The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 66: Do you believe such nonsense reasons?

Chapter 66 Do you believe such nonsense?

“Captain Steve, although they are illiterate, they have rich combat experience, especially the spirit of fighting to the end.” Cun Yunsheng looked at Steve and said expressionlessly.

“Have you ever heard of a saying? When we meet on a narrow road, the brave will win. It is not difficult to defeat the Japanese army. What is rare is the courage to fight.”

“I believe that after being taught by you and equipped with the equipment of the US military, I can definitely beat those bastards.”

“Captain Steve, don’t you and your officers have confidence?”

For a moment, Captain Steve was speechless. Could he say that he couldn't do it?


 Absolutely impossible.

“Yes, sir, I believe I can make them a whole new person.” After Captain Steve saluted a military salute, he left with the summarized report while thinking about how to teach this unit.

After all, there are so many people who cannot read a word of Chinese characters, and what they are saying is so profound that the other party cannot understand it at all.

“Tuanzuo, it’s up to you to take action to deal with these Americans.”

“You don’t know how annoying these Americans are.” Meng Nuan looked at Steve leaving and couldn’t help complaining.

"What? Your communications company has also been scolded? It deserves it. Let you pay more attention. It has been more than a month. There are not many decent telegraph operators. It is totally deserved to be scolded."

“Now is the time for the Yankees to train your subordinates well, otherwise you will lose even if you tell them. There are not many people in the Tangtang Communications Company who can send reports.” Cun Yunsheng was annoyed and criticized Meng Fan.

 He readily accepted the instructor sent by Stilwell.

 Although the Sichuan Legion has rich combat experience, it still lacks systematic military knowledge.

For example, all the soldiers of the 200 Division know about weapon parameters, but only a few soldiers of the Sichuan Army Corps know about it.

 So it is very appropriate for Americans to teach.

Meng was annoyed after being scolded and did not dare to speak back.

I can only agree to it and cooperate with the Americans to complete the training.

“Steve didn’t ask you about that batch of weapons and equipment?” Meng Fanxiao asked again after seeing Cun Yunsheng’s anger dissipate a little.

“Asked, I told him that the 200 Division has supported a group of veterans and needs to borrow some weapons and equipment from us and will return them to us when the battle is over.” Cun Yunsheng said casually.

 “Did he believe it?” Meng Fanlao looked at the other party in disbelief as if he had seen a ghost.

"Why don't you believe it?" Cun Yunsheng looked at the other party very strangely. He felt that Meng Fanyi was not stable at all with his bluster.

“I told him that I have a deep friendship with the 200th Division. Many of their soldiers are my fellow villagers. I support these weapons because they are my fellow villagers. I can’t bear them to fight the Japanese army with bare hands.”

“You don’t know, Steve was so moved that he almost cried.”

 “What’s your expression???”

 “Don’t think of Americans as being so inhumane. Even when they see fellow countrymen, they burst into tears.”

Cun Yunsheng felt that Meng Fanjia really didn't understand these people in Europe and the United States.

 I always feel that people don’t like fireworks, but in fact they take interpersonal relationships to the extreme.

“Steve even felt that the supply was insufficient and thought that more could be given. The most important thing the US military lacks is weapons and equipment.”

 “Do Americans believe such a nonsense reason?” Meng Fanglia felt that his outlook on life was completely shattered.

No one would be able to believe this kind of reason, but in the end, they believed it.

 Do you even feel that you are being given less?

Isn’t this just bullshit?

Are Americans so naive?

"Why don't you believe it? Steve thinks you can report a little more loss. After all, it's normal for training losses to occur. General Stilwell won't care about this kind of weapons and equipment." Cun Yunsheng's words directly annoyed Meng. Speechless.

Yanks still know about over-reporting losses?

Who taught this?

 He didn’t believe that Americans knew this. He must have been taught this by his family.

 After all, only he could come up with such a bad idea.

"Tuanzuo, you are really courageous. You can sell weapons with such righteous words." Meng Fan was completely convinced.

