The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 237: Is this still the Italian army? (First update!)

Chapter 237 Is this still the same Italian army? (First update!)

 “New here?” The German second lieutenant glanced at the subordinate who spoke.

 “Hmm, I just came here two months ago.” The subordinate nodded quickly, and then looked at his superior with a confused look.

 No wonder!

The German second lieutenant understood instantly. A veteran would definitely not say such a thing.

"You will know later." The German second lieutenant did not explain much, but said meaningfully.

At this time, another sergeant lit a cigarette and muttered something vaguely.

"There is no movement at all. Have the British troops completely turned into cowards?"

The mission of their reconnaissance platoon is to find gaps in the British defense near Cairo.

 After searching around, I couldn't find a suitable route to open the gap.

 It can only be said that the British army is completely cowardly.

"Second Lieutenant, it seems that we can only go to the next place. I hope we won't be disappointed there." The sergeant blew out a smoke ring and then said helplessly.

 On such a hot day, they really didn’t want to get into the armored vehicle.

 It is simply a furnace.

And having to carry equipment on your back is simply a **** of a job.

"I think we will still be disappointed. After all, the British army can't retreat now, and we don't have any good solutions. We don't even know the defense map in the city. If we attack by force, the losses will definitely be huge." German Second Lieutenant He shrugged and said helplessly with narrowed eyes.

“Now we can only find out the weaknesses in the British defense and see if a strong attack will reduce casualties.”

 At this time, their radio sounded the voice of their companions.

“No. 6, No. 6, how is your reconnaissance?”

“Everything is normal, everything is normal, no British troops have been found, no British troops have been found.” As the correspondent answered, the radio disappeared again.

“It seems like they didn’t find a flaw.” The sergeant flicked the cigarette **** far away, and then looked disappointed.

"This is normal. The enemy has become very cautious now. It may not be that easy to take Cairo smoothly." The German second lieutenant seemed very calm, as if he had guessed it a long time ago.

 This type of reconnaissance before a battle is something all commanders will do.

 The purpose is to detect the enemy and see if the enemy has made any mistakes, especially if there are any flaws or loopholes in the battlefield layout.

 If you discover the enemy's fatal flaw, you will exploit the flaw to win victory.

 This is the duty of the reconnaissance force!

 But it doesn’t matter if you don’t find a flaw.

 After all, not every investigation can yield results.

 In a German armored command vehicle, Lieutenant General First looked at the telegram sent and seemed very calm.

On the other hand, his subordinates had a sad look on their faces, as if they were disappointed because they could not find a flaw.

"What's wrong? Don't the British troops come out? We won't attack?" Lieutenant General Foster said with a smile.

"Lieutenant General First, Marshal Rommel asked us to take Cairo in three days. The enemy can't retreat. Should we attack by force? But even if it is a force attack, we still need to know the weaknesses of the defenders in the city. "This is the reason why my subordinates are worried.

“If the enemy does not come out, the casualties of the storm will be too great. We have come from a long distance, and all the supplies need to be transported locally. Although we have received a large amount of supplies, it is very troublesome to replenish the personnel.”

“This kind of meaningless consumption will only weaken the combat effectiveness of our 15th Armored Division.”

I have to say that the analysis of the staff officer in front of me is still very reasonable.

 At least Lieutenant General First could not say anything to refute.

"You are right. If the enemy shows a flaw, it is naturally our opportunity. But if the enemy does not show a flaw, do we have to continue to wait?" Lieutenant General First said calmly.

"If the enemy doesn't show any weaknesses, then attack them forcefully and force them to show their weaknesses."

 “Order…” Just when Lieutenant General Foster opened his mouth and was about to issue an attack order.

 The communications staff officer ran in and said nervously.

“Lieutenant General Mario of the Italian Armored Division would like to have a call with you.”

“????” Lieutenant General First did not react for a moment and looked at the other party in confusion.

 Then he came back to his senses and asked doubtfully.

“Is it Lieutenant General Mario of the Ram Armored Division?”

 “Yes.” The communications officer responded immediately.

Hearing this, Lieutenant General First looked confused. He didn't know what the other party wanted to do with him, but he still answered the phone out of respect.

I want to say here that the Ram Armored Division is the ace of the Italian army, and its combat effectiveness has been certified by the British army.

 You must know that one of Italy's few highlight moments was the Ram Armored Division.

