The War of Resistance

Chapter 1026: The originator of the hate party

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It was already late March, and it was noon again, and there was already warmth in the sun.

Not far away is the village, and outside the village are fields.

An old man squatted next to a compost heap and lit a bunch of dead grass. After he put the dead grass on the ground, he poked the mixture of firewood and manure with a broken wooden shovel and carefully pressed it on the burning flame.

According to later generations, this is an out-and-out farm manure, and it is also the "fertilizer" of the old man's family that "does not flow to outsiders' fields".

Who can explain things in this world clearly?

Use the dirtiest excrement to ferment and put it in the ground to increase its fertility, and then sprinkle the seeds on the ground to make all things grow. Human beings eat the clean vegetables and then produce excrement to carry out a metabolic cycle.

This world is so magical.

As for the reasoning behind it, no one can explain it clearly. As long as people ask a few whys one after another, they will enter the metaphysical and metaphysics.

But at this time, the old man naturally wouldn't think about such a profound question, and it was impossible for him to think about it. All he thought about was how the warm weather could make more grain grow in his crops.

"Don't let me vomit, it's really **** lenient." Seeing the green smoke coming out of the manure pile, the old man continued to press up the fat side and grumbled.

Now that the entire LY area has become a war zone, the common people are naturally worried.

When the old man came out for composting, his neighbors advised him not to come out, saying that there would be smoke from composting and that they should not attract the Japanese.

The old man was very disapproving of this.

So what if I retched the fat and smoked a bit, yesterday someone saw a large group of Japanese devils passing by their village not far away. Although the Japanese devils were dwarfs, they were not blind. They must have seen their village but did not Take care, then what are you afraid of if you get fat and smoke?

"What's the use of raising so many soldiers? The little Japanese have come here." The old man began to scold the squadron again.

There are all kinds of people. Of course, the vast majority of ordinary people hope that their army can win, but there are no shortage of ordinary people who criticize their own people even more than their enemies.

In short, when all kinds of unsatisfactory things happen, and they don't think about how to attack the enemy but scold their own people, later generations will call this kind of person "Hate the Nation Party", and this old man should be the originator of the Hate Nation Party.

The old man was so complaining that he just put his head down and worked, so that a person walked up to him without noticing.

So he was taken aback when he saw someone's lower leg suddenly appearing under his nose.

When he saw that the front toes of the pair of cotton shoes were torn and the big toe protruded restlessly, a voice rang in his ears: "Hey (i), old man, do you see that there is a People from the Northeast Army passed by you?"

At this moment, the old man looked up, and saw a Chinese soldier standing in front of him with tattered clothes like shoes. The clothes were still winter clothes, and the cotton had been exposed in several places, but the cotton had also turned gray-black. that's it.

The old man was taken aback at first, but when he saw that it was a Chinese soldier, although his face was expressionless, there was a trace of contempt and anger in his heart.

There is no way, who said that he is the originator of the party that hates the country.

You are a **** wimp, looking at your rags, do you still expect you to beat the Japanese away?

"Hey, old man, what did I ask you, are you **** deaf?" Seeing that he ignored him, the soldier became angry, and his words became more and more rude, except for saying "eh" again, but There is an extra "you are **** deaf".

So the old man became more and more angry in his heart.

It's just that he is old and not young, of course he understands that he can't afford to be a soldier.

As a result of intertwining reason and anger, he pointed at the hill not far away: "There is a road there, and the people from the Northeast you mentioned went south along that road.".br>

"If you don't say it earlier, it will be over. It will cost me nothing." The soldier said angrily, then he ignored the old man, turned around and walked away with his own rifle in his hand.

Only then did the old man notice that there was a team of about ten people not far from the soldier, and the people in that team wore the same clothes.

It's tattered but it's looking at them here. @重量\\/书阁*First release update~~

Can you still beat the Japanese with just a few broken guns? Don't be ashamed!

The old man cursed again in his heart. He hated the country so much that the road he was referring to was the one that the Japanese army brigade took yesterday.

It's just that the soldier didn't know that he exchanged his usual fierceness to the people for their lies, and only a moment later, the soldier who asked for directions was already reporting to the people in their team who were dressed as soldiers: "Report sir , The old man said that there are people from our Northeast Army, so he went south on that road."

"Then let's go!" The man called the officer waved his hand, so their squad of soldiers, who were covered in war, started to move again.

What kind of soldier can be called an officer? The answer is of course Shang Zhen, and the one who just asked for directions was Ma Erpao.

The quality of the current squadron is the same, so that the cadres don't beat and scold the soldiers, and the soldiers have to speak kindly to the people. Such troops, such as the Eighth Route Army Recruit Army, are definitely rare!

Although Ma Erpao, who was in charge of asking directions, knew an old saying that "it is better to offend a gentleman than a villain", he didn't know that the old man was a villain, and he was even more of a "nationalist hater".

Considering that they should be in the rear now, Shang Zhen did not send out sharp soldiers, and the soldiers just moved forward in silence.

It turns out that when the veterans of Hao Xiazi Company were still alive, they would not stop talking.

At this point, those veterans who have passed away are somewhat similar to those Northeast soldiers like Wang Laomao, Qin Chuan, and Qian Chuan'er.

People in the Northeast are poor-mouthed, and according to their words, they "love to play tricks on their mouths". Old Qiuzi and those former Hao Blind Company's old **** naturally have a lot of mouths.

It's just that with the death of veterans, there are no more people who can talk, so naturally there is not much nonsense when marching again.

However, this time compared with the previous ones, the recruits winked from time to time, but intentionally or unintentionally, they always focused on one person in the team.

The military uniform that that person was wearing was just clean and He even wore a summer hat on his head, but his hair was longer than ordinary people.

In terms of body shape, that person walks a little lighter than the recruits, but it seems that it is more accurate to describe it with a word that the recruits don't know yet.

Just because it was that female soldier named "Erya"!

The day before yesterday, Shang Zhen, who didn't want to come to harm each other with members of the 40th Army, finally changed the fight between them and the 40th Army from "martial fighting" to "literary fighting" through his own rationalization.

Of course, the martial and literary fights here are not the ones in the usual sense, but on the premise of not hurting each other.

And during the contest between Shang Zhen and the Forty Soldiers, Shang Zhen and the others won a complete victory, and the one who contributed the most was of course the old stupid.

That Erya was impressed by the martial arts of the old man, and then secretly followed to join the gang!

And the reason why she was so useful in the group of the Forty Army was only because she was the sister of the group leader. .

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