Chapter 59 I’m proud of you!



 “Come on…”

 “Kill the devils…”

As soon as the charge horn sounded, the Sichuan Army soldiers roared and chased the Japanese army one by one, as if they had been beaten to death.

 Some Japanese soldiers turned around and wanted to engage in hand-to-hand combat, but they were greeted by a barrage of bullets.

This kind of ungrateful fighting style made the Japanese army curse.

But there is nothing to do, the firepower of both sides is not equal, they must either run away or wait to die.

 If he was killed in hand-to-hand combat, they would admit it.

 The key is that people don’t fight with them on the bayonet.

“Are you stupid, do you still want to fight with a bayonet? It’s been so long, and you still can’t figure it out.” Cun Yunsheng saw this scene through the telescope and couldn’t help but sneered.

He has long warned not to talk about martial arts and the like with the little devils. If you can solve the problem with bullets, don't think of using bayonets.

 The only requirement for them is to kill the little devil.

"Otherwise, the little devil is very weak and only knows how to fight stupid wars, but we have been forced to fight with such stupid warfare for several years." Meng Fanlao complained a few words.

"Aren't you going to be beaten by us now?" Cun Yunsheng turned his head and sneered.

“It’s time to let the little devils have a taste of being bombarded by artillery fire. Send me an order to extend the artillery fire of the artillery battery for two hundred meters to block the retreat route of the Japanese army.”

 “Yes.” The orderer immediately conveyed the order.




"Little devils, grandpa is here to take you home." Bu La screamed even more strangely, the trigger in his hand never stopped, and in just a moment, two magazines were empty.

A sharp whistling sound came from the sky again, and this time the impact point was the Japanese army's retreat route.

Seeing this scene, Major Tanaka immediately despaired.

 He knew he was doomed this time.

  Simply ordered the destruction of the radio station and the code book.

This kind of top-secret stuff must never fall into the hands of the enemy.

Then he ordered the remaining troops to withdraw their bullets and fix their bayonets.

“Let’s go, the little devil is surrounded. Let’s go see the other side’s commander. At least let him know what he is doing.” With that said, Cun Yunsheng led Meng Fanglia and others to the battlefield.

At this moment, the airport is already in dilapidated condition, and the runway that had just been repaired has been completely destroyed.

  After all, the 120mm mortar shells would create a crater almost as big as a basketball court.

So after just one glance, Cun Yunsheng knew that there was no need to repair it.

 Unless the British army is willing to spend a huge amount of money and use transport planes to transport materials by air, it will not be repairable for ten days and a half.

At this time, Major Tanaka stared at Cun Yunsheng who was walking over.

Looking at the opponent's lieutenant colonel rank, he guessed that the opponent should be the commander of this unit, and then spoke in jerky Chinese.

“Your Excellency, you have won. I want to know which army you are from?”

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng was stunned for a moment. Unexpectedly, this little devil was quite proficient in Chinese, and then he sneered.

 “Sichuan Army.”

"Impossible, absolutely impossible." Major Tanaka shook his head. He thought the other party was deceiving him.

"Believe it or not, do you want to have a duel?" Cun Yunsheng didn't bother to explain so much to him, and then he raised his fingers to indicate whether the other party wanted to duel.

When the others heard this, they were stunned for a moment, and then quickly tried to dissuade him.

  Dong Dao even said that he could play in place of Tuan Zao.

This sentence caused everyone to nod. With his big sword, he had just chopped up several little devils alive.

The sword flashed and a human head flew into the sky.

The killing made the little devils extremely frightened. They looked like demons and did not dare to fight Dong Dao hand-to-hand.

Major Tanaka’s eyes lit up, this is a good opportunity.

The opponent is so weak that if you can defeat the opponent, you may still be able to survive.

Without waiting for the other party to refuse, Tanaka Shao waved his command knife, screamed at the ghost, and rushed towards the Cangyun Sheng.


When the gunshot rang out, Major Tanaka looked at the blood soaking his chest in confusion, then raised his head and looked at the other person in confusion, and then cursed loudly.

