The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 68: A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist!

Chapter 68 A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist!

"Dai Anlan, you are really petty. You asked us to garrison in Tonggu City and gave us a company. Are you sending beggars?" Looking at the telegram in his hand, Cun Yunsheng felt that the other party was really small.

“Tuanzuo, do you want to agree to the other party’s conditions?” Lin Yi asked doubtfully.

 “Agree? You’re so stupid that you agree?” Lin Yi was confused by the sudden burst of Shanghainese. Where did his group come from?

"My commander Ayi, the other side is obviously preparing to retreat. They have not chosen the troops to break up the rear. They asked us to act as backstops." Meng Fan looked at Lin Yi with a disappointed look on his face. He felt that this guy was too naive. , whatever Shangfeng says is what it is.

 I can’t think about the meaning behind this matter at all.

“The 200th Division will withdraw like this? Will the Allied Command agree? Will the Americans agree?” Lin Yi asked the key question.

At this time, the expeditionary force was commanded by the Allied Forces Command, and there were two commanders. One was Du Yuming, the deputy commander of the expeditionary force, and the other was Stilwell.

Needless to say, Du Yuming is known as the battlefield fire captain.

Move wherever needed.

Stilwell has even more titles. He can be said to be the nominal military commander of China, the United States and Britain.

 But in fact, he could not command any troops at all.

 It was impossible for Lord Alexander to hand over the British army to the other side's command.

Du Yuming was also unwilling to hand over the expeditionary force to the command of the British army.

Stilwell wanted to put pressure on the British army, but Lord Alexander led the British-Burmese army and ran away, even abandoning Burma.

This left him speechless, so he could only command the expeditionary force.

 But he can only command the expeditionary force in name only, in fact no one cares about him.

This is why Stilwell sent a telegram to Dai Anlan, hoping that he would continue to stick to Tonggu, but did not receive any reply.

“You don’t think that old boy Stilwell can really command an expeditionary force, do you?” Cun Yunsheng said speechlessly.

"This..." Lin Yi scratched his head. He felt that these problems were too complicated.

"You just need to understand that every step of Stilwell's plan has his own interests. The orders he sends to us can be executed or not." Cun Yunsheng knew that this kind of problem was too difficult for him. It’s difficult, so try to put it as simply as possible.

 “Listen to the tune but not the announcement?” Lin Yi said doubtfully.

 “That’s right, that’s what it means.”

 “Then Stilwell won’t get angry, right?”

“Don’t worry, he doesn’t have the capital to get angry. Unless the US military reaches Myanmar, he will have to rely on us to achieve his goals.” Cun Yunsheng shook his head and said.

 For Stilwell, what he has to do now is to delay the Japanese offensive momentum and consume the Japanese army's reserves.

 Reducing the pressure on the US military in the Pacific battlefield.

But Cun Yunsheng is not a fool. If you want him to block the knife, there is no problem.

 As long as sufficient benefits are given.

 “Then reject it directly?” Lin Yi asked again.

 In fact, Cun Yunsheng did not know that he had changed the outcome of Tonggu Airport and even severely damaged a Japanese brigade, but it seemed that nothing had changed.

 At this time, the 200 Division still made the same decision as before, abandoning the ancient city.

But this is a way to survive.

Why did Dai Anlan agree to exchange people for weapons and ammunition? It was not because the defenders in the city were about to run out of ammunition and food.

 Continue to hold on and wait for the outcome of the 200 Division, which will result in the complete annihilation of the army.

 Only by abandoning Tonggu City can we save the 200 divisions.

 What has he changed?


 He has changed nothing.

 That’s not right either!

 He has changed at least a little.

 That is to say, the Japanese army surrounded Tonggu City with more troops than before.

 There were nearly 60,000 people, and even an inch of Yunsheng was a bit stunned.

“Regiment, Commander Stilwell sent a telegram.” Meng Fanlian took the telegram from the operator and said with a not-so-good look on his face.

"What are you talking about? Let me guess, he must let us stay and continue to defend Tong Ancient City? To attract the Japanese attack? He will find a way to mobilize reinforcements? Fight a big battle in Tong Ancient City?"

“Even promised to mobilize various material support?” Cun Yunsheng did not answer the telegram, but smiled and expressed his guess.

“You guessed it right, this old boy really wants us to hold on to Tonggu City.” Meng Fannie could not help but give a thumbs up and praised.

"You just give us this little thing and you want us to sell our lives? This old boy is really stingy." Cun Yunsheng curled his lips, obviously feeling that the other party gave too little.

"And where did he mobilize reinforcements from? The expeditionary army ignored him, and the British army just ran away. Can he know magic? Or can the American army fly? Fall from the sky?"

“Then how do we call back?” Meng Fanglia knew that Cun Yunsheng would not agree to this kind of loss-making transaction, but how to call back was crucial.

“Let’s just say that the Sichuan Army is at a critical moment of reorganization and is temporarily unable to defend Tonggu City.”

“If this old boy is in a hurry, tell him clearly that the 200th Division is ready to withdraw.”

 A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist!

 Let Stilwell and Du Yuming fight.

If he has 20,000 or 30,000 people, you can still think about it. With just over 2,000 people, there are only more than 1,000 combatants.

There are not many heavy weapons!

 Little Devil is a coordinated operation between land and air, so the two sides are not on the same level.

how to spell?

 “This move of yours is really great, it diverts the conflict.” Meng Fanlao gave a thumbs up again.

