The War of Resistance

Chapter 1004: master and slave

A Japanese officer walked up to the hill, and he was surrounded by Japanese soldiers holding rifles for vigilance, and just outside the Japanese soldiers were puppet soldiers also holding rifles.

The Japanese officer's military uniform was neat and elegant, and his leather boots were polished to a shine.

So when his leather boots fell to the ground, the shiny black leather boots were in sharp contrast with the surrounding scenery, the dry wormwood that was trampled in the forest, the messy footprints, and the puddles that had not yet slipped down. The blood that has completely penetrated into the soil, but that blood has drowned the new shoots from the roots of the withered grass.

The Japanese officer glanced at the sticky blood in disgust, then moved his gaze upwards, and saw a Chinese soldier lying in the dust. The blood he saw just now was flowing from the wound of that soldier. from.

And half of the Chinese soldier's face was staggered on the ground, and the exposed half of his face showed that he was not very old.

The Japanese officer raised his leather boots and kicked the dead Chinese soldier's head with his toes, so the soldier turned his head and then turned back again, and the Japanese officer's face showed contempt color.

In fact, he was just curious about what this Chinese soldier looked like, and then he had reasons to despise him.

If the other party's facial features are not correct, then he will naturally despise in his heart, hum, Chinese, inferior ethnicity.

If the other party's facial features are very correct, even more correct than him, then in his heart he will also despise you, hmph, no matter how good-looking you are, what's the use of you, it's not that I stepped under your feet, hmph, Chinese people , Inferior races.

It's just that when he kicked the soldier's face over to take a look just now, he saw that the other's face was covered with dust but couldn't tell why, so he could only despise it.

Since he couldn't see what the other person looked like, the Japanese officer lost the interest to step on it again, but at this moment he saw the gun that the Chinese soldier dropped into the bushes beside him.

Look at the **** of the gun, that gun belongs to their Imperial Japanese Army.

The Japanese army officer stepped forward to reach out for the gun. If it is said that a normal person holds a gun, he must bow down.

But the **** of the gun was held up by the bushes, and the Japanese officer was a little shorter, so he reached out and pulled the rifle out of the bushes, and then his gaze Then he focused on the sniper lens of the rifle, and his expression changed.

The Japanese officer turned to look at the Japanese soldiers around him, and there was a Japanese soldier reporting something to him, but this Japanese soldier was holding a rifle in each hand, one was an ordinary rifle and the other was a sniper rifle.

The ordinary rifle was his own, but the sniper rifle could be said to have been seized or returned to its original owner.

The Japanese officer gave the order loudly, so he got a "Hi Yi" from the soldiers around him.

After finishing speaking, he didn't look back but reached out his hand.

He was wearing white gloves.

Who knew that the gloves of the Japanese army were white, and the leather boots were black, but the gloves of this Japanese officer were also spotless.

And just as he was twitching his fingers, a puppet soldier wearing a Japanese military cap ran up behind him.

As for the appearance of the puppet army, how should I put it, there is no need for adjectives. The servant will look like the master when he sees him. Who cares whether it is Li Lianying who sees the Queen Mother Lafayette, or the slave who is dressed in clothes sees the emperor? The flattery on his face can't be overstated.

The Japanese officer began to say something again, so the puppet soldiers who came to listen to the orders of the Imperial Japanese Army nodded their heads.

"This Hayata can really pretend!" A puppet officer who was watching this scene on the periphery of the Japanese army said in a low voice.

"That's awesome, he looks like a little chicken, who calls him the squadron leader." A puppet soldier beside him echoed, and what he said was even worse.

They were with the puppet army, but not with the Japanese army, and the Japanese army didn't understand Chinese. Naturally, they didn't mind speaking ill of the Japanese army, not to mention that their puppet army had the nature of bandits.

When the two puppet soldiers were talking, the Japanese officer on the other end had finished speaking, and the Japanese soldiers had already moved, and they were moving in the same direction as the Chinese soldiers had retreated before.

"The squadron leader Hayata said that this national army has killed many of their elites, let us hurry up, no matter if they are dead or alive, as long as they are caught, they will be rewarded." At this time, the translator wearing a Japanese military cap said Came over to deliver the message.

"This is a good thing. This national army still has a grudge against us, and our brothers have been killed by them a lot! Come on, brothers!" said the puppet army officer.

This is the characteristic of this puppet army.

That Li Tantou was originally a bandit, and the puppet troops he brought out were all bandit-like, and most of them were bandits.

What is a gangster? That is, whoever is against me, I will compete fiercely with anyone. If I lose, I will die, but if I win, I will be awesome every day. I will do good things and not do bad things. I will enjoy it!

They could speak ill of the Japanese army behind their backs, but when they heard that the Chinese team had wiped out many elite Japanese soldiers, they became more energetic.

It's just that what they think is that if we take down the national army squad that you Japanese can't take down, aren't we better than you Japanese?

Because of this, these puppet troops began to rush forward, but their enthusiasm was higher than that of the Japanese army!

The puppet army moved forward, and soon got reports from their people. Just when the gunshots were fired in front, more than ten of them were killed by the national army.

The puppet army officer ran over to check, and saw that ten of the dead were shot in the head, but eight of them were shot in the head. Looking at the bullet hole, he knew that it was hit by a box cannon.

At this time, he got a report from the soldiers who escaped by chance, saying that they were attacking, and someone shot at them from the side and rear, and then the guns in front rang out, and the dead were all members of their puppet army , none of the Japanese are dead!

Upon hearing this, the puppet army officer thought of the national army team that "wandered" outside the main battlefield in the recent legend.

In fact, people are all the same, and the puppet army is not stupid, let alone they are bandits in puppet army uniforms.

The officer of the puppet army looked at the direction the soldiers said the group of national troops were fleeing from, and then looked at the location where the bullet was said to have hit, and then he pointed at the side: "Let's chase that way."

"Why?" a soldier asked.

"That guy saved that guy, that guy must be going to join that guy." The puppet army officer analyzed.

"Why must that group meet with that group?" the soldier asked a little stupidly.

"That group is their savior, do you think that group will go over to join that group?" the puppet officer said again.

"Then let's go over, will they hit us? Are the Chinese soldiers good at marksmanship?" Then there were soldiers.

"They are running for their lives, and we are chasing them. If they can't fight, they won't fight. Come on! Damn you dare to touch our people, this time we will let them go around!"

So this puppet army of sixty or seventy people ran out diagonally.

To say that this puppet army officer is really not stupid~ What he said, what that guy said to that guy was like a tongue twister, if it weren't for the Chinese, they wouldn't understand it.

His way of thinking is also Chinese. He knows that the national army has saved the national army, and the national army will repay the favor.

If you say that all of his things are given by China, he was born and raised in this country, and his Chinese parents gave him a Chinese body, but no one can understand why he grew up a slave if he didn’t do well as a Chinese. Heart!

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