The War of Resistance

Chapter 1559: A clever plan to save people

Seeing this, Shang Zhen had no choice but to step back. When he pulled his face away from the observation hole, he did not forget to block it with a stone next to him.

If he didn't block this, when he went there and saw the lookout, both ends would be transparent, which would arouse the suspicion of the Japanese army.

Northeastern people have a bachelor side in their character. Of course, if it sounds ugly, it can be said to be a broken pot.

Anyway, you little devils have discovered me, or I will be discovered by you sooner or later, so I might as well not hide it and I will fight with you.

I'm sorry, but this is really not Shang Zhen's character!

There is a derogatory saying in the saying, "If you don't see the coffin, you won't cry." If you remove the derogatory meaning of this sentence, Shang Zhen's character is not like he won't cry if he doesn't see the coffin. That's it. Even if he sees the coffin, he may not shed tears. , he would lift the coffin lid and take a look, this is Shang Zhen!

What happened next proved how necessary Shang Zhen's persistence was.

After another ten minutes, the Japanese army really threw the rope with the hook to the top of Dushan Gu again.

But this time it was a coincidence that he was right next to Shang Zhen.

The hook that Shang Zhen saw could not be hung on anything, such as the edges of stones or bushes.

But this time he stretched out his hand. He wanted to grab the rope with his own hand, making the Japanese soldiers mistakenly think that the rope was caught. Then he would repeat his old trick and kill a Japanese soldier.

But just when Shang Zhen's hand was about to grab the rope, gunfire suddenly came from the distance!

That was the sound of a gunshot, which was the unique sharp and lingering sound produced by the Type 38 rifle when it was fired in the open mountains.

However, this shot was just a prelude, and then several more shots were fired in the surrounding mountains and fields.

Whether there were too many gunshots or not, there were still seven or eight gunshots, but the locations and directions of the shots were different.

Shang Zhen's fingers had already touched the rope, but he didn't grab it at this time, and let the rope fall back dragging the iron hook.

Then, Shang Zhen knelt half-kneeling on the top of the mountain and waited with his bayonet in his hand.

At this time, it was naturally impossible for him to look further, so he could only wait.

At this time, the gunshots in the distance became chaotic.

Shang Zhen naturally expected the chaos in the distance, but he had to get through the immediate crisis first.

But who would have thought that the gunshots in the distance continued intermittently, but the Japanese army's hook rope was not thrown up again.

Despite this, Shang Zhen never stretched his head to look. He just waited silently on the spot, waiting until the sun set and until it got dark.

Only then did Shang Zhen move forward and look down through the observation hole.

Shang Zhen grasped the time very well. When he looked down, he was a little surprised but not unexpected. The Japanese army below had disappeared!

At this time, the voices of Chinese soldiers were heard in the dusk.

"Old fool, are you sure the kid didn't go up the mountain?" This was Qian Chuan'er's voice.

"No." The old man replied.

Da Laobeng has the best eyesight among them, UU Reading www. He said that if the little devil didn't go up the mountain, he didn't go up the mountain.

"Haha, my trick is good!" Although the laughter was low, there was also uncontrollable pride. That was Bian Xiaolong's voice.

"Your move is really good. If the battalion commander is really on the mountain, then you will save the battalion commander this time. When you see the battalion commander in the future, you can ask the battalion commander to make a wish to you." Qian Chuan'er praised with a low smile. Bian Xiaolong.

"Make a wish? What wish? Does our camp still have such rules?" Bian Xiaolong asked curiously. He had never heard of Shang Zhen leading troops like this.

"Of course, you and the old fool don't know it, but we old people know it." Qian Chuan'er said seriously.

"Then what wish should I ask the battalion commander to make? I have to think about it carefully." Bian Xiaolong believed it.

"I have already thought about it for you. When the time comes, you will ask the battalion commander to make this wish." Qian Chuan'er said it more as he was holding back a smile than a smile.

"What are you wishing for?" Bian Xiaolong is still young after all.

"Just ask the battalion commander to give an order, saying that from now on you are the only one who doesn't want Big Old Stupid. No, Big Old Stupid doesn't want you!" Qian Chuan'er said in a low voice.

"Oh, you're a money bastard!" Bian Xiaolong said angrily.

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