Chapter 35 Krupp’s Arrival!

Seeing Stationmaster Wang again, Cun Yunsheng looked at him with the eyes of a relative, which made him a little stunned for a moment.

 How come you have become so affectionate when you have only been out for a few days?

That affectionate look in his eyes gave Stationmaster Wang goosebumps.

I can't help but murmur in my heart, I heard that the children of aristocratic families like to play different things.

Doesn't this person also have this kind of hobby?

Thinking about it, stationmaster Wang recalled everything Cun Yunsheng did when he came to the shelter.

It seems that you have never found a woman?

 This does not fit the image of a young and vigorous young man.

No way?

This guy really likes me?

 For a while, Stationmaster Wang felt a little worried.

 In fact, it was Cun Yunsheng who saw Krupp.

 That’s right, it’s Krupp.

That regiment leader, can you give me a shot? Just one shot?

 How are you, leader?

This is the only top student in the cannon fodder regiment.

Except for Meng Fangliao and Lin Yi, there is Krupp in front of us.

 Originally, I wanted to study mechanics, but when the war broke out, I changed to artillery.

 More importantly, he can shoot any kind of gun.

 This is not a boast, as can be seen from the fact that he called the anti-tank cannon a small cannon.

 He not only knows artillery of various calibers by heart, but has also personally operated them.

 In addition to Krupp, there are also some other soldiers.

Although Cun Yunsheng didn't know him, he knew that being left alone by Station Master Wang must be something special.

 Hence, the eyes he looked at Station Master Wang became fiery, and he felt closer than a relative.

"Stationmaster Wang, thank you for your hard work, thank you for your hard work. You can see that I have lost a lot of weight. Please go back and give the remaining Niu Bao to Stationmaster Wang to make up for it." After scanning around, Cun Yunsheng ordered the troops to retreat. The expressions on their faces were all caught in their eyes, and they immediately stepped forward to hold Station Master Wang's hands, and kept asking for their welfare.

Hearing this, the goosebumps that finally dissipated rose again. Stationmaster Wang subconsciously retracted his hands.

 He really couldn't stand this kind of intimacy, especially after hearing those rumors, and even took two steps back.

But when I heard Niu Bao, my eyes lit up again, this is a good thing.

This made Cun Yun confused for a while. Could it be that his hypocrisy was seen?

 It shouldn’t be!

This time he sincerely thanked Webmaster Wang.

“Ahem, Captain Cun, these guys have all been artillerymen.” Stationmaster Wang knew that his performance was a bit overreactive, so he quickly changed the subject and began to introduce the people behind him.

“This is Shi Xiaomao, also known as Krupp. He was originally the first chief shooter of the 37th anti-tank gun.”

 The reason why Stationmaster Wang knew so well was because Krupp's resume surprised him.

 First of all, except for the large amount of equipment of the Central Army, other miscellaneous armies rarely have combat anti-artillery.

Even if there are, there are only one or two doors, and they are all used to look after homes and homes.

And Krupp’s Jiangsu and Zhejiang accents clearly indicate that he was from the Central Army.

He is such a talented person, so Station Master Wang pays special attention to him.

 When he saw Cun Yunsheng, he quickly introduced him.

"Krupp? Do you know how to shoot artillery?" Even though Cun Yunsheng knew that the other party was familiar with artillery of various calibers, due to the fact that there were so many people, he naturally couldn't act like he was too familiar with it.

“The first main shooter of the PAK37 combat artillery.” Krupp stood at attention and said.

“Have you ever fought a Japanese tank?” Cun Yunsheng asked.

"I've been beaten. I poked the tofu with chopsticks and it was pierced. Japanese tanks are easy to fight, but German tanks are not easy to fight." "How can you die if you don't brag? Have you ever beaten a German tank? What you said is true." Meng was annoyed. Couldn't help but retort.

“Before the war, my father sent me to Germany to study mechanics, but later I changed to artillery.” Krupp said expressionlessly.

Meng Fanglia was choked by this sentence and couldn't speak for a long time.

In this era, those who can study abroad in Germany are definitely not from ordinary families, and they have also studied mechanics. This is definitely a talent.

 He really didn't notice that this person was hiding so much.

So Meng Fanglao glanced at the other person a few more times and muttered to himself, he looked so stupid, has he really had sex?

But Krupp was still expressionless. The reason why he came to Zenda was because Station Commander Wang told him that there were artillery here and he could use them to his fullest.

 “Sir, are there any artillery here?”

Looking at Krupp, Cun Yunsheng chuckled and then talked.

“Of course we have artillery, but I don’t know what kind of artillery you know.”

 Hearing the familiar voice, Krupp's eyes, which were previously dull, suddenly brightened up.

"I know all kinds of artillery. I studied artillery in Germany, and was later assigned to combat artillery. Sir, I told you that the PAK37 is a small artillery, and there are guns with a larger caliber than it." When it comes to artillery, Krupp seemed to be a completely different person as he continued to introduce.

Cun Yunsheng listened patiently to the other party's explanation and nodded in agreement from time to time.

“I don’t have the cannon you mentioned here.” Finally, after Krupp finished speaking, Cun Yunsheng said slowly.

Krupp almost choked to death with one sentence. He looked at the other person with his mouth wide open, not knowing what to say.

 You don’t have a gun, why are you bragging to me for a long time?

 Emotions: Did he think there were cannons here?

 For a while, Krupp returned to his listless appearance.

“I don’t have small cannons like combat artillery, but I have other cannons.” In the past few days, trees have been cut down, and new equipment has emerged. This is the confidence Cun Yunsheng can talk about.

 “What gun?” Krupp asked eagerly.

"How about an 81mm mortar? Is it larger than the caliber of your anti-tank gun? The 37mm anti-tank gun is just a tank that bullies the little devils. It can't fight German tanks at all." Cun Yunsheng said with a smile.

 Hearing the 81mm mortar, Krupp's eyes lit up, but then dimmed again.

 What he cared about most was the combat defense artillery, and he was not very interested in other artillery pieces.

 In fact, Cun Yunsheng also fired an 88mm anti-aircraft gun. This thing is a real weapon.

 There is a saying that the anti-aircraft artillery is leveled and the military court is used.

  It means that if this thing is flat, it will cause a devastating blow to the infantry.

 Also, if you take it out now, how can you take it away later?

There is almost no infrastructure in this era. The anti-aircraft gun weighing nearly five tons is as big as his head just to transport it. It is better to wait until he crosses the river to take it out.

“It’s okay, a little stronger than the 60mm mortar. It would be great if it was a 120mm heavy mortar.” Krupp said casually.

 “Can you operate it?” Cun Yunsheng asked incredulously.

"Yes, I know all kinds of cannons." Krupp nodded. He didn't believe that the other party had such heavy artillery.

 Except for the Central Army, the rest of the local miscellaneous armies are considered elite if they have 81mm mortars to support their presence.

 And the Sichuan Army Corps in front of us is already very good with 81mm mortars, but 120mm mortars are basically impossible.

"Okay, when I get it later, you can familiarize yourself with it. From now on, we can count on you as the heavy firepower of our regiment."

“But, what you have to do now is to train more artillery for me, let’s practice with the 81mm mortar.”

“Don’t worry about the shells, I’ll take care of them here.”

Cun Yunsheng's heroic performance made Krupp feel that it was good to stay here, at least there were enough cannonballs.

 Especially with the increasing shortage of war materials, no one dares to boast like this.

The other party must have the confidence to say these words.

 (End of this chapter)

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