The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 88: Dear relatives, I have finally come to you!

Chapter 88 Dear relatives, I have finally come to you!

 Due to the propaganda of the volunteer team, the Chinese people in Tangji packed up their luggage and began to flee.

Looking at the long queue of refugees, Cun Yunsheng sighed. These people were all forced to leave their homeland because of the war.

 Perhaps they have no idea what they are going to face during this trip.

 But he still followed without hesitation.

 Just because the Sichuan Army can guarantee their lives.

Such a humble request made Cun Yunsheng feel very uncomfortable.

I would rather be a peace dog than a person in troubled times.

 In troubled times, a person is worse than a dog.

 Just a simple promise and they were determined to follow.

"Let the third battalion be shut down and help the refugees as much as possible. I leave this place to you to ensure the safety of the refugees. There are other things waiting for me to solve." Cun Yunsheng thought for a while and gave the order again.

“Yes, Tuanzuo.” Lin Yi nodded.

Cun Yunsheng led the guard company to the front of the team, because the closer to Lashio, the more likely he would encounter the Japanese army.

 He must always be aware of the enemy's situation and make the best judgment.

After all, he now has more than 2,000 Sichuan Army soldiers on his shoulders, as well as thousands of refugees.

 So he must always be vigilant.

“Tuanzuo, there is a small town in front of us. There are about three thousand natives. How do we get there?” Li Liansheng saw Cun Yunsheng approaching and quickly stepped forward to briefly introduce the situation here before asking again.

Cun Yunsheng did not answer immediately, but fell into deep thought.

  It wasn’t that the town in front of him gave him a headache, but that he didn’t want to alert the enemy.

 It doesn’t matter that there must be indigenous people in this town who defected to the Japanese army.

As soon as his front leg left, someone on the back leg must have reported their situation to the Japanese army.

 At that time, it will cause even greater trouble.

If you want to say which unit of the expeditionary force is the most hated by the Japanese army, I am afraid it must be the Sichuan Army.

After the Japanese army entered Myanmar, most of their defeats came from the Sichuan Army.

 It was the Sichuan Army that destroyed the most Japanese troops.

  It can be said that the Sichuan Army is the number one enemy of the Japanese army.

So there is no doubt that when the Japanese army knows the specific location of the Sichuan Army, they will definitely deploy heavy troops to pursue and intercept them.

Not to mention, the Sichuan Army is still dragging a long queue of refugees.

These refugees are not soldiers. They can walk dozens of kilometers a day without any problem.

 They had to rest for a while after walking for more than ten kilometers, and there were many women and children, so the marching speed was greatly reduced.

Some people have proposed abandoning these refugees and marching by force around Lashio to Myitkyina.

However, he was rejected by Cun Yunsheng. He believed that these refugees were all Chinese and compatriots.

When the country was in crisis, they also donated money and materials. Now that they are in trouble, they cannot ignore it.

“Tuanzuo, if you want me to tell you, just rush over. Even if there are Japanese troops stationed in this small town of 3,000 people, we can capture it with just one charge.” Meng Fangliao said boldly.

 The truth is this.

However, Cun Yunsheng still shook his head and rejected his proposal.

At this time, Long Wenwen said sadly.

 “Tanzuo, I have a plan.”

"Oh? What's your plan? Just blow it off." Cun Yunsheng said angrily.

“Didn’t we seize a batch of Japanese military uniforms when we broke through before? I think we can disguise ourselves as Japanese soldiers. In this case, the natives might regard us as friendly forces.” Long Wenwen suggested.

"Yes, this is a good plan. If we encounter the British army, we can also... cough cough cough..." Meng was annoyed before he could finish his sentence and was kicked directly.

Cun Yunsheng glared at him, regardless of the occasion?

 Can you say anything nonsense?

Haven’t you seen Steve and the others not far away?

 If they hear this, they won’t be able to eat and walk around.

 It is a very serious crime to trap and kill friendly troops.

Meng Fan, who knew he was in the wrong, didn't dare to say anything more. He just curled his lips and felt a little unconvinced. Could it be that what I said was not what you were thinking?

Hum, do I still know?

 Always thinking about tricking the British army.

“Damn it, your plan is good, I’ll give you some credit.” Cun Yunsheng gave Long Wenwen a thumbs up and praised.

“Tuanzuo, I just said it casually.” Long Wenwen said modestly.

  "Okay, I've even given you a few compliments and you're still embarrassed."

“Li Liansheng immediately asked people to put on Japanese military uniforms and fly the Japanese flag. From now on, we are Japanese soldiers. Can anyone speak Japanese?”

"Forget it, let Sun Yunfei pick a few people who can speak the indigenous language, and they will be responsible for communicating with the indigenous people." Cun Yunsheng thought that the only one who could speak Japanese was Lin Yi, who was still maintaining order in the back, so he simply asked Sun Yunfei to pick a few people. Local Chinese are responsible for communication.

Isn’t it normal for the Japanese army to carry several translators?

 The small town in front of us has a population of more than 3,000 people, most of whom are local indigenous people.

 After the Japanese army occupied Lashio, they asked Aung San’s volunteers to begin contacting the indigenous people in various places and let them rise up to resist the British army.

So this small town has been instigated to rebel at this time. After all, it has been suppressed by the British army for hundreds of years. Now that it can finally drive away the British army, it is natural to be extremely happy.

About a few hundred meters away from the town, soldiers from the first battalion disguised as Japanese soldiers encountered dozens of indigenous people.