Especially the Battle of Gubijing, which showed excellent combat effectiveness and gave the British army a new understanding of the Italian army. At least they no longer dare to take it lightly when facing the Italian armored divisions.

“Lieutenant General Mario, what can I do for you?” Since the two parties were allies, Lieutenant General Frost was still more polite in his words.

 If it were other Italian commanders, they would definitely not have this look on their face.

"Lieutenant General Foster, I hope that our Ram Armored Division will take the lead next." Lieutenant General Mario's voice sounded on the other end of the phone.

 This made Lieutenant General First confused for a moment.

What the hell?


The Italian army actually requested an attack?

 This is simply incredible.

 It’s really unbelievable!

 The German army has always taken the lead.

 Italian troops followed behind to pick up rags. If they encountered something wrong, they would immediately run away.

 It is really unbelievable that they are actually asking for an attack now.

“Lieutenant General Foster, isn’t it possible?” Lieutenant General Mario heard the silence on the other side and asked again.

“Lieutenant General Mario, can you tell me why?” Lieutenant General Frost really couldn’t figure out why he wanted to take the initiative to attack.

"Lieutenant General Forster, I know you look down on our Italian army, but this time we want to prove ourselves that our Italian army is not useless." Lieutenant General Mario's words made Lieutenant General Forster completely silent.

He really didn’t expect that these Italian soldiers actually knew that they were teasing each other behind their backs.

 Now I know my shame and become brave again.

 How about giving it a chance?

 You can try it!

 After all, the combat effectiveness of the Ram Armored Division is still good!

Especially since there is a regiment of black-shirted troops behind them, their morale and combat effectiveness are pretty good.

 After thinking for a while, Lieutenant General Foster spoke.

“Yes, the 15th Armored Division will serve as a reserve force and will be responsible for holding the line for you.”

“Thank you, Lieutenant General Foster, you will gain the friendship of the Ram Armored Division.” Lieutenant General Mario said excitedly.

Hearing this, Lieutenant General First curled his lips secretly, who wants your friendship?

On the other side, Lieutenant General Mario hung up the phone, then picked up the radio and spoke to all the officers and soldiers of the Ram Armored Division.

"Soldiers, it's up to us whether we can prove our Italian army this time. Ahead is Cairo. The British army there has long been demoralized and is now waiting for us to ravage them."

 “Let those **** of the British army have a taste of how powerful we are.”

 “Now, let’s go! Target Cairo.”

 With the order, the self-propelled artillery that had been waiting impatiently began to pour out its anger.

 After taking Alexandria, Italian transport ships could finally deliver supplies without the harassment of the British fleet.

 So the logistics supplies of the Ram Armored Division have been restored again.

This is the reason why they dare to take the initiative to attack.

 Otherwise, we would not dare to take the initiative to attack.

 It would be good if it can help with flank cover.

 Now the German army is about to cross the Suez Canal.

If the Italian army does not perform well at this time, when the time comes to share the profits, the majority will be taken by the German army.

 So, after Lieutenant General Mario received the telegram from the base camp, after a little hesitation, he decided to fight for the main attack. The cannon roared loudly!

 I saw smoke rising from the British military positions in the city.

 The decisive battle begins again!

 Compared to before!

 This time the attack is even more powerful!

 Italian artillery shells seem to be free of charge!

Hungry on the British troops in the city.

“This caliber seems to be the Italian M42 self-propelled artillery?” At the underground command post in the city, Montgomery said uncertainly while listening to the sound of artillery.

 Mainly I am used to listening to the sound of German artillery.

 Suddenly a new type of artillery was used, which was a bit unaccustomed.

"It seems so. Could it be that the Italian army launched the attack?" Lieutenant General Patton had a confused expression on his face.

Although he had heard about the Italian army's past, he had not seen it with his own eyes.

"Probably not. Their combat effectiveness cannot be complimented. As long as the Germans are not fools, they will never let them attack." Montgomery judged confidently.

 This is not confidence!

Rather, past battles told him that the Italian army could not defeat even a group of soldiers from the cooking squad.

As a result, Montgomery was stunned by his subsequent performance.

With the shelling, the two Italian tank regiments shouted long live and rushed towards the British position.

 For a time, the British army was directly stunned.

Is this still the cowardly Italian army?

Is this still the Italian army that was on the verge of collapse?

Is this still the Italian army who only wants to surrender?

