The War of Resistance

Chapter 1493: Killing a chicken with a knife

Latest website: As a traffic officer for the guerrillas, Lao Chen knew that bandits in the Northeast were called "Beards". He heard it from Leng Xiaozhi when he was fine.

But he really didn't know what Northeastern Beard's methods were, and he really saw it next.

The Northeastern beards may not be more cruel than the bandits in Shandong, but there is no doubt that the Northeastern beards are more ruthless than the bandits in Shandong!

Just because after Shang Zhen got out of the way, the two bandits were tied to the tree.

Are Shang Zhen and the other "Beards from the Northeast" going to start torture to extract confessions?

This was what Lao Chen guessed, but he was wrong. Shang Zhen's people didn't ask for a confession at all, and they didn't say a word.

A Northeastern soldier came up and cut off the ear of one of the bandits with just one blow!

Just as the bandit was struggling desperately, the second knife came down, and the second ear came off again!

Then the next step was more straightforward, just cut out the heart with one knife. The right hand was the one that cut out the heart, and the left hand was the one that penetrated the chest of the same kind.

Just when the **** heart was taken out and spread out on the palm of his hand, Old Chen could clearly see that the heart was still beating slightly! "Thump", "thump", "thump"!

Then the executioner spread the heart in front of the second bandit.

"You bully men, dominate women, and bring harm to the eldest daughter and daughter-in-law of a good family. It is impossible for you not to die. All I can do is let you die happily." Lao Chen heard what the executioner said.

At this time, other soldiers pulled the rag out of the second bandit's mouth.

"If you want to die happily, just answer whatever is asked of you.

Of course, you don’t have to say anything, then we’ll catch a few more and continue asking. "The executioner said again.

Then the second bandit immediately became intimidated. He really just answered whatever was asked, telling everything he knew.

The sad thing is that he did this just to have a happy death.

Traffic officers are people on the secret front, and Lao Chen is not an inexperienced person.

But Shang Zhen's **** methods still frightened him.

What is the difference between people like Shang Zhen and the cruel and **** methods of asking for confessions that he knows?

That's really just because Shang Zhen and the others didn't talk nonsense. They killed one person without saying a word, and then demanded a confession from the second person.

Lao Chen believed that if the second person did not give a confession, just as the executioner who cut out the heart with a knife said, they would arrest the third and fourth person without hesitation, and then kill the third person in front of the fourth person. until I ask for a confession.

And in this process, there is no doubt that people like Shang Zhen are indifferent to the lives of bandits. They are not the most indifferent, only more indifferent!

Shang Zhen and the others meant what they said. The second bandit had his neck wiped directly after answering the question.

"Is it cruel?" At this moment, Shang Zhen suddenly asked everyone loudly.

Lao Chen noticed that the expressions of the Northeast Army soldiers were different.

A very few of them were intolerant, but most of them remained indifferent. He even saw some excitement in the eyes of some soldiers, but Lao Chen was more willing to interpret this excitement as bloodthirst!

“The vast majority of us here are from the Northeast, and there are a few who later joined the Northeast Army.

We fellow Northeasterners are still being burned, killed, and looted by the Japanese invaders.

And most of you who joined our Northeastern Army had relatives who were killed by the Japanese invaders.

Who are these bandits who bring trouble to the big girl and the little daughter-in-law? That is the accomplice of the Japanese devils!

In other armies, these bandits and thieves are recruited.

But why should I recruit them?

Are they left to continue to harm the people? Let them stab us in the back at the critical moment?


I dare not say that in other armies, at least in our battalion we will never recruit them!

You must not be merciful to your enemies, because if you leave one enemy behind, three, five, or even ten or eight ordinary people will be harmed.

What are the common people? The common people are our food, clothing and parents!

I think some people can't bear to kill them. What I want to tell you is that only if you kill these **** who harm our food, clothing and parents without blinking an eye can you be considered a truly qualified soldier! "

It turns out that Political Commissar Leng's fiancé turned out to be such a person, Lao Chen thought again after Shang Zhen finished speaking.

Just as his thoughts changed, he wondered how Shang Zhen would treat the Lunan guerrillas.

But at least in terms of their attitude towards the common people, Shang Zhen and the others are very similar to the Eighth Route Army. This is the basis of cooperation, or perhaps the reason why Political Commissar Leng likes to be with him.

When Shang Zhen and the others asked for a confession, Lao Chen was beside him, and Shang Zhen had no intention of letting him go away.

In the process of asking for confessions, Shang Zhen certainly asked no less than Zengfu about the situation of the Zengfu bandits, such as how many people there were, how many guns they had, what the terrain was like, how the defense was, and what escape routes they had if they were attacked. etc?

