Chapter 4 Angry at the Mysterious Dragon!

“East Four Provinces, East Four Provinces, East Four Provinces.” Cun Yunsheng recited it several times, then his eyes turned cold, he looked at the mysterious dragon on the second floor, and gave a fierce drink.

“It’s only when we have soldiers like you in the Eastern Four Provinces that we really lose all our face.”

“If I’m not wrong, your Northeastern Army lost the four northeastern provinces, right?”

"After all, you are just a deserter. Are you a deserter qualified to represent the four eastern provinces?"

Cun Yunsheng's words directly hit Milong with a critical blow.

 How long has it been since no one dared to talk to him like this?

And now, he actually pointed at his sore spot and cursed him.

 He was embarrassed for a while.

 But seeing the opponent's lieutenant colonel rank, Mi Long couldn't help it.

"What? Not convinced? Is there something wrong with what I said?" Cun Yunsheng sneered.

“Humph, sir, the performance of the Northeastern Army in recent years is at least not embarrassing, right?” Mi Long’s tone was naturally not that enthusiastic.

 In this regard, Cun Yunsheng didn't care and continued to argue.

“Some Northeastern troops are indeed not ashamed, they have flesh and blood, fight to the end and never surrender, but are you such a person?”

“Looking at the watch on your arm and the watermelon you have to eat, it’s obvious that you are living a good life.”

“You are the one representing the four eastern provinces?”

“I can only say that with people like you, all the four provinces in the Northeast have been disgraced.”

 Milong was speechless by Cun Yunsheng's words.

When the Northeastern Army retreated to the pass, a part of the Northeastern Army refused to retreat and fought with the Japanese army. In the end, all of them died heroically.

 For these brave soldiers, they are worthy of the Northeast Army and even gained a lot of good reputation for the Northeast Army.

 But the mysterious dragon in front of us definitely cannot represent the Northeast Army, nor the four northeastern provinces.

 I am a deserter myself, but I still have the nerve to laugh at others.

 Smile at fifty and take steps at a hundred steps?

 Both of them are just bad people.

 In other words, everyone in the shelter is what Meng Fangliao calls rotten people.

 It is only suitable for eating grass.

"What? You're not talking anymore?" Cun Yunsheng's eyes were still cold, making Milong feel a little scared.

 He did not expect that the young lieutenant colonel in front of him would be so sharp-tongued.

Others couldn't help but snicker when they saw the lost dragon.

 After all, Mi Long is a gangster, and he is living a very comfortable life in this shelter.

“Smile, laugh at your stature, you are such a weakling. If you can’t take care of others, why can’t I take care of you?” Mi Long saw someone snickering and spit out the watermelon seeds angrily.

If I hadn't been reluctant to part with the uneaten watermelon in my hand, I probably would have just thrown it away.

 At this time, Xue Tian came back with someone to buy pork.

 “Pork, pork is back.”

The defeated soldiers who had been waiting at the door for a long time started shouting when they saw a fan of pork being carried by several people.

 “Pork?” Li Liansheng, who was in charge of adding firewood, couldn’t help but swallow his saliva when he heard about pork.

Having eaten banana leaves for more than half a month, his stomach has long been drained of oil and water. Now that he hears pork, he is salivating.

 “It’s really pork.”

 “Oh my god, a whole pig.”

 “It’s really pork.”

The Hunan soldier's food was not spicy. Looking at the pork that was brought in, he couldn't walk and his mouth watered down.

The same goes for the snake's **** next to it. God knows how long they have been eating banana leaves.

If it weren't for survival, he wouldn't eat banana leaves, even dogs would eat them.

Now when I see pork, my eyes naturally turn red, and I have only one thought in my mind, which is to eat pork.

Even the veterinarian in the distance couldn't help but murmured when he saw this scene.

“I’m sorry, it’s really pork.” “Do you want to sell your life to others?”

 The veterinarian's words made Meng Fanlai roll his eyes for a while.

“My dear, your life as a young master is worth a meal of pork?”

 “At least two bowls.”


Meng Fanxiao’s words instantly made several familiar soldiers around him laugh.

 After all, no one can endure a bowl of pork stewed vermicelli after eating banana leaves for half a month.

 If there is any, then two bowls.

 At least, from the steady stream of defeated soldiers, it can be seen that the appeal of pork stewed vermicelli is still very great.

“Has the water been boiled?” Cun Yunsheng asked immediately when he saw everyone was attracted to the pork.

"It's ready." Li Liansheng was responsible for boiling the water and quickly stood up and saluted.

He just wants to show off now, try his best to show himself in front of the new leader and make himself look like he is not such a waste.

 Having been scolded by Milong all the time, he almost completely lost confidence and always thought that he was really a waste.

 So when he arrived at the shelter, he always looked decadent.

Every day I feel confused, and every time I close my eyes, I think about those dead comrades.

 In addition, Milong scolded him every day as a Sangmenxing, so that he felt that he really was a Sangmenxing.

 “Well done.” Cun Yunsheng praised, and then looked at Lin Yi who was aside.

“Major Lin Yi, please bring a few people to chop up the pork.”

"Yes, regimental seat." After Lin Yi heard this, he immediately stood up and saluted, then commanded several people to take out their bayonets and start cutting the meat.

Several other soldiers saw the chopped pork and wanted to swallow it in one bite.

 “Where is Lao Xue’s vermicelli? Pork alone is not enough.” Cun Yunsheng asked again.

"Here we come, young master. Those who bought more are at the back." Xue Tian replied quickly, and then directed others to bring in all the seasonings and side dishes they bought.

Cun Yunsheng gave Dayang only more than 30 yuan. He couldn't buy so many supplies originally, but he couldn't support the soldiers who were fully armed with beautiful equipment.

Those people in the black market saw it and said they could get it on credit.

 They are not worried about the other party running away at all. After all, they are capable in the black market and there is no one behind them.

There is no need to worry about the other party having no money to pay the bill, those American equipment are just like Dayang.

"Meng Fan." Everything was almost arranged. Cun Yunsheng looked at Meng Fan again and asked again.

"How is it? How are you thinking about it? Will the pork stewed vermicelli be ready in a while?"

 “How sincere am I?”

Hearing this, Meng Fanglia couldn't help but rolled his eyes. He finally understood.

This young lieutenant colonel is only so big-minded.

But who wants someone with a tough background, so Meng Fangli gave in decisively.

"Very good, very good. I didn't expect rotten people like us to be worth anything in the eyes of the chief." Although he gave in, Meng's troubled mouth never spared anyone.

After Cun Yunsheng heard this, he laughed and didn't care at all.

 Since the other party has given up, it’s not a big deal to let him have some fun with his mouth.

Not to mention, I will have to rely on the other party later.

“Would you like to eat?” Cun Yunsheng asked with a smile.

"Of course I have. I don't think so." Meng Fan rolled his eyes and inhaled the aroma through his nose, which almost made him drool.

“Then why don’t you quickly bring out the chairs, tables, and bowls and chopsticks? You won’t let us, the adults, just stand and eat like this?” Cun Yunsheng laughed and cursed.

"Okay, Sir Tuanzuo, please wait a moment, I will move it for you right now, but I may need a few more people for my lame leg. Could you please send two people?" Meng Fan was speechless for a while.

 (End of this chapter)

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