Chapter 80 Are we so fierce?

“Tuanzuo, are you out of your mind?” Lin Yi looked at Cun Yunsheng cautiously. He always felt that something was wrong with his Tuanzuo, but he just couldn’t explain it.

 “You’re so smart.” Cun Yunsheng replied angrily.

"Isn't the performance of the British army bad? Isn't it worthy of commendation for having the courage to use heavy artillery to counterattack the Japanese army?"

As Steve is a foreigner, he couldn't understand the sarcasm in Cun Yunsheng's words. He only thought that this officer was really good.

  From the time when I only won them one dollar, now I don’t care about my past grudges, and I even take the initiative to ask for credit from the British army.

 It is enough to prove that Cun Yunsheng is an upright soldier and such a person is worthy of trust.

 Steve even secretly vowed that the next time he submits an evaluation telegram, he will praise Cun Yunsheng for his noble qualities and his absolute trustworthiness.

"No, Tuanzuo, are you burned out? The British army insulted you so much before?" Lin Yi's face became more and more confused, and he had no idea what was wrong with his Tuanzuo.

Only Long Wenwen and Meng Fanglia tried their best to hold it in, but they didn't dare to laugh even if they wanted to.

I can only endure it, my group is really bad.

“Was that insulting? No, no, no. Thinking about it now, it’s still my fault. I didn’t identify myself immediately at the time, which led to such a misunderstanding.”

"If I could have identified myself in advance at that time, there wouldn't have been such a mistake. After all, it's still my fault."

“Especially when Colonel Rogers was bombing the Japanese army with heavy artillery, I realized that he was a soldier with high moral character.” Cun Yunsheng’s words almost made Lin Yi doubt his life.

  "Sorry, send a telegram to the Allied Command immediately and report everything here to General Stilwell. Be sure to praise Colonel Rogers for his heroic performance and the fact that the Japanese army is being bombarded by heavy artillery."

"If possible, I hope the Allied Forces Command can consider sending fighter planes to support and inflict heavy damage on the Japanese army." Cun Yunsheng said, looking at Meng Fan again, especially at the end, he winked to indicate that he must use The previous codebook is sent.

Meng Fan, who already knew the virtues of his family leader, responded quickly.

"Yes, regimental commander, I will report this to General Stilwell truthfully."

"And I, I will prove that all this is true. The British army is not as vulnerable as we imagined." Steve's words were like the sound of nature, making Cun Yunsheng almost jump with excitement.

 He really didn’t expect that this guy would be so cooperative with him.

 He believed that with Steve's testimony, Stilwell was absolutely convinced.

On the other side, Colonel Rogers at the airport was still hesitating whether to surrender, but the Japanese offensive became more fierce.

Especially the shells that fell into the airport from time to time, which scared his heart.

"Colonel, why don't you surrender? This must be the Japanese army." The subordinate said in fear.

Although I don’t know why the Japanese army sent so many people, such a fierce offensive still scared them, so they all thought of surrendering.

 “Wait a minute, wait a minute.” Colonel Rogers was still struggling.

"Baga, have these **** British troops taken any medicine? Why haven't they surrendered yet?" Colonel Hirai Usuke almost jumped up in anger when he saw that the offensive was repelled again.

The search team he leads is the elite of the 56th Division. If they can't even take down the British army, how can they sweep across Myanmar?

Thinking of this, Colonel Usuke Hirai suddenly became fierce and roared at Major Murashita in front of him.

“Give you one more chance. If you fail to capture the airport, you will commit suicide by committing seppuku to express your gratitude to His Majesty the Emperor.”

"Hai." Major Murakata also had a look of death on his face and decided to lead his men to attack in person.

On the other side, a telegram came to the Allied headquarters almost in plain text.

The telegraph operator who received the telegram almost stared at the telegram in front of him.

“Sir, there seems to be something wrong with this telegram.” The telegraph operator thought for a while and called his superior.

 The communications staff officer came to the telegraph operator with doubts.

"What's wrong?"

"This is a telegram sent using an old codebook." the telegraph operator said quickly.

“The Japanese army used this codebook to obtain our combat plans before, but we saw through it. Unexpectedly, they are now using this old codebook to send telegrams.”

“You mean, this is another Japanese trap?” the communications staff officer took over.

“Yes, but this telegram is from the Sichuan Army Corps, which is why I am very puzzled.”

“Normally speaking, the Sichuan Army should have replaced the latest code book. Why did it use the old code book to send the telegram?” The telegraph operator expressed his confusion.

"Could it be that they forgot to use the new codebook to send a telegram? This is not the first time this has happened." The communications staff expressed his guess.

"It's possible, but it's very unlikely." The telegraph operator nodded first, then shook his head.

 “First translate, what is the content of the telegram.” The communications staff thought that instead of guessing like this, it is better to see what the content of the telegram is.

Hearing this, the telegraph operator didn't waste any time. He took out his old code book and translated it quickly.

 When all the contents were translated, people were dumbfounded.

"How can this be?"

Before the telegraph operator was in a daze, the communications staff officer took the telegram, took a look at it, and was dumbfounded.

How could the British army be so brave?

Is this still the British soldier who only knows how to run away?

How dare you use heavy artillery to fire at the Japanese army?