However, he also asked a lot about the Lunan guerrillas, and many of the things he asked about had already been talked about by Lao Chen.

When Lao Chen discovered that Shang Zhen was actually a very careful person, he also understood that it was impossible for Shang Zhen to just listen to his own words when he brought two companies of troops hundreds of miles away.

It's just that he didn't expect that Shang Zhen would ask and confirm it in front of him.

Fortunately, he did not lie on many issues, which made Lao Chen feel at ease.

But then again, what does Shang Zhen mean by asking Yu Zengfu in such detail about the bandits? Did he want to eliminate Yu Zengfu and his gang of bandits?

However, Lao Chen felt that for people like Shang Zhen and others to fight local snakes like Yu Zengfu, it would probably be a thankless effort.

After all, Yu Zengfu's group of bandits numbered nearly a hundred people, and they also had machine guns.

If Shang Zhen and his group were to join forces with his Lunan detachment to fight Yu Zengfu's bandits, the odds of success would be high.

But then what Lao Chen was worried about really happened.

After speaking, Shang Zhen really called a meeting with the company and platoon commanders, and he began to deploy a combat plan against the Zengfu bandits.

Lao Chen naturally had no right to speak, but he became worried again. It was not until Shang Zhen finished deploying the battle plan that he had the opportunity to say, "Do you want me to go find our people?"

"No, how can it be so troublesome to open a bandit den?" Shang Zhen said disapprovingly.

"Don't underestimate the enemy." Old Chen said hurriedly.

Old Chen thought to himself that Leng Xiaozhi didn't know that they had invited Shang Zhen's camp over.

He was a guest from afar, but this guest went to fight the bandits without the consent of himself.

If the guests were injured or killed, how would they explain to Political Commissar Leng in the future?

"Old Chen, you are also a local. Didn't the second guy explain carefully?" Shang Zhen asked a little strangely.

"But-" What is it? But Lao Chen still felt worried.

Shang Zhen's words when laying out the battle plan were particularly loud in his ears. Lao Chen didn't listen to Shang Zhen's ingenious ideas. It was just a normal attack. It was nothing more than emphasizing that the mountain should be surrounded and Yu Zengfu and the others could not be allowed to escape. .

"No but, just watch from behind." Shang Zhen replied very calmly, but his tone was unquestionable. Then he waved his hand and loudly ordered: "Action!"

Lao Chen could only follow, so he witnessed the process of two companies of the Northeast Army coming from afar to wipe out the bandits.

Lao Chen, who witnessed the entire battle, must admit that Shang Zhen was right, "there is no but"!

Those bandits naturally knew that an army was coming, so they naturally had to take risks and hold on.

But Shang Zhen waited for the two who were outflanking to reach their positions. During the frontal attack, when they were about a mile away from the stronghold, they entered the battle and ordered the shooting.

Under the cover of shooting from behind, dozens of Northeastern Army soldiers moved forward sparsely. There was no scene like Lao Chen imagined, charging forward in rows with the bullets of the bandits.

But when the gunshots of bandits really rang out in the village, Shang Zhen's gunshots rang out again.

But with the gunshots from Shang Zhen's end, the gunshots in the village soon fell silent.

Only then did Lao Chen realize that the marksmanship of the bandits was very different from that of Shang Zhen's soldiers. Seven or eight of the ten people who dared to show up and shoot were hit in the first exchange of fire. The remaining three or two did not dare to show their heads.

"Tu tu tu tu" " tu tu tu tu Suddenly a light machine gun rang out from the other side of the cottage.

Although the opponent is a veteran, but listening to the rhythmic bursts of light machine gun fire, the person using the gun is definitely an expert.

But at this moment, gunshots rang in Lao Chen's ears, and with this gunshot, the machine gun on the opposite side went silent.

When Lao Chen turned around, what he saw was Shang Zhen **** him in person, and the smoke from the gun had not cleared yet!

As the Northeast Army attacked, the machine guns in the cottage rang again, but this time before Shang Zhen could fire, Lao Chen heard the whistling sound caused by the grenade launching grenades, and then somewhere in the cottage A cloud of smoke and dust rose up, and the machine gun never fired again!

I won’t go into details about the next battle. When Lao Chen followed Shang Zhen to Yu Zengfu’s village, the battle was over.

At this time, Lao Chen heard a captured bandit kneeling on the ground with a depressed look on his face and muttering: "You are too bullying, you are too bullying. Isn't this killing a chicken with a sledgehammer?"

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