The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 7: Can you be tough for a moment?

Chapter 7 Can you be tougher for a while?

"Do you want to treat your leg?" Seeing Xue Tian happily buying supplies with gold, the rest of the cannon fodder had different thoughts.

 Mainly I was shocked by Cun Yunsheng's generosity.

 After all, it’s just a small yellow croaker when you take action.

 So, many cannon fodders are secretly thinking about whether to become soldiers.

There is no shortage of military pay, food and drink, and American equipment.

This is exactly the treatment of a direct descendant.

At this time, Cun Yunsheng looked at Meng Fanxiao and asked with a smile.

Hearing this, Meng Fan was stunned for a moment, and then asked uncertainly.


"Of course, if you delay it any longer, your leg will be useless even if it is cured." Cun Yunsheng nodded, and then pointed at the veterinarian who was devouring the food.

 “You’re coming too.”

The veterinarian whose name was called was confused. He didn’t know why he was attracted by the person in front of him.

But he knew that his arms couldn't twist his thighs.

 Be naturally obedient.

"Milong, you are coming too. I'm afraid I won't be able to hold him down for a while." Cun Yunsheng said meaningfully.

These words made Meng Fangliao's expression change, as if he had already thought of his own tragic situation next.

Milong, whose name was called, was still mumbling, feeling very unconvinced.

However, when he saw two soldiers holding submachine guns, he still walked over obediently, but he said something.

"What are you doing? I'm very busy. You know, I still have business."

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? Just do whatever I ask you to do. If you say one more word, believe it or not, I will shut you up forever." Cun Yunsheng replied angrily.

 For people like Mi Long, don’t be nice to him.

As expected, Milong suddenly became furious.

 “This is your uncle, you are a weakling. Believe it or not, I will beat you to death...”

 In the end, before he finished speaking, he decisively shut up.

 Because he saw Cun Yunsheng pull out a pistol.

And the dark muzzle of the gun was pointed at him.

 The cannon fodder around him burst into laughter instantly.

 Because they discovered that the invincible dragons were defeated one after another in front of the young leader in front of them.

 It is the greatest pleasure to see the lost dragon eat up.

 For a time, there was constant laughter and laughter in the venue.

Milong blushed and shouted at everyone.

"You guys, shut up, you guys, believe it or not, I'll beat you to death."

Like a frisky hound, it doesn't dare to show its teeth to its owner, but it dares to show its canine teeth to those prey.

 The rest of the cannon fodder are prey in the eyes of Milong.

  Disagreements, punches and kicks are common occurrences.

“Tch, Mi Long, you only dare to yell at me. If you have the ability, you can yell at Tuan Zuo.” Kang Huojian said boldly.

 Seeing Milong's glare, he shrank back in fear.

 It caused another burst of laughter.

And Cun Yunsheng had a smile on his face.

  To these cannon fodders, Cun Yunsheng always had a trace of goodwill.

 Because he knows that it is not easy for them.

“Okay, shut up, everyone, do what you have to do, let me clean up the place, do you want to eat pig meat tonight?” Cun Yunsheng raised his voice.

After hearing this, the other cannon fodders immediately got busy and did not dare to say any more nonsense.

 From here it can be seen that Cun Yunsheng has established preliminary prestige.

Even if this prestige is established with a meal of pork stewed vermicelli, it is enough to at least let everyone know about his group.

 He believes that with the next methods he uses, he will definitely conquer this group of people.    So Cun Yunsheng was in a good mood.

Following Meng Fanlie and others to the veterinarian's room, he frowned slightly as he looked at the dim room in front of him.

“It’s too dark. Use a knife. If there are any candles, light two.”

 A knife?

Meng Fangliao’s expression was not very good, and he seemed to think that the leader in front of him was a bit unreliable.

He really wanted to ask if Tuanzuo could do it.

 But after thinking about it, I chose to shut up.

 At this time, the veterinarian said quickly.


 Two half-burnt candles were lit.

  A glimmer of light suddenly appeared in the dark room.

“Take off your pants, lie down on the bed, and stuff the towel with you.” Cun Yunsheng glanced at him and then motioned to the health worker to take out the first aid kit.

He spent a lot of money to get this thing.

Even the hygienist in front of me got it after talking a lot.

 Until then, the other few people were surprised.

 Originally they thought this man was here to protect Cun Yunsheng.

 After all, it was a strange environment, and everyone only got to know each other for the first time before entering the dark room. If something happened, no one would know.

 It was normal to have a guard by your side, so they didn’t ask any questions.

Now I know that the person in front of me is not only a guard, but also a health worker.

 This is not the veterinarian who treats animals, but a serious health worker.

Hearing this, Meng Fan didn’t dare to talk nonsense.

 He decisively took off his pants and lay down on the bed covered with hay.

"Tuanzu, as long as I heal my leg, from now on, young master, I will be your die-hard bitch. I will never do anything you say. I will do whoever you ask me to do." Meng was annoyed. As soon as he lay down, he expressed his loyalty to Cun Yun.

Cun Yunsheng said with a smile.

 “This is what you said, I will beat the dragon when I turn around.”

Hearing this, Meng Fan was stunned for a moment, then looked at Mi Long, weighed it, and said through gritted teeth.


“You little brat, believe it or not, I’ll slap you to death.” Mi Long was speechless for a while. He didn’t expect that the leader in front of him had such bad taste.

“Okay, stop talking nonsense and hold his legs tight.” Cun Yunsheng interrupted Mi Long’s continued harsh words.

The veterinarians laughed as they looked at it. The mythical dragon that they usually regarded as the **** of plague was now being treated submissively.

The hygienist next to him took out the tools he had prepared and was speechless for a while to his team leader.

He didn’t expect that the usually taciturn leader would have such a hobby.

“Tuanzuo, it’s suppurating. If it’s a few days later, even if it’s cured, the leg will be useless.” The hygienist took a look at the wound and then reported the report.

“I know, hurry up and treat it.” Cun Yunsheng had known this situation for a long time and nodded.

"You two, hold on tight, don't move around, otherwise my knife will hit you who knows where, maybe somewhere else." The hygienist was just a kind reminder.

Who would have thought that Meng Fan was so frightened that he suddenly became frightened.

The Meng family is a one-man family. If this happens, wouldn't the Meng family be doomed?

His old-fashioned father wants to beat him to death.

Here he was still thinking about whether to suspend the operation.

 The hygienist sprinkled the prepared alcohol directly on his wound.


Meng Fan screamed in pain, but because he was stuffed with a towel, he could only scream in agony.

 Hands up straight, it is obvious that he is in pain.

"A grown man can't bear this little pain? Can you be a man for a while? Don't let us look down on you." Cun Yunsheng added at the right time, which immediately made Meng Fanglia stop screaming.

 (End of this chapter)

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