  Did the Japanese army suffer heavy losses?

The British army actually won?

That's right, Meng Fan bothered to add some added detail to the telegram dictated by Cun Yunsheng.

  Directly praised the British army as extremely brave, and even praised it highly. This behavior of the British army will severely damage the morale of the Japanese army, and it can be said to be a great victory for Tangji.

Had it not been for Steve's signature on the back, the communications staff would have definitely suspected that this was a Japanese conspiracy.

Looking at the telegram in his hand, the communications staff thought about it for a long time, and finally decided to give it to Stilwell. "This matter must be kept secret first and must not be leaked to the outside world. In addition, we will use the new password to send a telegram to the Sichuan Army, telling them that the code book has been changed and not to use the old code book. In addition, we require their telegraph operators to strengthen training. "

 After saying that, the communications officer took the telegram and walked towards Stilwell's office.

 At this moment, Stilwell was discussing the next battle plan with Lord Alexander.

 According to Lord Alexander's request, the 200 Division will be transferred to the Western Front to deal with the British army.

For this reason, he went directly to Luo Zhuoying and promised a large number of weapons and equipment, and then the other party agreed to dispatch 200 divisions to the Western Front.

After Du Yuming learned about it, he even had a big quarrel with Luo Zhuoying, but it was of no use.

But Du Yuming said to Luo Zhuoying very sadly that the expeditionary force on the eastern front was about to be finished.

“Sir, we received a strange telegram and need to report it to you.” The communications officer took the telegram and walked into the office and said.

"Oh? What telegram?" Stilwell didn't care, but said casually.

“A telegram about the Sichuan Army asking for credit for the British Army.” The communications staff glanced at Alexander and then said.

Originally, Alexander was a little confused as to why he was so involved.

When they heard the telegram asking for credit for the British army, everyone was stunned.

 Please take credit?

 What kind of contribution do you want?

 What great achievements did his men accomplish?

 Haven’t heard of it!

Every time he opens his eyes, something is either lost here or there.

 Perhaps the Japanese troops there need to be rescued.

 There is basically no credit or anything like that.

To be honest, Stilwell was also a little confused. He didn’t know what credit the British army had.

If you want to take credit, I estimate that the British army would definitely get a place in the escape competition.

 “What are you asking for credit for?” Stilwell frowned slightly, not knowing what his subordinate meant by this sentence.

"You'd better take a look." Although, the communications staff also thought this was nonsense, but he still handed over the telegram.

 After receiving the telegram and taking a look at it, Stilwell’s first reaction was that the telegram was fake.

 It must have been a trap set by the Japanese army. After reading it, I was completely silent.

 Because there was Steve's signature on the back, he had to believe that the telegram was genuine.

 After being silent for a while, he handed the telegram to Alexander again and added another sentence.

“I didn’t expect that the British Empire’s army still had **** generals. This Colonel Rogers is indeed brave.”

Alexander, who had just received the telegram, was confused again. Is Colonel Rogers very bloody?

Are you sure this is Colonel Rogers?

 How do you remember that this guy is a coward?

He wasn't the one who made an own mistake last time. If it weren't for maintaining the image of the British Empire Army, he would have told such a guy to go back to his homeland.

  Unexpectedly, this time I gave myself a surprise?

 But this is definitely a surprise? Not frightened?

The first reaction when I saw it was that the telegram was definitely fake.

 But after Stilwell added something followed by the signature of the American instructor, he also fell silent.

Did Colonel Rogers decide to change his ways after the last incident?

It is not impossible.

"I didn't expect that I would make a mistake. Colonel Rogers is indeed the representative of the British Empire Army." Lord Alexander was still very happy. After all, the British army, which had been losing battles, finally had someone to turn the tide.

Thinking of this, Lord Alexander sent a telegram directly to Colonel Rogers.

 The general idea is that I hope that Colonel Rogers will realize his shame and then be brave, continue to work hard, severely inflict heavy damage on the Japanese army, and revive the image of the British Empire Army.

In addition, there were commendations and a general order to the entire army, calling on all British troops to learn from Colonel Rogers.

“You really need to give Colonel Rutgers a commendation, not only that, but also a Medal of Honor.” Stilwell also said.

 Only the person involved, Colonel Rogers, was shocked and confused when he received the telegram.

  When did you become so brave?

 Severe damage to the Japanese army?

 Has it become a representative of the rise of the British Empire Army?

Even Lord Alexander said that he had sent a telegram to the mainland and would apply for the rank of brigadier general for him, hoping that he would continue his efforts.

Having read the telegram more than a dozen times, Colonel Rogers didn’t even know how he had such a great image.

  Where did it come from?

Falling from the sky?

 It shouldn’t be!

It was obvious that they were beaten to the point of retreat by the Japanese army, and many of them even begged to surrender.

“Colonel, it’s time for us to surrender.” His subordinates advised him again.

Hearing this, Colonel Rogers showed a bitter look and handed over the telegram he had just received.

 “I’m afraid, we can’t surrender.”

The subordinate looked puzzled. After reading the contents of the telegram, his whole body instantly became Spartan.

 Are we so brave?

Change it first, and there is a late chapter, coaxing the baby!



 (End of this chapter)

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