The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 74: Eat his food, drink his food!

 Chapter 74 Eat his food and drink his food!

"A bunch of bastards, all idiots. They couldn't even defend a division for several hours? Their commander should be shot." Lieutenant General Stilwell, at the Allied Command, looked at the telegram in front of him and roared angrily.

 The temporary 55th Division lost the Luoyikao front line, resulting in the fall of Tangji.

 Made him extremely angry.

In just three days, the situation has deteriorated to such an extent that it was beyond everyone's expectations.

"Du, Luo, tell me, why didn't a division hold for several hours?" Lieutenant General Stilwell asked in a cold tone, looking at Du Yuming and Luo Zhuoying in front of him.

 Ever since the end of the battle with Tonggu, Stilwell had no good impression of them.

Had he not considered that the expeditionary force was still needed to resist the Japanese attack, he probably would have kicked these two people out directly.

Even so, Stilwell didn't give the two of them a good look.

Hearing this, Du Yuming and Luo Zhuoying looked at each other with a hint of helplessness.

Stilwell, this old boy really doesn’t understand China.

 Does he think that any division he pulls out will be the same as 200 divisions?

More than 9,000 people can hold off a Japanese division for more than ten days?

 There are not many such troops in the whole of China.

As soon as you look at the name of the Temporary 55th Division, you can tell that the temporarily reorganized troops and personnel are all new.

 To put it bluntly, they are just a cannon fodder unit.

 Otherwise, they would not have been transferred to the rear to guard the supply lines and occasionally suppress local natives.

 They don’t believe it. Stilwell, an old boy, doesn’t understand the meaning?

To be honest, Stilwell really didn't understand. He thought that the 100,000 expeditionary force should be a capable force like the 200 Division or the Sichuan Army.

  It would never have occurred to me that there were troops like cannon fodder.

 This is the reason for his anger.

Of course, he also automatically ignored one thing, that is, more than 10,000 British troops were scared away by more than 1,000 Japanese troops.

 After all, compared to the British army, the expeditionary force was pretty good.

 But they were too embarrassed to expose others' scars about this kind of thing.

“General Stilwell, the temporary 55th Division is a newly formed unit with insufficient personnel, lack of weapons, and low combat effectiveness. In addition, the Japanese army raided it, so it lost its position.”

"Judging from the overall tactical layout of the temporary 55th Division, there are no problems. They rely on the terrain to resist steadily, but no one expected that the Japanese army would have a large number of trucks and tanks to quickly break through these defense lines." Du Yuming is not a good-tempered person. people, otherwise they would not be reused forever.

Of course, he would not be used to Stilwell, directly insinuating that the trucks and tanks of the Japanese army were given by the British.

The British would rather lose it to the Japanese army than take it out and distribute it to the expeditionary force. Is this what allies should do?

As an Allied commander, you cannot just blame the expeditionary force.

Stilwell was a little embarrassed when he was told this. He also knew what those trucks and tanks were about.

The British army evacuated in a hurry, leaving trucks, tanks and everything else to the Japanese army.

 This is why the Japanese army captured Tonggu City and attacked Tangji within three days.

 The Japanese army was able to make such rapid progress, and the British army was indispensable.

“Now we need to retake Tangji, otherwise the Japanese army will cut off Lashio and the entire Eastern Front Expeditionary Force will be finished.” Stilwell took a deep breath and decided not to dwell on this issue.

“I need the 200 division to turn to Tangji and retake Tangji as quickly as possible.”

Hearing this, Du Yuming did not refute, because he knew that not taking Tangji would mean the loss of Lashio.

 Once Lashio is lost, the entire eastern expeditionary force will be finished, and he will be the biggest sinner.

Thinking of this, Du Yuming thought for a while, then agreed with Stilwell's suggestion and sent a telegram to the 200 Division.

However, he also asked Stilwell to immediately replenish a batch of weapons and ammunition for the 200 Division.

 Stilwell did not refuse this request.

After the other party left, Stilwell sneered and then asked where the Sichuan Army was.

 “Near Tangji?”

Hearing this, Stilwell frowned, then looked at the map and thought for a while.

“Send a telegram to Cun Yunsheng and tell him to lead his troops to the airport in Tangji as soon as possible and find a way to hold on to the airport. I will send a transport plane to provide him with supplies.”

 Stilwell is still very concerned about the direct troops in his hands.

 Especially now that there are no soldiers in hand, it is even more valuable to the opponent.

More importantly, he always felt that something bad would happen next. Once Lashio was captured by the Japanese army, the Sichuan Army would probably be doomed.

Let him rush to the airport so that if the worst happens, he can consider using a transport plane to pick up the Sichuan Army.

 It can be said that Stilwell was worried about this army.

 “Yes, sir.” The adjutant responded immediately.

On the other side, the Sichuan Army Corps, which had been in the jungle for most of the day, finally walked out of the endless virgin forest.

“I really want to light up this **** forest with a fire.” If it hadn’t been for a guide, it would have taken several days to get out.

Cun Yunsheng finally realized the despair of the 200th Division walking on Yeren Mountain. There were endless trees and no high-tech navigation to use. It was too difficult to identify the direction purely by relying on the stars in the sky.

At this time, everyone in the Sichuan Army was hungry, tired and hungry.

Especially Cun Yunsheng, he even vowed that when things stabilized later, he would ask Stilwell for a jeep, truck, or tank, and never walk again.

 The Yunnan horses purchased earlier were also on the march in the past few days, and they were almost slaughtered.