 What else could he say?

 I can only marvel.

"Okay, where are all the nonsense? The Americans are sincerely teaching us this time. Let your soldiers learn from me, and then teach others after they learn it." Cun Yunsheng glared angrily, Then he gave another order.

 “Call Sun Yunfei, there is something he needs to do.”

"Yes." Although he was confused about what it was, he also knew that he would never ask more questions if he shouldn't know.

Not long after, Sun Yunfei, who was training, came to the regiment headquarters sweating profusely. When he saw Cun Yunsheng, he stood at attention and saluted.

“Tuanzuo, are you looking for me?” Sun Yunfei felt anxious, not knowing why Tuanzuo found him.

"How is it? Is training hard? Are you tired? Is there anything you need me to solve? You can tell me and I will find a solution." Cun Yunsheng looked at the other person with a smile on his face and said softly.

“It’s not bitter, it’s not tiring, there’s nothing to solve.” Sun Yunfei shook his head like a rattle, expressing that everything was fine and thanking the group for their concern.

This made Cun Yunsheng feel a little regretful, but he sincerely wanted to help the other party solve the problem.

 Why do you feel like the other party doesn’t want you to solve it?

 Are you so terrible?

“Tuanzuo, do you have any tasks? You tell me, and I will definitely complete it.” Sun Yunfei patted his chest and said loudly.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng still looked at the other party with a smile on his face.

“It’s not a big deal. Are you familiar with the Chinese people in Myanmar?”

Although he didn't know what Cun Yunsheng wanted to do, Sun Yunfei still said it honestly.

“Tuanzuo, what do you mean by familiarity?”

“The main thing is what kind of power there is in the Chinese community, or who are some prestigious people.”

"Guanzu, I have heard of the Overseas Chinese Anti-Japanese Volunteer Corps. I really don't know much about the rest, but they are very strict in recruiting soldiers. The minimum requirement is a junior high school diploma." Sun Yunfei thought for a while, said what he heard, and then shook his head. Shake his head.

Hearing the Overseas Chinese Anti-Japanese Volunteer Team, Cun Yunsheng's eyes lit up, and then he cursed himself secretly, why are you so stupid?

He actually forgot about this unit.

 The chief officer of the volunteer team is also an officer of the expeditionary force.

 In total, this force is also under the jurisdiction of the Allied Forces Command. It’s just that the number of people is too small, so Stilwell doesn’t pay much attention to it.

 After all, two or three hundred people are not enough.

The Japanese army can handle them with one squadron.

Later it was placed under the command of the British army. As a result, the British army took advantage of the situation and transferred all this volunteer team to the enemy's rear. Not long after, all of them died.

I have to say that the British army is ruthless enough and will not show any mercy when it comes to tricking its own people.

There is no way, whoever told them was stupid and believed the words of those white-skinned pigs.

 If it were Cun Yunsheng, he would never believe a word of the British army.

 Want him to send troops? If you don't give enough benefits, believe it or not, you will walk alone in a few minutes.

 Let him die? That is even more impossible!

 “Do you want to be the commander of the volunteer team?” Cun Yunsheng suddenly spoke, which made Sun Yunfei stunned, and then he said with joy, but also very entangled.

“Leader, can you make me the commander of the volunteer team? I don’t know anything.”

He is now a big soldier, his military training is barely up to par, and he doesn't know how to fight.

"How are you? Are you interested?" Cun Yunsheng did not answer his question, but looked at the other person and continued to ask.

“Of course, it’s my qualifications?” Sun Yunfei said with some confusion.

"These are not problems, I will send someone to help you." Cun Yunsheng said with a smile.

“But, as for the personnel, you need to recruit them yourself.”

“????” Sun Yunfei was confused. What does it mean?

 Shall I recruit troops myself?

 Shouldn’t he directly become the commander of the volunteer team?

But he is also a smart person, and he immediately understood what Cun Yunsheng meant.

“Tuanzuo, do you want me to recruit soldiers and form a volunteer team?”