“Okay, stop flattering and let each battalion and company seize the time to retreat within these two days. If it is later, we will not be able to leave.” Cun Yunsheng shook his head and said. "Yes." Meng Fan nodded and turned around to leave, but then turned around and asked the doubts in his heart.

“Tuanzuo, where do you think Dai Anlan will retreat from?”

 “To the east, where else could it be.”

 “Why not from the north?” Meng Fangliao asked curiously.

"You idiot, look at the terrain to the north. There are a lot of hills. If I were the Japanese army, I would circle back and send out a large group, break it into pieces, rely on the hills, and resist step by step. As long as the 200 Division is bitten Once you get there, it's over." Cun Yunsheng cursed angrily.

 After being scolded like this, Meng Fanglia suddenly realized.

“So, we are also retreating from the east?”

"Of course." Cun Yunsheng nodded naturally. There was one more thing he didn't say, which was to prepare to fish in troubled waters.

He has been coveting the officers and soldiers of the 200th Division for a long time.

 Instead of wasting it pointlessly in Savage Mountain, it is better to keep some of it yourself.

    Anyway, they are all for fighting the Japanese, regardless of each other.

“Asshole.” Stilwell was still a little angry after receiving the telegram, but he was not angry that Cun Yunsheng disobeyed his order.

 Originally, his idea was to have the other party withdraw to Tangji or Mandalay.

However, the White House's request is to fight a battle in Tonggu to consume the Japanese offensive and reduce the pressure on the Pacific battlefield.

At this time, the Japanese military front was definitely the strongest in history, and it could be said that it was overwhelming the U.S. military.

 So on the frontal battlefield, the US military is under great pressure.

 It is natural to hope that someone can share the pressure and take a breather.

 For Stilwell, who insists on the supremacy of the United States, does this still need to be chosen?

 Just choose to abandon the Sichuan Army and let them consume the Japanese army in the same ancient city together with the 200 Division.

The key is that he cannot command the expeditionary force.

The Buchuan Army chose to reject his order and decided to withdraw to Tangji, and stated that it was not that he was unwilling to stick to Tonggu, but that the 200 Division decided to retreat.

 This made Stilwell very angry.

 He finally knew why the 200th Division did not reply to his telegram.

“Sir, what should we do now? Once Tonggu is lost, the Japanese army’s offensive will become even more fierce.” Adjutant Tom hesitated and said.

"I know all what you said, but I'm sorry, but I can't do anything. There are too few troops under my control. Those **** in the British army don't obey my orders at all, and the expeditionary force also disobeys me."

"Damn it, their military assistance should be cut off." Stilwell said angrily.

“Forget it, the loss of Tonggu City is inevitable. Let the Sichuan Army retreat and keep this effective force. We need him very much now.”

In fact, Stilwell saw the other party's little intention, which was that he didn't want to die in vain.

 If he had a choice, he would definitely cut off the supply of this army and let the other side know that his authority is not so easy to challenge.

 But now he had no choice but to grit his teeth and agree.

"Report everything here to the White House and tell them that the loss of Myanmar will be inevitable. Next, we may withdraw to the Myitkyina area. I hope the White House can increase assistance. We need to control more troops." Stilwell again He took a deep breath and said.

“In addition, send a telegram to the newly formed Thirty-Eighth Division, telling them that they can retreat to Myitkyina, where there will be countless beautiful weapons and equipment waiting for them.”

Stilwell decided to cast a wide net to see if anyone else would be willing to take the bait.

 “What about the volunteer team?” Tom asked again.

"Leave it to the British army and let them take command." Stilwell said angrily.

Due to the over-the-top obedience of the expeditionary force, even Stilwell did not have a good impression of this volunteer team commanded by the expeditionary force, and handed it over directly to the British army.

 A small army of three hundred people was useless to him.


Du Yuming soon received news about Stilwell’s series of actions.

“Stilwell is angry.” Luo Zhuoying looked at the telegram and said with a smile.

"Can you not be angry? The nominal commanders of China, the United States and Britain, but in the end no one can command, and no one else will be angry." Du Yuming sighed with emotion.

Actually, he wasn't much better. He didn't have his own direct troops. He was just like a firefighter, running around hummingly, and he had to carry Shang Fang's sword every time to barely command those arrogant soldiers.

Luo Zhuoying did not reply to Du Yuming's implicit meaning.

“This must be blamed on the British army. They could obviously rely on favorable terrain to fight against the Japanese army, but in the end, they just wanted to run away, and were even willing to give up the entire Burma, abandoning such a large piece of land like this?”

"It's normal. The British army has been scared out of their wits. It's impossible for them to fight against the Japanese army. What we have to do now is to bring back all the 100,000 expeditionary troops to preserve this elite." Du Yuming was obviously worried about the British. The army's performance was also dissatisfied.

“Let the newly formed 22nd Division abandon all heavy weapons, advance lightly, and respond to the 200th Division.” After taking a look at the map, Du Yuming immediately made a deployment.

"Yes." The adjutant immediately recorded and conveyed the order.

“Alas, the good-looking Battle of Tonggu has turned into a Battle of Defense of Tonggu. I just hope that the 200 Division can evacuate safely, otherwise, Shancheng will not let us go lightly.” Luo Zhuoying looked at the map and sighed.

"Now we can only rely on whether Dai Anlan can cut off his wrist." Du Yuming said meaningfully.

 For a time, the entire headquarters became extremely silent, and everyone knew the profound meaning of this sentence.

  Change first and then change!



 (End of this chapter)

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