The War of Resistance

Chapter 1431: An endless deception

Yes, the car pulled more corpses of Japanese soldiers, and there were only two pigs in total.

The reason why Shang Zhen and the others **** the carriage with tarpaulin was to defraud Wang Qingfeng and defraud Wang Qingfeng of his food.

Wang Qingfeng was also happy to see the pigs, but he did not expect that no matter how capable Shang and the others were, in the Dabie Mountains where they were now, where would there be a pig farm? How could it be possible to bring back a cart of pigs?

Not only did Shang Zhen and the others fail to obtain pigs, they also failed to obtain the grain they needed.

Things like providing supplies are sometimes hard to come by.

With Shang Zhen's style, even if the people had food, how could he **** it? Even if he goes to buy it, they don’t have that much money!

But as the saying goes, "How can a living person be forced to urinate to death?" The veterans gathered together to think about it, and they came up with a way to trick Wang Qingfeng.

All they need is to get Wang Qingfeng's food into their hands. As for making things worse, they are not afraid!

They brought back the dead Japanese, that's called a military achievement! Isn’t it enough that we use our military exploits in exchange for military rations that are not mixed with gravel or sand?

And what happened next was exactly the same.

Now Shang Zhen and the others used a carriage to bring back several Japanese corpses, which caused a sensation in the town, and the matter soon spread to the brigade headquarters.

At least for now, the common people are lucky if they see the Japanese devils surviving. Although the Japanese devils are short, they are like menacing gods.

According to the stages of the War of Resistance Against Japan in later generations, it is still in the stage of the Japanese strategic offensive.

The original plan of the Japanese army was to defeat China quickly. Since they wanted to defeat China, the killing of Chinese soldiers and civilians was certainly part of the brutality of the Japanese army, and it also reflected their idea of ​​killing to establish their prestige.

If it can scare the Chinese, then it will. That's why there were various massacres by the Japanese army.

As for the Japanese army finding that it was unable to defeat China quickly and could only adopt a soft appeasement policy towards China, that is a matter for the future.

It was the first time for the people in the Dabie Mountains to see the Japanese, and it was also the first time for the newly recruited soldiers of the Northeastern Army to see the faces of the Japanese.

But now the corpses of dozens of Japanese soldiers were placed in front of them like this alive, no, just like this dead. That is called shock!

The Chinese have always treated the dead as a matter of course. To put it nicely, they maintain a certain kind of reverence for the dead, so that they are more or less afraid of the dead.

But that doesn't matter. In such troubled times, homes are in danger and relatives are killed. It's all caused by these Japanese devils.

Of course, among the people who were watching, some were too scared to watch, but there were also some who had a blood feud because their relatives and friends were killed by the Japanese soldiers. While they were angry and scolding, some people picked up stones on the roadside and threw them at the corpses of the Japanese soldiers!

Emotions are the driving force behind human behavior, and hatred is one of them.

History records: “Then he tied his hair to the West Market in Zhenfusi and cut off every inch of it.

Cut off a piece of meat, and the people in the capital fight to eat it alive from the executioner.

The executioner rushed wildly, and the people competed with money to buy the meat. Immediately, a thorn was set up to open the intestines and stomach. The people rushed to grab it. Those who got a piece of it were bitten raw with soju, blood flowed between their teeth and cheeks, and they were spitting and cursing.

Those who found the bones were chopped into pieces with knives and axes. All the bones and flesh were gone, except for one piece, which was passed around to the nine sides. "

What kind of history is this written? It means that the people of a certain dynasty believed that a certain person had become a traitor.

When that person was executed by the court, UU read www. When the man was alive, the people ate his flesh, and when he died, the people also ate his flesh.

Although it was later proven that the man was wrongly accused, that is another topic.

So now the brave people in the town cannot say that they eat the flesh of the Japanese soldiers alive, but they still dare to whip the corpses for three days and vent their anger on the corpses of the Japanese with rocks, blocks and various farm tools.

In the chaos, someone suddenly shouted: "The brigade commander is here!"

This sentence was undoubtedly useful to the soldiers. The soldiers began to tidy up, but the common people still didn't care.

Guards with guns moved to both sides. Liu Chengyi, the commander of the 337th Brigade, actually arrived, holding a riding whip in his hand. It seemed that he was riding back.

Of course Liu Chengyi was not in the town. If Liu Chengyi was at home, I don't know if Hou Kanshan would dare to beat Wang Qingfeng, but at least Wang Qingfeng would not dare to give the guards the grains with stones and sand in them.

Liu Chengyi frowned when he looked at the messy scene in front of him.

Li Xiang, his chief of staff next to him, glanced at Liu Chengyi's face and ordered loudly: "Let everyone stop, what a mess this is!"

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