The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 229: A list more terrifying than the last! (Second update!

Chapter 229 A list more terrifying than the last! (Second update!)

At this time, the British troops in the city were completely in chaos and wanted to retreat, but Montgomery ordered them not to retreat. They were to defend Cairo and were not allowed to take a step back to buy time for the arrival of reinforcements.

Even, in order to allow these British troops to return to their positions for defense with peace of mind.

He even ordered the supervising team to go on the field and shoot any deserters directly.

 If they are not shot, they will be sent to the front lines to fill in the lines.

 At a place where life and death were at stake, Montgomery didn't care so much.

 Cairo cannot be lost!

 Absolutely don’t throw it away!

To the British soldiers on the front line, this was an extremely ridiculous order. Within two hours, the German army broke through two lines of defense and destroyed countless bunkers.

With such powerful firepower, what could they use to fight the Germans?

And most of the buildings in the city were destroyed!

 Even if it is a street fight, there are no conditions.

 The war has reached this point, and you can basically choose to surrender.

But Montgomery emphasized holding on to Cairo and reinforcements would arrive soon.

“FUCK, the German army on the opposite side has such powerful firepower, thousands of artillery pieces, such powerful artillery fire, how can we fight it?” A British second lieutenant cursed angrily.

Not to mention, the German army still has so many tanks and such powerful firepower that they simply cannot stop it.

 Every position is asking for reinforcements.

As everyone knows, Montgomery cursed directly at the headquarters in the city.

“Bastard, bastard, bastard, if you can’t hold Cairo, everything will be over. General Wavell has promised to dispatch the Fifteenth Army of the British and Indian Army to support, and the US military has also dispatched transport planes for airlift.”

“You bastard, hold on to Cairo and don’t retreat.”

The brigadier general commander of the British army who was being scolded on the other end of the phone replied not to be outdone.

“FUCK, where’s the air support? Even if it’s artillery support, my troops can support it.”

“Without artillery fire and without support, I don’t know how long I can hold on.”

The British Army seems to be a soft persimmon, but in fact it is also very powerful internally.

 The reason why they don’t have the title Royal is because they have done backstabbing.

 So, it’s not a big deal to reply to your superiors.

“Asshole, I know, **** it, hold on.” Montgomery hung up the phone angrily.

“Lieutenant General Patton, now I need reinforcements, artillery support, and all air power.”

Lieutenant General Patton next to him looked helpless. He also contacted Stilwell through his own authority.

“Please hold on to your troops for another five days. Within five days, reinforcements carried by transport planes will definitely arrive, as well as fighter planes.” Lieutenant General Patton said.

"However, we can only hold on for a few hours at most. I even suspect that after a few hours, my men will choose to surrender." Montgomery said helplessly.

"Hold on, there are still more than 100,000 troops in the city in five days. Even if the Germans capture them, it will take several days." Lieutenant General Patton signaled the other party not to panic and hold on a little longer.

No one expected that the German attack would be so crazy.

 It’s the same as risking one’s life.

 It really surprised them.

At this time, the sound of gunfire outside the city had indeed weakened a lot, which surprised Montgomery.

 It seems that the German army's ammunition is almost exhausted.

Thinking of this, Montgomery immediately ordered to seize the time to build a defensive line and wait for the next wave of German attacks.

 In fact, there was indeed a shortage of ammunition, but not to the point where it was impossible to attack.

 “Let’s bypass Cairo? Arrive at the Suez Canal?” Rommel frowned slightly when he received the telegram from the base camp.

Originally, he was planning to take Cairo in one go, but the adjutant told him that there was insufficient ammunition and it might be difficult to take Cairo completely.

Just when Rommel was hesitating whether to stop the attack first and wait for the logistics supplies to be completed before continuing the attack.

 As a result, a telegram was received from the base camp.

 Since catching the mole, the German army has found that their intelligence has become much smoother.

Not only that, but we also obtained some very valuable information.

 The reason why Rommel was asked to bypass Cairo and occupy the Suez Canal was to ensure the safety of the waterway.

 According to intelligence, the Allied fleet will soon arrive at the Suez Canal, and the navies of the four countries are rushing to the Suez Canal to prepare to intercept the opponent's fleet in the Red Sea.

 What he had to do was to lead his troops to occupy the coast of the Suez Canal, and then deploy artillery and fighter planes to assist the navies of the four countries in repelling the Allied fleet.