 This fighting power is simply off the charts.

 The British troops in many positions had no time to react and were destroyed by tanks and artillery all over the sky.

 Thick black smoke enveloped the entire land.

 Lieutenant General Foster, who was watching the battle from behind, was also a little confused.

The Italian army is so powerful?

 This is unscientific!

Although the combat effectiveness of the Ram Armored Division is not bad!

 But it was clear that this was beyond their normal level.

 Have you taken drugs?

 For a time!

  Lieutenant General First opened his mouth wide, not knowing what to say.

 In fact, the base camp of the Italian army knew the specific situation.

 That is more than 40 billion barrels of Persian oil.

 The strength of the North African Army is still too weak!

 But currently the German army really cannot mobilize more troops!

 So some German staff officers suggested that since they couldn't swallow one mouthful, they should bring others along with them.

 And the Italian army is their target!

Learning about Persia’s oil fields with more than 40 billion barrels of oil, the Italian army naturally became excited.

 They must perform well in order to share more profits in the next oil fields.

 The battle was fierce from the beginning.

 The intensity of the battle surprised the British soldiers.

The British army never expected that the Italian army would be so fierce in combat.

 And it’s like risking one’s life.

 Under the charge of the tanks, the black-shirted troops behind them charged forward desperately.

Even Lieutenant General Frost turned his attention to the fighting power of this fanatical unit.

 The British defense position was torn apart in an instant.

Italian tanks rushed into the core area of ​​the British defense position and looted everywhere.

 The British army, who had recovered their senses, began to resist desperately, relying on the favorable terrain to resist the Italian army step by step.

"How is this possible?" Montgomery was stunned.

Is this still the Italian army that is nothing?

 This is simply incredible.

Lieutenant General Patton next to him was even more frightened and thought for a time that they were going to lose.

 “Asshole, why are the Italian troops acting crazy?” Montgomery asked.

It’s a pity that no one can answer his question, because no one knows why the Italian army is as brave as if they were drugged and not afraid of death.

 Some black-shirted soldiers even held grenades and died together with the British army.

This kind of fearless fighting style really shocked many British troops.

“When did the Italian army have such a strong combat effectiveness?” Montgomery’s face was full of disbelief.

At one point, I even doubted whether this Italian army was pretending to be a German army.

 The fierce artillery fire continues!

 The strong performance of the Italian army made even the German army behind them give a thumbs up.

The main reason was the loss of Alexandria, which allowed the supplies of the Italian army to be in place, and coupled with some stimulus measures, the period was very high.

 But soon this morale slowly began to decline!

 Because the British army's defense was indeed very tight. After advancing a few hundred meters, they found dense defensive positions that made it impossible for them to move forward at all.

 After all, the British army is not useless. They also know that Cairo is the most important stronghold in North Africa. If it is lost here, it will really be over.

 So everyone tried their best to resist.

 Intensive firepower began to attack the Italian tanks from all directions.

Hundreds of people were killed in a row, which made the black shirt army calm down a lot.

 After all, they are not machines that only know how to kill.

 The wailing of companions still affects morale.

Soon, many of the advancing Italian tanks were destroyed by British anti-tank guns. The constant explosions and billowing smoke let them know that this battle was not that easy to fight.

With more than a dozen tanks destroyed, the Italian offensive came to a complete halt.

Montgomery in the underground command finally breathed a sigh of relief.

If this was defeated by the Italian army in one fell swoop, it would be really embarrassing.

  Just hold on!

Now as long as this Italian army is destroyed or driven back, they will win.


 Before Montgomery could celebrate, more violent artillery fire sounded than before.


When Lieutenant General Forst discovered that the Italian offensive had stalled, he immediately ordered an attack.

 At one go!

 Completely capture Cairo!

 There must be no further delay!

 “Attack!” Following Lieutenant General Foster’s order.

Hundreds of tanks rumbled toward Cairo!

The British army, who had breathed a sigh of relief, became nervous again.

 When I saw hundreds of tanks, especially many Matilda tanks among them, I felt desperate.

 If others don’t know the performance of this tank, don’t they themselves know it?

Can this still be maintained?

 Many British soldiers began to waver in their hearts.

   In the morning, my mother was hospitalized with pneumonia, so she had a busy day! There should be another one! Chapter 3 will probably take place at midnight! Maybe tomorrow morning! No need to wait!



 (End of this chapter)

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