The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 255: The British army is fighting a last-ditch battle! (Third update!)

Chapter 255: The British Army’s last-ditch battle! (Third update!)

“Marshal Rommel, do you have any equipment to fill the soil?” a staff officer asked with a confused look on his face.

 This sentence immediately shocked everyone.

 Some people even said disdainfully.

"If it could be filled with soil, I would have led my men to kill it long ago. Why is there a need to discuss this here?"

 His words resonated with many people.

"It would be great if the tanks could push earth." At this time, the staff officer who had spoken before said another sentence, which instantly silenced the entire headquarters.

If Cun Yun were born here, they would definitely say, isn’t this just a bulldozer?

Rommel was actually not surprised that the British army was able to dig anti-tank trenches, because as the war progressed, troops from various countries learned and grew in the war.

 In addition to being confused at first, I later accepted it.

 The birth of new tactics will always be accompanied by the production of new equipment.

For example, the tank bulldozing proposed by the staff in front of us.

"In other words, we can give it a very good name, called bulldozer." Xu had a flash of inspiration, and the German staff thought it was totally possible to give it a try.

 I decisively picked up a pen and paper and started drawing, and soon a strange-shaped pattern appeared.

 The body is in the style of a tank, but it does not have a turret.

 In front of the car body is a large shovel.

 That’s right, it’s a big shovel.

 Looking at the strange-shaped patterns in front of them, the German officers looked at each other in confusion.

This thing is called a bulldozer?

However, it does seem quite vivid.

"Marshal Rommel, you see it can push the soil into the anti-tank trench." The German staff officer said and gestured.

 After his gesture, everyone suddenly understood.

 It is indeed very vivid to describe it as a bulldozer.

“We can completely modify those light tanks and put them into use.” The German staff officer said again.

Who knows, someone will retort.

“No, the power of the light tanks will definitely not be able to keep up. I think we should try it with those bulky heavy tanks.”

I have to say that the military literacy of this group of German officers is still very high. In addition, they also have in-depth research on equipment.

I can only say that the foundation laid by Sickert is really good.

If it weren't for the foundation laid by Sickert, I'm afraid the current German army wouldn't be so strong.

The power of many people is great, and soon the bulldozer was perfected by everyone's words.

Of course, what they came up with can only be said to be a simple version of a bulldozer.

 But at least it's enough.

"How did you come up with this?" Rommel asked, looking at the officer in front of him doubtfully.

“I saw it in a magazine. It was said that Americans used this thing during the era of large-scale infrastructure construction more than ten years ago. I didn’t expect that it could be used now.” The German staff officer said with a look of reminiscence.

“I don’t know when we will have our own bulldozer.”

Rommel did not pay attention to his subordinates' memories, but looked at the drawings in his hands.

"Then let someone produce a batch and try it out. How will the effect be?" Rommel thought for a long time and finally decided to try it first.

 If it really doesn’t work, think of another way.

 Fortunately, with the current industrial strength of the German army, it is too easy to modify a dozen tanks.

The main thing is the shovel. This problem is not difficult for them. They weld a few broken tank steel plates, and then the simple version of the bulldozer is completed.

The only trouble is that welding takes time.

 But for the German tank crews, this was not a problem.

Soon, when more than ten modified bulldozers appeared on the battlefield, the British soldiers were dumbfounded.

 “What is this?” Many British soldiers looked at each other with blank expressions on their faces.

 Because they have never seen this thing before. Why would such an ugly thing appear on the battlefield?

You must know that the German army’s aesthetics has always been online.

The results of it?

 Such an ugly thing appears on the battlefield. Is this still the same German soldier?

  What on earth did the rigorous and stubborn German army go through before they would accept such an ugly thing?

 More importantly, this steel monster looks very familiar, and it seems to be their tank body.

  Could it be that they used their tanks and modified them with new weapons?

 Because there is no hydraulic cylinder, there is no expansion or contraction.

 After all, they have limited resources, and it is not easy to build a simple bulldozer.

 As the tank started, the shovels in front slowly pushed forward the sand that had been piled in front of them.

 More than ten bulldozers are moving forward at the same time, which is still very spectacular.

Looking at the accumulated sand and soil slowly pushing towards the anti-tank trenches in front, a cheerful voice sounded from the German troops in the rear.

