraceful to the Fifth Army and poached a lot of the Fifth Army's enemies.

 As for the latter, Du Yuming cannot be entirely blamed.

Mainly no one expected that Shancheng had no courage to resist.

 “Where?” Cun Yunsheng asked.

“On the way from Lashio, we will probably arrive tonight.” Meng Fanle said quickly.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng nodded, and then fell into deep thought. He was curious about the reason why Du Yuming came to him at this time.

“Sir, do you think it’s about the expedition to Tianzhu?” Meng Fangliao guessed when he saw Cun Yunsheng was silent.

"It should be about Tianzhu, but I don't know if Du Yuming will be as stubborn as last time." Cun Yunsheng sighed.

"I think even if Du Yuming chooses to hold back this time, I'm afraid the British army will not agree." Meng Fanlao shook his head and said.

"The British army will never continue to watch the Japanese army plunder Tianzhu. They spent such a high price this time just to completely eliminate the Japanese army. The expeditionary force of more than 100,000 people, weapons and equipment, and logistics supplies were all provided by the Allies. Such a large At the cost, will the expeditionary force be allowed to advance slowly? "

“They will inevitably be urged to speed up their march, but given the character of the British army, I’m afraid the outcome of the expeditionary force will not be too good.”

I have to say that Meng Fanliao’s strategic vision is getting better and better now.

With this analysis, he is a master of strategy.

 This made Cun Yunsheng feel relieved.

“So the little devil will be defeated this time?” Cun Yunsheng asked.

"Obviously they will definitely lose. Even if they draw reinforcements from the mainland, the problem of weapons, ammunition and supplies is not that easy to solve." Meng Fanxiao shook his head and said.

“What do you think we should send some weapons and ammunition to the little devil?” Cun Yunsheng suddenly asked. "Ah? You want to help the little devil? Then wouldn't the situation the expeditionary force will face become more dangerous?" Meng Nuan looked confused.

Who knows, Cun Yunsheng said lightly.

"The number of British soldiers killed is still too few, not enough, far from enough, and the strength of the US military has not yet been fully exerted."

“The British army is just in a hurry now, and it’s not a matter of life and death yet.”

“They still have so many British Commonwealth troops, and the U.S. military can recruit more soldiers to join the battlefield.”

"We can't have tens of millions of casualties, while they only have hundreds of thousands of casualties?" Cun Yunsheng shook his head and said.

“But what should the expeditionary force do?” Meng Fan was about to say something else, but was interrupted by Cun Yunsheng.

"I have already thought of a way." Cun Yunsheng said confidently.

  I used to think that the speed of the Japanese attack was pretty good, but now it seems that it is just that, not even half of the territory has been captured.

Looking at Cun Yunsheng's confident expression, Meng was annoyed and couldn't say anything more, so he could only suppress his inner doubts.

Soon, it was evening, and Du Yuming rushed to Bangkok in a hurry.

Looking at the bustling Bangkok, I didn’t have time to appreciate it, so I went straight to the headquarters of the Sichuan Army.

 The first sentence when we meet.

“Brother Yunsheng, I’m sorry, I can’t do anything about Tengchong.”

At this moment, Cun Yunsheng didn’t know what to say.

"This matter has nothing to do with Chief Du. No one would have thought that Shancheng would choose to abandon southwest Yunnan." After a long time, Cun Yunsheng said slowly.

Hearing this, the guilt on Du Yuming's face became even greater.

 This makes Cun Yunsheng even more embarrassed.

 Speaking of which, the things he did to poach people were not very upright.

“Sir Du, why did you come all the way to find me this time?” Cun Yunsheng decided to change the topic and asked curiously.

  "Don't say goodbye to Sir Du. He seems to be a bit awkward. Call me Brother Du, or Brother Guangting." Du Yuming knew that the other party had resentment in his heart.

“Actually, it’s not a big deal. The main thing is that I want to lead the expedition into Tianzhu next. I need to ask you for some advice. When it comes to dealing with the British, you are more experienced.”

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng suddenly knew something in his mind, and it was related to what he had guessed.

 Sure enough, one learns from each adversity. He suffered such a big loss last time, but he learned wisely this time.

However, Cun Yunsheng was not in a hurry to give an answer, but asked instead.

“Will the New First Army also be under the command of Brother Guangting?”

"No, they are temporarily under the command of the Allied Forces Headquarters. I am only responsible for commanding more than 100,000 expeditionary troops." Du Yuming shook his head and made Cun Yunsheng feel cold. It seemed that Shancheng was still on guard against him.

Thinking of this, Cun Yunsheng continued to ask.