"Baga, Baga, Qidi, don't talk about martial arts... The Chinese people are..."

What else did I want to say, but more bullets were fired.




 The Browning pistol was completely empty of bullets.

Looking at Major Tanaka who fell to the ground, Cun Yunsheng sneered.

"You are really naive. You are a beast. What qualifications do you have to talk to me about martial ethics?"

 “Shoot them all.”

With the order given, everyone raised their guns and bullets flew towards the remaining Japanese troops.


 For a time, tragic wailing sounded on the battlefield.

“Send the order and quickly deal with the remaining Japanese troops. I don’t want to see a single Japanese soldier alive.”


This can be regarded as a hearty victory. Through this **** battle, the Sichuan Army completely proved itself, and at the same time, its morale became more cohesive.

 Everyone believes that under the leadership of Cun Yunsheng, they will win one victory after another.

Looking at the people in front of him, Cun Yunsheng suddenly became so proud that he raised his voice and roared loudly.

“Brothers, you have proved with your blood that the Sichuan Army is the strongest.”

"Before this, you were proud of the Sichuan Army."

 “After this, the Sichuan Army will be proud of you.”

 “This battle will go down in history and be remembered by future generations.”

 “And you are all heroes.”

"This glory is yours at this moment, let us enjoy this glory alone."

“Brothers, as your leader, I am proud to have subordinates like you.”

"Brothers, from now on, you will be my glory and my pride." "Long live the Sichuan Army!"

 “Long live the Sichuan Army!”

 “Long live the Sichuan Army!”

Cun Yunsheng's words were still so magical, instantly igniting the blood of the soldiers of the Sichuan Army.

Looking at the deafening shouts rang out from the airport, Cun Yunsheng raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and at the same time looked towards Tonggu City not far away.

 I wonder what that person is thinking?

 Maybe it’s complicated.

 Do you even have some regrets?

 Zheng Tingji, who had just arrived at the outskirts of the airport with his people, changed his face slightly when he heard the shouts.

"Sichuan Army Corps? Sichuan Army Corps? How is this possible? How could it be Sichuan Army Corps?"

 It’s no wonder that Zheng Tingji thought so. In fact, the Sichuan Army Corps had a shabby image in their eyes.

 The heavy artillery and powerful firepower just now prove that this army is an ace.


 Now tell him that the opponent is the Sichuan Army, which makes Zheng Tingji difficult to accept for a while.

"Who?" At the moment when Zheng Tingji and others were stunned, Dong Jian appeared around them with more than a dozen scouts. If he hadn't seen that the other party was in the uniform of the expeditionary force, he would have pulled the trigger long ago, but he should have There is still caution.


Zheng Tingji couldn't help but take a breath. They had searched and found no one nearby.

 How did the other party touch it?

Is this still the shabby Sichuan Army Corps?

“Tell me, who are you?” Dong Jian asked warily.

“We are from the 598th Regiment of the 200th Division, and this is our regiment leader.” A major introduced, pointing to Zheng Tingji who had the rank of colonel.

“Sir,” Dong Jian said, but in fact he didn’t show any respect.

 "Colonel Commander, tsk tsk tsk, you are worthy of being a direct descendant."

“But that’s how it goes in a war. We rushed to the airport twice and then withdrew.”

"Even the direct descendants are just like that, and they don't know much about fighting."

“That’s not right. Isn’t the 200th Division elite? Why doesn’t it know how to fight?”

“Don’t all the direct descendants like to brag? If they really know how to fight, why did they lose the airport?”

The other scouts of the Sichuan Army were talking quietly, but Dong Jian did not stop them.

They witnessed how the 3rd Battalion of the 598th Regiment and the Engineer Battalion attacked the airport. They only lost a few dozen people and gave up the attack. Their will to fight was not that tenacious.

 So naturally I won’t give the other party a good look now.

 After all, they won the airport based on their strength.

Zheng Tingji was not deaf, so he could naturally hear these comments. His face changed slightly, and he wanted to get angry, but he still endured it.

 The army speaks based on its strength. The 200 Division's lost airport was chewed up by others. I really have no right to blame him because he wants to lose face.