 Their experiment was successful.

The British anti-tank trenches would no longer be an obstacle to them.

“Let people continue to pile up soil and try to fill up the anti-tank trenches in front of them.” Seeing that the modified bulldozer was indeed effective, Rommel was overjoyed and immediately ordered.


 More than a dozen bulldozers were lined up, forming an attack surface of more than 50 meters.

This made the British army on the opposite side completely dumbfounded.

 Use anti-tank guns?


 One shot on the blade.

The key problem is that there are still several meters of sand in front of the blade board.

 It has no effect at all.

Even if it explodes into the sand and hits the thick shovel blade, it will not be able to penetrate it at all.

 Because when refitting, the German army specifically considered the British anti-tank.

 Hence, the blade plate has been thickened, and it would be very difficult to penetrate the blade plate head-on.

 As for attacking other places?

 Can’t even hit it.

 Because the German army is not stupid and doesn't care about anything.

 Their tank guns and artillery fired at their positions from time to time.

 The only way is to send out bombers and bomb them from the air.

But the German fighter planes are watching eagerly.

 For a time, the British soldiers didn't know what to do.

You can only watch helplessly as the opponent's bulldozers continue to push the sand in front of the blade into the anti-tank trench.

 I saw that all the sand fell into the anti-tank trenches.

In this way, more than a dozen bulldozers repeated the same work, slowly pushing the sand into the anti-tank trenches.

 And the anti-tank trenches began to be slowly filled.

At this time, the British army was completely panicked.

 They tried many ways to blow up the bulldozers, but they were all repelled by the eager German army.

If artillery fire is sent out, it will be bombed by German fighter planes.

If armored troops are dispatched, the German armored troops will also open fire.

In this kind of long-distance shooting, their armored troops are really no match for the Germans.

 Especially in terms of hit rate, the difference between the two sides is not one or two points.

Not to mention, this is still a desert area, so it is difficult to take advantage of the terrain.

 Unlike other places, dense forests and other places can be used to sneak attack the German army.

Here, German fighter planes are always circling overhead. As long as they are in a running position, they will be bombarded by Stuka bombers. Therefore, they could only watch as the German army used bulldozers to fill up the trenches bit by bit.

The anti-tank trenches they worked so hard to dig were filled in by the Germans in two days, and the Germans did not suffer too many casualties.

“Have the anti-tank trenches we dug been filled in?” Montgomery received the battle report from the front line, and everyone was numb.

I finally figured out a way to deal with the German armored forces, but how long did it take before the Germans cracked it?

 In order to come up with this solution, he didn't sleep for several days.


How long did it take for this to be resolved?

Not only that!

  The German army even used this thing to clear mines.

 That’s right!

 It’s demining!

The British army worked very hard to defend Port Said.

 In addition to anti-tank trenches, that is laying mines.

  In any case, it would be impossible for the British army to counterattack for a while.

So in order to defend Port Said, Montgomery directly ordered people to lay mines and buried all the mines.

Then many German soldiers stepped on mines.

 Even some tanks had their armor blown off.

This made Rommel very annoyed, and he suddenly had the idea that since bulldozers can push earth, they can also clear mines.

 So the bulldozers that had just stopped were sent to the front line again.

Then a magical scene occurred. The thick blade directly crushed the mine.

Especially anti-infantry mines, which cannot leave any scars on the blade plate at all.

  That is, anti-tank mines, which can cause considerable damage.

But it was just a scratch, not a blow-up or anything like that.

Even if there is an accident occasionally, only the tracks will be blown up.

It is not a big deal if the track is blown up. For the armored soldiers, it can be repaired easily.

 Let alone the blade plate, it is not a sophisticated technology in itself. At worst, we can just weld another one and it will be done.

When the bulldozers passed through the minefield, the British soldiers were completely muggles.

The defense methods they worked so hard to come up with were so easily cracked?

 The German army also took the opportunity to launch an attack.

"Lieutenant General Montgomery, why don't we dig the trench deeper and directly dig it to ten meters?" Lieutenant General Patton asked doubtfully.

Who knows, Montgomery looked at the other person with retarded eyes.

 What’s the point of this?