These natives were not afraid when they saw them, but were very excited.

He even took the initiative to step forward and shouted in broken English. “Sir, are you from the Japanese army?”

Cun Yunsheng in the team couldn't help but curl his lips when he saw this scene. As expected, these natives really defected to the Japanese army.

But this is not surprising, after all, the flag raised by the Japanese army was to save Burma.

Looking at the expressions of excitement and anticipation on the faces of the natives in front of him, Cun Yunsheng couldn't help but dampen their enthusiasm, and immediately signaled to Meng Fan.

Meng Fanglia immediately understood what Cun Yunsheng meant and spoke in fluent English.

"Yes, we are the Japanese army, specially here to help you."

Hearing this, the natives immediately burst into cheers, and some people even came forward and surrounded them enthusiastically, introducing them to this and that.

Everyone who had already been reminded by Cun Yunsheng remained silent, which made the natives even more convinced that the unit in front of them was the Japanese army.

 Because only the Japanese army has such strict military discipline.

“Dear relatives, I have been waiting for you so hard.” One of the leading aborigines came up to him, held Cun Yunsheng’s hand, and said excitedly.

 Seeing the other person’s mouth full of yellow teeth almost made him sick.

Especially what the native said next, he almost couldn't help but draw his gun and kill the opponent.

“When those British guys heard that the heavenly soldiers had occupied Lashio, they immediately packed up and ran away.”

“I guessed it, it must be the heavenly soldiers coming. Sure enough, I have expected you to come. I welcome you. When you come, we will be saved.”

“You are our great savior. The British have bullied us a lot in recent years.”

The native in front of him held Cun Yunsheng's hand and kept complaining, which made him very embarrassed for a while.

It is enough to see that the British army has tortured them a lot in recent years. Otherwise, why would they be so happy when the Japanese army came?

 Isn’t it just that the mountain pressing on my head is gone?

As everyone knows, after everything stabilized, the Japanese army was several times more brutal than the British army.

At that time, they began to miss the rule of the British army again.

I can only say that everyone is cheap.

If it weren't for the fact that the natives in front of him were still useful, Cun Yunsheng would have killed them with one shot.

 It’s really disgusting.

Especially because of the yellow teeth in his mouth and the stench, he felt that he would not have the appetite to eat for the next few days.

“My dear, are these the British-made weapons you captured?” The natives looked at the weapons and equipment in front of them and said with some envy.

Although they captured a batch of Japanese military uniforms, they really didn’t have any weapons and equipment, so they still carried American equipment on their backs.

 It is this point that makes the natives a little confused.

"Oh, we seized this from the British army. We traveled a long way and the ammunition we carried was not enough. In addition, the British army discarded so many weapons, so we used them." Cun Yunsheng's words can be said to be watertight. .

“Awesome, you are indeed a heavenly soldier. Even the powerful British army was defeated by you.” The natives agreed.

To be honest, Cun Yunsheng's performance was very aggrieved, especially the series of disgusting words made by the other party, which made his skin crawl all over.

If he didn't need these leading parties, he really wanted to kill this guy with one shot.

"We need to pursue the British army and the expeditionary force now. I wonder if you have seen it?" Cun Yunsheng tried his best to communicate with the natives in English.

Hearing this, the natives immediately excitedly told him that they knew the whereabouts of some of the expeditionary troops' retreat.

Had it not been for the fact that they had no weapons in their hands, they would have chased and eliminated these enemies by themselves.

 The implication behind the words is that I hope the Japanese army can give them some weapons and equipment.

The indigenous people said that they could provide some supplies.

 Even to show his sincerity, he even asked people to go back to the town to bring out eggs, pancakes, corn, potatoes and other food.

 Cun Yunsheng's eyes were a little straightened when he saw it, and he even envied the Japanese army.

Obviously he came to be a robber, but the treatment was completely different.

This group of twenty-five men is both delivering food and leading the way.

 What about them?

 Forget about food, the natives avoid them like enemies.

 It would be good if you don’t cheat them.

 Don’t even think about leading the way.

"Sir, we know a secret base of the British army, but the entrance to that base is too hard. We have explosives, so we can't blow it open at all." The natives broke another shocking news, which made Cun Yunsheng open his mouth completely. .

What on earth did the British army do that was so outrageous?

 Why do these natives treat them like this?

 Do you even know about the so-called secret base?

Through inquiry, I found out that when this secret base was built, a lot of people were specially recruited from the town. In the end, only a few people went back, and the others disappeared.

Later, the Japanese army came, and the British army directly blocked the entrance to the base.

 The natives had no explosives, so it was impossible to open the entrance.

“Tuanzuo, could it be an arsenal?” Meng Fanxiao whispered in his ear.

"It's possible. It's just an arsenal, so there's no need to silence him, right?" Cun Yunsheng frowned slightly.

To be honest, he has no shortage of weapons now.

 If nothing else, the weapons and equipment that Goldfinger brought were enough to equip another battalion.

Not to mention that when he gets to Myitkyina, Stilwell will prepare a large amount of fine art equipment for him.

 So he really has no shortage of equipment.

"Are you suspicious that there is something else in the base?" Meng Fangliao immediately woke up.

"Maybe it's some kind of gold mine. After all, there are quite a lot of gold mines here." Cun Yunsheng said casually.

Second update, try to continue to update five chapters!



 (End of this chapter)

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