The War of Resistance

Chapter 1024: 1 chicken feather

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Shang Zhen was actually very fortunate that there was such a large venue for "fighting under orders" this time.

It is precisely because of such a large field that he has the space to deal with the four opponents.

This truth is actually similar to the truth when they were hunted down by the Japanese army during the war.

Because the area is enough to fight, I can't beat you with a small number of people, so I will sneak you, and I will scatter you, and I will choose the time to kill all the enemies.

So when he saw the other party getting four, he absolutely refused and did not dare to get entangled with the other party.

As far as Shang Zhen's original veterans, like Wang Laomao Hou Guanshan, they did not fight less, and Shang Zhen knew a lot of basic knowledge about fighting.

In the current situation where everyone is unarmed, with one challenge, you must not get entangled with each other.

Shang Zhen is strong, but no matter how strong he is, can he be as strong as four people?

He only needs one person to catch him, and the remaining three people just need to hug him, and he will "fight" with you, in other words, he will wrestle with you, no matter how powerful he is, it is impossible to resist The strength of four people plus the weight of four people.

When it becomes a competition of pure strength without calculation and skill, no master can do it.

Therefore, his method is to defeat each one.

But even if they were defeated one by one, Shang Zhen didn't intend to do anything to those four soldiers.

If I said one thousand to ten thousand, that was also the first shot I fired at the Forty Army's position. If I didn't fire that shot, how could the head of the regiment's ear be gone?

Although the head of the regiment sent four soldiers to fight with him, that was more or less taking into account the morale of the devils. Otherwise, if they handed over their guns and beat him up, where would he go to reason? ?

So I really don't want to shoot the regiment leader and then beat up the soldiers. As for how this will end, Shang Zhen doesn't know.

He hoped that he would turn the fight into a farce, and everyone would be happy and happy.

It's just that now Shang Zhen didn't expect such a situation to arise. The crowd of the Forty Army behind was furious. Not only were a few of them knocked down by his own people, but even a soldier was picked up by the big stupid.

If that's all, that's all. How come the soldier lifted up by the big stupid is still a woman?

If the old fool throws that female soldier out like a Japanese soldier, the feud will be over!

"Stop it all! Don't hit anyone!" Shang Zhen shouted.

It's just that in the current situation, how can Shang Zhen be able to stop it?

The soldiers of the Forty Army had already swarmed up!

"Don't touch Er Ya!"

"Quickly **** Er Ya down!"

"Beat those **** to death!"

"Tear off their ears in half!"

Amidst the commotion, the soldiers shouted everything, but most of the people who rushed up were wounded! The one with the arm hanging was still rushing upwards, and the one with the crutches who was jumping on one leg lifted the crutches up.

This time Shang Zhen couldn't run if he wanted to, because how could his soldiers be willing to be beaten?

"Big old fool, put that woman down! Don't hit the wounded!" Shang Zhen rushed up.

And just as he was rushing upwards, a wooden stick that was used as a crutch was thrown towards him, and Shang Zhen fudged him casually.

Those who are all on crutches must be wounded, and they must have injured their legs.

This man's legs don't require much strength, but how much strength he can use his arms, Shang Zhen made a fool of the "crutch" and flew out, and then the wounded fell down with a cry!

Now it's a chaotic gang fight, and it's like rushing to a temple fair. So many people rush forward at once, it must be whoever falls down and whoever is unlucky. Isn't that how the so-called "stampede accidents" all happen?

Blind Hao is a bastard, this regiment commander is also a bastard, all the members of the Forty Army are **** bastards! Shang Zhen cursed secretly in his heart.

He had no choice but to pounce forward, but he lay directly on the wounded man's body, and then a man's big foot stepped on his back!

At this point, Shang Zhen didn't have anything to do, he could only protect his head with both hands and try to avoid being kicked directly on his head.

The chaos didn't last for a while, because finally someone better than Shang Zhen stopped drinking.

It's just that the person who stopped was still not the group leader, but the woman's voice: "Stop all of us! We're all injured!"

This voice is really better than that of the head of the regiment, at least the female voice sounds sharp, and it is the clearest among the noise.

So the fighting sound finally stopped.

And when Shang Zhen let go of his head-protecting hands, he realized that the hand of the Forty Army wounded under his protection was pinching one of his ears.

"Damn it, are you biting Lu Dongbin? I don't know a good heart. I protect you, but you still pull my ears!" I had to yell.

Amidst Shang Zhen's scolding, let alone, he noticed that the soldier who looked smaller than himself blushed, and the hand that was holding his ear loosened.

Shang Zhen felt that his ears were in burning pain, he stretched out his hands and touched them, but fortunately, both his ears were still there.

When Shang Zhen stood up, he saw that the two sides in the fight were separating, and some of his own soldiers fell down. To his surprise, Wang Xiaodan also fell down.

But to his surprise, even though Wang Xiaodan fell down, he rode on the neck of a Forty Army soldier who also fell to the ground.

Shang Zhen really didn't know how he came up with this shape, did he ride on someone's neck and fell down first, or did he ride on someone's neck after he fell down.

On the other hand, the soldiers of the Forty Army really fell down. If there are more, there will always be twenty or so, especially in front of the old and stupid, there are seven or eight fallen!

Think about it, too, the big old stupid can fight and has a good physique, even if he doesn't need to move purely to fight hard, he won't suffer. Can you knock down a piece?

I thought I could slip away after the battle was over, so why did this make a lot of chicken feathers again, Shang Zhen complained in his heart and went to the regiment leader again.

But after he searched, UU Reading saw the head of the regiment standing outside the crowd with drooping eyelids but a look of contempt on his face.

Who does he look down on? It shouldn't be people like himself, no matter what, it's his people who fell too much!

Shang Zhen was thinking about it, when the regiment leader suddenly yelled: "A bunch of idiots! Can't beat such a few people? Get up and beat them hard!"

Just these words made Shang Zhen feel confused for a moment, what kind of leader is this?

"Heavy beating, one beating four, and all the wounded are locked up! Everyone surround this place to prevent them from running around!" At this time, a female voice sounded.

Unexpectedly, Shang Zhen saw the female soldier with short hair reaching her ears.

Unexpectedly, when the female soldier yelled, the regimental commander didn't say a word, and the soldiers of the 40th Army helped each other to climb up.

(end of this chapter)

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