The War of Resistance

Chapter 1397: Manslaughter and Who's Who?

Er Niu was dead, killed by bullets, but before he died, he couldn't even make a cry for help.

However, how could it be possible that the dead were only Er Niu? There were other civilians who followed those Japanese plainclothes soldiers on the street.

And in the course of the battle, some people unfortunately drank bombs.

Shang Zhen walked through the street with a gun, and the soldiers of the guard company had finished refilling their guns. They didn't feel the grief of the common people, but they had an expression of joy and hatred on their faces.

There is a saying that treats the people like nothing.

Yes, people are regarded as worthless. This is the ethos of the Republic of China from top to bottom.

Since the elite class, no one has looked down on mud legs!

From their point of view, they are the masters of the land of China, and those small people will die when they die. Anyway, there are many people in the country, and these few are not bad.

It is precisely because of this kind of mentality that the Huayuankou embankment burst in the future, and tens of thousands of people were drowned by the flood of the Yellow River.

I remember that there is a book that says that everyone has his own cause and effect.

Now people who always feel that they are superior and treat ordinary people like grass are eventually overthrown and abandoned by ordinary people. This may be his cause and effect.

This ethos of the elite naturally also affected the army.

Soldiers have guns in their hands, not to mention an organization, so they are definitely not a fool to ordinary people.

Although it is said that some ordinary people were killed by mistake just now, in the situation at that time, the Japanese plainclothes team pretending to be ordinary people did not mention it, but even the members of the guard company sometimes couldn't tell the difference during the shooting process. Find out which is the plainclothes Japanese army and which is the common people.

Then, from their point of view, if they fight, they will fight.

Not to mention the military discipline of the Northeast Army, at least the military discipline of the guard company is not bad.

The common people were killed by mistake, and they were not Jing Yi'er (deliberately).

What's the matter, we are defending our home and country, and there are still casualties in our security company, can't you ordinary people die?

Of course Shang Zhen understood what the soldiers were thinking, and in fact Shang Zhen did not reprimand the soldiers for killing the civilians by mistake. As for what he was thinking in his heart, only he knew, and he would never say it.

"Why are you crying? This dead man's debt must be settled on the Japanese devils! Anyone who wants to seek revenge from the Japanese devils, then pick up the gun!" Shang Zhen, who was patrolling the battlefield, heard Old Mao Wang shout at this time . .

Not to mention, amidst Wang Laomao's yelling, some young people really looked up at him, and their eyes were already full of hatred for the Japanese.

There was even a young man who stood up from the ground and kicked hard at a Japanese soldier who had fallen to the ground.

After all, it's Uncle Wang, what a thief!

Shang Zhen even admired Old Mao Wang.

Shang Zhen himself is not the old brat anymore. The change from being acquainted with the world to having an insight into the ways of the world is not a little bit.

As for Wang Laomao, who is a fine person, he is naturally a treacherous and slippery person.

They don't understand the psychology of the people who have a blood feud with the Japanese devils at this time!

Don't say anything Chinese bear (counseling) or not bear (counseling)? Where are the natural fighters?

But when a person has something to care about and love in his heart, and when the person he cares about and loves the most is killed by the invaders, then there is an unforgettable hatred in his heart.

How much you love, how hard you hate!

Sure enough, under the instigation of Wang Laomao, after a while, more than a dozen people shouted, "I want to be a soldier too!"

Old Mao Wang had a smile on his old face that was not easy to be noticed by others. He even looked at Shang Zhen deliberately, and the two eyes met for a moment.

Shang Zhen grinned slightly, but Old Mao Wang smiled complacently.

It's just that he didn't know that Shang Zhen's grin at him was not just praising him, what Shang Zhen was saying in his heart was, Old Uncle Wang, don't laugh, your smile will make more wrinkles on your face Yes!

But at this moment, an accident happened suddenly!

Among those clamoring to be a soldier, someone suddenly said "Ah!"

Shang Zhen and the others heard the sound and saw that one of the middle-aged young men jumped up suddenly, and correspondingly, another man who was shorter than him put his hand on his waist, It seemed as if he had been stabbed or pinched, but it seemed as if he had just stabbed a hornet's nest!

"Oh, what's the point of this show? How did your own people and your own people start doing it?" Hu Zhuzi, who happened to be next to the two of them, said at this time.

But at this time, the eyes of most of the veterans had changed, and the man whose waist and ribs had been fixed just now rushed out of the crowd with all his might.

To say that all of this happened too fast, it was like lightning.

It's just that in front of Shang Zhen and the others who have experienced battles, who can run away no matter how fast they run?

That guy was also in a hurry, and suddenly Qiu Bo in front of him tripped over his ankle as he stretched out his leg.

So the person lost his center of gravity and flew out, and at the same time, everyone saw a black thing flying out of his hand the moment he was tripped and flew, it was a grenade!

But at this time, Hu Zhuzi also reacted: "His grandma's is a little Japanese devil!"

At this time, Hu Zhuzi also remembered that the sound of this guy's call just now was not right!

Although we Chinese will call "Ah" in case of any accident, but the smell of this guy's shout just now has the smell of the oriental people making a fuss!

It was also that the tiger pillar was close to that guy, and he was the first to jump in front of that guy after only a few steps forward.

It was too late when someone shouted "Beware of grenades" from behind, Hu Zhuzi slammed down the **** of his gun, and immediately smashed that guy's brains out!

But even so, the hatred in Hu Zhuzi's heart was still there, but he gave that guy two more hits, and then turned around regardless of the blood and brains that were rubbed on the gun stock.

"Huh? You all get down and gawk?" Hu Zhuzi wondered.

Everyone, including Shang Zhen, looked at each other in blank dismay, and suddenly didn't know how to answer!

What can they say?

Say, you are blind! The Japanese devil who was tripped by Qiu Bo just threw out a But the problem is, Hu Zhuzi smashed the Japanese devil three times with the **** of his gun, and the grenade didn't go off. It means that the grenade can't go off.

So what can they say? Said that most of our company's people were scared to the ground by a grenade that didn't explode. Are you, Hu Zhuzi, the only one who is bravely killing the enemy?

After a while, it was Shang Zhen who stood up first. When he looked forward again, he saw the grenade that just flew out of the Japanese soldier's hand was lying obediently in the dust on the ground.

The grenade was originally thrown out of the hand of the Japanese soldier who was tripped, how far could it fly?

So Shang Zhen could see clearly, only the tiny pin was still attached to the grenade!

The small brass cap on the grenade can only be smashed if the pin is pulled out, which is the fuze. How can the grenade go off if the pin is not pulled out?

"Tiger Zhuzi is Hu Zhuzi after all, who the **** is it?" Bai Zhan, who was climbing up among the soldiers, muttered in a low voice.

Just when a group of veterans thought it was true, Hu Zhuzi suddenly turned around and asked, "Bai Zhanji, why don't you beat devils well, are you nagging at me?"

Well, Hu Zhuzi actually heard it!

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