 To put it bluntly, it is to ensure the safety of waterways.

Compared to the value of the Suez Canal, Cairo, which is already in the bowl, seems not that important.

 After weighing the pros and cons, Rommel finally decided to implement the base camp plan.

If Allied reinforcements arrive, even if he captures Cairo, he may lose it again.

 But as long as we defeat the Allied reinforcements and then turn around and capture Cairo, we will get twice the result with half the effort.

Thinking of this, Rommel immediately transferred the 21st Armored Division to the Suez Canal without saying a word.

 At the same time, the Italian army was ordered to rush to Cairo and surround the British army here.

 He believes that with this kind of advantageous situation, there should be no problems.

 The Italian army did live up to his expectations and gave him a big surprise.


In Bangkok, Cun Yunsheng was thinking about how to find a new owner for the palace, when he saw Meng Fanlao walking in with a gloomy face.

 “Telegram from Stilwell.”

 “What’s wrong?” Cun Yunsheng asked instead of answering.

“He requested that all the fighters previously allocated to us be transferred back.” Meng Fan said angrily.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng was shocked.

"What's going on? Why do you want to request all those fighter planes to be transferred back?"

At present, the main aircraft types of the Sichuan Army Air Force, apart from Spitfires, are P38 fighters, and the rest are captured Japanese fighters.

 At the Battle of Bangkok, a number of fighter jets were also captured.

 But because the models are all obsolete, the Air Force dislikes them very much.

Who knew that he would be transferred back now, which Cun Yunsheng couldn't accept at all.

“No explanation was given.” Meng Fanxiao shook his head, indicating that there was no explanation, only a transfer order.

This made Cun Yunsheng extremely angry, and he directly sent a telegram asking Stilwell, what did he mean?

 At the beginning, he got these fighter planes from the British army, but now he wants to go back?

What's the meaning?

As a result, Stilwell responded that a group of fighter planes needed to be dispatched to Cairo, where the situation was very critical.

And the Sichuan Army Corps is under the Allied Forces Command, and his orders must be obeyed.

 At this moment, Cun Yunsheng was completely confused.

 The German army is so fierce?

 They all reached Cairo?

 It is indeed a desert fox.

He really didn’t expect that the German army would actually reach Cairo.

 Somewhat beyond his expectation.

Originally I thought it would take a while.

In an instant, Cun Yunsheng understood what Stilwell meant.

 That is to change the strategic direction, keep Cairo, and keep the Suez Canal.

 You can give up everything else.

 After all, apart from Japan, there are no other forces in the Far East.

Thinking of this, Cun Yunsheng took a deep breath. "Sure enough, this old boy Stilwell is still arrogant at heart."

“Tuanzu, what should we do now?” Meng Fan asked instead of caring about Stilwell’s situation.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng took a deep breath.

 There are advantages and disadvantages to being directly under the Allied Forces Command.

The advantage is that you have your back, even if you are a mountain city, you don't dare to provoke them easily.

 But the disadvantage is that he must obey Stilwell's orders.

 It is impossible to only enjoy the benefits without paying the price.

 And now is the price.

If he refuses, I am afraid that the furious Stilwell may directly eliminate the ownership rights of the Sichuan Army.

Thinking of this, Cun Yunsheng sighed and then said.

“Call back, indicating that the mission will be carried out, but because the pilot was injured some time ago, the US military pilot needs to fly back by himself.”

“Let the US military pilot advisors fly back by themselves.”

 “Tuanzu, are you ready to give it out now?” Meng Fangliao said anxiously.

"What? We belong to the Allied Forces Command, and Stilwell's orders must still be implemented, otherwise we will be rebels, and the guys in Shancheng want us to be unlucky." Cun Yunsheng has a far-reaching view. He must execute Stilwell's orders. Wei's order, otherwise I'm afraid the price paid will be very painful.

 At least, right now, he is not qualified to fight against Stilwell.

 Unless he offers a new thigh.

 For example, Mai Paopao!

This guy's thighs are much thicker than Stilwell's.

Even this guy is not an easy person to get along with.

“But without these fighter planes, our air force…” Meng Fan was about to say something else, but was interrupted by Cun Yunsheng.

“Don’t we still have Japanese fighter planes? Besides, we still have Fettig. I believe he can solve our current dilemma.”