“Brother Guangting, what do you think of the British army?”

He must understand the other party's attitude clearly, otherwise he will get into trouble by making blind ideas.

“Before this, I thought the British army was arrogant at most, but what happened last time made me realize that foreigners are not good people.” Du Yuming said with a wry smile.

“Well, apart from being arrogant, the British army can only deceive its allies, so I still say the same thing, what does it have to do with us if a ghost guy fights a kid to death?” Cun Yunsheng sneered.

"So, you mean to let me watch the fire from the other side?" Du Yuming frowned slightly, this definitely won't work.

There are more than 100,000 expeditionary troops, but there is no movement at all. Isn’t that nonsense?

  That old man, Admiral Wavell, will definitely not agree.

 Let alone Admiral Wavell, even Stilwell would not agree.

"Don't worry." Cun Yunsheng could tell from his expression that he definitely felt that this plan would not work.

"This time is different from before. It is not possible to watch the fire from the other side, but we cannot stupidly serve as guns for the British army, even if they provide supplies, weapons and ammunition."

“This time, in addition to Brother Guangting’s expeditionary force of more than 100,000 people, my troops also received orders, but due to the situation in Siam, they are temporarily unable to move westward.”

“However, I have asked the rebels in Yangon to step up the recruitment of troops. It is expected that more than 200,000 indigenous troops will be sent to Tianzhu within a month.”

“At that time, Brother Guangting will only need to suggest to General Stilwell to command the more than 200,000 natives.”

“I believe that Stilwell will definitely not reject Brother Guangting’s proposal.”

“At that time, once the British army urges them, these more than 200,000 natives will be sent to the battlefield to serve as cannon fodder and fill the lines.”

“Leave the dirty work to them, don’t worry about their casualties. If it’s not enough, I can provide more natives.”

Cun Yunsheng's words immediately made Du Yuming and Meng Fanglia next to him shocked and speechless.

Meng Fangli was still wondering what other tricks his parents would do this time.

I didn’t expect that the foreigners stopped trying to trick them and actually turned their attention to these natives.

 And it’s two hundred thousand at one time?

 Also make bold promises!

 If two hundred thousand is not enough, then four hundred thousand!

 Fortunately, there are only three people in this room. If this spreads out, it will definitely cause an uproar.

Du Yuming frowned, this was really shocking.

“Brother Guangting, it’s better to die as a Taoist friend than to die as a poor Taoist. What’s more, these natives treated our expeditionary force brothers inhumanely not long ago.”

“Now they are just paying the price for their previous actions.”

"Human, the sins you have committed in the first half of your life will have to be repaid in the second half of your life." Cun Yunsheng knew that Du Yuming was soft-hearted, so he could only play the emotional card with him.

As expected, upon hearing this, Du Yuming's eyes flashed coldly.


Thousands of brothers from the expeditionary force were brutally tortured to death by these natives.

"What's more, the anti-fascist struggle requires the unity of everyone. These natives also made sacrifices to defeat the Japanese army. I believe no one will care." Cun Yunsheng said calmly.

“Brother Guangting, you can either choose to sacrifice the brothers from the expeditionary force or the natives. You must choose to sacrifice one of them. Otherwise, as you said, the Allies are not so easy to fool.”

 In fact, Du Yuming had no choice at all.

If the expeditionary force suffers more than half of its casualties, it will also cause a mutiny.

 At that time, morale will be completely lost, and it will be nonsense to defeat the Japanese army.

"I know." Du Yuming took a deep breath. He had already made his decision.

"Brother Guangting, don't pay too much attention to these 200,000 natives. You can use them as you like. There are many natives here. When Siam surrenders and joins the Allied Forces, we will be able to send at least 400,000 to 500,000 troops. As long as the Allies can provide us with weapons and equipment. ." Cun Yunsheng added again for fear that Du Yuming would be soft-hearted.

 Let alone Annan, if the Vichy French army surrenders.

 Several places combined, is it a problem to send one million troops?

 Based on the background of the US military?

Any questions?


 No problem at all.

 Until the end of the war, the U.S. military’s potential was not fully utilized.

What's more, do these natives need such good weapons and equipment?

Two sets of military uniforms per person, one rifle, and dozens of bullets to fill the line are enough.

 This thing is nothing to Stilwell.

 So, Cun Yunsheng is not worried about what will happen if he traps the Allies too badly.

 Because the US military can take care of everything!

If you don’t take advantage of this time to get more things, how can you be worthy of Lafayette for paying so much money?

Don’t panic! Try to adjust your schedule!



 (End of this chapter)

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