"Take me to see your commander." Zheng Tingji took a deep breath and decided not to argue with these big soldiers.

"Follow us and don't make any other moves, otherwise our bullets will not have long eyes." Dong Jian nodded, and then threatened again.

"You..." The major wanted to have a fit but was stopped by Zheng Tingji.

When Zheng Tingji was brought to Cun Yunsheng, he was looking at the casualty report that had just been sent up.

“More than a hundred people were lost?” Cun Yunsheng’s hands began to shake unconsciously.

 He originally thought it would be a great victory, but who knew it would turn out to be a tragic victory.


 In his eyes, the life of a little devil is not valuable, but the life of his own people is precious.

  Change one for several, and he would feel a loss of blood.

 At the very least, you have to change more than ten.

Meng Fangliao on the side said excitedly.

“Tuanzuo, this is a great victory. We defeated a Japanese brigade head-on, killing more than 500 Japanese soldiers and only losing more than 100 people. The casualties are not many.”

To him, this is really not much. You must know that his original company was completely wiped out, but not many Japanese troops were wiped out.

 Now that we have lost this few people, we will have destroyed several times the Japanese army, which is simply a great victory.

 And this is still a difficult task.

Cun Yunsheng could not understand the excitement of Meng Fangliao and others.

 He still felt drained of blood.

"What a loss of blood. What a loss of blood. The little devils are just a bunch of beasts. How can they be compared with our soldiers? Let each battalion and company write a summary for me and think about why there are such heavy casualties. We must learn lessons next time. , try to reduce casualties." Cun Yunsheng looked distressed.

 Zheng Tingji's mouth couldn't help but twitch. Is this guy really not showing off?

"Who is this?" Cun Yunsheng discovered Zheng Tingji's arrival and asked doubtfully.

“Captain Cun, I am Zheng Tingji, the commander of the 598th Regiment of the 200th Division.” Zheng Tingji took the initiative to speak without waiting for Dong Jian’s introduction.

On the way, he made some insinuations and found out that the officer leading the team was named Cun Yunsheng.

 After being reminded by the adjutant, he suddenly realized that he was actually a descendant of the Cun family.

 He also has a certain understanding of the Cun family.

General Cun Xingqi is a legend, and he has very senior qualifications. In the end, he died together with the Japanese army, which is very touching.

"Ah? It turns out to be Commander Zheng." Cun Yunsheng still had a certain understanding of this person, and he started talking with Yan Yuese.

After some conversation, Zheng Tingji hoped that Cun Yunsheng could go to the city with him to meet with Dai Anlan to discuss the next battle plan.

  After all, the Sichuan Army has proven with its strength that they are a trump card.

Even Zheng Tingji, who was in the Central Army, lowered his dignity and lost his previous arrogance.

However, Cun Yunsheng chose to refuse to enter the city because the Sichuan Army needed to rest and recuperate after a **** battle.

He did not reject the proposal to help defend Tonggu, but said he would give it some thought.

 After Zheng Tingji left, Cun Yunsheng asked Meng Fanxiao to send a telegram to the coalition headquarters immediately.

“Huh?” Meng Fan looked puzzled. He was not allowed to send a telegram before, so why should he send a telegram now?

"Are you stupid? This is a big victory. If you don't show off, how can you have the nerve to ask the Americans to get the equipment?" Cun Yunsheng glared angrily.

“But, in what name are we doing this?” Meng Fan said helplessly.

The Sichuan Army Corps has no superiors since it entered Myanmar. Is it really good to send it directly to the coalition headquarters? Does this mean that the Allied Forces Command is regarded as the superior?

"In the name of the Sichuan Legion, everyone should know that our Sichuan Legion is not a coward, but a resounding trump card." Cun Yunsheng laughed and said with great pride.

"Yes." Cun Yunsheng's words were also affected by Meng Fan, and he immediately started asking people to send the report without hesitation.

Third update, there will be more later! We promised to release more updates, and we must release them, otherwise I will be sorry for your support!



 (End of this chapter)

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