The War of Resistance

Chapter 994: If you can't beat a snake, you will be bitten by a snake

When the gunshot rang out, Wang Xiaodan was smiling happily. In his heart, Shang Zhen was definitely a tall figure.

When admiration is not enough to describe his admiration for Shang Zhen, then worship can only be used.

He always felt that there was a halo on the back of Shang Zhen's head, who cares if it was the light of God or the light of Buddha.

But when Shang Zhen, who was walking in the mountains, talked about his cowardice when he first joined the army, Wang Xiaodan felt that the distance between himself and Shang Zhen suddenly narrowed.

He never thought that Shang Zhen, who is so good at beating devils, would scream in his dreams in fright when he was killed by a wolf dog when he first joined the army, nor did he think that Shang Zhen's mouth would be stuffed by a veteran because of this. Smelly socks, and I didn't expect that Shang Zhen was also a Shang Xiaodan when he first started beating devils.

It turns out that there are no natural fighters. It turns out that when Shang Zhen first became a soldier, he was not as good as a little monk or a little Taoist.

But just when Wang Xiaodan said in his heart, if you can do it, so can I, Shang Zhen and him heard gunshots.

And at the gunshot, Shang Zhen was stunned for a moment, then turned around and ran back, but Wang Xiaodan subconsciously bowed after the gunshot, if he hadn't noticed that Shang Zhen had turned around and ran back, Then he must be lying on the ground!

Determination is one thing, action is another, and the instant judgment and subconscious reaction cultivated in the battlefield are another.

A Chinese table tennis world champion in later generations said this when evaluating the difference between professional players and amateur table tennis enthusiasts.

He said that when amateurs play, they always say that there must be anticipation when playing.

For example, if I play long or short, how will the opponent return the ball and return to which position on the table.

But the world table tennis champion went on to say, "There must be a so-called prediction" but that's just the idea of ​​you amateurs.

Professional players have already exceeded the scope of prediction, that is called subconscious!

In other words, it has become a habit to predict when the opponent comes to the ball and ignore this process at all, and subconsciously adopt the most reasonable response method, which is what professional players should do

In other words, when amateur golfers are still predicting, professional players have subconsciously made the most correct response.

This principle is also applicable to fighters, and the difference between Shang Zhen and Wang Xiaodan as fighters is just like the difference between professional table tennis players and amateur table tennis players.

Shang Zhen started to run like the wind, and the direction of running was naturally the direction he came from.

This time his goal was the tallest hill more than a mile away.

Shang Zhen and Wang Xiaodan were neither far nor near from their campsite. Shang Zhen judged in an instant that the gunshot came from the direction of the campsite, so how could he not be in a hurry?

He only heard a gunshot just now, but when he strode back, the gunshots became chaotic and dense.

Was it our own people who launched an attack on the Japanese army? That is impossible! Shang Zhen knew that even if Lao Qiuzi acted without authorization, it would be impossible to meet the Japanese army before dark.

The situation was critical, so Shang Zhen rushed towards the highest hill without hesitating his physical strength.

Why spare no effort? Of course he knew the situation was critical.

It's not soldiers, but anyone who has ever run knows that when running 100 meters, 500 meters and 1,000 meters, there is a problem of physical strength distribution.

If you go to run 1000 meters but you show the energy of sprinting 100 meters, then you probably won’t be able to run for the remaining few hundred meters, and you can only kneel on the ground and pant.

But this time Shang Zhen couldn't take care of it anymore, because he was anxious, he panted heavily, feeling that the distance of several hundred meters was approaching in a blink of an eye.

And when he rushed up the hill to look at the gunshot, because he was at a high point and the front was relatively open, he could see the general situation of the battlefield in just a moment even without binoculars.

Those who were running in my direction were my own people, but my group was attacked by the Japanese army.

Yes, it's a joint attack!

Shang Zhen saw that there were at least three groups of Japanese soldiers chasing his group from three directions: left rear, right rear, and rear!

The moment he found out about this, Shang Zhen concluded that people like himself were bitten by snakes instead of beating snakes!

The Japanese army should have discovered that their group was following behind, but when they were still thinking about finding a suitable fighter to launch a sneak attack on the Japanese army, the Japanese army had already struck back!

Among the three groups of Japanese soldiers, the road in front of him on the right is the closest to his own people.

Since the Japanese army discovered their group of Chinese soldiers, it must have been a sneak attack. The Japanese army who wanted to come to the road closest to them should attack the enemy head-on, but I don’t know why my group didn’t retreat in the opposite direction. Instead, he rushed obliquely in the direction he left earlier.

Shang Zhen was not there at the time, so naturally he went in without knowing it.

But the war is like chess, it's all about calculations, but there is no such thing as regretting the game!

Shang Zhen pushed the bolt of the Type 38 rifle in his hand, and then consciously increased his breathing.

The soldiers are coming in my direction, no doubt they are looking for me, I have to provide fire support to my people to get them out of danger, then whether I can effectively stop the enemy with marksmanship becomes the next step. is the key, but what if the shooting breath is not stable?

While Shang Zhen was adjusting his breathing, his companions had disappeared, blocked by a small hill 200 meters in front of him.

And the Japanese troops coming from three directions are still chasing them.

According to Shang Zhen's observation, the Japanese army in front of him on the right is the closest to his team, and the distance between the two is more than 100 meters. However, this is a low mountain and hilly area, and the Japanese army's marksmanship cannot be perfect. play.

When Shang Zhen's breathing calmed down, he saw himself appearing from behind the hill.

"Here, come quickly!" A voice sounded from the foot of the hill where Shang Zhen was located, it was Wang Xiaodan's shout.

Wang Xiaodan also figured out what was going on, he couldn't match Shang Zhen in terms of running, so he didn't run up the mountain, instead he made noise at the foot of the mountain.

Shang Zhen didn't bother to look at his soldiers, but he knew that some of them must have been killed this time. He said that some of the wounded could be killed in battle. The Japanese were doomed, and the chances of surviving were almost nil.

Now Shang Zhen's concern is only how to stop the Japanese army's pursuit.

Not long after they another comrade died in battle, who knows what kind of mood those soldiers who were fleeing to Shang Zhen would feel when they heard Wang Xiaodan's shout Woolen cloth?

Shang Zhen just pointed his rifle at the foot of the hill ahead, and the moment a khaki shadow flashed at the foot of the mountain, Shang Zhen pulled the trigger!

Two hundred meters away, neither far nor near, for a gunner like Yu Shang Zhen, not to mention killing the enemy with a gun, he would never miss a single shot.

The Japanese army also pursued fiercely, and precisely because of the fierce pursuit of the Japanese army, when Shang Zhen knocked down the first Japanese soldier with one shot, other Japanese soldiers rushed out from behind.

It's just that Shang Zhen fired two shots in succession until the two were chased out. Only then did the Japanese army realize that there were also people with excellent marksmanship in the opposite Chinese army, so the few Japanese soldiers who had just appeared retreated back.

In the end, Shang Zhen fired the fourth shot, another Japanese soldier paused and fell to the foot of the mountain, and the rest retreated.

(end of this chapter)


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