The War of Resistance

Chapter 1358: trick to get rid of

A Chinese soldier poked his head out from a high hill, followed by a second and a third, and by this time they had already appeared in the sight of a certain Japanese army.

A Japanese officer was about to give the order to shoot, but the Chinese soldiers shrank back.

This is not to say that these Chinese soldiers found that there were also Japanese soldiers ahead of their escape route, but that a veteran was calling them for cover.

It turned out that this group of Chinese soldiers who were being hunted down by the Japanese army was also divided into two teams.

The rear team is covering, so your front team can't say that someone behind is covering us, so let's run away!

That retreat requires cross-covering, and this is a well-trained army.

Otherwise, if everyone ran away in a swarm, it would be called a rout.

Due to the occlusion of the high hill, the Japanese army could not see the situation ahead.

From the perspective of the Japanese army, all Chinese troops should shrink back to resist in order to withstand the devastation of their superior firepower of the Imperial Japanese Army, and most of the facts are true.

So of course they could imagine that behind that hill there were Chinese troops being chased and killed by their Imperial Japanese Army.

So the Japanese officer waved his hand, and their Japanese team hid forward with their guns in hand.

At this time, the Japanese army had a feeling that the mantis was catching the cicada, and the oriole was behind. Of course, they had reason to think that they could wipe out the Chinese team that dared to rush out and move.

But, who is the real oriole? The Japanese soldiers who wanted to be the orioles didn't know that there were dozens of Chinese soldiers behind them at this time. In the eyes of those Chinese soldiers, they, the Japanese devils, were the praying mantises. .

Some Chinese soldiers had grenades in their hands, and some soldiers pointed their rifles at the backs of the Japanese soldiers.

The reason why they didn't shoot right away was that the Japanese army focused all their attention on the front and ignored the back, and those of them who wanted to throw the grenade hadn't entered the effective throwing distance of the grenade.

This is a rare scene in this war.

The Japanese army moved forward with their rifles on their shoulders, followed by the Chinese army who was also about to enter the battle tens of meters behind, and both sides were so cautious. !

This is really a praying mantis catching cicadas and an oriole behind them, but the Japanese army as an oriole did not know that they were followed by a civet that specializes in pouncing birds!

And at the next moment, when Chinese soldiers reappeared on that hill, this rare and strange battle began.

The Chinese soldiers appeared because the part was rushed up the hill by the Chinese soldiers, and they didn't stop, but rushed down directly.

In the eyes of the Japanese army, "Praying Mantis" appeared. But just as the Japanese military officer was about to raise the Japanese sword in his hand, there was a chorus of shouts from behind!

And when those Japanese soldiers turned their heads, what they saw were several swirling grenades that had already hit them in front of them!

The grenade exploded, and the smoke was not exhausted, but the Chinese soldiers charged forward with bayonet-mounted rifles.

The enemy and the enemy are too close together, if you talk about shooting at this time, it will cause accidental injury. Under the explosion of the hand grenade, there are not many Japanese troops who have the power to resist.

Whether mentally or not, in the dust of the explosion that has not yet dissipated, there is the sound of bayonets entering the body.

The Chinese army on the post rushed down again, and they attacked each other. The Japanese army caught in the middle was wiped out in less than a minute!

At this point, the two groups of Chinese troops joined forces.

Who are they?

It was Yang Chuanyin and Qiu Bo who rushed down from the high hill and were chased by the Japanese army, and it was Wang Laomao and the others who attacked the Japanese army from behind.

"Old Uncle Wang!" Several soldiers among the soldiers rushing down from the hill shouted in unison, and of course they were all old men from their group.

Just that cry was full of surprise, if it wasn't for Wang Laomao and the others who came here all of a sudden with the Japanese army's buttocks in their hands, those who rushed down the hill would not only be wiped out by the Japanese army, but would also be surrounded by the Japanese army . .

