The War of Resistance

Chapter 1029: Our officer is a little god

Latest website: "Sir, how did you develop your marksmanship?" Ma Erpao asked.

"Just practice like that, take a little more hard work." Shang Zhen replied.

"Sir, you have fought many battles. Which battle do you think was the hardest?" Liu Haier asked.

This time Shang Zhen looked at Liu Hai'er and didn't respond.

"Sir, have you ever counted how many Japanese devils you have killed?" Xu Shenwei asked.

Shang Zhen looked at the ground and didn't answer.

Seeing that Shang Zhen was not in a good mood, it was Lu Yichun who said, "Which pig killer have you ever met who would remember how many pigs he killed?"

Xu Shenwei was still a little afraid of veterans, but he still muttered in a low voice: "It would be nice if the Japanese devils were pigs."

Shang Zhen still didn't say a word, he was suddenly a little annoyed when he saw the soldiers surrounding him, so he stood up, lowered his head, and climbed up the hill beside the road.

In the end, Shang Zhen sat by the only tree on the hill with a height of more than 20 meters and looked into the distance.

The soldiers didn't know what Shang Zhen was thinking, and now they could see that Shang Zhen was in a bad mood, so no one went to disturb him.

Shang Zhen had been sitting for half an hour. The soldiers saw that Shang Zhen had no intention of moving at all. Just when they thought that Shang Zhen would sit himself like a stone statue like the Wangfu Stone, Shang Zhen Suddenly he shouted on the mountain, "Big old stupid Li Qingfeng, you two come up."

When Shang Zhen yelled, the soldiers who had turned their eyes away looked at him, and sat cross-legged on the ground all the time, "teng" at the big old man who was watching his eyes, nose, nose, mouth, mouth, and heart. He jumped up and said "hey" in his mouth.

Now there are two mysteries in the eyes of their group of soldiers.

One is Shang Zhen's unique way of fighting. No one can figure out what Shang Zhen is thinking about when fighting devils, and what is the next way to fight.

And another mystery is this big old stupid kung fu.

Big Boss used his fighting skills to prove that he was indeed a martial arts practitioner, and the vast majority of people in the world couldn't do it just now when he jumped up in the lotus position.

What is lotus sitting, commonly known as double pan.

That's two legs crossed, each of the two feet resting on the thigh of the other leg.

This is much harder than crossing your legs and pressing your feet under your buttocks.

People who haven't practiced it can't do it at all, and those who don't practice sitting still can't sit still. If they sit for a while, the soles of their knees, legs, and soles will feel numb and swollen!

However, when ordinary people sit in the double cross for half an hour, their legs are at the most "comfortable" time. At this time, if you let go of your legs, you always have to endure the numbness and pain for a while, and then grit your teeth and try again. Shiver for a while, and then you can move as usual until the blood flows back.

But the old man jumped up all of a sudden, and he didn't know how he took off the big foot that rested on the heel of his leg, or whether he put down the big foot after jumping up with his buttocks.

On the contrary, it doesn't matter whether someone is as light as a swallow or as fast as a bull, that's all kung fu!

And when fighting with members of the 40th Army, any fool can see that the big fool didn't use all his strength at all, and he pulled the last soldier like a scumbag!

So how deep this old stupid kung fu is, it can only be said to be unpredictable.

Some people will say that it is a bit exaggerated to describe the martial arts of the old man as unpredictable? In fact, it is not an exaggeration at all.

Whether the old man was born as a monk or as a boy, and the disciples of the Buddhist school have their own halo of Buddha shining in the dark, isn't that just avoiding by gods and ghosts?

But it is not known whether every monk who returns to the vulgar world is happy or not, but it is true that he will have troubles as soon as he enters the world of mortals.

Good people have to go through ninety-nine and eighty-one hardships, and wicked people have their own hardships, and ladies and scumbags will suffer!

No, isn't Erya targeting the big stupid?

The character of Er Ya is so hot and hot that she wants to learn martial arts from the old man and just opens her mouth to call "Master". The old man always bows his head to make a plausible statement without saying a word. Who knows if it is saying that there is no Buddha in the south, or that I am not Xiaobai What about the sheep?

The reason why you want to read that I am not a little white sheep, who told him to say that women are tigers?