Both sides can just play a bulldozing game, no matter what kind of war it is.

"The German army is mechanically bulldozing, which is much faster than our manual digging. It makes no sense to keep digging like this. I originally thought that it would delay the German army for a period of time, but now it seems that there is no chance." Naturally, Montgomery could not damage the opponent's face.

 After all, the British Empire still relies on the assistance of the US military.

"Lieutenant General Montgomery, the German army bulldozed our trenches in half a day, and now their armored forces are launching an attack. The situation is already very serious." Lieutenant General Patton said.

Hearing this, Montgomery was too lazy to talk to the other party. Didn’t he know?

"Let our armored forces be dispatched. We must block the German offensive. We must not lose our position. We have no way to retreat."

Port Said really cannot be lost. If it is lost, it will really be over.


The British army also knew that they could retreat if they were discharged from the army. If they retreated, they would really have to jump into the Mediterranean Sea and feed the sharks.

 So, the British troops who could retire broke out with strong combat effectiveness and began to fight with the German armored forces.

 For a time, the battle was very fierce.

 They all have the idea of ​​defeat.

 So the two sides fought very fiercely.

  It's hard to separate.

“It’s impossible to continue fighting like this, the losses are too great.”

Just for a while, more than ten tanks of the German army were destroyed, and more than 30 tanks of the British army were destroyed.

Even so, the British army still did not retreat.

 Obviously, the British army decided to fight to the death.

 If you are going to die today, it is better to fight with the German army.

 In despair, even Rommel could not help but frown at the burst of fighting power.

 “Withdraw?” the subordinate asked in confusion.

 “Wait a little longer.” Rommel took a deep breath and rejected his subordinate’s suggestion.

 In the past, he would definitely not have done this.

But as Montgomery considered, the position of Port Said is too important. If it is not taken down in one go, it will enter a point of mutual consumption. In that case, the casualties will be far greater than now.

"Let the 15th Armored Division stop pursuing the British army and rush to Port Said immediately. One 21st Armored Division alone is not enough." Finally, when the casualties reached thirty tanks, Rommel was the first to be unable to hold on. , he felt there was no need to continue fighting like this.

The British army resisted desperately because they had no way out.

 He can totally think of another way.

When they saw the German troops retreating, the British troops on the position burst into cheers.

 For them, it would be a great honor to be able to repel the German army.

Montgomery received the news with a smile on his face.

Although its own battle losses far exceeded those of the Germans, at least they were able to repel the Germans anyway.

“How many more tanks can be used?” Montgomery took a deep breath and asked.

“Less than fifty. If the German army continues to attack, I’m afraid our armored forces will be exhausted.” The adjutant’s words made Montgomery’s heart sink.

 “When will the Fifteenth Army of the British and Indian Army arrive?”

"Maybe on the way here." The adjutant knew what Montgomery meant. The key issue was that Tianzhu was extremely corrupt now.

 General Wavell complained more than once that the Fifteenth Army should be returned immediately.

 You must know that the Japanese army swept all the British and Indian armies in Tianzhu.

 That is to say, Tianzhu is too big, otherwise, it would have been captured by the Japanese army long ago.

 In fact, Hebian Zhengsan was already impatient.

"Baga, this Tianzhu is really big, bigger than China. We have stormed all the way and captured at least one-tenth of the territory. If we want to capture it all, it will take at least half a year." Hebian Zhengsan Looking at the map, he was speechless.

When I looked at the map, I didn’t think it was that big. When I actually started attacking Tianzhu, I realized that it was really big.

And as they continued to deepen, the British and Indian troops finally reacted and began to mobilize troops to block their attack.

 Fortunately, the combat effectiveness of these British and Indian troops is not very good.

 Being chased and beaten by the Japanese army!

 The only ones who suffered huge losses were the natives who followed the Japanese army.

 From the original more than 30,000 people, there are now only more than 10,000 people.

 The losses can be said to be huge.

 Of course, the effect is also very huge.

That is, these natives have been transformed, and their combat effectiveness is several levels higher than before.

 At least in the face of the British and Indian troops, those who can fight can come back.

 This is already very difficult. I couldn’t even stand in line before.

I have to say that war is indeed very tempering.

It’s the third update, a bit late, sorry!



 (End of this chapter)

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