 There is no way, dry food alone cannot replenish the huge physical strength.

So, Cun Yunsheng asked Mi Long to kill the Yunnan horses to replenish the strength of the soldiers.

 Fortunately, the previous breakout battle consumed most of the ammunition and the logistical pressure was greatly reduced.

 Otherwise, if so many artillery shells were memorized, the non-combat casualties would be even greater.

Even so, many soldiers still fell ill.

 Fortunately, he had the life-saving medicine Penicillin in his hand, and with the addition of horse meat, overall, the attrition rate of the soldiers was not very high.

More than 300 broken troops were gathered on the road. Calculated, the Sichuan Army Corps now has more than 2,500 people.

 This does not include Sun Yunfei’s volunteer team.

Counting them, the number would be far more than 3,000. Plus more than a thousand people from Zenda to supplement the camp.

 Said to be a regiment, it is actually stronger than an ordinary Type B division.

 These newly recruited defeated troops were all organized into supplementary battalions, with Cun Yunsheng as the battalion commander and actually managed by Long Wenwen.

Hang Cun Yunsheng didn't have many officers at hand, so he had to make do with what he had.

 Some artillery units, communications units, automobile units, etc. were organized separately, and after brief training, they were integrated into each battalion.

 For these technical arms, Cun Yunsheng regards them as treasures.

They even gathered the personnel of the tank platoon, which made Zhao He, who had always wanted to be the tank platoon leader, excited.

Hands around Cun Yunsheng every day about when to get him a tank.

 For this reason, Cun Yunsheng said that if we wait for a while, there will be tanks.

“Tuanzuo, the airport is ahead.” Long Wenwen pointed to the airport in the distance and breathed a sigh of relief.

Others heard that the airport was right in front of them, and they couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. They could finally rest.

The nerves that were originally tense finally became much more relaxed.

The Sichuan Army Corps, which was about to expire just now, was as energetic as a chicken blood shot.

“Give me the order to speed up and spend the night at the airport. Let the British guys prepare good food and drink for us.” Cun Yunsheng said with a big wave of his hand.


 Suddenly, morale was high, and some soldiers even screamed.

The echoes of howling ghosts and wolves made the forest become extremely terrifying.

The British soldiers guarding the main entrance of the airport road could not help but have a look of fear on their faces when they heard the sound of ghosts crying and howling in the distance.

 “Joe, did you hear anything?”

 “Damn it, stop talking, I hear you.”

 “It’s not some kind of devil, is it?”

“I heard from the natives that there are devils, beasts and the like in the forest at night.”

 “Shut up, I don’t want to hear this.”

 “Wait a minute, this sounds like a human cry.”

 “Could it be that the Japanese army is coming?”


The British troops stationed at the entrance didn't understand the difference between Chinese and Japanese troops at all, and the sky was getting dark, so they couldn't see clearly what was in the distance.

But they could still hear the cries and howls of thousands of people.

 In addition, Tangji has been captured by the Japanese army, so it is natural to think that the Japanese army will attack the airport.

 If it were them, they would definitely attack the airport.

 In fact, the Japanese army did want to attack the airport.

 But the troops are insufficient.

 The order from the military headquarters was to advance quickly, capture Lashio, and cut off the retreat path of the expeditionary force, thereby completing the strategic plan of annihilating the eastern expeditionary force.

 So in order to ensure that Lashio could be captured as soon as possible, the Japanese vanguard had no choice but to abandon the airport.

Then the situation emerged. Tang Ji failed, but the airport was still in the hands of the British army.

“The Japanese army is coming.” Finally, the shouts got closer and closer, and a British soldier couldn’t help but scream.

Like a virus, it spread everywhere. More and more British troops were trembling with fear. In the blink of an eye, all the British troops in the fortifications ran away.

 I didn’t think about defending at all.

  It spread to ten, and soon all the British troops at the airport knew about it.

“The Japanese army is coming?” Colonel Rogers, the supreme commander of the airport, seemed very calm, as if he had expected the arrival of the Japanese army.

 “Yes.” The subordinate nodded.

 “Get the flags ready and ready to surrender.” Colonel Rogers had no will to fight.

 For him, the purpose of coming to this place where birds don’t **** is to make money.

He did not fight bravely against the enemy for the sake of the natives.

 In other words, making money and gilding is the unified idea of ​​​​all British troops.

 A **** battle to the end?

 No, no, no!

 That’s unwise!

 This is just a colony!

 There are many more colonies like this!

 I don’t care if I lose one or two yuan!

Colonel Rogers' only request is that the Japanese army can abide by the Geneva Convention and ensure the sanctity of his private property.

 But he seemed to have overlooked one thing, that is, the Japanese army did not sign the so-called "Geneva Convention."

 So if he really wants to surrender to the Japanese army, his property will definitely not be saved.

After thinking about it clearly, Colonel Rogers felt that surrender was not an embarrassing thing.

"Order everyone to put down their weapons and not to damage the airport's facilities. We must leave complete facilities to the enemy." Colonel Rogers felt that in order not to cause misunderstandings by the Japanese army, everyone must protect the airport's facilities.

 I believe that the Japanese army will treat him well after seeing what he has done.

“Let soldiers who know how to play musical instruments form a military band, and let us go to welcome our enemies.” After finishing speaking, Colonel Rogers picked up his hat and walked out gracefully.

  No matter what, surrender must be dignified and gentlemanly.

  Change it first and then change it. I will have to send my child to a cram school later.



 (End of this chapter)

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