The War of Resistance

Chapter 1384: Where is the green hill without leaving the Lord

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Once the enemy and the enemy were mixed and the Japanese army could not fire flares, the scene was completely chaotic.

The sounds of explosions, shouts, clashes of weapons, and even the sounds of hand-to-hand combat between the enemy and the enemy were naturally mixed together.

At this time, it is already difficult to distinguish the enemy from the enemy, and accidental injury is inevitable, and even if it is an accidental injury, such things may not be able to spread, because in the end, no one can figure out what happened in the dark night.

The only thing that can convince the soldiers of the Northeast Army is that in this chaotic battle, no matter who can survive in the end, the casualties of the Japanese army must be greater than theirs.

The reason is of course because there are many Japanese troops.

They can't get rid of the enemy, and when they want to die with the enemy, they only need to pull the grenade on their bodies, and the ones they catch before they die are not just a problem of one or two Japanese soldiers.

The Japanese commanders were obviously also aware of this problem.

From his point of view, they are a big Japanese imperial army, and they definitely don't lack the courage to dedicate themselves to the emperor.

So in the chaos and noise not far from him, the Japanese officer called his messenger and began to give orders in a low voice.

After a while, in the murderous darkness, a Japanese soldier suddenly lit a bonfire.

Moreover, there was more than one fire pile, and three fires burst out at the same time.

At the moment when the fire was lit, gunshots rang out in the darkness, and the Japanese soldiers who lit the fire were shot dead by Chinese alchemists.

Japan is strong and China is weak, so it can only be the Japanese who start the fire.

But the Japanese army that ignited the fire could fall down, but the flames stayed.

Since the Japanese army set the fire on purpose, how could it not be the flammable objects that were set ablaze, especially one of them was a haystack, which immediately ignited a raging fire!

At the moment when the flames ignited, both the enemy and the enemy were stunned and shocked. No matter which side, they found many enemies, and some were even right in front of them.

A tall Northeast soldier saw the three Japanese soldiers who were squatting with him at this time, and it was too late to shoot, so he instinctively turned the **** of his gun to the Japanese soldier on his left.

Although his shot smashed the opponent's face bloody, but at this time a Japanese soldier on his right also put the gun on his back.

The gunshot sounded, and the bullet pierced the back of the Northeast Army soldier, but at the same time, the wounded Japanese soldier on the opposite side was also hit.

There is no way, the two sides are too close, and it is said that the 38-type rifle bullet can penetrate two bullets with one shot, so what kind of distance do we need if we can't achieve such an effect at this time?

This is where the enemy and the enemy are close, but a little farther away. Although it cannot be said that they are face to face, there is not much difference.

Under the light of the fire, four or five soldiers of the Northeast Army were surprised to find that just opposite them, there was a Japanese army looking at them more than 30 meters in front.

Although the eyes of those Japanese soldiers were covered by the shadow brought by the rim of the helmet, it was not bad! On the heads of those Japanese soldiers were steel helmets that shimmered even though they were covered with grids!

To say that when the light comes, as long as the eyes can see, there is no distinction between Chinese and Japanese.

If it is always said that the Chinese are stronger than the Japanese, then how can we talk about resistance against Japan? How could it be possible for the Chinese to be beaten by the Japanese invaders and abandon Guanshan?

So these Chinese soldiers were in trouble. When they discovered the Japanese army, the Japanese army also discovered them.

To say that these Chinese soldiers are a little bit melancholic, the place they chose to hide was a small piece of wormwood.

In fact, when they came over, they were also blocked by this piece of wormwood.

Of course they knew that they were very close to the Japanese army, and they didn't dare to enter this piece of wormwood easily, because that would bring the sound of Xi Suo.

But just when they were hiding, the night still gave them some kind of illusion.

What kind of illusion did the night give them?

I thought there was a vast forest in front of me, but at dawn, I realized that it was just a piece of sparse wormwood that was no higher than knee height.

At first they thought they were the rabbits behind the forest, but when there was light, they discovered that they were the giraffes behind the grass.

If this cannot be discovered by the Japanese army, are you really blind when you are a Japanese?

At this time, it is useless to talk more, it all depends on the instinct of fighting!

A Japanese soldier pulled the trigger, and gunshots rang out. Although some Chinese soldiers fell down, some Chinese soldiers yelled "Look at you!", and a long-handled grenade was thrown out by him.

And just across from them, there was also a Japanese soldier hitting the helmet with a grenade and making a "dang" sound.

It's just that at this time he also saw the grenade spinning in the air, so he could only throw his defused grenade to the opposite side, and then lay down on his back, while the other Japanese soldiers The same is true, no one will have trouble with grenades.

But these Japanese troops were really wrong.

As soon as they got down, the grenade that flew over hit them, but they didn't hear the explosion of the grenade.

The Japanese soldier who had just thrown the grenade turned his head and saw that the grenade did not emit white smoke at all, but it turned out that the opponent threw it out without even pulling the fuse of the grenade!

Realizing that he had been deceived, he hurriedly got up, but at this moment they saw a round thing rushing towards them under the firelight, it turned out to be the grenade he threw just now!

This Japanese soldier was also lucky, at least the grenade exploded with a "boom" before it hit his face, but it also saved him from being smashed and his face was covered with flowers. He ended up in an ignorant The fate of death.

It turned out that how did the Chinese soldier opposite him not know that his grenade hadn't even unscrewed the cap? The enemy is right in front of But how can he have the time to do that again? In desperation, he threw out the grenade whole.

But it was also because he knew that he hadn't pulled the lead wire, so he rushed over immediately.

When rushing over, he just saw the grenade thrown by the Japanese soldier fall from mid-air. He instinctively waved the rifle in his hand, but hit the grenade back in the way of hitting a baseball.

He instinctively lay down, and when the grenade exploded, he felt his body shake, obviously he was injured.

Who knows where he was injured, but he knew that he had no luck today!

So, the eight-year depression of losing his homeland that had been pent up in his chest since September 18th made him rush again.

He was so tall, he was like a **** descending from the flames, and he rushed to the Japanese soldiers hiding behind the mounds in just a few strides.

He threw his own rifle like a stick at the Japanese soldier, and with one blow he crushed a Japanese soldier's helmet.

But then there was a gunshot, and a sinister 6.5mm bullet accurately pierced his heart.

As a result, the soldier of the Northeast Army, who was a full two meters high, finally fell down.

But his obsession to kill the enemy was still there, so he raised his head with all his strength, and opened those eyes that refused to rest.

And this is the only thing he can do in his fading vitality.

He couldn't help but think of what he had said when he argued with the two showmen in his group.

The scholar said, Jun Mo laughed drunk and lying on the battlefield, how many people have fought in ancient times.

And at that time he said, we don't understand what you are talking about, but I also have two tongue twisters called-there are always loyal bones buried in the wilderness, where can the green hills not leave the master?

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