"Yes, don't you have confidence?" Cun Yunsheng looked at the other party and said encouragingly.

"Believe in yourself, I think you are very capable. Chief Ayi told me that your training performance is very good these days."

 “As long as you practice a few times, you will be an excellent commander.”

 Sun Yunfei suddenly felt a little carried away when he was told this. He didn't expect that he would be so valued, so he gritted his teeth and agreed.

“Tuanzuo, I am confident that I can complete this arduous task.”

"Okay, I believe you. I will ask Chief Ayi to allocate funds for you. You can first try to recruit your classmates and childhood playmates. I believe that with their help, you will definitely complete the volunteer team in the shortest time. Formation.”

“We can only give you one company in the early stage. If we recruit more soldiers in the later stage, we will consider expanding it.”

"The treatment is the same as that of the Sichuan Army." Cun Yunsheng's series of words made Sun Yunfei confused.

 I didn’t expect that I would become a company commander, which is not a small official.

“Yes, Tuanzuo, I will definitely complete the mission.” Sun Yunfei promised loudly, patting his chest.

 When the other party left, Cun Yunsheng showed a smile on his lips.

Sun Yunfei is his back-up man. Whether he can succeed depends on how many Chinese he can recruit.

 As for how to report to Stilwell?

 Need to report?

 Isn’t it normal that the Sichuan Army Corps is unfamiliar with the place and needs a guide?

 Is it strange that this guide has certain weapons?

 It is also very dangerous for people to act as guides.

 So Cun Yunsheng was not panicked at all.

Not to mention that the training at the airport was in full swing, at the Japanese division headquarters on the other side, Lieutenant General Takeuchi Hiroshi looked at his subordinates with a livid face.

"You mean the airport was retaken by the Chinese? And Major Tanaka was killed in action? We lost more than 500 people? Only a few dozen people escaped?"

 “Yes, Your Excellency, Division Commander.” The Chief of Staff said bravely.

He also did not expect that a force of seven or eight hundred people would be defeated by the China Army. It was simply unbelievable.

More importantly, this force was well-equipped with a large number of mortars.

As a result, the entire army was almost wiped out, and the remaining people got into the dense forest and disappeared.

"Baga, this incompetent guy Tanaka, he can't afford the cultivation of the empire." Lieutenant General Takeuchi Hiroshi roared angrily.

“Your Excellency, Division Commander, now that the expeditionary force has retaken the airport, should the offensive be suspended?” the Chief of Staff suggested cautiously.

Hearing this, Lieutenant General Takeuchi Kan glared at him.

“The offensive must not be suspended. The 18th Division is about to rush to Tonggu and will join us in attacking Tonggu City.”

“The military headquarters gave us an order to capture Tonggu City within seven days at the latest. According to intelligence, the British army is preparing to withdraw all British and Burmese troops to India.”

“So we must destroy more British and Burmese troops before they retreat.”

The glory that originally belonged to the 55th Division alone, but now the 18th Division has intervened, making Hiroshi Takeuchi feel very unhappy.

 But the military headquarters has ordered that Tonggu must be captured as soon as possible and the 200 division must be completely eliminated.

 Hence, the offensive must not stop at the moment, and it must even be intensified to prevent the opponent from retreating.

 “The British troops are about to withdraw?” the chief of staff said incredulously.

“Yes, they have decided to abandon Myanmar.” Lieutenant General Takeuchi Hiroshi said without explaining the source of the intelligence.

“Order all regiments to immediately increase their offensive and make sure that the 200 Division is not allowed to leave Tonggu. At the same time, fighter planes are dispatched to bomb the airport severely to avenge the dead imperial warriors.”

Now that the Japanese army has absolute air superiority, it is strange that the Japanese army has suffered a loss and is determined to retaliate. It is strange to let the opponent off easily.

 “Hai.” The chief of staff responded immediately.

The fifth update! The update of Ten Thousand Seventeen is absolutely full of sincerity! Thank you all for your support, and I am really grateful for your tips and subscriptions!



 (End of this chapter)

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