 “You believe him so unconditionally?” Meng Fangliao asked in confusion.

"You will believe it when he builds a fighter plane." Cun Yunsheng shook his head and said.

 In addition to industrialized production of fighter planes, hand-torques can actually be produced, but they cannot be standardized.

 But at least being able to build a fighter plane is much better than not having one at all.

 With such a fallout and all aid being withdrawn is a familiar thing.

It's a good thing that Fettig wasn't from Stilwell, otherwise he would have really vomited blood.

“Sir, there is a man named William outside who would like to meet you.” At this time, a staff officer came in and said.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng's eyes suddenly lit up and he immediately invited people in.

“Congratulations, Colonel, your troops have achieved another great victory.” William was full of compliments when he saw him.

 Compared with the arrogance before, my attitude is much better now.

“These are all trivial victories. Compared with the achievements of your country, I am just making a small fuss and nothing.” Cun Yunsheng shook his head and began to praise the actions of the German army.

 And William obviously enjoyed this compliment very much.

 The raid on Alexandria was indeed a great operation.

 No one expected that it would be successful.

If the base camp hadn't dispatched hundreds of elite fighters to Alexandria at the last critical moment, I'm afraid this operation might have failed.

 So, it was a close call.

 What I got at the same time was also very scary.

 At least the North African Army, which had been asking for reinforcements, was completely full this time.

Of course, William will not forget the proposer of this plan, but this is an unattractive guy in front of him.

“Your Excellency, Colonel, your situation does not seem to be very good.” William chuckled.

"Oh? What do you know?" Cun Yunsheng asked doubtfully.

  The German army's intelligence capabilities are still very strong. In the past, the intelligence was only inaccurate because the intelligence boss was a traitor. Now that the traitors have been eliminated, the intelligence is naturally extremely clear.

 So, Cun Yunsheng was very curious about what the other party knew.

 Perhaps he is in a good mood, William said directly.

"According to our understanding, the Japanese army seems to be mobilizing troops and preparing to plan a military operation against Bangkok. There are about more than 100,000 people. As for the others, we are not sure."

“But I am very curious, Colonel, how your troops captured those battleships, you know, many people are particularly curious now.”

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng chuckled and did not answer immediately, but asked instead.

“Does His Excellency William just want to know this?”

 “No, of course not.” William shook his head, and then took out a list.

“Your Excellency, Colonel, what you want will arrive at the port outside Bangkok in three days.”

 Speaking, he handed over the list.

I have to say that William is quite trustworthy, and basically all the equipment requested by Cun Yunsheng has been shipped.

 Some equipment is specially marked as being old.

“Although some equipment is old, it will definitely not affect its use. There will not be any problems for at least five to ten years.” William explained.

 In addition to a series of civilian equipment, there is also some military equipment.

The old equipment that William specifically pointed out was the aircraft production equipment that Cun Yunsheng was thinking about.

  It’s a pity that they are all aircraft production equipment from some small countries.

 At this time, Speer, as the head of the Equipment Department, was mainly responsible for the German army's armaments production.

 Hence, it is very difficult to get German-style equipment.

 Because the German army itself has a very large gap in equipment.

 But it is much easier to buy old equipment from small countries.

 After all, the German army did not like those obsolete aircraft at all.

 Things that others look down upon are treasures to Cun Yunsheng.

“Your Excellency, Colonel, I hope that this time you can produce valuable information, otherwise.” William said with a smile.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng was not surprised at all. It was not that easy to take advantage of them.

“Don’t worry, the information I gave is definitely worth the money of these equipments.” Cun Yunsheng was not panicked at all.

“Marshal Kruger, Commander of Army Group Center, what do you think of this list?”

 “Oh? Not enough? Major General Haining von Treskov.”

“He has been planning to assassinate your country’s leader for a long time, and he even repeatedly persuaded Marshal Kruger. I think Marshal Kruger should have known about this for a long time. As soon as he is caught, he can be interrogated immediately.”

Following Cun Yunsheng's two lists, William no longer regained his previous calmness, and could not help but shiver all over.

 He did not expect that the list given this time would be so terrifying.

 A field marshal turned out to be a traitor.

 This is really scary.

 “It looks like it’s not enough? How about another one?”

 “Admiral Friedrich Olbricht.”

At this moment, William couldn't hold himself any longer.

"How can this be…"

 (End of this chapter)

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