So now that Shang Zhen asks Big Boss to go up, how could that Big Boss avoid the "tiger" like he was pardoned?

When Big Old Stupid moved like this, Er Ya, who had been sitting opposite Big Old Stupid, also moved.

Erya has practiced martial arts since she was a child, but it's a pity that she didn't meet a master, and when it comes to martial arts, she is also half-assed.

She was very disdainful of Shang Zhen's style of play, but as soon as she saw Big Boss making a move, she knew that Big Boss was a person with real kung fu, so why would she give up this opportunity to learn martial arts, so she chased after him all the way? up.

She also knows that the old man doesn't want to see her, but she also knows that it is not so easy to learn art from a teacher, so as long as the old man is not relieved, she will never leave her side!

It's just that Er Ya just moved, but the old stupid said: "The officer didn't call you, this is the army!"

Just this one sentence made Erya stand at attention.

Erya is usually a tomboy, and she is the leader's own sister, even his brother can't control him, who else can control her? She grew up in the military camp, so how could she not understand the rules of the military camp?

So she really didn't move when the old man didn't let her move, but immediately she was very happy.

But her smile revealed a trace of the charm of a little girl, a woman is still a woman after all.

If you want to ask Erya why he laughed, it is because the old man said, "The officer didn't call you the army", but this is the first sentence that the old man said to him so far!

Li Qingfeng glanced at Erya with a half-smile, and then he also ran up the mountain.

Li Qingfeng was a Taoist priest, he wouldn't act like a little white sheep meeting a tiger when he saw a woman like the old fool.

I think when his master took him from house to house to draw talismans to drive away evil spirits, he was acquainted with the big girls and young wives in the village.

He won't learn from his master. When he gets old, he hides on Crouching Tiger Mountain and becomes a hermit.

He was planning to marry a wife and have children, and it turned out that he had fallen in love with a little girl about his own age in the village at the foot of the mountain, and he was waiting for the little girl to grow long hair to the waist, so that his master would propose marriage to him .

But who would have thought that the little devil went up the mountain, the master was beaten to death, and then he followed Shang Zhen, and the village where the little girl lived also entered the Japanese devils, and he didn't know what happened in the end .

However, Li Qingfeng is a Taoist priest, and he just fell in love with that little girl, and he couldn't talk about anything else, so he quickly forgot about it.

But now that a woman like Erya said that he wanted Da Laodu to be his master, he felt it was funny, and vaguely felt that it would be great if Da Laodu could really have a story with Erya in the future.

However, the disadvantage is that Erya is a few years older than the boss.

The big old man went up first, and Li Qingfeng followed, and then the soldiers on the side of the road saw that Shang Zhen said something to those two people, and what they said was inaudible, and then the big old man crossed his knees Shang Zhen sat down next to him, Shang Zhen lay down, and Li Qingfeng ran into the top of the mountain.

"Our chief is good at everything, but he is a bit smart." Ma Erpao sighed helplessly.

This can be regarded as the soldiers saying bad things about the officer behind his back. Now, none of the soldiers whispered about Shang Zhen behind his back. Of course, it was because they were convinced by Shang Zhen. Ma Erpao's words were a bit different.

"He's not good at fighting, but he's good at running away." It's just that the male soldier didn't answer but someone answered, and it was Erya

"The girl knows nothing about movies, it's because our chief doesn't have the same knowledge as you, why don't you practice alone with him?" Ma Erpao said to himself about Shang Zhenxing, but how could he allow Erya to speak ill of Shang Zhen behind his back? Wait until I finish studying with my master. "Er Ya has self-knowledge, "Hey, that's not right, why doesn't your accent look like a Northeast person?" ' She woke up immediately.

"Hey, where do you think I am from?" Ma Erpao laughed.

They were originally from the 40th Army, and they were all from the northwest area, and the accent of the fellows could never be faked.

"I think you look like Shaanxi." Arya said.

Erya's words elicited a burst of laughter from Ma Erpao, Lu Yichun and Lu Yifei.

But at this moment, Shang Zhen was still lying on the edge of the mountain, looking at the blue sky, as if he didn't care about anything.

Shang Zhen felt tired, it was physical and mental exhaustion, physically and mentally a little tired.

In other words, he was a little war-weary.

(end of this chapter)

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