It's just that at this time, when it's time to say anything else, Wang Laomao ordered loudly: "Big old fool Li Qingfeng, you two ran behind that hill and shot at the devils to attract the pursuers, then Then chase us around the bend, the others will follow me into the woods, we must go back quickly."

So Big Boss and Li Qingfeng ran towards the hill pointed by Old Mao Wang, while the others, led by Old Mao Wang, turned to a forest in the west.

Li Qingfeng and Big Boss naturally had no objection to Wang Laomao's arrangement, not only because it was an order, but also because the two of them were currently the fastest runners among them.

Big Boss and Li Qingfeng also understood Wang Laomao's intentions. If they wanted to get rid of the Japanese army's pursuit behind them, they had to use false targets to attract the Japanese army away. Otherwise, they would be surrounded by the Japanese army sooner or later. .

Only after a while, on the high hill that Qiu Bo and the others charged down, another Japanese army showed up.

But this time the Japanese soldiers who were chasing and killing Qiu Bo and the others were shocked to see that all the bodies that fell under the high hill were the corpses of their imperial Japanese army, and the Chinese army they were chasing and killing had disappeared without a trace. up!

The Japanese army rushed down with their guns in hand, and they had to keep chasing.

There were thirty or forty of their companions who had just died.

Even killing a sheep would still be a pool of blood, not to mention thirty or forty people, the blood of the invaders had already dyed the land and green grass under them red.

But at this moment, behind a hill not far ahead, there was a "pop" and "pop" gunshot, and a Japanese soldier was shot and fell down.

At this moment, the eyes of these Japanese soldiers turned blood red, as if the wolves on the grassland were suddenly backlashed by the little sheep they thought it was impossible to resist.

So without waiting for the order of the Japanese commander, the Japanese soldiers shot at the hill and chased them again.

In their busy schedule, the Japanese army didn't notice the hill, and in fact they only fired a single shot.

At this time, the old stupid who had already retracted his body had already retracted his rifle, and Qingfeng Li said, "Go into that forest."

The forest Li Qingfeng mentioned was about 100 meters away from this hill. The forest was not very big, so it certainly wasn't the forest that Old Mao Wang and the others had entered.

From Li Qingfeng's point of view, the two of them's task of attracting the Japanese army has been completed here, and now the two of them also need to run away.

But the two of them had to run fast, they were a hundred meters away from the forest, and the Japanese army was only seventy or eighty meters away from the hill where they were.

So the two of them must run fast, and they must not let the Japanese army find their tracks. UU reading

Qingfeng Li and Big Boss ran together, Qingfeng Li was like a neat rabbit, but Big Boss was like a yak on a snowy plateau.

Although there is a big difference in body shape, you can't tell which one runs slower.

When Li Qingfeng and Big Boss plunged into the woods, the Japanese army rushed up the hill they had just shot.

But when they got here, the Japanese army was once again shocked to find that they had lost the target they were chasing.

Combat certainly requires excellent military quality, but it also requires a flexible mind.

From the point of view of the Japanese army, the gunshots fired by the Chinese soldiers on this hill just now were still ringing in their ears. Now that they can't see anyone, it can only mean that the Chinese army is hiding again.

So where can that Chinese army hide? Of course it is the closest place where people can hide from here.

The Japanese commander pointed his sword, and the Japanese rushed to a hill more than 50 meters away.

The Japanese commander was not blind. Of course he also saw the forest a hundred meters away, but he didn't think that the Chinese army could run there in an instant.

This time, when the Japanese army was rushing towards the hill, Li Qingfeng and the old stupid started to run wildly again under the cover of the woods.

This time they ran faster. They needed to run across an open field more than 200 meters wide, where there was another high ground.

After a while, the Japanese army arrived at the hill and still did not find the Chinese army.

The Japanese commander was also anxious. This time, he finally pointed his command knife at the forest where Big Boss and Li Qingfeng were hiding just now.

But when the Japanese army arrived at the woods again, the bosses and Li Qingfeng took advantage of the cover of the high ground to run wildly again, this time the target they wanted to run was the woods that Old Mao Wang and the others had gone to before.

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