Chapter 48 Send them to see God!

Everyone has long been accustomed to Cun Yunsheng's shocking remarks, but if you think about it carefully, it does make sense. If it weren't for assistance, who would come to this place.

"Okay, the bombardment is almost over. Be careful for a while and be careful of the little Japanese's counterattack before he dies." Cun Yunsheng warned again.

On the other side, Captain Hashimoto looked at the falling shells, his eyes dull.

He thought about many scenarios, but he never thought that the expeditionary force would ambush them.

 He was already very cautious, but who knew he might be ambushed.

The key enemy has no martial ethics at all. He doesn't even see anyone and just bombs randomly.

Is this still the poor toothless China Army?

 With this firepower configuration, it is quite elite.

His retreat route had already been blocked by 81mm mortars.

No one dared to run around because no one knew whether a cannonball would hit them in the next second.

“Your Excellency, Squadron Leader, the firepower of the Chinese is too powerful.” The only remaining lieutenant looked at Captain Hashimoto with dull eyes and said in fear.

 He simply couldn’t figure out why there were so many artillery pieces?

 Why did the enemy fight back?

 Have you agreed to run away?

 How come they were greeted by artillery fire?

 Now they don’t even know where the enemy is.

How to fight this?

"Baga, I know." Captain Hashimoto seemed to have come back to his senses, looked at the explosions around him, and roared angrily.


 At the same time, I hated the natives in my heart. These **** must have colluded with the Chinese people. Otherwise, why would they fall into the trap carefully designed by the enemy.

If he can survive by chance, he must kill all these natives.

 “Hai.” After receiving the order, the Japanese soldiers began to run.

 The soldiers of the Sichuan Army who had already observed this scene could not wait to pursue them.

"Kill, leave no one alive." Seeing this, Cun Yunsheng didn't waste any time and immediately ordered the pursuit.

 Soldiers from the Sichuan Army Corps who had already been ambushing around jumped out one after another.

 “Kill the devils.”

 “Kill all these turtles.”

 “Come on, leave no one behind.”

They were yelling, which scared the Japanese soldiers and made them run faster.

 But the cannonballs falling overhead are faster.

“Company Commander, the barrels are all red.” On the artillery battery position, the artillerymen looked at the red barrels and reminded them.

"I know." Krupp looked at the red barrel with some distress and kept mumbling.

 “Damn it, I wish I had a 120mm mortar.”

 He ​​now dislikes the range of the 60mm mortar. If it is replaced by a 120mm mortar, he guarantees that all the infantry will be left with are corpses.

When the other artillerymen heard this, they couldn't help but shake their heads, and returned the 120mm mortar. It was a heavy artillery, and there were not many of them in the direct line.

At this moment on the battlefield, the soldiers of the Sichuan Army were like tigers descending the mountain, unstoppable.

The bullets flew towards the Japanese army as if they were free.

Especially the guard company, with a hundred M1 Garand semi-automatic rifles, forming a powerful firepower network, constantly harvesting the lives of Japanese troops.

 Some frightened Japanese soldiers went straight into the dense jungle.

 In response to this, Cun Yunsheng ordered to stop the pursuit.

If you go into a primeval forest, the chance of coming out alive is very small.

Some of the remaining Japanese troops saw that they could not escape, so they stopped and wanted to fight hand-to-hand.

 As a result, what greeted them was a dense barrage of bullets.

"Why are you so stunned? Why are you telling so many rules to a bunch of beasts?" Cun Yunsheng cursed, hating how iron can't turn into steel.

 “Yes.” No one dared to refute, and they attacked even more ruthlessly.


Xue Tian led the guard company to continue the pursuit.

 At this time, the natives in the village were still waiting happily for the victory of the heavenly soldiers. In their eyes, the heavenly soldiers are invincible.

 Even the powerful British army was defeated by the heavenly soldiers.

 Defeating a mere expeditionary force is not a problem at all.

As a result, what caught their eyes was the fleeing Japanese troops running towards them.

Behind him were the sounds of explosions and gunshots.

"Sir, what's going on?" The indigenous leader looked at Captain Hashimoto in front of him in confusion.

"Baga, you are the **** who deceived the imperial army and caused the imperial army to be ambushed." Captain Hashimoto roared angrily, and at the same time shot the indigenous leader in front of him.

 Looking at the opponent's disbelief, the indigenous leader fell to the ground.

The rest of the natives screamed in fear and fled in all directions.

 The soldiers of the guard company who followed closely behind were already angry.

These **** natives are indeed secretly colluding with the Japanese army.

 The trigger was pulled faster.

 Bullets flew towards the opposite side intensively.

The third battalion outflanking from the other side has arrived at the rear of the village, completely surrounding the Japanese army in front of them.

 Seeing that he was surrounded, Captain Hashimoto looked desperate.

 He did not expect that the wealth that originally brought him great wealth would turn out to be a curse that buried him.

Thinking about it, Captain Hashimoto pointed the gun at his head and decisively pulled the trigger.


 With a gunshot, it was all over.

 The remaining Japanese troops were also taken away by dense bullets.

“Clean the battlefield and leave no one alive.” Xue Tian led the guard company to Captain Hashimoto who committed suicide and immediately ordered.

“Yes.” The soldiers of the guard company followed the order very well. When cleaning the battlefield, they replenished their guns first and then dug through the corpses.

 As for the natives, except for some who managed to escape, the rest all fell in a pool of blood.

Even if some people kneel down and surrender, they will be greeted by a cold bullet.

 No one will be merciful in the face of traitors.

 Because they know that being soft-hearted will only kill themselves.

Had it not been for Cun Yunsheng's alertness, the two thousand or so of them might have been surrounded by the Japanese army, and they would have been the ones who died.

"Tuanzuo, isn't that too cruel? After all..." Lin Yi didn't say the next words, but Cun Yunsheng knew what he meant, so he couldn't blame him for being cruel.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng sneered.

“You want to say that I am ruthless? Then tell me, where are the brothers and sisters who were killed by the little devils?”

“Don’t forget how your father was killed by the Japanese.”

 “If you want to win, you have to be more ruthless than the little devil.”

 “Have you heard a sentence?”

Lin Yi shook his head and looked at the other person in confusion.

“It is God’s business to forgive them, and all we have to do is send them to God.”

"Ayi, put away your kind heart, this is war, don't show any mercy." Cun Yunsheng's words aroused the approval of many veterans.

"That's right, I'm a bastard. A major who has never fought in a war can't do it. He is too soft-hearted." Li Sifu followed suit. He didn't have any objection at all. He had seen scenes more cruel than this many times.

"Sir Ayi, you are aloof and don't eat the fireworks of the world. How can you talk about kindness to the little devil? As for those natives, they are not good people. They secretly colluded with the Japanese army and wanted to harm us. This is the retribution they deserve. Deal with it. Traitors can't be soft-hearted," Meng Fanle also advised.

 Everyone said this, but Lin Yi couldn't say anything. Maybe it was because he had too little experience.

 But Meng Fangliao was right. If these natives were let go, they would be the unlucky ones.

 A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist!

 Let’s choose someone else to die!

Thinking about it this way, Lin Yi had a clear idea.

    In the past few days, my child has been hospitalized with pneumonia, and then I fell down myself. I wrote this with a stuffy nose and discomfort in the morning! Late update! Sorry! Finally, please support me, thank you!



 (End of this chapter)

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